Industry Manual On Ethanol

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N OV *M .3 E,R, 2 004

An Industry group under the convenor ship of DGM(QC), IOC Ltd worked collectively t o
bring out Industry Manual On Operations, Quality & Safety on Anhydrous Ethanol fo r
use in Automotive Fuel . As a part of this exercise, various meetings with the Industry
members were undertaken . The group also visited the distilleries and obtained the suppor t
from respective R&D Centre .

Experience gained during the pilot project and feed back from the field was also considere d
while preparing this document . Interaction and liaisoning with BIS was also maintained t o
bring out relevant specification and test methods .

The group has deliberated in great detail and has drawn up this manual containing in th e
following pages, to be implemented by all Oil Industry .

Sr. Name Designation Signature

1. Shri .P.D .Bahukhandi . DGM(QC) ,
(Convenor) Indian Oil Corporation Limited .
Head Office Mumba i
2. Dr.PVSL .Narasimham Senior Manager(QC )
Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limite d
Sewri, Mumba i
3. Shri .D .Roy Senior Manager(QC )
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited
Head Quarters, Mumba i
4. Shri .K.Hariharan Manager(Ops)
IBP Co . Limite d
Head Office, Mumbai

Ethanol is a high octane product which is used for doping with Motor Gasoline . It is derive d
from molasses and other renewable resources . It is an oxygen-enhancing additive tha t
helps Motor Gasoline burn cleaner, thus reducing air pollution due to lesser harmfu l
emissions such as carbon monoxide . It also results in reduction in the use of crude oil, a
non-renewable resource and in dependence on import of petroleum products thereb y
saving valuable foreign exchange for the country . Ethanol doped Motor Gasoline is
becoming a worldwide practice and is mainly used in countries like, U .S.A., Brazil, Mexico ,
Australia, New Zealand, etc . Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline is widely accepted as Moto r
Vehicle Fuel .

Bureau of Indian Standards specification for Motor Gasoline, IS 2796 :2000 permits the
doping of Ethanol to the extent of 5% v/v max . in Motor Gasoline .

Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas vide its Gazette Notification Extraordinary Part I -
Sec.1, under Sr . No. 230 & resolution No . P-45018/28/2000-CC dated 3rd September 200 2
mandated sale of only 5% ethanol doped Motor Gasoline w.e .f. 1st January 2003 . in th e
notified States and Union Territories . However, due to non availability of adequat e
ethanol/price differential, the dates of implementation as well as mandate is amended fro m
time to time .

While practising the laid down procedures, various laws / statutory requirements pertainin g
to the handling, storage, dispensing, purchase, sale, safety etc . need to be adhered to. Al l
practices as being followed in handling Class `A' Petroleum Products are required to b e
adhered to while handling Ethanol and Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline .

BIS has come up with specification IS 15464 :2004 for Anhydrous Ethanol for use i n
Automotive Fuel .

The Manual provides guidelines based on proven practices developed in this field . Safe an d
environmentally acceptable working procedures and simple tests to assess quality in th e
field are furnished in this Manual . In near future, even if the vehicles are required t o
operate on Motor Gasoline having more than 5% v/v of ethanol, the basic practices o f
handling Ethanol and Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline will remain the same .

Section 1 5

Section 2 6
Terminolog y

Section 3 8
Salient Features of Ethano l

Section 4 9
Quality of Ethano l

Section 5 11
Receipt of Ethano l

Section 6 13
Storage and Handling of Ethano l

Section 7 15
Colour Coding for Ethano l

Section 8 16
Quality Monitoring for Ethano l

Section 9 17
Doping of Ethanol in Motor Gasoline and Quality Control Check s

Section 10 19
Tank Trucks for Transportation of Ethanol Doped Motor Gasolin e

Section 11 20
Handling of Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline at Retail Outlets

Section 12 22

Section 13 25
Additional Precautions

Appendix 26

Reference 27

Appendix : 1 28

Appendix :2 33
Typical Line Diagram of Ethanol Automatic filing facility at Locatio n

Appendix 3 34
Typical Line. Diagram of Ethanol Facility at Locatio n

Appendix 4 35
Frequently Asked Questions

Industry Manual on Operations, Section. 1 Introductio n
Quality Control & Safety for Ethanol Clause No . 1 Page No . 1 / I
Doped Motor Gasoline



1. Introduction :

1 .1 Ethanol is an agricultural based product, mainly a by-product of sugar industries i n

our country, available in sugar belt areas . Presently Bureau of Indian Standard s
under specification IS 2796 : 2000 recommends addition of ethanol in Moto r
Gasoline up to 5 % vol . Max.

One of the main motives for use of ethanol in Motor Gasoline is to improve ai r
quality . By switching to these new fuels, the fleet owners are leading the way to
energy security and cleaner air . Motor gasoline with ethanol is well suited fo r
replacing gasoline in light duty vehicles making fuel more environmentally friendly .

There is a difference in polarity between Ethanol and Motor Gasoline . Doping o f

ethanol can be unstable particularly if water is present at low temperatures, resultin g
in the separation of two phases, one rich in Ethanol and the other rich i n
hydrocarbons . This property of Ethanol makes it mandatory to ensure water-fre e
storage and distribution system for Ethanol doped Motor Gasoline . In short, since
Ethanol is readily miscible in water, all ethanol and Ethanol doped Motor Gasolin e
distribution and storage systems shall be kept "dry" .

1 .2 The procedures outlined in this manual are only the minimum requirements in orde r
to ensure quality of ethanol as well as ethanol-doped fuel .

Industry Manual on Operations, Section. 2 Terminolog y
Quality Control & Safety for Ethano l
Clause No . 2 .1 to 2 .5 Page No . 1 / 2
Doped Motor Gasoline

2. Terminolog y

2 .1 Ethanol :

Ethanol is the pure chemical, otherwise known as hydroxyethane, corresponding t o

the constitution CH 3CH2OH and molecular formula C 2H5OH .

2 .2 Ethyl Alcohol (Absolute Alcohol) :

Ethyl alcohol (Absolute alcohol) is a Clear, Colourless and homogenous liquid ,

consisting essentially of ethanol admixed with not more than 0 .5% by vol . of water.

2.3 Anhydrous Ethanol :

Anhydrous ethanol is essentially ethyl alcohol, which is denatured and is meant fo r

use as fuel in automobile engines . The IS 15464 : 2004 prescribes requirements ,
methods of sampling and test for anhydrous ethanol, which is used either as such o r
more usually in admixture with petrol and diesel as a fuel for automobile engines .

2.4 Denaturant:

Denaturant is a substance completely miscible in ethyl alcohol and of suc h

character that while its addition makes the material or any aqueous dilution of i t
unpleasant and unwholesome for potable purposes, its presence does not rende r
anhydrous ethanol, either as such or doped with petrol or diesel, unsuitable for use
in automobile engines .

The denaturant to be admixed with ethyl alcohol and the proportion in which it is t o
be used shall be as prescribed by law from time to time .

2.5 Prohibited Denaturants :

Specific mention must be made of some materials that have extremely advers e
effects on fuel stability, automotive engines and fuel systems . These materials shal l
not be used as denaturants, for anhydrous ethanol for use in automobile fuels ,
under any circumstances . They are as follows : Methanol Pyrroles, Turpentine ,
Ketones and Tars (high molecular weight pyrolysis products of fossil and non-fossi l
vegetable matter) . Unless a denaturant, such as a higher aliphatic alcohol or ether ,
is known to have no adverse effect on gasoline-ethanol mixture or on automotiv e
engines or fuel systems, it shall not be used .

Industry Manual`on Operations, Section. 2 Terminolog y
Quality Control & Safety for Ethano l
Clause No . 2 .6 to 2 .9 Page No . 2 / 2
Doped Motor Gasoline

2.6 Motor Gasoline :

A volatile mixture of liquid hydrocarbons, generally containing a small amount o f

additives, suitable for use as a fuel in spark ignition and internal combustion engine s
conforming current BIS specification IS : 2796 and or as per the requirement of th e
Gazette notification issued by Govt. of India from time to time and or guidelin e
issued by MOP & NG regulatory authorities from time to time .

2.7 Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline :

A fuel consisting primarily of Motor Gasoline doped with 5% vol ./vol . of denature d
anhydrous Ethanol for fuel conforming to Motor Gasoline Specification .

2 .8 Oxygenate :

An oxygen containing ash-less, organic compound such as an alcohol or ether ,

which may be used as a fuel or fuel supplement .

2.9 Denatured anhydrous Ethanol for fuel :

Denatured anhydrous Ethanol for fuel is made unfit for use as beverage by th e
addition of denaturants as per IS 15464 for Anhydrous Ethanol for use i n
Automotive Fuel Specification . In the following sections wherever the term Ethano l
is used it refers to denatured anhydrous Ethanol for fuel .

Industry Manual on Operations, Section. 3 Salient Features of
Quality Control & Safety for Ethanol Ethanol
Doped Motor Gasoline Clause No . 3.1 to 3 .6 Page No . 1 / 1

3. Salient features of Ethanol :

3 .1 Ethanol is completely soluble in water, which presents potential problems fo r

storage and handling . However, Ethanol will not be significantly degraded by smal l
amount of clean water, though water addition dilutes its value as a fuel .

3 .2 A higher conductivity suggests that Ethanol will dissipate static charges that build u p
when pumping fuel during fuel transfers faster than Motor Gasoline . This give s
Ethanol a theoretical safety advantage over Motor Gasoline, as static electrica l
charges generated will be dissipated more quickly .

3.3 Viscosity of Ethanol is higher than that of Motor Gasoline . However, it does no t
pose any problem in handling in cold weather.

3 .4 The auto-ignition temperature of Ethanol is significantly higher than that of Moto r

Gasoline . This makes Ethanol less susceptible to ignition when spilled on ho t
surfaces such as Engine Exhaust Manifolds .

3.5 The lower flammable limit of Ethanol is higher than Motor Gasoline . This is anothe r
advantage over Motor Gasoline .

3.6 Pure Ethanol burns with a flame that is not clearly visible in bright sunlight .
However, Ethanol doped Motor Gasoline flame is visible .

Industry Manual on Operations, Section . 4 Quality Of Ethano l
Quality Control & Safety for Ethanol Clause No . 4.1 to 4 .2 Page No . 1 / 2
Doped Motor Gasoline

4. Quality of Ethanol :

4 .1 Bureau of Indian Standards under Alcohols and Allied Products Sectional Committe e
PCD 10/T-29 C has approved IS 1546 4

"Anhydrous Ethanol for use in Automotive Fuel" .

The present characteristics requirement of Ethanol for Motor Gasoline is worked ou t

based on the domestic quality of Ethanol available, its specification and experienc e
on application in its end-use as Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline through the Pilo t
Projects /Field experience .

4.2 Specification of Ethanol :

The Anhydrous Ethanol to be used for doping with Motor Gasoline should conform
to IS 15464 Specification . The Manufacturer should also ensure that a denaturant i s
added at their premise before the product is dispatched to the Oil Companies . Th e
Manufacturing Specification is mentioned in table 1 (under Section 4) as under .

Description :

The material shall be a Clear, Colourless and homogenous liquid, free fro m
suspended matters and consisting essentially of Anhydrous Ethanol . The material
shall also comply with the requirements given below Table 1 .

Industry Manual on Operations, Section. 4 Quality Of Ethano l
Quality Control & Safety for Ethanol Table No . 1 & Clause Page No . 2 / 2
Doped Motor Gasoline 4.3.2

Table No. 1

Sr . Characteristics IS 15464 Method of Test Refer I S

No 15464 (Annex )
01 Relative Density at 15.6/15 .6°C, Max. 0 .7961 ** A
02 Ethanol content % by Volume at 99 .5 ** B
15.6/15 .6°C, Min . (excludin g
03 Miscibility with water Miscible C
04 Alkalinity Nil D
05 Acidity (as CH3COOH) mg/I, Max . 30 D
06 Residue on evaporation, percent b y 0.005 E
mass Max .
07 Aldehyde content as CH3 (CHO ) 60 F
mg/I, Max
08 Copper mg/kg, Max 0.1 G,
09 Conductivity, pS/m, Max 300 H
10 Methyl alcohol, mg/litre, Max . 300 J
11 Appearance Clear an d Visua l
Bright **

Note :
** With a view to ensure ethanol quality by the time it is received at the location, Industry' s
requirement is more stringent in respect of ethanol content 99 .6% vol . and consequentl y
0 .7956 density at 15 .6 deg . C, and appearance Clear & Bright and free from suspende d

4 .3 Denaturants :

4.3 .1 The denaturant to be added with Ethanol and the proportion in which it is to be use d
shall be as per prescribed excise regulation from time to time conforming to th e
automotive fuel requirements . Denaturants may be considered as a part of Ethano l
and component of the fuel . These denaturants should not have detrimental effect o n
specification and stability of Motor Gasoline .

4 .3 .2 The following are some of the Prohibited denaturants as per Clause 2 .5 for Ethano l
cannot be used i .e .' Pyrroles, Methanol, Turpentine, Ketones, Tar, Organo-metalli c
compounds .

The Anhydrous Ethanol must contain any of the denaturants in suitable dosage a s
per IS : 4117 in line with IS-15464 .

The denaturants should be pre mixed at ethanol manufacturer end befor e

transporting the Ethanol to oil company premises .

In this manual wherever "Ethanol" is mentioned means "Denatured Ethanol" only .

Industry Manual on Operations, Section. 5 Receipt Of Ethano l

Quality Control & Safety for Ethanol Clause No . 5.1 to 5 .6 Page No . 1 / 2
Doped Motor Gasoline

5. Receipt of Ethanol :

5.1 Receipt of Ethanol :

5 .1 .1 Ethanol shall be received at depots in dedicated tank trucks . All care shall be take n
to prevent ingress of water into the compartments during transportation .

5.1 .2 The fittings in tank trucks used for transportation of Ethanol to receiving location s
shall be the same as used for storage and handling of Class 'A' Petroleum products .

5.1 .3 The consignment of Ethanol must carry Quality Certificate as per IS 15464
Specification covering the specification as per table No . 1 with foot note unde r
Section 4 . This Quality Certificate should also contain the Batch number and th e
name of the denaturant used along with its dosage .

5.2 On arrival, one litre top and bottom sample from each compartment of the tank truc k
shall be drawn after the line content is drained off .

5.3 These samples should be tested for visual appearance and Specific Gravity (SG) a t
15.6°C / 15 .6°C . For conversion of SG from ambient temperature to 15 .6°C /
15 .6°C, separate charts as per IS 2302 - Table 1 & Table 2 as well as IS 321 -
Appendix B are to be used . The SG should be within + 0 .0005 of the despatc h
Specific Gravity . A composite sample should be made from these samples for futur e
tests . (Relative Density at 15.6°C / 15 .6°C of IS 15464 as mentioned in Table 1 of
Section 4 is same as Specific Gravity in Air 15 .6°C / 15 .6°C of IS 321, Table I, Ite m
(ii)) .

Alternative to the above ASTM D4052 method for Density and Relative Density o f
Liquids by Digital Density Meter may be used for measurement of specific gravity ,
however, the method under IS 15464 :2004 will be the referee method .

5.4 The above composite sample should be tested for the following characteristics :

Appearanc e
ii. Colour (Visual)
iii. Ethanol Content % Vol . IS- 2302
iv. Hydrocarbon contamination checks (Refer clause 5 .7) .

Specific gravity at 15 .6°C/15 .6°C for computing quantity can be calculated from th e
percentage of Ethanol content using the table 1 and 2 of IS 2302 and table I, ite m
(ii) in Appendix B of IS 321 .

5.5 For determining Ethanol Content IS 2302 Tables for Alcoholometry by hydrometer
method should be used .

5 .6 Specific gravity can be derived by using the Ethanol Content and the Appendix B o f
IS 321 . The specification, however, includes option to determine specific gravity by
the method given in IS 321 .

Industry Manual on Operations, Section . 5 Receipt Of Ethano l

Quality Control & Safety for Ethano l Clause No . 5 .7 to Page No . 2 / 2
Doped Motor Gasoline

5.7 To ensure that there is no contamination of hydrocarbon with Ethanol, take 50 ml o f

water in 100 ml clean graduated stoppered glass cylinder (A class), put 50 ml o f
Ethanol at the top of it . Stopper the cylinder and shake thoroughly for 15 sec . Set
aside the cylinder . Observe that water is fully soluble with Ethanol and no layer i s
formed . This ensures no contamination of hydrocarbons with Ethanol .

5.8 One litre composite sample of Ethanol from the tank truck should be drawn, sealed ,
labelled and jointly signed by the driver/authorised representative of the transporte r
and the receiving Officer of the Oil Company . These samples shall be retained for a
period of 30 days . Only Glass or Stainless Steel sample containers should be used .
Aluminium containers should not be used for storing Ethanol samples .

5 .9 Product can be decanted into the tank, after matching the quality certificate of the
consignment of the supplier with that of the requirement of the characteristics a s
mentioned in table no . 1 of Section 4 as well as physical verification carried out a s
per clause 5 .3 and 5 .4.

5 .10 The unloading operations shall be carried out through special Nitrile rubber or an y
other compatible hoses . Ethanol being hygroscopic in nature, utmost precautio n
needs to be taken to ensure that there is no ingress of water or humidity . Both th e
ends of the hoses after use shall be capped . 80 mesh strainers (material as
specified in Section : 6) shall be provided before the pump / tank inlet as the case
may be. All safety precautions shall be taken as that for Class `A' product .

5 .11 Appropriate recommended dosage of Metal Deactivator and Corrosion Inhibitor shal l
be added during the decantation of Ethanol from tank truck into the storage tank, s o
as to ensure homogeneity of additives with ethanol in the storage tank . A separat e
Operations and Inventory logbook shall be maintained for the additive .

5 .12 The location shall maintain a Batch-Control Logbook tank-wise for receipt of Ethano l
in the storage tank as per the following format

Batch Control Log Book Location :

Despatch Details Receipt Detail s
Sr. Supplier's Name Date of Batch Test Report Date of Batch No . Sig n
No. Despatch No. No. Receipt

Industry Manual on Operations, Section . 6 Storage and Handling
Quality Control & Safety for Ethanol Of Ethano l
Doped Motor Gasoline Clause No . 6.1 to Page No . 1 / 2

6. Storage and Handling of Ethanol :

6 .1 Material recommendations : The compatibility of Ethanol/Ethanol Doped Moto r

Gasoline with material coming in contact while handling means not only tha t
equipment made from material will not deteriorate but also that the quality of Ethano l
as well as Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline in contact with the material will no t
degrade. The supplier/contractor will ensure in this regard . It is recommended tha t
integrity of all materials coming in to contact with the fuel will be verified with `Soa k
testing' as per standard engineering practice .

6 .2 Nozzles, fittings, connectors, piping, pump and impellers may be of best suitabl e
material compatible with Ethanol as recommended for the storage tanks .

6 .3 Zinc, Brass, Lead, Copper and Aluminium are some of the sensitive material s
known to be degraded while contact with Ethanol . Lead based solders are als o
incompatible with Ethanol . Avoid using them .

6.4 Un-plated Steel, Stainless Steel, Black Iron and Bronze have shown acceptabl e
resistance to corrosion by Ethanol .

6 .5 Non-metallic materials that degrade when in contact with Ethanol include Natura l
Rubber, Polyurethane, Cork gasket material, Leather, Polyester – bounde d
Fibreglass laminate, Polyvinyl Chlorides, Polyamides and Methyl and Methacrylat e
Plastics .

6 .6 Non-metallic materials that have been successfully used with fuel Ethanol includ e
Buna-N, Neoprene rubber, Polyethylene, Nylon, Polypropylene, Nitrile, Glass, Vito n
and Teflon .

6 .7 Ethanol can be stored in above ground or underground tank(s) . Factors like the siz e
of the tank, the space available, requirements for stationary evaporative emission s
and Safety aspects will determine which type of tank is best for use .

6 .8 Epicoating is not recommended for the tanks proposed for storage of Ethanol .

6 .9 Epicoating recommended in storage tank for general hydrocarbons may not b e
compatible for system handling Ethanol / Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline and it ma y
be ensured before any application or use .

6.10 Ethanol falls under the same handling and storage requirements as Motor Gasolin e
within the provision of applicable norms .

6.11 Tank should be constructed of low carbon, cold finished steel and butt-welded . D o
not use any plated material tank .

Industry Manual on Operations, Section . 6 Storage and Handlin g

Quality Control & Safety for Ethanol Of Ethano l
Doped Motor Gasoline Clause No . 6.12 to Page No . 2 / 2
6 .17

6.12 The storage tanks and allied facilities for Ethanol shall be positively segregated . Th e
.existing Class `A' product storage tank fitted with Pressure Vacuum Valve (P V
valve) can be used for storing Ethanol after thorough cleaning . The tank shall be
absolutely free from water at all times .

6 .13 Ethanol storage tanks shall be cleaned once in two years or more frequentl y
depending on the need . Tank cleaning certificate shall be maintained as per
Appendix – A of IQCM . Date of tank cleaning and due date of next tank cleanin g
shall be painted on the manhole cover . For Under Ground Tanks, the details of tan k
cleaning shall be displayed on a suitable display card .

6 .14 All level samples after receipt of first parcel in a newly commissioned tank / afte r
tank cleaning shall be sent to laboratory for necessary Test (Clause No . 9 .2.2) . Th e
product from the tank shall be released only if the Laboratory confirms that th e
product meets specification requirement in respect of the tests carried out .

6.15 As Ethanol is hygroscopic and will absorb moisture from the air, Silica Gel trap mus t
be provided in the vent pipe of the tank to prevent ingress of moisture into the tank .
Regular check on the Colour of silica gel shall be maintained (Blue Colour) and shal l
need immediate replacement on showing signs of saturation by way of change o f
colour. Say, Silica gel turns from blue to pink after it absorbs moisture .

6 .16 The silica gel can also be reactivated on heating in an air oven for about one hour a t
110°C, till it again turns blue . Then it will become ready for re-use .

6 .17 Other storage tank openings / pipeline fittings shall be airtight and the threade d
connections if any shall be tightened with the help of Teflon paste or Teflon tapes .
Bolted connections shall have gaskets of Teflon .

Industry Manual on Operations, Section. 7 Colour Coding fo r
Quality Control & Safety for Ethanol Ethano l
Doped Motor Gasoline Clause No . 7.1 Page No . 1 / 1

7. Colour Coding for Ethanol :

7.1 The colour band for Ethanol on the pipeline shall be Purple (ISC No . 796) . The
procedure for Colour Coding shall be in accordance with Clause 4 .3.3 of Industry
Quality Control Manual for Non Aviation Products (IQCM) .

Industry Manual on Operations, Section . 8 Quality Monitoring fo r
Quality Control & Safety for Ethanol Ethanol
Doped Motor Gasoline Clause No . 8.1 Page No . 1 / 1

8. Quality Monitoring for Ethanol :

8 .1 One litre composite sample of Ethanol from the storage tank(s) shall be collected i n
Stainless Steel or Glass container for Monitoring Tests and send to the neares t
Laboratory once in a month . A counter sample is to be retained at location till la b
test are obtained .

These samples shall be tested for all characteristics as per clause 9 .2.2.(i).

Industry Manual on Operations, Section . 9 Doping of Ethanol in Moto r
Quality Control & Safety for Gasoline and Quality Contro l
Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline Checks
Clause No . 9.1 to Page No . 1 / 2
9.1 .3

9. Doping of Ethanol in Motor Gasoline and Quality Control Checks :

9 .1 At Depot / Installation / Terminal :

9.1 .1 It is necessary that adequate care be taken to ensure the correct dosage in onlin e
doping of Ethanol with in Motor Gasoline . Ethanol is to be doped in Moto r
Gasoline with the concentration of 5% v/v.

9 .1 .2 Manufacturing specification of Motor Gasoline to be kept at Refinery end such tha t

the end product from Marketing after doping 5% v/v Ethanol into Motor Gasolin e
remains within specification IS 2796 .

9.1 .3 Procedure for Doping Anhydrous Ethanol in Motor Gasoline :

To ensure uniform doping of Ethanol with Motor Gasoline, on line doping o f

Ethanol shall be carried out through a closed system, with proper interlocks, whil e
maintaining efficacy of mixing Ethanol in the right proportion of 5% v/v as pe r
specification .

The quantity of Ethanol to be doped into the Motor Gasoline is worked out fo r
each compartment of the tank truck on the basis of 5% vol . of Ethanol in Moto r
Gasoline. Doping shall be carried out by synchronising with the total delivery o f
desired 5% vol . of Ethanol with Motor Gasoline in that compartment . This can b e
verified by test method given in Appendix- 1

An 80-mesh filter shall be provided on the delivery side of Ethanol storage tank i .e.
between pump and TLF Gantry point .

Typical line diagram of Ethanol facility at storage locations is given as Appendix- 2

/ 3.

Industry Manual on Operations, Section . 9 Doping of Ethanol in Moto r
Quality Control & Safety for Gasoline and Quality Contro l
Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline Checks
Clause No . 9.1 .4 Page No . 2 / 2
to 9 .2.2

9.1 .4 The following QC checks are recommended for the doping :

a. All samples shall be drawn, tested and retained as per the procedure laid dow n
in IQCM.

A sample of Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline shall be drawn in each shift an d

whenever there is a switch over of Motor Gasoline / Ethanol tank on an hourl y
basis . The sample should be tested for Appearance, Density at 15°C an d
Alcohol content .

Determination of Ethanol content in Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline is to b e

carried out as per procedure outlined in Appendix 1 .

b. In case Ethanol content of Motor Gasoline exceeds / less than the permissibl e
level of 5%, corrective steps are to be taken immediately .

c. Retention of the Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline sample from TLF shall b e
followed as per IQCM requirements (before commencement of loading in eac h
shift and whenever there is a switchover of Motor Gasoline / Ethanol tank) .

9.2 Test / Facilities required for Ethanol testing :

9.2.1 At Depot / Installation :

Facilities required for the field test of Anhydrous Ethanol Content :

• Hydrometers/Alcoholometers (IS :3608 Part 2 : 1987),

• Thermometers ,
• Glass Cylinders ,
• 100 ml graduated glass cylinder (A class) with stopper .

Specific gravity at 15 .6°C/15 .6°C for computing quantity can be calculated from th e
percentage of Ethanol content using the table 1 and 2 of IS 2302 : 1989 and table I
of item (ii) in Appendix B of IS 321 :1964.

9.2.2 At QC Labs :

i) As per full specification test of Ethanol other than Copper content an d

methyl alcohol content (Batch Formation test) However, colour of ethano l
may be slightly vary due to addition of special additive like, Meta l
deactivator and corrosion inhibitors .
ii) Contamination / suspected adulteration or deviation in ethanol may b e
verified by carrying out full specification test as per Table .l of section 4 .2 .

Industry Manual on Operations, Section. 10 Tank Trucks for Transportatio n

Quality Control & Safety for of Ethanol Doped Moto r
Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline Gasoline
Clause No . 10 .1 Page No . 1 / 1
to 10.3

10. Tank Trucks for Transportation of Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline :

10 .1 The tank trucks can be upgraded for the purpose as specified in IQCM for handlin g
non-aviation products and inspect from inside for cleanliness and dry out an y
accumulated water or product before loading Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline .

10.2 The tank truck fit for transportation of Motor Gasoline shall be used for Ethano l
doped Motor Gasoline . Adequate care shall be taken to ensure that the tank truck
fittings are absolutely airtight and no ingress of water or air is allowed .

10 .3 The Epicoating applied in tank trucks for transportation of Petroleum products ma y

not be compatible with Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline . The compatibility needs t o
be ensured before use of such tank truck s

Industry Manual on Operations, Section. 11 Handling of Ethanol Dope d
Quality Control & Safety for Motor Gasoline at Retail Outlet s
Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline Clause No . 11 .1 Page No . 1 / 2
to 11 .2 .2

11 . Handling of Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline at Retail Outlets :

11 .1 Underground Tanks, dispensers and fitting s

11 .1 .1 Storage tank shall be suitable for Class "A" product and openings / pipeline fitting s
shall be airtight and the threaded connections if any shall be tightened with the hel p
of Teflon tapes . Bolted connections shall be provided with proper gaskets . Storag e
tanks shall be thoroughly cleaned ; ensuring absence of any trace of water befor e
commissioning on Ethanol doped Motor Gasoline . Fill cap and dip cap fittings shal l
be watertight and have suitable gaskets / packing to prevent entry of moisture .

The fill / dip caps shall be raised sufficiently high above the ground level . In case
these are situated in chambers, the chambers shall be constructed in a manner s o
as to avoid entry of water into the tank and the caps positioned sufficiently abov e
the bottom of the chamber. The presence of any water in the underground tan k
shall be checked by using water-finding paste everyday . During the rainy seaso n
the water shall be promptly removed from the tank .

11 .1 .2 Ethanol being hygroscopic in nature, utmost precaution needs to be taken t o

ensure that there is no ingress of water or moisture in the storage tanks . Suitabl e
silica gel trap shall be fitted in the vent of the tank storing Ethanol Doped Moto r
Gasoline at Retail Outlet to prevent ingress of moisture . Regular check on th e
colour of silica gel shall be maintained and it should be immediately replaced on it s
change . The colour of silica gel turns from Blue to pink after absorbing moisture .

11 .1 .3 Sampling procedures at the Retail Outlets would be the same as mentioned in th e

Industry Marketing Discipline Guidelines .

11 .1 .4 Dispensing Units are typically manufactured with Steel, Cast Iron, Aluminium ,
Brass, Bronze and sometimes Stainless Steel components . "Ethanol doped Moto r
Gasoline" should not pose problem with any of these metals . Normal dispensin g
hoses can be used for "Ethanol doped Motor Gasoline" .

11 .2 Receipt of Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline :

11 .2 .1 The procedure will remain same as is being followed for un-doped Motor Gasoline . .

11 .2.2 During rainy seasons, wherever the canopy is available, the tank lorry shall b e
checked under the canopy, to avoid ingress of water . Tarpaulin cover shall be use d
during tank lorry discharge . The dip cap of underground tanks shall be kept close d
during tank lorry unloading operation .

Industry Manual on Operations, Section . 11 Handling of Ethanol Dope d

Quality Control & Safety for Motor Gasoline at Retail Outlet s
Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline Clause No . 11 .3 Page No . 2 / 2
to 11 .4

11 .3 Colour coding for dispensing pumps for Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline :

The colour coding for the dispensing pumps used for Ethanol Doped Motor Gasolin e
remains same as that of un-doped Motor Gasoline .

11 .4 Fire fighting system :

The most accepted system is Dry Chemical Powder (DCP), which works a s
effectively on Ethanol fire as being used for Motor Gasoline fire . The personnel
should be informed about the properties of Ethanol doped MS and safe practice s
for operating, fuelling etc .

All staff in the Retail Outlets must be trained in handling any emergencies .

Industry Manual on Operations, Section. 12 Safety
Quality Control & Safety fo r
Clause No . 12 . 1 Page No . 1 / 3
Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline
to 12.6

12. Safety :

12 .1 Ethanol comes under Class 'A' and hence all safety precautions need to be taken a s
required for Class `A' product . Ethanol is a flammable liquid with a flash point o f
13°C . It requires fire-fighting facilities like, Alcohol Type Concentrate Foam (ATC) o r
CO2/Dry Chemical Powder (DCP) extinguishers .

12 .2 Earthing and bonding procedure shall be followed as being done for other Class 'A '
products .

12 .3 Ethanol material safety data sheet :

• Chemical formula C2H5 OH

• Mol . Wt. 46.07
• Appearance and odour Clear, Colourless, volatile liquid with a n
ethereal odour
• Octane(R+M)/2 98-10 0
• RON/MON 108 .6/89 . 7
• Lower heating value BTUs/lb . : 11,50 0
• Reid Vapour pressure (psi) 2.3
• Ignition Point :
a) Fuel in air percentage 3-1 9
b) Temperature (approx . °C) 455
• Specific Gravity 15 .6° / 15 .6°C 0.793 6
• Boiling point °C 78
• Solubility in water @ 21°C%vol 100
• Flame visibility poo r
• LEL / UEL :4.3/1 9
• Flash Point °C 13 .0
• Cubical expansion Lt ./kl/°C 1 .12

12 .4 Extinguishing media :

Carbon-di-oxide, Dry Chemical Powder & water for small fires and Polar Solven t
Foam for large fires .

12 .5 Special fire fighting procedures :

Use necessary protective equipment & breathing apparatus as would normally b e

used when fighting fires where there may be danger of breathing hazardou s
products of combustion .

12 .6 Unusual fire and explosion hazards :

Flammable li q uid
Industry Manual on Operations, Section . 12 Safety
Quality Control & Safety fo r
Clause No . 12. 7 Page No . 2 / 3
Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline to 12.15

12.7 Stability :

Stabl e

12 .8 Conditions to avoid in normal use (incompatibility, material to avoid) :

May react vigorously with oxidizing materia l

12.9 Hazardous decomposition or by- products

Combustion may produce COX, NOX and reactive hydrocarbons . Hazardou s

polymerisation will not occur .

12.10 Health hazards :

Roots of entry inhalation / skin / ingestio n

12 .11 Acute and chronic health hazards :

May cause mucus membrane irritation, unconsciousness, respiratory failures an d

death .

12.12 Toxicity :


12 .13 Signs and symptoms of exposures :

May cause dizziness, loss of balance and co-ordinatio n

12 .14 Emergency and safety procedures :

If swallowed, induce vomiting . If inhaled, remove person to fresh air . Give artificia l
respiration if breathing has stopped and call a physician .

If splashed in eyes or on skin, flush immediately with copious amounts of water .

12 .15 Precautions for safe handling and use :

In case spilled, released out, then eliminate all sources of ignition . Small spill s
should be flushed with large quantities of water . Large spills should be collected fo r
waste disposal .

Industry Manual on Operations, Section . 12 Safety

Quality Control & Safety fo r Clause No . 12.1 6 Page No . 3 / 3
Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline
to 12 .20

12 .16 Waste disposal methods :

Do not allow entering sewers where vapours may become ignited . Incinerate unde r
the law. Explore for resale to supplier .

12 .17 Precautions to be taken in handling and storage :

• Keep away from heat, sparks and open flames ;

• Keep containers closed ;
• Use with adequate ventilation ;
• Use explosion proof electrical equipment an d
• Non-sparking tools .

12.18 Protective Controlled measures :

Air supplied mask to be used for a high concentration as a respiratory precaution .

Use protective rubber gloves and goggles for eyes . Eye bath and Safety shower is
recommended as outer protective equipment .

12 .19 Salient features :

Carcinogenic compounds are not present in pure Ethanol .

12.20 Environmental impact of Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline :

• Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline vehicle reduces most of the exhaust emissions .
• Compared with Motor Gasoline vehicle, . the Ethanol Doped Motor Gasolin e
vehicle produces lower hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxid e
emissions .
• At operating temperature, the catalytic converter in an Ethanol Doped Moto r
Gasoline vehicle is very efficient at breaking down aldehydes in to less harmfu l

Industry Manual on Operations, Section. 13 Additional Precaution s
Quality Control & Safety for Ethanol Clause No . Page No .
Doped Motor Gasoline
13.1 1

13 . Additional Precautions :

13 .1 Additional Precautions and First Aid

Don'ts First Aid measures

1 Prolonged exposure to hig h Move person to an open area . Give artificia l
concentration should be avoided respiration in case of breathing problem . Get
medical attention .
2 Ingestion/swallowing should be Induce vomiting immediately as directed b y
avoided medical practitioner .
3 Skin contact should be avoided t o Immediately flush skin with plenty of wate r
prevent absorption of toxic for at least 15 minutes . Remove all
compound into body . contaminated clothing and shoes . Wash &
clean clothing & shoes before reuse .
4 Splashes and eye contact shoul d Immediately flush eyes with plenty of clea n
be avoided . running water for at least 15 minutes, movin g
lower and upper eye lids occasionally .
5 In case of spill do not use Collect liquid in appropriate container o r
combustive materials such as absorb with inert material like vermiculate ,
sawdust etc . Do not flush to dry sand, earth .
sewage system . Remove all
sources of ignition throug h
appropriate protective equipment .

Industry Manual on Operations, Appendix Backup Support
Quality Control & Safety for Ethano l Clause No . Page No .
Doped Motor Gasoline
1—4 1


1. Test Method for Determination of Ethanol (Alcohol) Content i n

A). Ethanol (received by Tank Truck) :
B). Ethanol doped Motor Gasoline - Water Extractio n
C). Ethanol doped Motor Gasoline - Water Extraction (Short Method)

2. Typical line diagram of Ethanol Automatic filling Facility at location .

3. . Typical line diagram of Ethanol Facility at location (in general )

4. Frequently asked Questions

Industry Manual on Operations, Reference Reference
Quality Control & Safety for Ethanol Clause No . Page No .
Doped Motor Gasoline
1–7 1


1. Anhydrous Ethanol for use in Automotive Fuel . specification IS 15464 :2004

2. Tables for Alcoholometry by Hydrometer Method : IS : 2302 .

3. Relation between Proof Strength, Specific Gravity & % of Alcohol by Weight &
Volume. IS : 321, Appendix B' .

4. Specification for Glass Alcoholometers with Thermometer : IS : 3608 (Part II )

5. Test method Ref Rectified Spirit IS 32 3

6. Alcohol Denaturants IS 411 7

7. Water Content – IS : 236 2

8. Specification for Absolute Alcohol : IS : 321 (Grade-2 )

Industry Manual on Operations, Appendix 1 Test Method for Determinatio n
Quality Control & Safety for of Ethanol Content
Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline Procedures Page No .
A toB.3.d 1/5

Test Method for Determination of Ethanol Conten t

A. In Ethanol (received by T/L) :

For determining the percentage of Ethanol content table 1 and table 2 of IS 2302 :
1989 should be used .

B. In Ethanol doped Motor Gasoline :

Method for Determination of ethanol content in 5% ethanol doped Moto r

Gasoline by using Water - A Field Tes t

1 . Scope:
This method covers the determination of ethanol content in ethanol doped Moto r
Gasoline as field test at supply point, Retail Outlet etc, by using water . This metho d
provides a test of on line ethanol doped gasoline for ethanol content by % b y
volume . The method can suitably be used for quality monitoring of ethanol dope d
gasoline for ethanol content in down stream . In case of dispute the sample may b e
subjected to a method ASTMD 4815 as referred in BIS IS 2796 Amendment 3,fo r
Motor Gasolin e

2. Reference :
a. Motor Gasoline - Specification IS 279 6
b. Anhydrous ethanol for use in automotive fuel IS 1546 4

3. Definitions :
a. Ethanol / Denatured Ethanol : Ethanol is the pure chemical, otherwis e
known as hydroxy-ethane, corresponding to the constitution CH 3CH 2OH an d
molecular formula : C2H5OH . Nominally anhydrous ethanol made unfit fo r
beverage use by the addition of noxious or toxic materials (denaturants) an d
same is used as ethanol for the purpose of this test method .

b. Motor Gasoline : A volatile mixture of liquid hydrocarbon, generall y
containing a small amount of additives, suitable for use as a fuel in spark
ignition and internal combustion engines conforming to IS : 2796.

c. Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline : A fuel consisting primarily of Moto r

Gasoline doped with 5% vol ./vol . of denatured anhydrous Ethanol for fue l
conforming to IS :2796 .
d. Water : Water is preferred for extraction procedure, but potable water may b e
used .

Industry Manual on Operations, Appendix 1 Test Method for Determinatio n

Quality Control & Safety for of Ethanol Conten t
Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline Procedures Page No .
B.4toB.6 2/5

4. Outline of the test method :

30 ml of water is added to 100 ml of ethanol doped Motor Gasoline taken in 100 m l
graduated stoppered cylinder. The mixture is shaken vigorously for about 3 0
seconds and cylinder is set aside for five minutes to observe the separation o f
aqueous layer. Increase in the volume of aqueous layer over and above 30 m l
indicates the presence of extractable ethanol in the ethanol doped motor gasolin e
sample tested . The exact quantity of ethanol is then worked out referring th e
observation to the calibration plot made on exact quantity of ethanol vis-a-vi s
extracted from 100 ml of various known concentration of Motor Gasoline vis-a-vi s
extraction through 30 ml of water . Whenever there is change in the source o f
gasoline, the calibration chart is to be re-plotted .

5. Significance and use :

The test method is employed to check the percentage of ethanol in ethanol dope d
Motor Gasoline, as ethanol is having more affinity for mixing with water . Th e
addition of water in ethanol doped Motor Gasoline extracts the ethanol present i n
the ethanol doped Motor Gasoline in to aqueous phase . The increase in the wate r
level indicates the quantity of ethanol in Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline .

6. Apparatus :
a. 100 ml glass Stopper cylinder with l ml graduation (Class 'A' Certificate)
b. 10mI or 25 ml and 5 ml glass pipette, (Class 'A' Certificate )
c. Water

Industry Manual on Operations, Appendix 1 Test Method for Determinatio n
Quality Control & Safety for of Ethanol Conten t
Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline Procedures Page No .
B .7 to B .8 .g 3/5

7 . Calibration on known ethanol content in ethanol doped Motor Gasoline and it s

extraction .

a. Prepare twelve . number of synthetic ethanol doped Motor Gasoline with th e

concentration of 1 to 12 ml of ethanol concentration by percentage volume .
b. Take each 100 ml sample in 100 ml graduated stoppered glass cylinde r
along with one blank Motor Gasoline (without ethanol) .
c. Shake the stopper cylinder vigorously for at least for 30 seconds .
d. Loosen the stopper of glass cylinder to release the vapour pressure in th e
cylinder but do not remove the stopper .
e. Tighten the stopper and allow the stopper cylinder to sit undisturbed a t
ambient temperature upright on the levelled surface for a period of at leas t
five minutes to allow the water-ethanol mixture to settle to the bottom .
f. If separation of two layers is not complete lightly tap the cylinder t o
encourage the complete separation .
g. Record the level of aqueous layer in glass cylinder by reading th e
measurement at the lowest part of the meniscus .
h. Presence of Ethanol % in ethanol doped Motor Gasoline =
Volume of aqueous layer observed in graduated cylinder – 30 ml (wate r
added during testing) .
i. Plot a graph on various values obtained in "h" as ordinates vis-a-vis
corresponding synthetic lab-blend as per "a" as abscissa including that of th e
observation made on the blank .

8. Procedure :

a. Take 100 ml sample of ethanol-doped gasoline under test in 100 m l

graduated stoppered glass cylinder (Thoroughly cleaned and dried) .
b. Add precisely 30 ml water to the sample taken in the glass cylinder .
c. Shake the stopper cylinder vigorously for at least 30 seconds .
d. Loosen the stopper of glass cylinder to release the vapour pressure in th e
cylinder but do not remove the stopper .
e. Tighten the stopper and allow the stopper cylinder to sit undisturbed at
ambient temperature upright on the levelled surface for a period of at leas t
five minutes to allow the water-ethanol mixture to settle to the bottom .
f. If separation of two layers is not complete lightly tap the cylinder t o
encourage the complete separation .

Record the level of aqueous layer in glass cylinder by reading th e
measurement at the lowest part of the meniscus .
g. Presence of Ethanol % in ethanol doped Motor Gasoline =
Volume of aqueous layer observed in graduated cylinder – 30 ml (wate r
added during testin g

Industry Manual on Operations, Appendix 1 Test Method for Determinatio n

Quality Control & Safety for of Ethanol Conten t
Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline Procedures Page No .
9to 11 4/5 .

9 . Calculation :
a) Observation made under 8 .(g), is to be put on the abscissa and th e
corresponding concentration of ethanol is to be obtained from the ordinate .
b) Whenever there is a change in source of Motor Gasoline, for better results, i t
is recommended to re-plot the graph as mentioned in the paragraph 7 (i )

10. Report
Report the fully corrected results to the nearest 0 .5 ml as the ethanol water mixture
and report after deducting 30 ml (water added during testing), as percentage o f
ethanol content available in the given ethanol doped Motor Gasoline sample .

11 . Precision and bias :

In the absence of calibration plot the value observed in aqueous phase can be
calculated to the nearest percentage volume as per the under mentioned precisio n

Based on the field tests, it was observed that a maximum of 4 .6 ml (average) of

ethanol content is extracted in to the aqueous phase as against 5 ml ethanol adde d
in ethanol doped Motor Gasoline .

The Standard Deviation of the test results indicates ± 0 .24% .

Considering the precision of the graduated glass cylinder, the maximum possibl e
measurement can be 4 .5% Volume with standard deviation of ± 0 .5% .

Percentage Repeatability

5 % v/v 0.5ml (Approximately)

Bias: No justifiable . values of reproducibility, bias for this test method can be state d
as the test at best detects the presence of ethanol in ethanol doped Motor Gasolin e
and test can be recommended as a field test method .

.O R

Industry Manual on Operations, Appendix 1 Test Method for Determinatio n
Quality Control & Safety for of Ethanol Content
Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline Procedures Page No .
C 5/5

C. Water Extraction Method (Short) :

This is a simple test and it can be used to determine the amount of Ethanol presen t
in gasoline qualitatively as well as semi-qualitatively . The test is based on simple
principle of "water extraction" of Ethanol doped Motor Gasoline .

A 100 millilitres (ml) graduated stoppered glass cylinder (A class) is used for th e
test . Place 100 ml of the Ethanol doped Motor Gasoline sample in the graduate d
cylinder (thoroughly cleaned and dried) . Add precisely' 30 ml of distilled water int o
the cylinder . Stopper the cylinder and shake thoroughly for at least one minute . Set
aside the cylinder for about five minutes . If no Ethanol i s. present, the 10-m1 of wate r
will settle to the bottom of the cylinder . If Ethanol is present, it will dissolve wit h
water and come along with water in the water layer thereby increasing the volume o f
bottom quantity of water to greater than 30 ml .

Subtract 30 ml from total volume of water plus ethanol content at the bottom an d
report the remainder as percentage of Ethanol in the Ethanol doped Motor Gasoline .

Equipment require d

1. 100 ml graduated stoppered cylinder with graduation interval of 1 .0 ml (A

class with works certificate )
2. 10 ml Pipette (A class )
3. Distilled water

Industry Manual on Operations, Appendix 2 Typical Line Diagram of Ethano l
Quality Control & Safety for automatic filing facility at Locatio n
Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline Procedures Page No .



REF, P & ID NO. 1002 FOR



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Industry Manual on Operations, Appendix 3 Typical Line Diagram of Ethano l
Quality Control & Safety for Ethanol Facility at Locatio n
Doped Motor Gasoline Line Diagram Page No .

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Industry Manual on Operations, Appendix 4 Frequently Aske d
Quality Control & Safety for Ethanol Question s
Doped Motor Gasoline Question No . Page No .
1to5 1/3

1. What is Fuel Ethanol or Gasohol or Ethanol for Motor Gasoline ?

Ethanol for Gasoline, also known as Fuel Ethanol or Gasohol, is a high octane, wate r
free denatured Ethanol, produced from the fermentation of sugar or molasses o r
grains or other renewable agricultural and agro forestry feedstock . It is used fo r
doping with a concentration ranging from 5% – 10 % in Motor Gasoline, which i s
presently recommended up to 5% only as per BIS specification for motor gasoline I S
– 2796 : 200 0

2. What is Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline or Ethanol doped Petrol ?

When fuel Ethanol is doped in Motor Gasoline, it is named Ethanol doped Moto r
Gasoline or Ethanol Doped Petrol . This is primarily used for two stroke and four strok e
vehicles and is conforming to Motor Gasoline specifications IS -2796 : 2000.

3. What are the advantages of using Ethanol Doped Petrol?

Fuel Ethanol is a renewable agro product and with Motor Gasoline it gives a cleaner ,
environment friendly fuel .

It adds to clean engine while burning . It lowers net Carbon-di-oxide emission . It

lessens the dependency on imported light crude oil .

Use of Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline expands market opportunity for farmers an d
economic opportunities for rural India .

4. How does the use of Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline benefit the environment ?

• The emissions produced by burning Ethanol are less reactive with sunlight tha n
with those produced by burning Motor Gasoline . Thus results in lower potentia l
for forming the damaging Ozone .
• The use of Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline can reduce the net emission o f
greenhouse gases .
• Oxygenated Gasoline such as Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline lowers the level o f
Carbon monoxide gas emission by promoting the more complete combustion o f
the fuel .

5. Is the Ethanol production energy efficient ?

Ethanol contains about 22,400 BTUs pre litre (high heating value) . The energy
content however may not be as important as the energy replaced due to the highe r
combustion efficiency of Ethanol and its octane credit . Ethanol can replace 26, 57 5
BTU of Gasoline .

Industry Manual on Operations, Appendix 4 Frequently Asked

Quality Control & Safety for Ethanol Question s
Doped Motor Gasoline Question No . Page No .
6to 11 2/3

6. How will the use of Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline affect the vehicles ?

Almost all manufacturers approve the use of Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline an d
some even recommend it for environmental reasons . Ethanol helps to clean out th e
fuel injection system and may add in the maintenance of cleaner engine .

All alcohols have the ability to absorb water and therefore condensation in the fue l
system is absorbed. Ethanol will not burn engine valves . As such ethanol burns coole r
than gasoline . In fact, high-powered racing engines use pure Ethanol for that reason .

Ethanol can loosen contaminants and residues that have been deposited by previou s
gasoline fills . These can collect in the fuel filter . This problem has happene d
occasionally in older cars, and can easily be corrected by changing fuel filters .

7. Is it safe to handle Ethanol Doped Petrol ?

Material safety data sheet reveals that the properties of Ethanol Doped Moto r
Gasoline are substantially the same as conventional Motor Gasoline .

8. Do ethanol brands need special handling of storage ?

Only in special circumstances . The water accumulated in the storage tank needs to
be pumped out . It is wise to check the presence of water and drain the tank i f
necessary .

9. Is water contamination in Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline a big problem ?

No, it's not . The vast majority of installations abroad handling Ethanol Doped Moto r
Gasoline have never experienced any water contamination in their product .

10. How do you know if there is water in a storage tank of ethanol doped gasoline ?

Water is heavier, if present, will settle to the bottom of the storage tank . Ethano l
absorbs the small amounts of water and will not affect performance while in use .

11. If water is not traceable then what prevents from watering down of the Ethano l
Doped Petrol ?

Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline can not absorb unlimited amount of water . Th e
amount of water dissolved depends on total volume, percentage of Ethanol ,

temperature of the product . It would be almost impossible to water down the Ethano l
Doped Petrol .
Industry Manual on Operations, Appendix 4 Frequently Asked
Quality Control & Safety for Ethanol Question s
Doped Motor Gasoline Question No . Page No .
12-17 3/ 3

12. How does water get into the storage tank ?

Ground water may seep through the cracks in old storage tanks . It may also get int o
the tank through rains, or snow, due to cracks / poorly / improperly fitted caps on fil l
pipes or improper vent .

13. If Ethanol absorbs water, how can there be water contamination in Ethano l
Doped Petrol ?

Ethanol Doped Motor Gasoline can absorb a certain amount of water . The higher th e
temperature the greater amount of water the mixture will hold till it attains saturation . If
saturated mixture drops in either temperature or percentage of Ethanol, the water wil l
start to precipitate and settle at the bottom of the tank . This water will be mixed wit h
ethanol. The Gasoline mixture at the top will still be saturated . This is what is referre d
to as phase separation .

14. What happens if people buy phase separated gasoline?

If phase separation occurs in a storage tank then delivery may have Gasoline wate r
Ethanol or Gasoline Ethanol or water Ethanol depending on the degree of separation ,
and the height of the water Ethanol in relation to the discharged pipe leading from th e
tank to the dispenser.

15. Will everyone who buys phase–separated gasoline experience problems i n

vehicles ?

Fortunately, no . Very few people usually experience problems . Many people buying a
water-saturated product will still have some unsaturated gasoline / ethanol mixtures i n
their tanks . The vehicle tanks are often warmer than bulk storage underground tanks .

16. How does the water from the phase separated mixture is removed ?

The best way to correct the water problem in an ethanol gasoline tank is to remov e
the ethanol / water mixture from the bottom of the tank and tank may be topped u p
with a fresh mixture of ethanol and gasoline to bring down the saturation . This wast e
must be disposed off according to the environmental regulations .

17. What to do if water contamination is observed in vehicle fuel tank ?

Drain out the water . This problem can be addressed properly keeping the fuel tank ful l
in the winter months and ensuring that the fuel tank cap is tight .
********************** *


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