Linear Regression and K-Means Method Response Time Analysis Toxic Liquid Detection Using 2% Fe O Doped Thick Film Gas Sensor

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Linear Regression and K-Means Method Response Time

Analysis Toxic Liquid Detection Using 2% Fe2O3

Doped Thick Film Gas Sensor
Dr.Amit gupta Vuddagiri Ravi Kumar Kota Y. Srinivas
Secunderabad(India) Secunderabad(India) Secunderabad(India)

Abstract— This proposed research paper Keywords-K-Means, Linear Regression, Response

investigated comes out on sensitivity, response Time, Sensitivity
time of a sensor comprising of doped 2% Fe2O3
thick-film SnO2 gas sensor. In the beginning, the
sensitivity of the sensor has been investigated for I.INTRODUCTION
Methanol and Acetone (constant 2 ML) in each
time monitored by comprehensive assessment of As environmental regulation becomes more stringent, the
transient response of 2% Fe203 doped sensor as it requirement to develop a sensitive gas sensor grows. to
possesses improved sensitivity for all the test toxic
satisfy the demand for low-level gas detection, gas sensors
liquid. Thick film SnO2 sensor was fabricated on
should be upgraded in sensitivity, selectivity, and speed of
a 1” x 1” alumina substrate.
response [1]. At the identical time, they must be cost-
effective and reliable over the long term[2].
It composed of a gas sensitive layer SnO2 doped
with 2% Fe2O3, a couple of electrodes underneath
the gas perception layer assisting as area of contact
for sensor. Metal oxide semiconductor sensors supported electric
conductivity measurement are used extensively for gas
Also, a heater constituent on the backside of the detection.SnO2 is the most generally used material among
parent material was printed. The sensitivity of semi-conductor oxide for creating sensors thanks to its low
sensor has been studied at 2% Fe2O3-doped
cost, long life, and good reproducibility [3,4] , thick film
concentration at a constant’s temperature150℃
and 200℃ upon exposure Methanol & Acetone. SnO2 device are most studies and most candidate because of
their high level of sensitivity, simple design, low weight, and
The proposed paper emulates in anaconda software price effectiveness.
through spider tool(spyder-3) exploitation python
programming language. Python programming
language scripted in machine learning using
SnO2 is an n-type, wide –bandgap (3.6 ev) semiconductor [5].
clustering techniques for appreciated of toxic
Its electrical conductivity id because of the non-
stoichiometric compositions as a result of oxygen deficiency

Emulative result suits with hand on results with [6, 13 ,14]. The sensing properties of the thick film gas sensor

simulated results at dissimilar operating have supported the adsorption of the gas molecules on that
temperature. surface which produce changes in their conductivity [7].
When susceptible to air, impertinently established tin-oxide
particles adsorbed on the fragment adsorb oxygen atoms on
the surface [8]. These oxygen atoms develop the e-s from the systems, the latent period of a task or thread is defined
conduction band of tin oxide and are adsorbed on the particle because the time elapsed between the dispatch.
surface as O- ions.
Machine learning is a diversity of Artificial Intelligence
(AI) that established computers with the proficiency to
discovered without being explicitly programmed. Machine
Each tin oxide particle is roofed with negativity charged O-
Learning provides various techniques that can learn from
ions on the surface. On the opposite hand, because of
and make a forecast of the data. Machine Learning divided
depletion e-s, there exists a layer of charged donor atoms
into three types of learning.; Supervised learning,
slightly below the particle surface. Whenever the sensor was
Unsupervised learning Reinforcement learning.
disclosed to diminishing gases at dignified temperatures, the
Clustering is unsupervised learning: -Fuzzy-C- Means
O- adsorbents react with the gases and release the e-s to the
clustering allows one data point to belong to two or more
conduction band. For this reason, the profundity of the space
clusters. In each cluster degree of affiliation of behooves to
–charge covering decreases, which outcomes in a extremely
in each data point. Data points are bound to each cluster by
decrease through the height of the potential barrier for the
the means of a membership function, which represents the
electronic conduction at the grain boundaries. [13,14]
fuzzy demeanor of this algorithm. The clustering is done
based on the minimization of the following objectives
function or membership functions.
These gas sensor to able to accomplish additional improved
K-means clustering would have associated each datum to a
sensitivity to organic compounds by the supervise particle
specific centroid. From clusters with different values of the
size and addition of promoter [9, 10]. The more robust control
membership coefficient.
of the quantity, allocation and magnitude of the grains and
intergranular boundaries, together with the additional of
for example in biochemical processes occurring within he
catalysts and other promoters during preparation, can
build and detected by analyzing the breath of patients the
contribute in limiting the effect of the previously mentioned
latent period, t(x), of a sensor is defined because the interval
disadvantages [11,13 ,14].
between the time when a right away variation from clean air
to the peculiarity test liquid was prepared at the sensor and
it's reported that the microstructure of the SnO 2 is one in
therefore the time when the response as high as a stated
every of the foremost important factor, which control the
percentage (x) of the ultimate indication.
sensitivity of gas sensor [5, 6.]. Whereas high sensitivity is
critical in applications that need the detection of low
concentration gases (down to the ppt range


The schematic thick film gas sensor was fabricated illustrated

in figure 1. Tin oxide was accessible in the construct of
Recovery Time is defined in view of fact that the time for a indium doped tin oxide paste, delivered by Electro Science
sensor to rehabilitation to the reference value subsequently Laboratories.
the step removal of the measured variable. Frequently
particular as a time fall to 10% of the concluding value after
step eliminated of the evaluated variable. In real-time
This 2 % Fe2O3 doped tin oxide paste has been taken as the it is more widely used in classification problems in
foundation sensing material. The doped pastes were prepared
the industry. K nearest neighbors is a simple
by adding 2 % Fe2O3 (by weight) in base SnO2 paste with
algorithm that stores all available cases and
cellulose based thinner
classifies new cases by a majority vote of its k
. neighbors. The case being assigned to the class is
The thermistor pattern is screen printed first dried at a most common amongst its K nearest neighbors
° °
temperature of 100 C and fired at 650 C. In the second step,
measured by a distance function.
finger electrode pattern is screen printed using silver
conductor paste and dried at a temperature of 1000C.
Subsequently, a heater element is screen printed on the back
side of the substrate using silver palladium conductor paste
which is dried at the same temperature.

Now the dried screen printed films are fired at 650°C. In the
third step, 2 % Fe2O3 doped tin oxide pastes were screen
printed over the electrode pattern and the print was allowed
to dry at a temperature 100°C for 20min.
SnO2 Sensing Layer Alumina Heater Elements
Fig.1 schematic of fabricated gas sensor
The dried film was then fired in a thick film furnace in a set
temperature profile with peak temperature zone of 650°C.

The fabricated sensors were then exposed to varying

concentration of Methanol and Acetone in a locally
developed test chamber of volume having placed at the metal
base. The change in resistance of sensor is measured using
multimeter in Fig. 2.

Its sensing principle is based on the change of the

conductance of a heated doped metal oxide
Fig. 2. Schematic Diagram of Setup
semiconductor (SnO2) thick film on a ceramic
substrate due to the absorption of hydrogen. It is
used to estimate real values (cost of houses,
number of calls, total sales etc.) based on RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
continuous variable(s). Here, we establish The concept validation graph accomplished between
relationship between independent and dependent Concentration Vs Sensitivity at different temperatures for
Methanol & Acetone in shown Fig.3-7. The temperature for the
variables by fitting a best line.
sensitivity of methanol and acetone for 2% Fe2O3 doped SnO2
based thick film gas sensor was quantitative evaluation.
[100. 11.8]
[100. 11.8]
It was celebrated that the graph, sensitivity first increases and
after some time reached an impregnation quality This sampled
data set shown in Fig.3 at 150°C and respected the simulation
clustering k- mean result illustration in Fig 4.

The concept validation graph accomplished between

Concentration Vs Sensitivity at different temperatures for
Methanol and Acetone in shown Fig.3-5. Response time of SnO2
sensor (2%Fe2O3 doped on clustering k-means clustering
methods and linear regression on the exposure of Methanol &
Acetone at 150℃ are illustrated in Fig. 3 and in that time
Simulated clustering k-mean result for 150℃ are showed in Fig
4. The temperature for the sensitivity of methanol and acetone
for 2% Fe2O3 doped SnO2 based thick film gas sensor was
quantitative evaluation. It was celebrated that the graph,
sensitivity first increases and after some time reached an
impregnation quality This sampled data set shown in Fig.5 at

The simulation clustering k- mean result illustration in Fig 6. & Fig. 4 Simulated clustering k-mean result for
linear regression sampled value are illustrated in Fig. 7
corresponding graph indicates that the sensitivity primarily [0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1]
increases rapidly and after the same time attains a chroma value. [0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1]
The maximum response time 7.5 s and minimum response time
2.7 s was found to be for Methanol at 150°C. and the maximum
Fig 5. Sampled and trained data for 150℃
response time 15.7 s and minimum response time 2.5 s for Acetone
at 150°C.The linear regression value for Methanol is 3,0000

Fig.3 Response time of SnO2 sensor 2%Fe2O3 dop

ed on clustering k-means clustering methods and l
inear regression on the exposure of Methanol & A Fig.:6 Simulated clustering linear regression result
cetone at 150℃ for 150℃
Fig 7. Simulated linear k means sampled data for
Fig .8 Response time of SnO2 sensor 2%Fe2O3 do
ped on clustering k-means clustering methods and
linear regression on the exposure of Methanol &
The temperature for the experiment was preserved value at 200°C Acetone at 200℃
and 2% Fe203 doped SnO2 based thick film amendment sensitivity
of methanol and acetone gas sensor was quantitative evaluation. It
was realized that the graph of sensitivity foremost increases and
subsequently similar time carries out a saturation value. Response
time of SnO2 sensor 2%Fe2O3 doped on clustering k-means clustering
methods and linear regression on the exposure of Methanol & Acetone at
200℃ are illustrated in Fig. 8. . Fig. 9 are indicated that simulated
clustering for 200°C. This sampled data set was demonstrated in
Fig.10 at 200°C and respected the simulation clustering k-mean
result for data as shown in Fig 7

Its corresponding graph indicates that the sensitivity primarily

increases rapidly and after the same time attains a chroma value.
The simulation clustering k- mean result illustration in Fig 11 & linear
regression sampled value are illustrated in Fig. 12, The corresponding graph
indicates that the sensitivity primarily increases rapidly and after the same
time attains a chroma value. The maximum response time 18..8 s and
Fig. 9 Simulated clustering k-mean result for
minimum response time 6..9 s was found to be for Methanol at 200°C. and
the maximum response time 13...10 s and minimum response time 8..9 s for
Acetone at 200°C.The linear regression value for Methanol is 3..00.

[0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1]
[0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1]
[100. 6.]
array([12082.2]) Fig. 10 Sampled and trained data for 200℃
in the concentration. Hence it measures the minimum time
need to measure a concentration.

The maximum sensitivity recorded for a 2% Fe2O3 doped

sensor for methanol maximum response time is 7.5 s at
150°C. Similarly, when a concentration of acetone is
transmitted to 2% Fe2O3 doped sensor at 150°C the maximum
response time recorded is 15.4 s at same temperature. It is
observed that when the sensor is kept constant (in our case 2
% Fe2O3 doped sensor for methanol & propanol) at
temperatures the sensitivity varied.

The maximum sensitivity for a 2 % Fe2O3 doped sensor for

acetone was found at 200°C. The maximum sensitivity for a
2% Fe2O3 doped sensor for methanol was found at 200°C. the
response tine of acetone is maximum at 200° C. The
fluctuations in temperature will affect the response time to an
Fig.:11 Simulated clustering linear regression extent but more or less sensitivity remains almost constant
result for 150℃ with the variation in the atmospheric conditions.


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