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Mark Darwin S. De Guzman Dr.

Susan Dominguez




“Forrest Gump”

A. Introductory

“Forrest Gump” is a 1994 American epic comedy-drama film directed by Robert Zemeckis

and written by Eric Roth. It is based on the 1986 novel of the same name by Winston

Groom. The film stars Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump, a slow-witted but kind-hearted man

with a remarkable life. The film follows Forrest from his childhood in Alabama to his

adulthood, during which he witnesses and unwittingly influences several defining

historical events of the 20th century. The film was a critical and commercial success,

winning six Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Actor for

Hanks. It is widely considered to be one of the greatest films of all time. The movie's thesis

revolves around the idea that life is unpredictable, and the choices we make shape our

destiny. In this review, we will explore the various aspects of the movie and evaluate its

impact on the audience.

B. Body

a. Opening:

The opening of the movie "Forrest Gump" serves as a framing device for the story,

introducing the character of Forrest Gump and setting up the film's narrative structure.

The scene shows Forrest sitting at a bus stop, waiting for a ride and eating chocolates,

while other characters come and go around him. As he tells his life story to various people

waiting with him, the audience is transported back in time to different moments in his life,

from his childhood to his experiences in Vietnam and beyond. The opening also sets the

tone for the movie, establishing the idea that Forrest is a unique character with a story

worth telling. The use of a framing device also allows the audience to experience the story

through Forrest's perspective, as he recounts his life experiences and reflects on the

lessons he has learned along the way. Overall, the opening of "Forrest Gump" serves as

an effective introduction to the character and the story, drawing the audience in and

setting up the film's themes of perseverance, love, and the American Dream.

b. Plot:

"Forrest Gump" follows the life story of a simple-minded, kind-hearted man named Forrest

Gump, who grows up in rural Alabama in the 1950s and 60s. Despite being born with a

low IQ and physical disabilities, Forrest overcomes his challenges and achieves great

success in life. The movie is told through Forrest's eyes as he reflects on his past

experiences while sitting at a bus stop. The story begins with Forrest as a child, meeting

and falling in love with his lifelong friend and love interest, Jenny Curran. Forrest's mother,

played by Sally Field, raises him and teaches him valuable life lessons despite her own
struggles as a single parent. After struggling in school, Forrest discovers his talent for

running, and his athletic prowess earns him a scholarship to the University of Alabama.

Forrest's life takes him on a series of incredible adventures, including joining the army

and fighting in the Vietnam War, becoming a ping pong champion, and investing in a fruit

company that makes him incredibly wealthy. Throughout his journey, Forrest remains true

to his values and continues to love and protect Jenny, who struggles with drug addiction

and an abusive relationship. The central conflict of the movie revolves around Forrest's

attempt to understand the world around him and find his place in it. He faces prejudice

and discrimination due to his physical disabilities and intellectual limitations but manages

to achieve success and happiness through his simple yet sincere outlook on life.

C. Analysis and Evaluation

The Movie Forrest Gump is a masterfully crafted film that explores life's unpredictability

and the influence of chance on our destiny. Zemeckis skillfully utilizes characters, music,

and special effects to achieve his purpose. The movie's strengths include exceptional

performances and a well-written script that blends comedy, drama, and history. The visual

design and sound are outstanding, enhancing the emotional impact of the story. However,

the portrayal of female characters is a weakness, especially Jenny's portrayal. Also, the

movie's portrayal of complex historical events is oversimplified. Nevertheless, Forrest

Gump is a timeless classic that resonates with audiences, thanks to its exploration of fate

and destiny, visual design, and soundtrack.

D. Conclusion
Forrest Gump is a heartwarming and inspiring film that will stay with you long after you

have seen it. It is a story about the power of love, friendship, and perseverance. It is a

reminder that even the smallest person can make a difference in the world. The film is

beautifully shot and features some of the most iconic scenes in cinema history. Tom

Hanks gives an unforgettable performance as Forrest Gump, and the supporting cast is

also excellent. Forrest Gump is a film that everyone should see at least once. It is a

timeless classic that will continue to be enjoyed by audiences for generations to come.

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