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(“Some examples of maintenance Checks on an aircraft”.)


1.Kain cargo door lock indicators checked. (If installed) (Through External Latch Viewing

2. Static ports and probes checked:

A. Check static ports are open.

B. Check that pitot tubes are not damaged.

C. Check air temperature probes for damage.

D. Angle of attack sensor vanes checked for damage. Do not spin sensor.

3. Radome checked for damage and security.

4.Window and access panels.

A. Cabin windows checked for damage (from the ground)

B. Hatches and access panels closed and latched. Check that panels are flush with adjacent skin and
that latches are fully engaged.

C. Overwing emergency hatches flush with the skin.

D. Copilots emergency exit handle checked secure.

5. Electronics and lower nose compartments.

A. Lower nose and electronic compartments checked.

B. Door closed and latched.

6. Cargo compartments

A. Check cargo compartments for obvious damage.

B. Oxygen bottles and pressure check valves open. Cross check with gages in control cabin. Check
oxygen pressure is sufficient to satisfy dispatch requirements.

*Indicates Transit Check Item




1. Cear, wheels, tires and brakes checked for leaks, wear and damage:

A. Tires for uneven wear, cuts and flat spots.

B. Brake wear pins with brakes applied.

C. Wheels for cracks or damage.

D. Tires for proper inflation. (Preflight Item) Inflate tires with nitrogen as required.

(1) Check pressures when tires are cool.

(2) If tire pressure leakage is in excess of 20% at any time, replace tire before next flight, maximum
pressure for 22 ply tires is 150 psi and for 24 ply tires. 165 ps1.

2. Struts checked:

A. For extension and evidence of leaks.

B. Wipe exposed portion of strut piston with a cloth moistened with MIL-H-5606 hydraulic fluid
(RED), then wipe with a dry cloth.

3. Nose and main landing gear and wheel wells.

Check all hydraulic components in the wheel well areas. Recommended procedure for checking
hydraulic components is to begin at the wheel brakes - proceed up the strut into the wing cavity
checking landing gear actuators and plumbing- then proceed around the wheel well checking
actuators, valves, tubing. Check for leakage and obvious damage.

A. Hydraulic System reservoirs and quantity checked. Service if required. (Main W.W.)

B. Hydraulic System return filter differential pressure indicators (RED) out of view.

C. Deleted Redundant to 5.A. Page 4.


1. Lower wing surface and wing tips.

A. Trailing edge flaps and ailerons checked:

(1) Check for proper fairing with wing and ailerons.

(2) Ailerons and tabs faired with wing.

B. Tank vents clear - No leakage.

C. Flame arrestor pressure relief valve installed).

*Indicates Transit Check Items 

D. Static dischargers intact.

E. Leading edge flaps and slats checked':

(1) Skin surfaces for condition. Evidence of fluid leakage.

(2) Check for proper fairing with wing.

2. Navigation and landing 11ghts.

A. Navigation lights ON- check for damage.

B. Landing 11ghts checked for damage.

3. Fuel sumps drained.

NOTE: If the airplane has been fueled just prior to performing the preflight, delaying draining the
sumps as long as possible to allow water to settle.


1. Engine Inlets and exhaust sections checked.

A. Perform a visual check of the engine inlet, and first stage compressor blades for damage. Also
inlet cowl. nose come and gravel deflector tube. (When installed.)

B. Check tailpipe for evidence of metal/oil accumulation FOD or turbine blade damage; including
exhaust tail plug and exhaust case struts.

C. Check that thrust reversers fair with engine cowling when closed.

D. Check overboard drains for evidence of fuel leakage.

2. Cowling and fairings checked.

A. Nacelle cowling, fairings and access panels for security and external damage and for evidence of
seal drain leakage.

*Indicates Transit Check Items

B. Make certain cowl panels are securely latched. Panels should fair with adjacent cowling/fairings.

3. Drain holes and masts checked for fuel or hydraulic fluid leakage.

4. Aft mount for possible cone bolt failure.

A. Check aft engine mount installation by looking for visible red stripe on top of bulkhead of aft
wing to nacelle fairing immediately forward of aft fairing. If red stripe is visible, examine cone bolt.

NOTE: Thrust reverser must be stowed and locked.

5. Service engine oil tank.

A. Through access in side cowl panel, visually check engine oil level. Service as required and record
the quantity added. Check that the oil tank cap is secure.

NOTE: Service oil tank within 20 minutes of engine shutdown or after motoring engines for two

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