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Dr. Jose Rizal deserves the “National Hero of the Philippines” title because he
fought for freedom in a quiet but strong way and didn't use force or anger to show how
much he loved the Philippines. Most known heroes in the country such as Andres
Bonifacio, Gen. Antonio Luna, Lapu-Lapu, and many more, has always been known to
use swords or violence to fight for the country’s freedom. Dr. Rizal did otherwise. Rizal
was an ideal candidate because he died without ever having committed an act of violence
and instead battled for our freedom with his pen. This is why he is remembered as the
ideal candidate. The people regard him as the quintessential example of exemplary
behavior, and they are elated to share the same racial background as he does
Dr. Jose Rizal did not make use of his intelligence, gifts, or skills in an aggressive
manner in order to fight for the country; rather, he did so in order to make use of them in
a peaceful manner. Concerning the country, he composed a variety of works, such as
novels, essays, and articles. These works were published. In a nutshell, he advocated for
the liberties of the country by writing in a creative way, using the creativity he possessed
in the process.
Rizal emerged as a leader for the Filipino people, who for many years had been
silenced as a result of Spanish colonial rule, which continued for centuries. He had
received an education, so he was conscious of the misdeeds that had been committed
by Spanish priests and officials of the Spanish government. In the beginning, during his
time as a founding member and subsequently during his time as a member of La Liga
Filipina, he campaigned for reforms to the Spanish colonial government.
He is the creator of the books "Noli Me Tangere" and "El Fiibusterismo," both of
which were published. Which infuriated the Spanish authorities because it gave the
impression that they were being threatened. The books, despite the fact that they were
works of fiction, recounted the atrocities that had been committed against the natives by
Spanish administrators. Spanish officials, alarmed by the possibility of harm posed by the
two books, became enraged and pressed for Rizal's arrest and exile in Dapitan. They did
this because they were concerned about the potential danger posed by the books. During
the time that he was forced to spend in exile in Dapitan, Rizal devoted himself to working
toward the improvement of the residents of that community. Locals were moved to
advocate for independence from Spain rather than for the Spanish government to make
changes as a result of Rizal's two novels, which he wrote during his time in the Philippines.
As a consequence of this, the administration of the Spanish colonial territory became
disturbed. In 1896, Rizal was tried for treachery and sedition, and he was sentenced to
death. He was executed in Bagumbayan, which is now known as Rizal Park. The
execution that was carried out did not result in a suspension of the demands for
independence. The Katipunan organized and led a full-scale revolutionary battle during
the time that they were fighting against the Spanish colonial administration.
The Americans held Rizal in high regard both due to the fact that he was murdered
by the Spaniards and due to the fact that he pursued freedom through nonviolent means.
In contrast to Andres Bonifacio, whose desire for independence for the country of his birth
required him to resort to the use of coercion. The Americans thought that Andres
Bonifacio's attitude toward independence was inappropriate, and they worried that it
might incite other Filipinos to rebel against American dominance of their country. This is
the reason why Jose Rizal was chosen to be the hero of the country rather than him. After
the military forces headed by Aguinaldo were defeated by American forces in the conflict
between the Philippines and the United States, Jose Rizal was proclaimed the greatest
Filipino hero during the time of American colonization.
The legitimacy of Jose Rizal's status as a national icon was called into question by
a significant number of Filipinos. The fact that the tradition is still carried on from one
generation to the next is another factor that contributes to the ongoing occurrence of this
manifestation. Filipinos are aware of the fact that every individual has their own individual
motivations for participating in a particular arrangement. Through the novels, essays,
articles, and poems he wrote, he showed his affection for the Philippines rather than
acting as a force of aggression toward the country. A rebellion against the Spanish
colonizers was led by Bonifacio. Many people are curious about whether or not Rizal
fulfilled those requirements, which is one reason why he is still regarded as our national
icon to this day. The storyline investigates Philippine society during the time of Spanish
colonial rule, unearthing the aristocracy that was responsible for the country's widespread
destitution as well as the brutality of the colonialists.
Rizal believed that the use of force or military opposition should be a last resort,
and that the restoration of people's dignity should serve as the primary motivation for
achieving national liberty and self-rule. He displayed unwavering loyalty and dedication
to his homeland throughout his life. Rizal's Death for his country was an act of bravery
and courage on his Part. He was an incredibly brave and courageous man, in spite of the
fact that he did not bring any weapons with him. Even Jose Rizal, who is universally
acknowledged as the most heroic of Filipinos, was not officially recognized as a national
hero during his lifetime.
Novels written by him during the Spanish era have brought him a great deal of
notoriety. It is a testament to the continued veneration or acclamation that he receives
from the people of the Philippines that his place in Philippine history is where it is today.
This is in recognition of his contribution to the significant societal transformations that took
place in our country. Without a shadow of a question, Jose Rizal is the greatest hero and
martyr that our country has ever produced.
Although Rizal did not advocate for independence, many people were motivated
to rebel against Spain as a result of his writings and his execution. This is the principal
justification for why Jose Rizal is regarded as a national hero. He instilled a feeling of
patriotism in the citizens of the country who had been subjected to Spanish rule for
hundreds of years. Rizal did not advocate for armed conflict. He exemplifies the proverb
that "the pen is mightier than the sword" in every way. In addition to this, he was an
educated man who advocated for the independence of the people through the
dissemination of knowledge. He advocated for locals to be granted equitable rights and
for Spanish colonials to not be the only ones to have such rights. And ultimately, he was
a martyr who died because he refused to compromise his principles.
Rizal is regarded as the best Filipino hero to have ever lived because he was the
most intelligent, brave, and dangerous opponent of reactionaries and tyrants to have ever
lived. In actuality, a man with courage would not opt to flee but would instead put up the
best fight he could with the tools at his disposal. The sculpture, which Jose Rizal made
and is characterized as "extremely rare and historically significant," will be auctioned off.
Jose Rizal is hailed as a national hero in the Philippines for the modest yet effective way
that he fought for independence. One of the identifying traits is the presence of some kind
of extraordinary power, which could, among other things, take the shape of superhuman
strength or the capacity to fly. It's conceivable that traits like friendliness, hospitality, and
a readiness to help the less fortunate can be compared to superpowers or even
something even more powerful that can save the day. Dr. Jose Rizal is the figure who
dominates all others in the eyes of Filipinos. He was truly exceptional at the time, even
among his peers. He used nonviolent means to influence a movement that was launched
against the Spanish colonizers. His selflessness and self-denial were admirable, and the
fact that he had abandoned all of his own interests added to his total admirability. Jose
Rizal is revered as a national hero in the Philippines for his quiet but successful freedom
struggle. This is as a result of Rizal's sacrifice for his cause. He expressed his love for
the Philippines through the creation of stories, essays, and articles rather than through
acts of hostility or violence. He was truly exceptional at the time, even among his peers.
Many young people in the Philippines look up to him as a role model for a son and as a
ladies' man because he was a physicist, scholar, and writer. He was a scholar as well.
He has a short fuse and is readily angered. Due to the sacrifices he made in an effort to
bring peace and unity to the entire country, Dr. Jose P. Rizal was given the title of national
hero in our beloved country.

P.N. Abinales and Donna J. Amoroso, State and Society in the
Philippines (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2005), p. 187.Retrived March 19, 2023

Steffi San Buenaventura, “Filipino Folk Spirituality and Immigration,” New Spiritual
Homes: Religion and Asian Americans, ed. David Yoo (Honolulu: University of Hawai’i
Press, 1999), pp. 52-86.Retrived March 19, 2023

Luis H. Francia, A History of the Philippines: From Indios Bravos to Filipinos (New
York: The Overlook Press, 2010). Retrived March 19, 2023

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