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Dear Parents,
Learning is a continuous process where we need to regularly work and improve. During the summer break the
students have the time to explore new ideas and learn new things. With this aim in mind students have been
assigned projects & assignments for the summer break through which they will have fun as well learn new things.

Grade – IX
Sr. No. Subjects Assignments
1. English Create a comic strips based on any one chapter (Beehive: Ch- 1 The Fun
They Had ) or (Moments :Ch -1 The Lost Child) .
Carefully maintain following points:
* To be done in A-3 size sheet.
* Minimum six panels.
* Include dialogue writing in each panel.
2. Science Lab manual work of Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
3. Hindi jktLFkku o ukxkySaM dh fof’k"V tutkfr;k¡ ¼Jo.k okpu xfrfof/k½
4. Maths Using any of the Statistical tools(Frequency Polygons, Line Graphs, Bar
Graphs, Histograms and Pie Charts), represent a comparative study of
number of tourists visiting Nagaland and Rajasthan and the revenue
generated by it, in context to the Hotel Industry with the help of a Power
point presentation.
Points to remember while making the PPT:
 Minimum 3 slides in context of the topic asked to prepare the
PPT on.
 The content should be original i.e, it should not be copied in any
form from the internet but you may take help of the internet to
collect the data.
Note: Best PPTs will be displayed in Assembly after the summer break.
5. Social Science Prepare a hand written project on ‘Disaster Management’, on the topic
of ‘Earthquake in Turkey and Delhi’
1. Design your own cover
page related to the topic.
2. Index
3. Acknowledgement
4. Disaster Management
Cycle: Explain each step of
disaster management cycle;
how does it work; function
and responsibilities of each
5. On the basis of the cycle
given write about each stage
of disaster management cycle.With the help of the disaster management
cycle, explain each stage of cycle in reference to earthquake in Turkey,
Syria and later in Delhi.
6. Bibliography : Make a list of research done
(website/newspaper/magazines or any other sources).
The distribution of marks over different aspects relating to Project Work
is as follows: Aspects
1 Content accuracy, Originality, Analysis
2 Presentation and creativity
3 Viva Voce

Note:- The students have to submit their work (Project/Assignment) to the subject teacher when the
school reopens after the summer break.

Thanking you

Mrs. Archana Pal Singh


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