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Home Assignment

1. A sex gland which contribute fluid containing sugar b. Interstitialcells

fructose that provided spermatozoa cnergy for swimming c. Conncctive tissuc cclls
and hornone prostaglandins that stimulate contractions in d. None
the reproductive tract toaid sperm - ovum interactions is: 10. If somatic chromosomes number is 40,
a.Cowper's gland
What shal be
chromosomal number in the cell of seminiferous tubule)
b. Prostate gland a. 40 b. 20
c. Seminal vesicles d, 40 and 20
C. 10
d. Preputial gland
11. In aged person inguinal canal becomes loose, and sorme.
2. Iftestes of a male rabbit are not transferred from abdominal
part of intestine is pushed into scrotal sac, the disease is
cavity to testes sac then: called
a. Rabbit dies
a. Myctalopia
b. Absence of male characters
b. Hernia
c. Development of malereproductive system will not occur c. Achondroplasia
d. Sperms willnot form d. None of the above
3. Function of seminal fluid is:
12. Vagina of the female reproductive system is
a. Sexual attraction
a. Primary sex organs
b. To provide stability to egg b. Essential sex organs
c. To provide a medium for movement of sperms c. Secondary sex organs
d. To provide acidic medium d. None
4. In mammals, the testes occur in scrotal sacs, outside the 13. Match the columns and find the correct options:
Viscera because of the
A. Parturition 1 Attachment of zygoteto
a. Presence of urinary baldder
b. Presence of rectum endometrium
c. Long vas-deferens B Gestation 2. Release of egg from Graafian
d. Requirement of low temperature for spermatogenesis follicle
5. Placenta is the region where C. Ovulation 3. Delivery of baby from uteris
a. Foetus is attached to mother by spermatic cord D. Implantation 4. Duration between pregnanC)
b. Foetus is provided with mother's blood and birth
c. Foetus receives nourishment from mother's blood E. Conception 5 Formation of zygote b
d. Foetus is covered by membranes
fusion of egg and sperm
6. Increase level of hCG during pregnency stimulate Stoppage of ovulation nd
a. Estrogen menstruation
b. Progesteron
A-2 B-4 C-I D-$ E-3
c. Estrogen and progesterone
d. LHand FSH b. A-3 B-4 C-2 D-I E-5
7. Which accessory genital gland occurs only in male mammal e. A-$ B-| C-2 D-3 E-4
a. Bartholin's gland b. Paraurethral gland d. A-4 B-3 C-I D-5 E-2
c. Prostate gland d. All of these
14. Fertilization in man and rabbit takes place in fallopian u
8. Seminal fluid has sperms and secretions of of oviduct in
a. Prostate, Cowper's & Bertholin glands a. Proximal part b. Distal part
b. Seminal vesicle, Prostate & Cowper's glands c. Basal part d. None
c. Seminal vesicle, Ureter & Prostate gland I5. Read the following statements for testis and choo
d. Follicles, Ureter and prostate gland incorrect one. called
development by
9. Spermatozoa are nourishcd during their a. Both testis totally have 250 compartments
testicularlobules c. Seminal vesicles
Each testicular
lobule contains one to three straight d. All of above
4seminiferoustubules is an indicator of normal
24. Which of the following
tubules is lined on it's inside by two between menarche and
Each seminiferous reproductive phase and extends
cells called spermatogonia and sertoli cells. menopause?
Eachtestis is covered by a dense covering. a. Menstruation cycle
b. Estrous cycle
ifcowpers gland is removed, which of the following will
c. Ovulation
w attected?
, Sexual attraction b. Sperms d. Implantation
Copulation statements and choose incorrect
: Hardness of penis d. 25. Read the following
known as morula.
by a.Embryo at 16 called stage is
1.Menstrual cycle is
spermhelp in compatibility check.
ovary b. Acrosomal reaction offertilization is ampullary isthmus
a. Estrogen and progesterone of c. In humans, site of
b. FSH and LH of pituitary gland junction.
c. Both (a) & (b) ovum, acrosome of sperm releases
d. During entry into the
d. FSH of pituitary hyaluronidase.
varnish and then incubated. as the zygote moves
through the
I8. An egg of bird was coated with 26. The mitotic division starts
The egg did not hatch because the developing embryo: of the oviduct called
cleavage towards the uterus.
a. Could not excrete and died a. Ampulla b. Isthmus
of excess amount
b. Could not utilize yolk in the pressure c. Fimbriae
d. Infuhdibulumn
of nitrogenous wastes
foetus may be noticed by:
c. Died because of depleted 0, supply 27. The first sign of growing
sound carefully through the
d. Died because of toxic
effect of varnish a. Listening to the heart
menstruation can be deferred by
19. In human females, b. Apperance of hair
administration of: head
C. Apperance of
a. FSH and LH
d. Apperance of eye lids
b. Estrogen and progesterone 28. Match the columns and find
out the correct combination:
c. FSH only
A. Mons pubis 1. Fleshy folds of tissue
d. LH only
sperm differentiation are
under the B. Labia majora2. Cushion of fatty tissue converted
20. Spermatogenesis and by skin and pubic hair
control of 3. Membrane partially covering
C. Labia minora
a. FSH the opening of vagina
b. LH 4. Paired folds of tissue under the
D. Hymen
c. Progesterone labia majora
d. Parathyroid Hormone
posses finger-like projections a. A-1 B-2 C-3 D-4
21, The edges of theinfundibulum
called fimbriae which helps in: b. A-2 B-1 C-4 D-3
a. Collection of sperms C. A-3 B-1 C-2 D-4
b. Collection of ovum after ovulation d. A-4 B-3 C-1 D-2
c. To facilitate implantation
d. To pass nutrition towards ovum 29. If the size of a fertilized egg is compared with the size of
its blastocyst and gastrula stages, which of the following
22. In the absence of pregnancy, corpus luteum observations will be correct?
and LH
a. Becomes active, secretes FSH
A.. There is a progressive increase in size from zygote to
b. Produces lot of oxytocin and relaxin
gastrula through blastocyst
C. Degenerates after some time All the three will be of the same size
d. Is maintained byprogesterone. B.

23. The male accessory glands include:

C. Zygote will be smaller, while blastocyst and gastrula
will be larger
a. Prostate gland D. Gastrula will be largest while zygote and blastocyst
b. Bulbourethral gland
will be of same size 31. Assertion: Seminal vesicle is called as accessory sex
a. Aonly b. B andC of male
c. A and D d. Conly Reason: Seminal vesicle helps in the unionof gametrs
30. Read the following statements about the given
diagram 32. Assertion: Corpus luteum is present in proliferative nhae
carefully and state which of them are correct? of menstrual cycle.
Reason: High concentration of progesteronc is present in
proliferative phase.
33. Assertion: After ovulation, ruptured Graafian follicke
transforms into corpus luteum.
Reason: Corpus luteum act as endocrine gland and it is
C stable throughout life.
D 34. Assertion: In the human, the temperature of seroturn is
2-2.5°C 1lesser then normal body temperature.
A. A carries urine and C stores sperm. Reason: Formation of sperm does not occur at normal core
B B secretes a fiuid that helps in the lubrication of penis. body temperature.
C. Dproduces testosterone but not sperms. 35. Assertion: During follicular phase, the primary follicles in
D. Cstores sperms.
a. A and B
the ovary grow to become a fully mature Graafian follicle.
b. B and C
c. B and D d. A and D Reason: Endometrium of uterus regenerates during
follicular phase due to increasing level of progesterone.

Answer key

Home Assignment
2 6 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 18
C C b b b b b b b C
19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
b C b a C a C

Steroid hormones easily pass through the cell membrane of
diffusion because they target cell by simple
(a) Are water soluble
(b) Are lipid soluble
(c) Enter through pores
(d) Contain carbon and hydrogen
18. Which of the following hormones is not a
(a) Aldosterone steroid?
(b) Testosterone (c) Oxytocin (d) Progesterone
Which of the following hormones are attached on a specific receptor on plasma
(a) Cortisol (b) Estradiol (c) Testosterone (d) Glucagon
20. Which of the following act as second messenger in hormonal action?
(a) ATP (b) NAD (c) IP, (d) Na
21. Which of the folowing hormones utilize CAMP as a second messenger?
(a) Insulin (b) Aldosterone (c) Estrogen "ss (d) Progesterone
22. Which of the following is a hormone of kidney?
(a) Adrenaline (b) Cholecystokinin (c) Erythropoietin (d) Rennin
23. A hormone which acts on the bone marrowto increase the production of red blood
cells is secreted by
(a) Spleen (b) Thymus (c) Pancreas (d) Kidney
24. Which of the following is not a hormone of gastro-intestinal tract?
(a) Calcitriol (b) Secretin (c) Gastrin (d) Cholecystokinin
25. The location of different endocrine glands is given in the figure. Correctly identify
labelling A to E.

(a) A- Pituitary B- Thymus C- Thyroid D- Adrenal E- Pineal

(b) A- Pineal B- Pituitary C-Thyroid D- Thymus E -Adrenal
(c) A - Pineal B-Thyroid C- Pituitary D- Adrenal
(d) A- Pineal B- Pituitary C- Thymus D - Adrenal

26. Examine the following diagrams and identify labelling Ato E.



(a) A- Kidney B- Fat C- Adrenal gland

D- Adrenal cortex E- Adrenal medulla
(b) A - Kidney B-Adrenal cortex C- Adrenal gland
D- Adrenal medulla E-Fat
C-Adrênal medulla
(c) A-Adrenal cortex B-Kidney
D- Adrenal gland É-Fat
C- Adrenal gland
(d) A-Kidney
D- Adrenal medulla E- Adrenal cortex

factor (ANF) is
27. The chemical nature of atrial natriuretic (d) Glycoprotein
(a) Steroid (b) Biogenic amine (c) Peptide

select the correct option.

28. Match column Iwith column Iland
Column l
Column !
Melatonin 1. Small protein
Erythropoietin 2. Biogenic amine
B. 3. Glycoprotein
C. Aldosterone
4. Steroid
D. Insulin
A 4 3
1 2 (b) 2
(a) 4 3 4
(d) 2 3
2 4
(c) 3

of the following hormones issecreted by placenta?

29. Which (c) hCG (d) Allof these
(b) Progesterone
(a) Estrogen
both ovaries and placenta.
30. Name a protein hormone secreted by (d) Estradiol
(b) Relaxin (c) Progesterone
(a) Estrogen

Study he four statements (A - D) given betow and select the two corecd on9s out of
A. The anterior pituitary is under the direct naural rogulation of the hypothalarnus.
B. Gortisol produces ant-inlammatory roactions and suppresses he imurG
C. The adronal modulla socrotos hornones comnonly called catocholarnines.
D. Parathyroid hormone (PTH) docrgasons the Ga lsvels in tho blood.
The two correct statemonts aro
(a) A and C (b) C and D (G) B arnd C (d) Aand D

61. Select the wrong statement from tho tollowing.

(a) Aldostorone is a mineralocorticoid rogulating the balancs of water and electrolytes
in our body.
(b) Thyroxine stimulates roatbsorption of Ca"by the renal tubules.
(c) Prolactin regulatos the growth of rnarnmary glands and formation of milk,
(d) The hormones of hypothalarnus roach antarior pituitary through a portal.

62. Which of the following inhibits the reloase of growth horrnone frorn anterior pituitary?
(a) Sornatostatin (b) Melatonin (c) Oxytocin (d) GnRH

63 Match the column Iwith colurnn Il and select thecorrect option.

Columnl ColumnIl
A. Pineal gland 1. Aldosterone
B. Testis 2. Melatonin

C. Parathyroid 3. Androgen
D. Adrenal cortex 4. PTH


(a) 2 4 3 1 (b) 3 2 4 1

(c) 2 3 1 4 (d) 2 3 4 1

64. Choose the correct statement.

(a) Endocrinesystem and nervoussystem are interdependent
(b) Receptors for protein hormon0S are located in the nucieis
(C) Anterior pituitary secretes milk ejection hormono.
(d) Steroid horrnones are secreted by adrenal medula.

65. Match column Iwith column Il and

choose the correct answer,
Column| Column l
A. Hypothalamus 1. Testosterone
B. Leydig cells 2. Oxytocin
C. Graafian follicle 3 GnRH
D. Neurohypophysis 4. Estrogen

(a) 3 4 1 2 (b) 4 1 3 2
(c) 3 1 4 2 (d) 2 1 4 3

66. Match column Iwith column Il and select the correct option.
Columnl Column ||
A. Aldosterone 1. Salt water balance
B. Oxytocin 2. Graves, disease
C. Hyperthyroidism 3. Tetany
D. Hypoparathyrodisim 4. Milk ejection

1 2 3
(a) 1 4 2 3 (b) 4
4 1 3
(c) 1 4 3 2 (d) 2

67. Acromegaly is due to the hypersecretion
(d) Insulin
(a) Prolactin (b) Growth hormone (c) Thyroxine

glands is not paired?

68. Which of the following endocrine (c) Parathyroids (d) Pineal
(b) Gonad
(a) Adrenals
second messenger in hormonal
69. Which one of the following is not a (c) Ca²+
(b) IP3 (d) K*
(a) c-AMP

testosterone by Leydig cells is regulated by

70. The secretion of (b) STH (c) ICSH (d) ADH
(a) FSH
sella turcicaof sphenoid bone
71. The Pituitary gland (c) Thymus (d) Adrenal glands
(a) Thyroid gland
collectively known as
72. FSH and LH are (b) Emergency hormones
(a) Neurohormones
(c) Antistress hormones (d) Gonadotrophic hormones
GnRH seCreted by
(a) hypothalamus stimulates
(b) Adenohypophysis to secrete FSH and ADH
(c) Adenohypophysis to secrete FSH and LH
(d) Neurohypophysis to secrete ADH and LH
Neurohypophysis secrote LH and relaxin
The homones responsible for the
(a) Gastrin and production of pancreatic juice and bicarbonate are
(c) Renin and glucagon (b) Glucagon and Insulin
angiotensin (d) Chloecystokinin and secretin
75. Graves' disease is caused due to
(a) Hypersecretion of thyroxine (d) Hyposecretion of thyroxine
(c) Hyposecretion of adrenaline (d) Hypersecretion of PTH
76. Diabetes insipidus occurs due to the deficiency of
(a) Insulin (b) Glucagon
(c) Thyroxine (d) Antidiuretic hormone

77. Which of the following hormones maintain the body's circadian rhythm?
(a) MSH (b) Melatonin
(c) Oxytocin (d) Thyroxine

78. Which of the following statements about insulin is wrong?

(a) it acts antagonistically to glucagon.
(b) It is secreted by B- cells of Langerhans.
(c) It is a product of a heterocrine gland.
(d) Tt increases blood glucose level.

79. Catecholamines in a normal person can induce

(a) Alertness (b) Pupillary dilation
(c) Piloerection (d) All of these

80. Aperson drinks too much water and passes very dilute urine, but his blood
level is normal. He is likely to suffer from
(a) Hyposecretion of insulin from pancreas.
(b) Decreased ADHsecretion from neurohypohysis.
(c) Increased secretion of thyroxine.
(d) Hypersection of glucagon from pancreas.

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