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Gwen C.


Based on what we learned from this lecture, answer the following questions:
1. Would you want to work where people have the same culture? Or where people have different
cultures? Explain your answer.

After the lesson, my preference has changed and right now, I would prefer to choose to be on a place
where people have different culture. all throughout my life, i was raised and surrounded by the same
faces and same places, and same routines. I cannot deny that staying on a place with the same
culture is much more comfortable because of, maybe, the familiarity and being used to everything.
yet, i realized that it limits the exposure to a new perspectives and ways of thinking, which can be
valuable for personal and professional growth. This realization has led me into wanting to enter into
a new environment and explore the different cultures of people in a different place. this allows me
to get out of my comfort zone and try new things. it also serves as a challenge for me on hoe i adopt
with things I'm unfamiliar with and a challenge to improve my skills in communication and in
understanding cultures and viewpoints.

2. If you had a choice, would you want your boss to have the same culture as you? Or would you
want your boss to have a different culture as you? Explain.

In contrast to what i have said earlier, in my opinion, having a boss with the same cultural
background as me would be ideal, especially for my first job. It would make it easier to communicate
and understand each other's perspectives, values, and expectations, creating a more harmonious
and productive work environment. Being surrounded by people who understand my way of thinking
and acting would also make me more comfortable and allow me to execute professionalism with
ease. Having a boss from the same cultural background can provide a sense of familiarity and
belonging, which is essential in a professional setting. Overall, having a boss from the same culture
as me would make me feel more at home in the workplace and help me perform at my best.

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