7.0 Leading

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Definition of leading are motivating and directing the members of the organization so that
they contribute to the achivement of the goals of the organization.
Based on this statement, it is important to noted that in leading, the leader role is the most
important part or the core in leading. Leader who has great leadership usually would be able
to lead or leading their subordinate successfully.
In Pizza Hut company, they are many noteworthy leader such as Aaron Powell that serves
as Chief Executive Officer of the Pizza Hut Division, reporting directly to the Yum! Brands
CEO. For this role, he is mostly in charge to creating Pizza Hut’s global growth strategies,
franchise operations and performance.His past employement are 14 years at Kimberly-Clark
which his role is serving in a variety of global leadership roles across the business-to-
business and marketing, e-Commerce, sales, operations and consumer operations with
extensive experience in corporate strategy
Next person is, David Graves which is the President of Pizza Hut U.S.His role are thriving
profitable same-store sales, franchise operations and overall performance for the brand’s
U.S. business. Before his employement in Pizza Hut, he has experinced in serving in
multiple roles at KFC U.S. overseeing marketing, strategy, innovation and insights.The
company, KFC U.S has grown significantly in sales the following years.
Other than that, next individual would be Lynne Broad which is the Chief Financial Officer for
Pizza Hut U.S.,as the leader in Pizza Hut’s finance and development functions. Lynne has
been with Yum for 14 years, holding several positions. She also had been appointed as
Chief Financial Officer SOPAC. Her task at that time was all of KFC finance activities
including the development and execution of strategies, objectives, and plans to achieve
consistent growth for KFC SOPAC.


After reviewing the employees feedback on their experience online, company career
overview and the company leaders interviews, we believed that the Pizza Hut leadership
approaches is related in behavioural theories The Michigan University Studies.
In this study, after analysing information based on interview with both leaders and followers,
the Michigan University Studies pinpointed two basic types of leader behaviours. The types
are Production-Centered Behavior and Employee-Centered Behavior.

For Pizza Hut company,their types are more leaning towards to Employee-Centered
Behavior which is leader behavior that focuses on primarily on subordinates as people.The
managers encourage employee participation in goal setting and other work decisions and
help ensure high performance by inspiring trust and respect.

At Pizza Hut headquarters, it is said that the working environment is mostly fast-paced and
supportive culture. The company believe in all individual and supporting their growth is one
of the important priority and recognising the results and achievements is the policy. To sum it
up, the company believe that all individual has their own potential and uses so their
importance is clear.

The company also stated that In Pizza Hut, employees are treated as one of the family
member which mean that ever effort are recognised and praised. they also stated that the
important part as an employee are commitment to the company and their ability to serve the
best of their ability as an employee. While the past employee review are mostly ;
1) Associate (Former Employee) - Atlanta, GA - 12 January 2023

Job was great , pay was ok & the workers were also fine , Management was great & just
overall a great place to work . Also very flexible when it come to scheduling.

2) Cook (Former Employee) - Mena, AR - 11 January 2023

My time at Pizza Hut I love working there and would tell the next person to try to work for
them as well if you want to have fun why you make money you would love to work at Pizza

Great place to build your self up

The breaks was when you feel like you need one, they are helpful an understanding.

3) Server (Former Employee) - St. Thomas, ON - 10 January 2023

It is mostly the owner that makes this place a great place to work. As long as you come to
work and do your job, there are no worries. The one thing that wasn't great was knowing the
specials when you would come in. It was just expected that you would know.

While this may be most of the reviews, it is by no means that there are quite many
dissatisfied, complain and abused employees. As we can see, Pizza Hut is a large company
that have their own history and accomplishment and have been all around the world which
make the management side are harder to control completely. Despite all that, the brand still
manage to stand on its own ground and keep their image as a company that held
importance to their employees and customers which prove their competency and great

Controlling can be defined as a process through which managers regulate orgnisational
activities to make them consistent with expectations and help them to achieve
predetermined standards of performance. With effective control in organisations, it can
ensure to deliver an excellent output to its shareholders. Therefore, organisations must
develop and maintain control mechanisms capable of identifying and responding to
deviations in orgnisational performance.
The importance of control are to assist the management process, dealing with charge
uncertainty,dealing wit complexity,dealing with human limitations,help the delegation and
decentralisation to run smoothly, minimise the cost, adapting to enviromental change.
For Pizza Hut, the controlling has been done sufficiently as the franchise has been smoothly
running for most of the times. But there has been some trouble that happens in years of
operating. For instance, The Battle Between Papa John's and Pizza Hut in 1997.
Its started when the Papa John's advertisements in the 1990s famously quote, "Better
ingredients. Better pizza. Papa John's." The advertisements was so over the line as they
compare the ingredients directly with their own competitors and for that time it is Pizza
Hut.These incident forces Pizza Hut to takes action that is to filed a lawsuit in 1997 that led
to about three years of litigation and not much more.
The types of control Pizza Hut company use is concurrent control. This control focuses on
the transformation phase. This form of control is designed to monitor ongoing activities to
ensures that the transformation process function properly and achieves the desired results.
Following this, David Novak the President of Pizza Hut at that time, took issue with the
phrase that led people to believe Papa John's used superior ingredients without providing
proof. The war of words turned into an advertising battle with each company challenging the
other. Pizza Hut then filed a federal false advertising lawsuit against Papa John’s.
The claim was from the Papa John’s slogan and the national advertising campaign. Its
mention that one of the ads has indicate that Papa John’s is tastier in taste test over Pizza
Hut. While the other ads include in saying that Papa John’s sauce and dough were better
than Pizza Hut as the reason being that they were made with fresh tomatoes and filtered
Pizza Hut's lawyers said that based on scientific evidence it is proved that Papa John's
ingredients didn't affect the pizza's taste. They argued that Papa John's ads violated federal
law because based on they claimed, without evidence, that customers relied on the "better
ingredients, better pizza" slogan on which to base their pizza-buying decision; thus, Papa
John's ad campaign was deceptive in their eyes.
Then the legal side took action as the jury sided with Pizza Hut, agreeing that Papa John's
claims of better sauce and dough were false or misleading. The judge ordered Papa John's
to stop using the "better ingredients, better pizza" slogan and awarded Pizza Hut $467,619
in damages. This was a needless amount to Pizza Hut, but the real point was getting Papa
John's to stop using the slogan. The judge told Papa John's to stop using any materials with
that slogan, pull ads, and also pay Pizza Hut $12.5 million in damages.

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