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100 Revista Informatica Economică, nr.

3 (43)/2007

ERP for Romanian Higher Education

Ana-Ramona BOLOGA, Bucharest, Romania,

Also most of the big ERP providers provide solutions for higher education, including SAP
AG, Oracle, JD Eduards, Peoplesoft, universities preferr other specialized applications which
better fit their specific needs. This paper presents the advantages of an integrated solution for
higher education and analyzes the solutions offered for this sector by the Romanian ERP
market. The conlusion is more like an invitation to discussion about possible solutions to the
present Romanian university situation: low budgets, changing regulations, isolated, self-
developed applications.
Keywords: higher education, ERP, integrated software solutions.

W hat is an ERP system

The development of market economy in
Romania have brought important changes in
management, resource management, supply-
chain systems, marketing automation and so
the Romanian economic system and IT&C Most of the big ERP providers provide solu-
market, introducing integrated software solu- tions for higher education, including SAP
tions (ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning) AG, Oracle, JD Eduards, Peoplesoft. For
that offer a complete solutions for companies these higher education solutions, most ven-
by managing workflow, improving efficiency dors have taken a corporate solution and re-
and diminishing process errors. fashioned it to respond to the specific needs
Radical changes in economic field and de- of academic sector.
velopment of organization activities require Lately, most ERP for higher education are in-
permanent adjustments, and those adjust- tegrated with portal solutions, which are
ments are challenging the effort and analysis first and foremost improving service to en-
capacities of the organization. ERP systems sure enduring relationships with clients, pro-
were created as a response to these chal- viding a unique and personal perspective
lenges, as they are capable of processing a over the university to each user. There are
very large amount of data and aggregated in- many features a portal can provide:
formation for the purpose of process optimi- • Distribute content information and com-
zation. munication – digitized library materials, web
ERP are client-server applications developed searching, news, email, etc;
for transaction processing and for enhancing • Education and training –course delivery
process integration, starting from process to distant locations, technology enhanced
planning phase, to the relationships with sup- learning, video streaming;
pliers, customer or other partners. Before • Market for selling and buying of goods
ERP, most organizations didn’t offer an inte- and services;
grated system for using and providing neces- • Brand awareness and loyalty promotion
sary data to the activity of various organiza- Usually, a university ERP includes the fol-
tion departments or units. Those were seen as lowing modules: campus management, dis-
small “information islands”, each of them tance learning tools and grants management.
with its own system, working differently, ad- But there can be much more involved (see
justed to the specific of that department. Figure 1).
Most ERP solutions are modular and open,
including modules for all the functional areas
of a company: financial management, order
Revista Informatica Economică, nr. 3 (43)/2007 101

Figure 1: Processes in SAP for Higher Education and Research [SAP]

ERP system producers have rapidly em- • Time consuming;

braced the demands for e-commerce applica- • Supplier dependency;
tions, such as online billing, e-procurement, • Non-conformant modules (significant dif-
etc [SWA01]. Reporting capabilities are very ferences from university requirements).
important as they offer an invaluable support Referring strictly to HE ERPs, their most im-
for decision making. Modern ERPs often of- portant benefits are [SAP]:
fer a foundation for moving to a data ware- • Reducing university administrative costs
house that can provide better capabilities for – By integrating all the processes related to
extracting and transforming data. financials, operations, procurement, human
2. Advantages of ERP systems capital management, reporting, and analytics,
The main advantages of an ERP system are: ERPs offer a better organized and efficient
• Quality information – an ERP uses a management which implies an important re-
unique database, which contains consistent duction of administrative costs.
and accurate data and offers improved report- • Unifying information and processes re-
ing; lated to students, faculty and staff – Usually,
• Adaptability – economic process changes universities and research organizations spend
are easily reflected by the ERP system; a lot of time and money on maintaining exist-
• Scalability – the modular structure of the ing infrastructure and integrating heteroge-
system allows adding of new components; neous systems, leaving few resources for in-
• Improved response time - the ERP sys- novation. HE ERP solutions integrate stu-
tem offers ad-hoc information and reports; dents, faculty, and staff while reducing com-
• Reduced reliance on paper and user- plexity and cost.
friendly web-based interfaces • Better decision-making – this is key to
• The avoidance of data and operation re- realizing objectives and ERPs provide man-
dundancy – the existence of o unique data- agement with e-business analytics or infor-
base eliminates repeated update operations; mation that it needs to make decisions or take
• Openness for e-business – ERP architec- action, measure that signal and can help pre-
ture offers support for new e-business appli- vent future problems, set early warning
cation integration (eg. E-procurement). thresholds, measures of personalized targets
But there are also some important disadvan- that are future dated.
tages to consider in deciding an ERP imple- • Meeting compliance and governance re-
mentation: quirements – most ERPs allow the meeting
• High costs; of demands for accountability and financial
• Complexity; transparency with executive dashboards,
alerting and reporting, security and identity
102 Revista Informatica Economică, nr. 3 (43)/2007

management, content and records manage- educational system is a major factor of influ-
ment, and workflow and business-process ence in engaging a complete ERP solution,
management. considering the high costs involved not only
• Promoting relationships – ERP solutions by its acquisition, but also by its
usually offer an on-line interface which has a maintanance. This is a major drawback, es-
significant impact over the efficiency of pecially for small universities.
communications with students, faculty, On the Romanian ERPs market there are sev-
alumni, and suppliers. eral locally developed solutions which re-
spond to specific demands of Romanian uni-
3. Vendors and Products on the Romanian versities. This paper will focus on four solu-
Market tions:
From ERP’s point of view, Romanian market
is still very young. The lack of funds in the

Gesco UMS Sicob Naum

Modules Student + in- Student Finance Student, fi-
tegration to nance, HR
Installed Base 6 clients 6 clients 35-45 clients 3-5 clients
Multi Lingual Romanian, Romanian, Romanian Romanian,
English (fu- English, English (fu-
ture) other (future) ture)
Major Car- Big universi- Medium uni- Public uni-
nagie Seg- ties (dozens versities (few versities
ments of thousands thousand stu-
of students) dents)
Content Yes No No Yes
Database SQL Server Oracle or Progress Oracle 10g
SQL Server Workgroup
Development Microsoft Java Progress Ac- Visual Fox-
tools .NET (ASP, tuate Devel- Pro 9.0
Web, XML, oper
Table 1. Features of HE ERPs
1. Gesco has been provided since 2000 by mation System), financed in 2001 by the
Genisoft (from Timisoara) and it offers stu- ministry of education and implemented in
dent module with some integration to Sicob. public universities. The ministry of education
It offers support for ECT (European Credit financed few licenses, but the implementa-
Transfer System). tion didn’t finish, eventually, and adding new
2. UMS has been provided since 2004 by licenses is expensive for most universities. It
Redpoint (from Iasi) and it offers only stu- provides solutions for financial management
dent module. An important notice is that it of budgeting, research, accounting and pay-
has been integrated with SAP from 2006 in roll.
Finance and HR and SAP sells in Romania 4. Naum, provided by Naum Consult
for HE only with UMS. The solution is com- (from Bucharest) offers a full ERP solution:
patible to European universities, using ECTS financial data of students being integrated
Prices are up to 10000 Euros, and there are with ALOP financial module, student module
some optional components. from 2003, and also HR module. It is com-
3. Sicob (from Romsys), has a special patible with ECTS. Prices are accordingly to
story, its start point being a project called modules and university size and there is an
EMIS (Educational Management Infor- option of paying per number of users per
Revista Informatica Economică, nr. 3 (43)/2007 103

month. Only about 35% of universities have a stu-

A market research performed in 2006 re- dent solution, but only 15% used it from the
vealed that the number of players on the four main vendors. Except from Naum, there
market is reduced, and most universities use is no specific vendor for HR module, so most
self-developed solutions. Almost all universi- implementations are self developed.
ties have financial solutions, and Sicob was
the major vendor for the financial module.
100% 5 0
3 0
0 Gesco
80% 21 38
60% Naum

40% 66 56 Sicob
20% 41

3 Self developed/
0% Other
Student Finance HR

Figure 2. Percents of installation by ERP vendor

4. Conclusion European integration of Romanian higher

Low budgets of most university constrain education system might benefit from the
them and they are trying to work their way support of European funds. But, in order to
out of this situation by using self developed access the European funds, the universities
applications. The problem with these applica- should manifest interest, make congruent ef-
tions is that they are not integrated, they are forts and put some pressure on the decision
not communicating with each other, leading factors, on one side, and, on the other side,
to extensive use of paper, lack of real-time the political support is also very important.
information, redundancy in information in- For the moment none of them seems to be
puts and lack of transparency. More, when strong enough.
transferring data from one module to another, Universities should realize that they are not
there might be required data transformations, so drastically different and given that, they
which are made manually now. should collaborate in order to influence ven-
On another side, the Romanian education dors to become more sensitive to higher edu-
system has just been integrated to the Euro- cation needs. This way, ERP vendors should
pean education system, so there is a need for provide some best practice models to reduce
reorganization to accommodate to the Euro- the costs of ERP implementation.
pean standards. In the same time, there is the
need to accommodate to the ECTS system. Bibliography
The attempt of ministry of education to cre- [1] [KVA02] Kvavik, R. B., Katz, R.N - The
ate an ERP/Finance system for universities Promise And Performance of ERP Systems in
did not succeed, but it might come back. Higher Education, Educause Center for Applied
Would it be a good idea? The resistance to Research. Research Bulletin, Number 4, 2002;
[2] [SWA01] Swartz, D., Orgill, K. - Higher
change is pretty high, as many universities
Education ERP: Lesson Learned, Educause Cen-
has developed and implemented applications ter for Applied Research. Research Bulletin,
to suite exactly their structure and their Number 2, 2001;
needs. Sicob generated dissatisfaction as it [3] [SAP] SAP for Higher Education and
wasn’t updated to the changing laws. In fact, Reasearch,
the frequent law changing affects all HE so-
lutions, generating the need for updates, x.
which are very costly and inconvenient.

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