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By Anna Silva (Twitter: @Asilva_NY) in NYC, Sept 14, 2011

If you had missed Part 1, click on the link below for Part 1 about DSK and karma

Below is Part 2 of 2:

Part 2 of 2: DSK (Dominique Strauss-Kahn) and how karma may punish DSK and other famous people when man-made justice failed us
The sad collapse of People of New York (Nafi Diallo) vs. DSK criminal case reminds me very much of how NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg used his money and power to quash 3 lawsuits filed by 3 separate parent groups against Bloomberg's choice of Cathie Black. If you live in NYC, you know that Bloomberg's money only brought him very short-term (97 days) Pyrrhic Victory for Cathie Black. Because Bloomberg started his bad karma 10-year period about 1/2 year earlier than DSK and the circumstances (eg. the use of money & power to cheat the US justice system, and the great deal of public outrage and anger about their abuse of power) seemed eerily familiar to me. In the DSK case, he was only released due to technicality issues unrelated to the rape case, not because DSK was exonerated by the jury. In Bloomberg's case, he ignored the law that clearly spelled out the education and work experience requirements of a Public Schools Chancellor. Although Bloomberg was able to use his money and power to force the 2 men (Education Commissioner David Steiner and Judge Gerald Connolly) to bend the law for him, the forces of karma made sure Bloomberg only won 97 days of Pyrrhic victory, with many bad strings of karma to come after the Cathie Black fiasco. See the Exhibits of karma working on famous people for the list of bad karma Bloomberg has faced since the start of his current 10-year bad karma period. It is only a matter of time before we see more ugly truths about DSK since the Year 2011 is just the beginning of DSK's bad karma 10-year period - as if we have not seen enough of DSK's disgusting and violent treatment of women who are not his wife and former wives, his sisters, his daughters or any of his female family members. We may see a lot of ugly skeletons from DSK's closet leaking out during his current bad karma 10-year period. Remember that despite Bloomberg cheating & winning the 3 lawsuits to uphold Cathie Black, he had stirred the great wrath among education activists and public school parent groups. They worked tirelessly on their efforts to make Cathie Black suffered, at the same time they strived very hard to make improvements in their children's education in NYC. After DSK cheated the US justice system, expect similar great wrath among women around the world to make DSK suffer. I don't have a crystal ball, we just have to wait & see new developments. I hope karma works as quickly as possible on DSK as it did on Cathie Black and Michael Bloomberg. My point is that, for French people who may still have hopes of seeing DSK serve as an economic advisor (or, Heaven forbid, the President of France), they may be disappointed if DSK indeed becomes one in the next 9.5 years. When a person is facing his 10-year bad karma period, everything he does become bad, instead of praise, he will be met with heavy criticism. For people who do not live in NYC area, our NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg has faced a string of bad karma ever since he arbitrarily and without consulting with any of his advisors, appointed Cathie Black to become NYC Public Schools Chancellor on November 9, 2010. New Yorkers believe the only reasons Bloomberg picked Cathie Black for a job she clearly was not qualified for were because (1) Cathie Black happens to be on Mayor Bloombergs rich-and-famous Christmas card list, and she is a good friend of Diana Taylor, the girlfriend of Mayor Bloomberg (2) in Summer 2010, at the age of 66, Cathie Black was demoted from her job at Hearst magazine from the job title of President which she held for 14 years to the lesser job title of Chairman with much less authorities. She was booted out of her President job at Hearst magazine by a 1 Part 2: DSK and karma

By Anna Silva (Twitter: @Asilva_NY) in NYC, Sept 14, 2011 younger male rival, the then 49-year-old David Carey who was snatched from another magazine competitor Conde Nast. After the news announcement that Bloomberg was appointing Cathie Black for the job on November 9, 2010, many education activists, public school parents and teachers vehemently opposed the appointment of Cathie Black because she does not have a master degree in the education field and she does not have at least 3 years of teaching experience. The master degree and the teaching experience were requirements to become NYC Public Schools Chancellor. Cathie Blacks corporate publishing experiences are not relevant to running the largest public school systems in the country. By New York State law, a Public Schools Chancellor must meet the education and work experience requirements in order to take on the job. If the candidate does not meet all the requirements but have done exceptionally qualified work, he/she may receive a waiver from the NY Education Commissioner to exempt him/her from certain education or work experience requirements in order to take on the job. Nothing that Cathie Black did after graduation from Trinity College showed that she was committed to education issues. Cathie Black herself attended strictly private schools when she grew up, she sent her own children Harvey and Alison Duffy to private schools. As a matter of fact, Cathie Black's adult son Harvey Duffy (Twitter account @shamrock1120) dropped out of the University of Notre Dame a few years ago. Her son Harvey's interests are strictly in sports and booze, not in academic area. Although Cathie Black "suddenly" joined the education advisory board of a charter school the Harlem Village Academics in Manhattan in Summer 2010, the media interviewed the board members and the parent groups of the charter school and confirmed that Cathie Black NEVER attended any board meetings at the school. Now are these strong indications that Cathie Black had been committed to Public School education issues, and her "exceptional" work in education, so "exceptional" that she failed to show up on any education board meetings in Harlem? In November 2010, all eyes in NYC were on the Education Commissioner, David Steiner. The pressure from the education activists, public schools parents and teachers was on Steiner to deny the waiver to Cathie Black. Meanwhile, our billionaire NYC Mayor Bloomberg was confident that Cathie Blacks corporate magazine publishing work experience made her the best fit to run the largest public schools system in the country. In November 2010, David Steiner asked a small group of 8 educators to guide him on whether to grant the waiver to Cathie Black. Steiner was heavily criticized for the choice of the 8 educators on the voting panel, because 4 of the educators had personal or professional ties to Mayor Bloomberg. The voting result of the panel was: 4 voted no to Cathie Black, 2 voted yes, and 2 voted not this time. Despite the panel members voting result, Steiner granted Cathie Black the waiver to take on the job, the waiver stipulated that Cathie Black must appoint a mini-me second-in-command who have all the qualifications to be a Schools Chancellor but who would remain the #2 person - a Chief Academic Officer who was also a "babysitter" to the unqualified top boss Cathie Black. This newly-created role of Chief Academic Officer was a sign that Steiner was fully aware that he was breaking and bending the law for Mayor Bloomberg and Cathie Black. He needed to get another more qualified person to hold the hands of the unqualified Cathie Black, which was illegal and morally wrong. The stipulation to get a Chief Academic Officer to assist the top boss is equivalent to appointing an English literature teacher to the #1 top job of Chief of Surgery at a major hospital. If you need a qualified and seasoned surgeon to be your subordinate and to babysit you on day-to-day basis, to teach you about the medical and surgical technical knowledge and jargons, your background in English literature clearly is not the right fit for the Chief of Surgery job. Then the education activists & parent groups became more enraged, they launched 3 separate lawsuits against the appointment of Cathie Black in December 2010. In December 2010, I was amazed when I read a NY Post article that Cathie Black told the reporters, I will get the nod. The nod of course meant she was confident that she would win the 3 lawsuits raised by the 3 separate education/parent groups despite the 2 Part 2: DSK and karma

By Anna Silva (Twitter: @Asilva_NY) in NYC, Sept 14, 2011 fact that she clearly did not have the right education or work experience to take on the job. This unreasonable confidence indicated to me that Cathie Black knew Mayor Bloomberg had used his money and power to force the judge in Albany to quash the 3 lawsuits against Cathie Black appointment. Lawsuit #1 Index #: 008112-2010 in Albany County: Eric J. Snyder (a parent of NYC Public Schools students) vs. NYS Board of Regents, et al. Attorney Eric J. Snyder representing the plaintiffs. Lawsuit #2 Index #: 008163-2010 in Albany County: Alex Coss & Karen Plummer (parents of NYC Public Schools students) vs. NY Board of Regents, et al. Attorney Roger S. Wareham representing the plaintiffs. Lawsuit #3 Index #: 008212-2010 in Albany County: NY State Assembly Member Hakeem Jeffries (a parent of NYC Public Schools students) & various parent groups vs. David Steiner, et al. Attorney Norman Siegel representing the plaintiffs. I remember after I learned that Mayor Bloomberg won the 3 legal motions in court to uphold the appointment of Cathie Black in December 2010, I said to several people that Mayor Bloomberg only won Pyrrhic victory. That Cathie Black would be a black widow, a huge liability to Mayor Bloomberg, and that she would definitely drag him down. I even made a bold prediction that Cathie Black would be such a liability to Mayor Bloomberg, he can forget about running for President 2012. I remember @AnnaHolmes and a few other people re-tweeted my Pyrrhic victory talk about Mayor Bloomberg. Lo and behold, on the 97th day on her new job as the NYC Public Schools Chancellor, Cathie Black was fired by Mayor Bloomberg. She was immediately replaced by Dennis Walcott, the deputy Mayor who had overseen NYC public school education issues for years under the Bloomberg administration. Dennis Walcott has far more experience dealing with the NYC Public Schools system than Cathie Black ever did. Although Mayor Bloomberg used his money and power to quash the 3 separate and legitimate lawsuits against the appointment of Cathie Black, karma punishes Bloomberg, Cathie Black and David Steiner. I dont have any updated information about Judge Gerald Connolly in Albany, NY who ruled in favor of Bloomberg in the 3 separate lawsuits despite the law stating the contrary. If you know anything about the judge, please let me know. Of course, I mentioned that Cathie Black was fired on the 97th day into her job by Bloomberg himself. She was simply dragging down Bloombergs approval ratings. Cathie Black dug her own grave when she made various insensitive and stupid remarks during her 97 days on her new job. She was caught on video commenting that NYC parents should use birth control to avoid over-crowding in schools. Clearly, she didnt grasp the real issues in NYC. Over-development of residential buildings (condominium and coop) without corresponding increase in Public Schools space contributed to part of the school over-crowding problems, and the use of birth control is useless when your child is already 6-year-old or older what? Are you supposed to kill your child to solve the over-crowding issues? Cathie Black was also caught on video responding rudely to hecklers who booed her at an education policy meeting, when instead, she should have acted more diplomatically. Her self-serving and arrogant attitude toward public school parents and students meant she did not have a firm grasp that the job of a Public Schools Chancellor is a public servant job. Your stakeholders are public school students and their parents, you cannot be condescending to the very people you are supposed to serve. If you cannot fully grasp what a public servant job expects of you, then you should go back to the private sector where your arrogant attitudes may be tolerated. The NY Education Commissioner, David Steiner, who granted a waiver on the education & work experience exemption to Cathie Black suddenly resigned from his job shortly after Cathie Black was fired on April 7, 2011. What an odd timing for Steiner to resign in disgrace! No doubt he was obviously bribed by Bloomberg to create a mini-me #2 person to babysit Cathie Black. Besides the December 2010 Blizzard bad snow job and the Cathie Black fiasco, Bloomberg faced further blows in December 2010, the multi3 Part 2: DSK and karma

By Anna Silva (Twitter: @Asilva_NY) in NYC, Sept 14, 2011 million dollar fraud in the CityTime scandal happened right under his watch as the Mayor of NYC for the past 9 years. As of this writing on Sept 14, 2011, Bloomberg may be called to testify in his 2009 campaign aide John Haggerty's criminal trial. Bloomberg may have to reveal highly-secretive and embarrassing details about his 3rd term mayoral campaign finance in court, the revelations are potentially embarrassing to his claims that he's a financial wizard. Bloomberg is already unpopular with NYC voters who think he coerced City Council in 2008 to change the law on the 2-term mayoral limit to 3-term so that he can illegally serve as a Mayor the 3rd time. Remember there are 9 years left in Bloomberg's bad karma 10-year period, I promise you this will not be the end of Bloomberg's bad press if karma is doing its work. It is relatively easy for ordinary New Yorkers to poke fun of Mayor Bloomberg now (in his bad karma 10year cycle) than one year ago, or any time period from 2002 to Q32010 when he could do no wrong in his lucky 10-year period. For many years, I have been laughing every time Mayor Bloomberg spoke Spanish at news conferences, but suddenly in Summer 2011 during Bloombergs bad karma 10-year period, we have @jewyorican who recently opened a new Twitter account @ElBloombito specifically to poke fun of Mayor Bloombergs SpanGLISH. According to the New York Times, the @ElBloombito account was created on Sunday morning August 28, 2011. @ElBloombito has attracted more than 22,000 followers in less than 3 weeks. Remember, people who were once golden boys who could do no wrong get no respect during their bad karma period. Recently, City Councilman Jumaane Williams and Kirsten John Foy (an aide to Public Advocate Bill de Blasio) were unlawfully arrested and detained by the NYPD simply because they are young Black male who looked like trouble. Although Mayor Bloomberg openly apologized for the raciallymotivated arrest and detention, and he offered Williams and Foy to have a meeting over beer, both Williams and Foy flat-out refused to have any kind of meeting over beer as Bloomberg suggested. Note: President Obama had settled a similar racially-motivated arrest of a Harvard University professor who is Black man by inviting him to have a meeting over beer at the White House. Unfortunately, when you are Mayor Bloomberg living through his 10-year bad karma period, nobody respects you anymore. Of course, many other local politicians join in the chorus criticizing Mayor Bloomberg. Besides the long-time and very vocal critic such as City Councilman Charles Barron, I remember Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, Public Advocate Bill de Blasio, City Councilwoman Letisha James, Melissa Mark-Viverito, and a long list of other local politicians who simply are not happy with Mayor Bloomberg over various issues he supports. Let me state that New Yorkers who live in Manhattan tend to have higher approval ratings of Mayor Bloomberg than New Yorkers who live in the Outer Borough. He often takes care of Manhattan first (especially the wealthy Upper East Side where he resides), at the expense of the 4 Outer Boroughs (the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island). Not all areas of Manhattan are happy with Bloomberg though, people who live in the Lower East Side, the East Village, Harlem, and Inwood sections of Manhattan are not as satisfied with Bloombergs performance as the pampered and wealthy Upper East Side. After the Cathie Black controversy started in November 2010, I want to emphasize Bloombergs next major blunder to people who do not live in NYC. I remember some people remarked on Twitter that in their small towns, snow don't get plowed for many days and weeks. But people in NYC pay higher taxes and expect to have efficient snow removal to avoid preventable deaths and to prevent huge economic loss, after all NYC is the Financial Capital, the Media, Advertising & Publishing Capitals, and the Fashion Capital of the country. During the Christmas Blizzard of 2010, Mayor Bloomberg was enjoying sunshine in his bathing suit in Bermuda. None of the City agencies were authorized to act on snow removal without consent from the Mayor, hence in the Outer Boroughs of the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island, big piles of snow were unplowed for nearly 1 week after the Christmas Blizzard. About a dozen New Yorkers died because the EMS ambulances and the FDNY fire trucks were stuck in the thick snow, unable to arrive to rescue people in emergencies in the Outer Boroughs. When the snow is not removed within the initial hours, the 4 Part 2: DSK and karma

By Anna Silva (Twitter: @Asilva_NY) in NYC, Sept 14, 2011 snow becomes thicker and heavier the longer it is left unplowed. So if you are shoveling the snow 3 or 4 days later, you would need much more energy to clean it up. Our billionaire Mayor Bloomberg secretly flew back via his own private jet from his Bermuda luxury mansion to NYC, he lied to New Yorkers that he had been in NYC during the Christmas Blizzard 2010. Bloomberg was extremely evasive about his true whereabouts during Christmas Blizzard when NYC was operating without any commanders. A few months later, a newspaper uncovered the truth. Bloombergs neighbors in Bermuda confirmed that he was in Bermuda during Christmas. Other residents sighted Bloombergs private jet in an airport in Bermuda during Christmas time. To add insults to injuries, Bloomberg told New Yorkers at a news conference on December 27, 2010 that we should all come out and watch a Broadway show. HELLO! How did Bloomberg expect snow-bound New Yorkers to leave their homes filled with very thick layers of unplowed snow? This insensitive remark showed how out-of-touch our billionaire Mayor was and still is. At his own wealthy neighborhood on the Upper East Side in Manhattan, his subordinates in the City agencies made sure the snow was plowed ASAP in the Upper East Side. News reporters took pictures of the clean streets in Bloomberg's wealthy neighborhood vs. the Outer Boroughs' thick layers of unplowed snow. In the 4 Outer Boroughs of NYC, residents had been snow-bound for at least 4 days. The unlucky residents who had medical or fire emergencies during and after the Christmas Blizzard 2010 died at the scene, entirely due to ambulances and FDNY fire trucks stuck in thick snow on the streets. After you read the above, you would understand why the former NYC Mayor John Lindsay lost his bid for re-election. Mayor Lindsay made a similar disaster snow clean-up job after the February 1969 Nor'easter, Lindsay lost his bid for re-election. His Wikipedia page is forever associated with the bad snow job of 1969. Since there are still about 9 years left in Michael Bloomberg's bad karma 10-year period, I would expect to read more embarrassing news and bad press about Bloomberg in the future. Likewise, I am waiting to read more embarrassing news and bad press about DSK. This is the end of Part 2 of 2.

5 Part 2: DSK and karma

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