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It is a common clinical practice to recommend to patients with heart failure to limit their fluid

intake. This restriction is believed to aid in reducing fluid overload and oedema which would

otherwise deteriorate their life quality (Hermann et al., 2022). Despite the benefits that this care

is believed to have for the patients, they may find it difficult to adhere because of other

challenges associated with fluid restriction like monitoring fluid intake themselves and thirst

distress among other challenges. Therefore, to ensure that Mrs Jackson adheres to the 1.5 litre a

day fluid restriction, I would first ensure that I educate her on the need to comply with the

restriction. This will increase her compliance and ensure that her quality of life is improved

(Molavynejad et al., 2010). Secondly, I can ensure that I monitor her progress by doing a daily

check on the symptoms of diuresis and oedema so that I am able to make timely decisions on

whether there is improvement or not and be certain that she complies with the restrictions.

To help the dietician keep accurate accounts of liquids consumed by Mrs Jackson, I can

encourage Mrs Jackson to keep track of the liquids she consume by having them recorded and

ensure that the cumulative amount does not exceed 1.5 litres in 24 hours. Through this

information an accurate record of amounts consumed can be obtained. Secondly, I can maintain

consistent communication with Mrs Jackson and the dietician. Through this, I will be able to

keep reminding the patient and ensure that she does not exceed the recommended amount of

fluid and communicate the same to the physician.

In conclusion, despite the fact that fluid restriction does not offer permanent diagnosis to heart

failure patients, practicing it improves the condition and therefore an importance is attached to

ensuring that Mrs Jackson adheres to this clinical practice.


Herrmann, J.J., Beckers-Wesche, F., Baltusen, L.E.H.J.M., Verdijk, M.H.I., Bellersen, L., Rocca,

H.B.… & Kimmenade, R.R.J. (2022). Fluid restriction in heart failure vs Liberal uptake:

Rationale and design of the Randomized FRESH-UP study. Journal of Cardiac Failure,

00(00), 1-2.

Molavyjenid, S., Parvardeh, S., Mohammadi, E. & Broumand, B. (2010). Dietary and fluid

compliance: An educational intervention for patients having haemodialysis. Journal of

advanced nursing. 66(1), 60-8. https://10.1111/j.1365-2648.2009.05142.x

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