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Plants absorb light for photosynthesis.

(a)  Which is the equation for photosynthesis?

✓) one box.
Tick (✓

C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O

6 CO2 + 6 H2O → C6H12O6 + 6 O2

6 H2O + 6 O2 → C6H12O6 + 6 CO2

6 O2 + 6 CO2 → C6H12O6 + 6 H2O


A student investigated the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis.

Figure 1 shows the apparatus.

Figure 1

This is the method used.

1.   Set up the apparatus as shown in Figure 1.
2.   Place the pondweed 10 cm away from the lamp.
3.   Switch on the lamp.
4.   Record the number of bubbles of gas produced in 5 minutes.
5.   Repeat steps 2 to 4 with the pondweed at different distances from the lamp.

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(b)  What was the independent variable in this investigation?

✓) one box.
Tick (✓

Distance of the pondweed from the lamp

Length of the piece of pondweed

Number of bubbles of gas produced

Time taken to collect the gas


The lamp gets warm when it is on. This causes the temperature of the water to increase.

(c)  Explain how an increase in temperature would affect the results of this investigation.





(d)  Suggest one way the investigation could be improved so the temperature of the water does
not increase.



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(e)  Suggest two improvements to the investigation so the results would be more valid.

Do not refer to controlling the temperature of the water.

1 _________________________________________________________________


2 _________________________________________________________________


The table below shows the results.

Distance of pondweed from Number of bubbles of gas

the lamp in cm produced in 5 minutes

10 120

20 56

30 31

40 16

50 10

(f)  Calculate the rate of photosynthesis when the pondweed was 40 cm from the lamp.

Give the rate of photosynthesis as the number of bubbles of gas produced per minute.



Rate = _______________ bubbles of gas produced per minute


(g)  Give one conclusion that can be made from the table above.




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(h)  Plot the data from the table above on Figure 2.

Draw a line of best fit.

Figure 2


(i)  Predict the number of bubbles that would be produced in 5 minutes if the pondweed was 60
cm from the lamp.

Use Figure 2.

Number of bubbles produced in 5 minutes = _______________

(Total 13 marks)

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Describe how to test a sample of food for protein, starch and sugar.
Give the colours that would be seen if the food sample contained protein, starch and sugar.












(Total 6 marks)

Starch is digested to form sugar molecules in the digestive system.

(a) What is the name of the enzyme that digests starch?


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(b) Where are most food molecules absorbed?

✓) one box.
Tick (✓

Large intestine


Small intestine



Figure 1 shows two villi.

Figure 1 also shows one cell on the surface of a villus as seen using an electron microscope.

Figure 1

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(c) Give one advantage of using an electron microscope compared with using a light



(d) What type of blood vessel is labelled X?

✓) one box.
Tick (✓





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(e) The real length of one villus is 0.8 mm

Calculate the image length if the villus is viewed at a magnification of ×20

Use the equation:





Image length = _______________ mm


Figure 2 shows two cells from the surface of a villus.

There are sugar molecules inside and next to each cell.

Figure 2

(f) Name the process by which sugar moves into cell A.


(g) Name the process by which sugar moves into cell B.


(h) Give one use of sugar in the body.


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(i) Figure 1 is repeated below.

Figure 1

Explain how villi are adapted for efficient absorption of sugar molecules.








(Total 14 marks)

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Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a non-communicable disease.
CHD is caused when fatty material builds up in the coronary arteries.

(a)  Explain what a non-communicable disease is.





The diagram below shows a coronary artery of someone with CHD.

(b)  Explain how CHD can cause a heart attack.







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(c)  Explain how lifestyle and medical risk factors increase the chance of developing CHD.












(Total 11 marks)

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The diagram shows a human heart.

(a)  Which blood vessel carries deoxygenated blood away from the heart to the lungs?

✓) one box.
Tick (✓



(b)  The natural resting heart rate is controlled by a group of cells that act as a pacemaker.

Where in the heart are ‘pacemaker cells’ found?

✓) one box.
Tick (✓

Left atrium

Left ventricle

Right atrium

Right ventricle


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Some people may be treated with a drug to slow their heart rate.

(c)  Digitalis is a drug that slows the heart rate.

Where does the drug digitalis originate from?

✓) one box.
Tick (✓






Beta blockers are another type of drug that slows the heart rate.

The table shows information for people who do not take beta blockers and for people who do
take beta blockers.

•   Stroke volume is the volume of blood pumped out of the heart each time it beats.

•   Cardiac output is the total volume of blood pumped out of the heart each minute.

No beta blockers taken Taking beta blockers

At rest During exercise At rest During exercise

Heart rate in beats

68 150 52 88
per minute

Stroke volume in
80 120 X 98

Cardiac output in
5440 18 000 2800 8624
cm3 per minute

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(d)  Calculate stroke volume X in the table above.

Use the equation:

cardiac output = stroke volume × heart rate

Give your answer to 2 significant figures.





Stroke volume X = ____________________ cm3


(e)  Some people who take beta blockers get out of breath when they exercise.

Explain why beta blockers can have this effect during exercise.

You should refer to information given in the table in part (d).












(Total 12 marks)

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Amylase is an enzyme that digests starch.
A student investigated the effect of pH on the activity of amylase.

This is the method used.

1. Mix amylase solution and starch suspension in a boiling tube.

2. Put the boiling tube into a water bath at 25 °C.

3. Remove a drop of the mixture every 30 seconds and test it for the presence of starch.

4. Repeat the investigation at different pH values.

The table below shows the students’ results.

Time when no starch was detected

in minutes

5.0 7.0

5.5 4.5

6.0 3.0

6.5 2.0

7.0 1.5

7.5 1.5

8.0 2.0

(a) The student concluded pH 7.25 was the optimum pH for the amylase enzyme.

This is not a valid conclusion.

Suggest two reasons why.

1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________


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(b) The student did another investigation.

This is the method used.

1. Put amylase solution and starch suspension into a boiling tube.

2. Make the pH 7.25.

3. Put the boiling tube into a water bath at 25 °C.

4. Measure the amount of sugar produced every 30 seconds.

The results are shown in the figure below.

Calculate the mean rate of sugar produced per minute during the first 5 minutes.



Mean rate = ________________ units per minute


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(c) Iodine solution is added to a sample taken from the boiling tube after 10 minutes and 60

Suggest what you would see in these samples.

After 10 minutes _____________________________________________________


.After 60 minutes _____________________________________________________


(d) The scientist repeated the investigation at 37 °C.

Draw a line on the figure above to show the predicted results.

(Total 8 marks)

The graph shows the rate of transpiration from a plant at different times of the day.

Transpiration occurs mainly in the leaves of a plant.

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(a) (i) What is transpiration?





(ii) Through which part of a leaf does most transpiration occur?


(b) In this investigation, the rate of transpiration decreases between 16:00 hours and 19:00

(i) Calculate the average rate of decrease per hour in the rate of transpiration over this

Show clearly how you work out your answer.





Rate = _______________ arbitrary units per hour


(ii) Suggest one explanation for the decrease in the rate of transpiration between 16:00
hours and 19:00 hours.




(Total 7 marks)

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Mark schemes
(a)  6 CO2 + 6 H2O → C6H12O6 + 6 O2
1. 1

(b)  distance of the pondweed from the lamp


(c)  bubbles (of gas) would be produced faster

allow more / bigger bubbles of gas would be produced
(in a given time)

(because) enzymes work faster

allow (because) photosynthesis is controlled by
allow (because) photosynthesis would be faster

(d)  any one from:

•   use an LED (lamp)
allow use a light that does not emit (a lot of) infrared /
thermal radiation
•   place a tank / beaker of water between the lamp and tube / pondweed
•   put the tube in a beaker of water
•   put the tube in a (thermostatically controlled) water bath
•   place a piece of glass between the lamp and tube / pondweed
allow place a heat shield between the lamp and tube /

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(e)  any two from:
•   measure the volume of gas produced
allow amount for volume allow use a cylinder / gas
syringe to collect the gas

•   allow the pondweed time to equilibrate

allow a description of this

•   repeat and calculate a mean

repeat and remove anomalies
ignore repeat unqualified

•   control the concentration of carbon dioxide (in the water)

allow put the pondweed in sodium hydrogen carbonate
(solution) or sodium bicarbonate (solution)

•   use the same bulb / lamp

allow use the same type / size / age / piece of
allow record the number of bubbles of gas produced in
a longer period of time

(f)  3 (bubbles of gas produced per minute)

allow 3.2 (bubbles of gas produced per minute) do not
accept 3.0 (bubbles of gas produced per minute)

(g)  as light intensity decreases the rate of photosynthesis decreases

allow as distance from lamp increases rate of
photosynthesis decreases
allow as distance from lamp increases number of
bubbles produced decreases

(h)  all points plotted correctly

allow tolerance of ± ½ a small square
allow 1 mark for four points plotted correctly

line of best fit through their points

do not accept line extended to 0, 0
ignore extrapolations of line

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(i)  8
allow correct value from their line ± ½ a small square
allow value in range 6 to 9 if a curved line of best fit is
not drawn

Level 3: The method would lead to the production of a valid outcome. All key steps are
2. identified and logically sequenced.

Level 2: The method would not necessarily lead to a valid outcome. Most steps are
identified, but the method is not fully logically sequenced.

Level 1: The method would not lead to a valid outcome. Some relevant steps are identified,
but links are not made clear.

No relevant content

Indicative content

•   grind up food
•   add Biuret (reagent / solution)
add copper sulfate (solution) and sodium hydroxide (solution)
add Biuret 1 and Biuret 2
•   turns purple / lilac

•   add iodine (solution)
•   turns black / blue-black / dark blue
- ignore blue / purple

•   grind up food
•   mix with water
•   add Benedict’s (reagent / solution)
•   heat mixture (≥ 65 °C)
•   in a water bath
•   turns (brick) red / orange / brown / green / yellow

For Level 3 correct references to all three tests are needed.


(a)  amylase
allow phonetic spelling
allow carbohydrase
do not accept amylose
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(b)  small intestine

(c)  any one from:

•   greater magnification
•   higher resolving power
allow can see (smaller) sub-cellular structures / parts
allow can see more detail (inside cells)
allow reference to 3-D images

(d)  capillary

20 =

image length = 0.8 x 20


image length = 16 (mm)


(f)  diffusion

(g)  active transport

allow active uptake

(h)  any one from:

•   respiration
allow as an energy source
do not accept to make / use / create / produce energy
•   to form glycogen
•   to make amino acids / proteins
allow to make lipid / fat

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(i)  Level 2: Relevant points (reasons/causes) are identified, given in detail and logically
linked to form a clear account.

Level 1: Points are identified and stated simply, but their relevance is not clear and there is
no attempt at logical linking.

No relevant content

Indicative content

•   have (many) microvilli

•   (to) increase surface area

•   wall of villus only one cell thick or is thin

•   capillaries are close to surface
•   (so) short pathway

•   good blood supply

•   (to) transport food molecules away or to the body
•   (and) maintain a diffusion gradient

•   cells have many mitochondria

•   (where) respiration takes place
•   (where) energy is transferred
•   (as) active transport requires energy
•   energy is needed to absorb sugar / food / molecules

For Level 2 must make links between structure and it's function

(a)  is not caused by a pathogen / infective organism

allow not caused by a microorganism / microbe
ignore not caused by infection
ignore named pathogen unless bacteria, virus and
fungus all mentioned

(so) is not passed / spread (from person to person)

allow cannot be spread / caught
allow is not infectious / contagious

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(b)  reduced / restricted / stopped blood flow
it does not matter where blood flow is restricted to −
heart / body

(so) less oxygen reaches heart (muscle / cells)

must reference heart / it
allow no oxygen reaches the heart (muscle / cells)

(so heart muscle / cells) cannot respire (enough)

(so heart muscle / cells) do not release (enough) energy
do not accept do not make / produce / create energy
ignore references to breathing / suffocation
ignore blood clots / blockages
allow ‘it’ for heart

(c)  Level 3: Relevant points (factors / effects) are identified, given in detail and logically
linked to form a clear account.

Level 2: Relevant points (factors / effects) are identified and there are attempts at
logical linking. The resulting account is not fully clear.

Level 1: Points are identified and stated simply, but their relevance is not clear and
there is no attempt at logical linking.

No relevant content

Indicative content

medical risk factors:

•   high blood pressure
•   high cholesterol
•   diabetes
•   genetic factors
•   medications

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lifestyle risk factors:
•   smoking
•   obesity
•   lack of exercise
•   high fat / energy diet
•   eating insufficient fruit / vegetables
•   alcohol
•   high salt intake
•   exposure to air pollution
•   certain drugs / correct named drug

examples of links:
•   smoking − high bp / cholesterol / fatty deposition
•   obesity − lack of exercise / high bp / cholesterol / fatty deposition / diabetes
•   exercise − obesity / bp /diabetes
•   diet − obesity / cholesterol / diabetes
•   alcohol − bp / cholesterol
•   high salt intake − high blood pressure
•   genetic factors − bp / cholesterol / diabetes / obesity
•   medication − can affect blood / blood vessels / metabolism

the main discriminator is the quality of linking

both lifestyle and medical factors are required for level 3

(a)  B
5. 1

(b)  right atrium


(c)  foxgloves

(d)  X = 2800 / 52


54 (cm3)
an answer of 54 (cm3) scores 3 marks
allow correct rounding of an incorrectly calculated value of stroke

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(e)  Level 3: Relevant points (reasons / causes) are identified, given in detail and logically
linked to form a clear account.

Level 2: Relevant points (reasons / causes) are identified, and there are attempts at
logical linking. The resulting account is not fully clear.

Level 1: Points are identified and stated simply, but their relevance is not clear and
there is no attempt at logical linking.

No relevant content

Indicative content

effect of exercise
•   during exercise body needs to transfer (more) energy
•   energy transferred during respiration
•   rate of respiration increases during exercise
•   (so) more oxygen is needed

effect of beta blockers

•   beta blockers reduce (the increase in) heart rate (during exercise)
•   beta blockers reduce stroke volume (or described)
•   beta blockers reduce cardiac output
•   (so) heart cannot supply oxygen fast enough / in sufficient quantity to muscle

effect on breathing rate

•   breathing rate increases to increase rate / amount of oxygen absorbed
•   breathing rate increases to increase rate / amount of carbon dioxide removed
from body
•   (but) increased breathing rate cannot fully compensate for changes in heart

A level 3 response should make links between all three sections of indicative content

A level 2 response should attempt to link effect of exercise with oxygen / energy
requirement and beta blockers to effect on heart function.

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(a) any two from:
• same result at pH 7 and 7.5
could be any pH between 7 and 7.5
not tested at pH 7.25
need to test at smaller pH intervals (between 7 and 7.5)
• accuracy of result only to nearest 0.5 minutes
• no repeats
• difficult to determine end point (colour)

(b) 2.7 / 5

0.54 (units per minute)

allow 0.52 with no working shown for 2 marks
allow 1 mark for 0.52 or 0.56

(c) (after 10 minutes) solution goes black


(after 60 minutes) solution stays the same

does not go black
goes slightly orange

(d) steeper curve


levels off at 11.8 units and before 45 minutes


(a) (i) water loss

extra substance(s) cancel
if transpiration stream described max 1 mark

as a vapour / by evaporation
ignore stomata

(ii) stomata / stoma / guard cells

ignore epidermis

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(b) (i) 2.8
correct answer with or without working gains 2 marks
if answer incorrect:
allow 1 mark for (8.6 - 0.2) ÷ 3 or 8.4 ÷ 3

(ii) warmer at 16:00 / gets cooler

or reverse argument for 19.00

faster diffusion / evaporation

accept sun setting as equivalent to heat or light marking points


lighter at 16:00 / gets darker (1)

if no environmental factor still allow reason mark

stomata open / more open (1)

eg ‘stomata close later in the day’


(more) windy at 16:00 / gets less windy (1)

removal of (more) water vapour / steeper gradient (1)


air is less humid at 16.00 (1)

allow rain at 19.00

faster diffusion or steeper gradient (1)


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