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Civic Welfare Training Service 2

CWTS 10023

Activity #1
A. Graphic Organizer on Leadership.


My leader is my mother because in my viewpoint, considering that she

was the one who was there since I was born, she became a leader to me in the
sense that she guided me in being a good follower or a disciplined child as I grew

older. I understand that it is the role of parents to do so, but I believe my mother

is different. She is my leader because I have followed almost all of her advice

since I know she just wants the best for me, just as other parents do for their


Furthermore, according to google, a leader is "a person who leads or

commands a group, organization, or country," thus I believe my mother could be

considered a true leader for me and my family. She guides and leads us through

our life, and I think it's incredible that even after having their own family, parents

still lead their children. They are the leaders of every family aside from our


To sum up, our leader, whether he or she is the president, an actor, a

teacher, or someone else, has an impact on our lives and how they lead us to

become great followers.

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