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ASHRAE 90.1-2007 = PERFORMANCE RATING METHOD .ull= APPENDIX G OVERVIEW + Intended to show relative + Not intended to show minimum performance compared against code compliance a minimally compliant ASHRAE 90.1 building that represents standard practice + Credits or penalizes many measures that are held constant for minimum code compliance 2 eri uae , rea ot. PERFORMANCE RATING METHOD ASHRAE 90.1-2007 STANDARD SECTIONS & DETTE eleva acoso) ats) e Must be included in the project ¢ Should be reflected in the Baseline and Proposed Case energy models Prescriptive Requirements e Used to define Appendix G Baseline ore T eT Re) e Tables or formulas are often referenced by Appendix G eeicar ec ees Waren amaeen ates erences) Co tected eg) eI aa UML aun) ‘= Ue BuILDING ENVELOPE — Proposep Desicn (TABLE e ierent General Principles ‘*Modeled to reflect actual building design Orientation of Exterior Surfaces Less than 45° differences may be modeled as single surface Self-shading Exterior surfaces shall be modeled as self-shading Shades or Blinds ‘Automated shades or blinds may be modeled ‘*Manual shades or blinds are not modeled Fenestration *Use assembly U-factors that account for the frames effects 4 ry ees Tne ery Le De) pre as PERFORMANCE RATING METHOD a BUILDING ENVELOPE — BASELINE DESIGN (TABLE G3.1#5)<*) : >» Walls: modeled as steel-framed » Roofs: modeled with continuous insulation above deck Raised floors exposed to the environment or above unconditioned spaces: modeled as steel- joist Windows: modeled with same window-to-wall ratio as proposed case up to 40%. Performance parameters modeled based on Building Envelope Requirements table for the appropriate climate zone (5.5-1 - 5.5-8) Existing envelope: modeled with existing conditions prior to renovation 5 Vfl Penne) . . Sc ee PERFORMANCE RATING METHOD BUILDING ENVELOPE : BASELINE DESIGN — RESIDENTIAL & Modeling uted . m Toy i S ce Exterior surfaces for residential spaces are modeled using criteria from Table 5.5-1 to 5.5-8 « Exterior surfaces adjacent to other space functions in a residential building may be modeled using the Non- residential values. « Exterior surfaces for semi- conditioned spaces may be modeled using the semiheated criteria from Table 5.5-1 to 5.5-8 * Semi-Exterior: Should be modeled using semiheated criteria from Tables 5.5-1 to 5.5-8 = 6 etc area PERFORMANCE RATING METHOD a BUILDING ENVELOPE — BASELINE DESIGN (TABLE G3.1#5f,) : + Building form identical in Baseline & Proposed Case + Windows distributed per facade in same proportion as proposed case + Average of four rotations: 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270°. + Building surfaces modeled without self-shading + Infiltration modeled the same in Baseline & Proposed Case + Roof modeled with reflectivity of 0.3 @) D+ H+ &)) 7 Le) uur ed . a SUS’ a ine aot TN ese Ui Ch a1 0) eR BUILDING ENVELOPE — METHODS FOR DOCUMENTING tte) 8 ee ened 5 eeeticueey Coo PERFORMANCE RATING METHOD rsa usa EE ENVELOPE ERROR CHECKING 1; “ When using wizards - verify that I interior surfaces are not modeled with exterior surfaces results data: 5 Verify equal distribution of loads North-to-South and East-to-West exterior walls, or justify differences “+ Compare proposed case properties to Appendix A (account for thermal bridging) Verify total window area (including window frames) o Verify that baseline properties use appropriate construction assembly type * Verify peak load * Verify that proposed windows components to known used framed-assembly U-factors values or hand calculations 9 Ly eure) tic SUS’ PERFORMANCE RATING METHOD wrsa- usa = INTERIOR LIGHTING POWER DENSITY (TABLE G3. 1#6§} 825% no Building Area Method Space-by-Space (9.5) Method (9.6) * One lighting power density per _ major building function (e.g. office © One LPD per space function / parking garage /retail) ¢ Separate LPD modeled for each Average LPD across entire building space or space function in both function modeled for both baseline Baseline and Proposed cases and proposed case ee oe on ¢ Additional lighting power * No additional lighting power allowed (9.6.2) allowed » A single method (9.5 or 9.6) must be used for the entire building » For either method, exempt lighting is equal for Baseline and Proposed Case. Task lighting is exempted when furniture mounted and shutoff automatically 10 Ly eure) SUS’ Tazo UN eT CR Le) en RESIDENTIAL INTERIOR LIGHTING (Oe) General principle: If there is an LPD listed for the residential space under the Space-by- Space Method (Table 9.6.1), the interior lighting is regulated. Portable Lighting: All portable lighting shown in design should be included in Proposed LPD Le) dll as nent & aera e UM te) r= Toy SM |e INTERIOR LIGHTING SCHEDULES (TABLE G3.1 # 4 Sr Differing Space / Building Function Mandatory Anticipated Provisions Operation Schedules should be modeled identically in the Baseline and Proposed Case. 12 Le) uur ed a SUS’ ot. tae) ee C81) INTERIOR LIGHTING CONTROLS (TABLE G3.1 # 6) sa ite Occupant Sensor Controls POR ee uae Nee Riles teat eich oN (Table G3.2 - generally 10% credit) Pe eC cie acne hn tiem mp) adjustment if a strong case is made for the savings Daylighting Controls Protea ee Nec M mut cls Ms igs) Meare esto software (care is required if Building Area Method is Peseicia micas SnCu Cueis ace Ai) ree aueNasr enn aad aa eure ae for schedule adjustments associated with daylighting Bae aan Rel Came esis ee) ences Peay Serene) PERFORMANCE RATING METHOD EXTERIOR LIGHTING Facade lighting - modeled in both cases (credit only allowed for tradable surfaces) IN Parking garage lighting - modeled as interior lighting (credit allowed) cr) ones , ’ ores erin eet) Le Inform Design TN i Fe Re rey aes PERFORMANCE RATING METHOD ,,,....:(= BASELINE HVAC System TYPE —HEATING SOURCE (TABLE oS i Fossil Fuel, Electric and Hybrid, other Purchased Heat Examples: -VAV w/ fossil fuel furnace, electric reheat sWater source heat pump with ea fossil-fuel boiler 15 eri uae , Tou ot. PERFORMANCE RATING METHOD ,,., «8 BASELINE HVAC System TyPE — NoN-RESIDENTIAL (TABLE Based on total building conditioned area, number of floors, and heating source Fossil fuel/Hybrid*: #3: Packaged AC with fossil fuel furnace Fossil Fuel / Hybrid*: VAV Boxes w/ Hot Water Heating #s #7 Nr) ed ase ae * Purchased heat should be modeled as purchased heat in Baseline and Proposed Case 16 Mode uur ed . a Me rement & ot. PERFORMANCE RATING METHOD a = BaseLinE HVAC System TyPE — RESIDENTIAL (TABLE Most Residential i 4, aA Heating = Electric / Buildings Unheated / Other: «System Type #1: Packaged . Terminal Air Conditioners Se Note aaa with hot water heating* * Purchased heat should be modeled as purchased heat in Baseline and Proposed Case Cooling capacities to calculate cooling and heating efficiency should range between 7,000 and 15,000 Btu/h » Me uur ed a SUS’ rn PERFORMANCE RATING METHOD iS TS BASELINE HVAC SysTeEM TYPE — EXCEPTIONS +Non-predominant conditions: Residential space versus non-res space Portion of the building all-electric; another portion Is not * Use system type # 3 or #4 for spaces that vary from other spaces served by the same VAV system: Varying peak thermal loads (more than 10 Btu/heft?) Varying schedules (more than 40 EFLH per week) + Use system type #3 or #4 for spaces where VAV Isn't feasible: Special pressurization relationships * Code-required minimum circulation rates + Cross-contaminant requirements * Laboratory spaces with at least 5,000 cfm of exhaust ‘Use system type 5 or 7 that reduce exhaust and make-up air to 50% of design values during unoccupied periods. 18 Modeling Performance , ) econ Ra Tale) UT Cole VUE CN 1 (0): HVAC — BOTH HEATING & COOLING + BOTH heating and cooling must be modeled for all conditioned spaces (for Baseline and Proposed Cases) * Space is conditioned IF it is cooled to more than 5 Btuh/sf or heated above the values in Table 3.1 iL Baseline cooling type, Baseline heating type, efficiencies, and capacity efficiencies, and capacity ratio are modeled in ratio are modeled in Fan Operation Proposed case if no Proposed case if no cooling is installed. heating is installed. 19 eri uae ' , peers Best Practices PERFORMANCE RATING METHOD Cer BASELINE HVAC SysTEM TYPE- GREY AREAS © Not regarded as conditioned space. *Heating system type, heating capacity ratios, fan power, and fan volume should be modeled the same in the Baseline and Proposed Case *Heating efficiencies for the Baseline should reflect the values for the installed equipment type from Tables 6.8.1E and 6.8.1F «Baseline case systems should be modeled with outside air supplied directly to the units. No make-up air should be modeled. ‘Systems should be modeled identically in the Baseline and Proposed Case, except when varying equipment efficiencies consistent with prescriptive baseline requirements. *Any fans not interlocked with the HVAC system operation (for Baseline system types #1 through #8) should be modeled identically in the Baseline and Proposed Case except for motor efficiencies 20 Model uur ed a SUS’ ot. PERFORMANCE RATING METHOD ern NON-RESIDENTIAL THERMAL BLOCKS (TABLES G3.1.1#7 & #8) © HVAC Zones Not Designed: + Grouped based on similar HVAC Zones Designed: 1 thermal block per zone internal loads except - Group zones into one + Separate perimeter versus thermal block, if following interior zones where perimeter conditions are met: zones end 15 feet from exterior + Space use classification is wall. the same for entire thermal block \* All zones adjacent to | glazed exterior walls face | | | + Separate blocks for glazed —__L exterior walls with different orientations (more than 45°) + Separate blocks for spaces with exterior floors or roofs the same orientation (within 45°) - All zones are served by the same proposed case [| | HVAC system or the same feceee [en | kind of HVAC system Za 1 mm Perf rement & m oe 5 T ot. eT ela oN RESIDENTIAL THERMAL BLOCKS (TABLES G3.1.1#7 Le Separate zones for non-residential spaces Group dwelling units facing same direction Units with roof or Corner units floor loads may shall only be not be grouped combined with with units from units sharing the middle floors same features 22 Le) uur ed a SUS’ ot. aot TN ese Ui Ch a1 0) eR BASELINE HVAC System AssIGNMENT (G3.1.1) bea e One system modeled per thermal block e One system modeled per floor** *Floors with identical thermal blocks can be grouped ** 90.1-2007 only, not 2004 ee ee Measurement & eee eTs erin eet) Le PERFORMANCE RATING METHOD en Rocky iN BASELINE HVAC System CAPACITIES Ogee ronal + Fan volume sized for 20° F supply-air- cally : to-room air AT beet Te lee + Oversizing should generally be done at Check CNT er soy the cooling coils; but never both at the output files pins) cooling coils and chiller plant to verify: . (a) cooling Use Auto-size operates at function when least a few possible hours in 70- (design day 80% range schedules are critical) (b) heating operates at Heating least a few Capacity Ratio: Oversizing should generally be done at hours in 60- Oversized by the heating coils; but never both at the 70% range 1.25 heating coils and boiler plant 24 Le) uur ed . a SUS’ atolls Ur Cel Vat (els eR UM NeR Seta tae) (Oe) *6.8.1A: DX AC *Generally input at + Generally input at *Part-load should be Cooling (#3 & #5) ARI conditions ARI conditions representative of ©6.8.1B: Heat Pump (Baseline should (Baseline should equipment type. (#4) always be at ARI) always be at ARI) Average Baseline *6.8.1D: PTACs and * Cooling descriptor «Axial fan cooling efficiency should PTHPs (#1 & #2) broken out from tower efficiency for not drop much *6.8.1C: chillers (#6 fans Baseline Case is below 75%. and #8) +Part-load conditions 38.2 gpm/hp, two- Justification should 6.8.46: furnaces should be speed fan controls be provided for (#3) representative *Part-load: Baseline varying equipment © 6.8.1F: bollers (#5 across all operating should be curves & #7) conditions representative of Proposed case Ree «Baseline efficiency the equipment type condensing boiler ecolingltawerel Ce determined for each and IPLV, Proposed curves should and #8) Baseline System Case should be account for based on each representative of anticipated system's capacity actual operating operating conditions temperatures 25 ee ae " ’ ea eee eTs Rating Method Le PERFORMANCE RATING METHOD rN i BASELINE SYSTEM FAN Power (G3.1.2.9) Rec Non-residential constant volume Residential PTACs or PTHPs systems (System Types #3 and (So ee ee #4): Pran = CFM, * 0.3 Pran = (CFM, x 0.00094 Pa Ee CeLe Baseline Fan Power = sum of peak supply + return + exhaust + relief fans, where CFMs refers to Supply cfm for each Baseline system, Pran is in units of Watts, and nm fefers to motor efficiency A: calculated from Use supply CFM for each Baseline system nn es ’ Peeters Tne ery erin eet) Le De) pre as PERFORMANCE RATING METHOD BASELINE SYSTEM FAN POWER — PRESSURE ADJUSTMENT (TABLE Fume hood exhaust exception (if fume hoods excluded from Baseline fan power allowance) * Credits for Heat recovery and Evaporative humidifier only taken if modeled in Baseline A= Sum of (PD x CFM, / 4131) oul a amaeen ates ee L. Toy i Credits Filters: MERV 9+ Return/exhaust airflow devices Gas-phase air cleaners Ducted return / exhaust Sound attenuation Heat recovery* Evaporative humidifier* = a Pes 27 Dee aot TN ese Ui Ch a1 0) eR OuTSIDE AIR VENTILATION Minimum Outside air +Same in Baseline and Proposed Case volume «Exception: DCV modeled for credit (G3.1.2.5) . . «Minimum outside air rates modeled Night-time yan zero flow or minimum required i i eal safety ventilation for ventilation unoccupied periods ( + Exception: night purge Demand Control «Method for taking credit must be . : d by Authority Hi Ventilation for — ithsdcton Credit *GBCI (LEED) requires ASHRAE 62.1 rates for Baseline if DCV is modeled (G3.1.2.5) in Proposed eri uae ' , peers PERFORMANCE RATING METHOD en CONTROLS — FAN SYSTEM OPERATION (G3.1.2.4) (oferty) (-e Ml f-TaCel+F-ile Fans continuous for all fans Be CtMi--icstee-litem providing outside air for cooled ventilation ee « Fans cycling in Proposed / continuous in Baseline - heating or Corelle medi ¢ Fans cycle on to meet load unless health regulations require continuous fans Unoccupied periods 29 Le) uur ed . a SUS’ aot TN ese Ui Ch a1 0) eR BASELINE CONTROLS — Economizers (G3.1.2.6-7) L . |__| Not required in warm Not Required humid climates 75° F db shutoff in mild or }-— warm marine or warm dry Exceptions: climates + Economizer operation would interfere with refrigerated casework (exclusion only allowed if there are |__| 70° F db shutoff in mild no proposed case economizers humid climates modeled) + Gas-phase air cleaning is used to meet ASHRAE 62.1, Section 6.1.2 65° F db shutoff in other climate zones 30 eri uae ' , peers PERFORMANCE RATING METHOD en BASELINE CONTROLS — ENERGY RECOVERY Based on baseline system = - . paws , % supply air volume and REQUIRED WHEN: - — minimum outdoor air supply |) a for each Baseline HVAC | “System supply air system volume > 5,000 cfm 50% recovery *System OA % > 70% efficiency EXCEPTIONS: Heated only spaces heated to < 60° Toxic, corrosive, or flammable exhaust* Commercial kitchen grease hoods* Heating mode for climate zones 1 through 3 * on only applies if energy recovery is not included in proposed design PELTED Cues ot. Pate TN eT Ua Ch ait e) en BASELINE CONTROLS — HEAT Pumps (G3.1.3.1) mead Heat Pump Auxiliary Heat 32 Le) uur ed a SUS’ ot. = PERFORMANCE RATING METHOD TN Ny fi BASELINE SYSTEM AiR-SIDE VAV CONTROLS * PFPBs - fans only on during heating mode ¢ Minimum volume ° Sized for 50% of « Reset up to 5°F = larger of: peak load inimum volume 0.4 cfm/ft? OR higher based on worst case zone Minimum ventilation = larger of: requirement 30% of design flow OR Minimum ventilation requirement VAV Fan Part-load performance curves: See Table G3.1.3.15 33 Le) uur ed . a SUS’ a ze EO aD Cnt nn = BASELINE CONTROLS — CIRCULATION LOOP TEMPERATURE oS ierend x Le) eure) " SUS’ eS age ea CA 0) rn | BASELINE CASE — PLANT COOLING EQUIPMENT QUANTITIES & lee TYPES " Building Peak Cooling Load < 300 tons: 1 water-cooled screw chiller, 1 constant speed primary CHW pump, 1 constant speed secondary CHW pump, 1 constant speed CW pump. Constant primary / variable secondary CHW flow with secondary pump riding the curve. Building Peak Cooling Load: > 300, < 600 tons 2 equally sized water-cooled screw chillers, 2 constant speed primary CHW pumps, 1 variable speed secondary CHW pump, — Building Peak Cooling Load: 2 600 tons ae 2 or more equally sized water-cooled centrifugal chillers with e no chiller > 800 tons. 1 variable speed secondary CHW pump. Number of constant speed primary CHW pumps = Number of a > constant speed CW pumps = Number of chillers. Constant i primary / variable secondary CHW flow 35 Mode uur ed a SUS’ ot. PERFORMANCE RATING METHOD ,,., ,.. f= TNS er Nee el UL oe ey < 15,000 ft?: + 1 Natural Draft Boiler + 1 constant speed pump + Variable primary flow with pump riding the curve 2 15,000 ft?2, < 120,000 ft2: 2 + 2 Natural Draft Boilers Eee Boilers eA een + 1 variable speed pump + Variable primary flow with Ban en Sinn aero \_ pump riding the curve Ne Pp Dy S 36 Me uur ed a eee ot. — PERFORMANCE RATING METHOD TyPicAL HVAC EFFiciENCY MEASURES Passive reeled eter eens Sie Aout ty ree eee Pua ad rele) amaeen ates Reel Pree rs Pr) Prenat eV SPADE esucad Nene remo) Oar eRe ees erences) Co tected See Efficiencies Ooo reno rere ees Troe Paces eg) hz Rocky iN pain Ty eT Controls eral rere Veen eg Ue ia id aon Se Barc) eens otra eeicucats Waren PERFORMANCE RATING METHOD CSN = SERVICE WATER HEATING Reflect designed system using actual Condenser heat recovery system type, capacities & efficiencies must be modeled in the for Proposed baseline for large 24-hr facilities * Model combined DHW/HHW systems as separate systems in the Baseline © If total Installed heat rejection capacity > 6,000,000 Btuh + Model District Steam / Hot Water identically in baseline & proposed case (using purchased energy rates), o If design service water heating load > 1,000,000 Btuh , Model the system as Service water loads & usage should be . preheating ervice hot water equal to proposed design except: draw to 85° F, or model directly in software. + co Loads reduced by low flow SHW fixtures, or greywater heat recovery may be modeled in the Proposed case. Assumptions must be justified. 38 Ly eure) SUS’ aot TN ese Ui Ch a1 0) eR UNREGULATED ENERGY ALL process loads must be included in Process the model. Receptacles Loads Transport Other Baseline and Proposed should be identical except where minimum equipment efficiencies are regulated (e.g. motor efficiencies) 39 Le) uur ed . a SUS’ PERFORMANCE RATING METHOD ee = COMNET INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDES *Energy savings modeling and inspection guidelines for commercial building federal tax deductions *COMNET commercial buildings energy modeling guidelines and procedures ir COMNET Commercial Energy Services Network 40 (SET Suu ey : 8 Dua Tne ery Ten eae Le De) pre as PERFORMANCE RATING METHOD en LEED: DEMAND CONTROL VENTILATION Baseline: * Use ASHRAE 62.1-2007 Minimum Rates for spaces where Demand Control Ventilation (DCV) credit is taken * Schedule unoccupied periods with zero Outside air or Minimum Health/Safety rates required when unoccupied Proposed: + Generally modelable within energy software * Maintain minimum floor air volumes during “occupied” periods even when space is unoccupied. 41 Modeling Performance , ) econ Rartormance, SS BestPractes > inform Design > Measurement PERFORMANCE RATING METHOD en Soe Se aC) ASHRAE 90.1-2007 Appendix G Performance Improvements Requires Explanation of Major Points i New Buildings | Renovations | (NC & Schools)| Points (CS) eoesess BS yy 0% 3 Prerequisite | Prerequiste less than 25% of Baseline Dx 3% 1 3 Energy Cost. 1% 10% 2 4 16% 12% 3 5 18% 14% 4 6 , 20% 16% 3 7 Allows Credit for Process 22% 18% 6 e Efficiency Measures using 3% wi Z = the “Exceptional 28% 24% 3 i Calculation Method”. 30% 26% 10 12 3296 28% 11 13 38% 30% 12 14 . 36% 32% 13 15 Includes all Exterior 38% 34% 14 16 lighting, and allows credit 202 38. s iz for tradable exterior 4a% 40% 7 19 lighting surfaces. 46% 42% is 20 48% 48% 19 2 2 Model uur ed . a SUS’ ot. PERFORMANCE RATING METHOD rN i= rf Ne RSS Ss CRU Bagels ee aU cr) Provide extra documentation showing that the model appropriately accounts for the anticipated full-load and part-load operation of the system, and accounts for the thermodynamic performance of the system 33 Le) uur ed . a SUS’ a ine PERFORMANCE RATING METHOD SN LEED: Masor RENOVATIONS *Baseline: existing conditions prior to renovation + Proposed: includes renovations * Baseline: ASHRAE 90.1 Building Area Method or Space-by-Space Method *Proposed: Actual lighting power (including unrenovated spaces) *Baseline: Appendix G System types and requirements *Proposed: Actual HVAC system types and controls = aot TN ese Ui Ch a1 0) eR LEED: Core & SHELL . ec) Een ' = aD PERFORMANCE RATING METHOD woss. sal LEED: EXTERIOR LIGHTING ateane Non-tradable Surfaces: Modeled Identically in Baseline and Proposed Case up to Baseline Allowance. Tradable Surfaces: Can be modeled for Credit. Baseline allowance based on ASHRAE 90.1 allowance, Consistency with SSc8: The lighting kW reported for Baseline and Proposed should be consistent with SSc8. oT ae TU esd tach 5110) Rocky LEED: PROocEss (UNREGULATED) LOADS «The savings should be calculated separately from the main Baseline/Proposed models. Calculations should be provided «Narrative should explain calculation and justify assumptions *Should be consistent with standard practice for a similar, newly constructed facility where the project is located *Should be justified with published data or monitoring *Referenced equipment should show consistent function and performance as designed equipment *Should reflect the actual designed equipment 47 ie ned ’ ’ ees eee. a

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