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Green University of Bangladesh

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

Semester: (Spring, Year: 2023), B.Sc. in CSE (Day)

Project Proposal
Mini Piano making using 555 timer ic

Course Title: Digital Logic Design Lab

Course Code: CSE-204
Section: 221-D3

Students Details
Name ID
Redoy Guho Roy 221002355

Submission Date: 09-05-2023

Course Teacher’s Name: Mr. Mozdaher Abdul Quader

[For teachers use only: Don’t write anything inside this box]

Lab Project Proposal Status

Marks: Signature:

Comments: Date:

1 Introduction 2
1.1 Overview ......................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Motivation ....................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Problem Definition ......................................................................................... 3
1.3.1 Problem Statement ............................................................................. 3
1.3.2 Complex Engineering Problem .......................................................... 3
1.4 Design Goals ................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Application...................................................................................................... 4

Chapter 1


1.1 Overview
The goal of this project is to use a 555 timer IC to design and construct a miniature
piano. The 555 timer is a flexible integrated circuit that can be applied to a variety
of electronic tasks, including the production of sound. We may use the 555 timer to
Generate square waves with various spectral amplitudes to produce musical notes.

1.2 Motivation
The goal of the small piano utilizing 555 timer IC project is to integrate the areas of
electronics and music in a fun and informative project. This project offers the chance to
learn more about the 555 timer IC, a popular integrated circuit
circuit in a variety of electronic uses, including the production of music. The small
piano project also enables music lovers to get creative with music by altering the am-
plitudes of the sine waves produced by the 555 timer to produce various musical notes.
Beginners can study fundamental musical ideas and discover how musical notes are
made with this project, which can serve as an excellent beginning to the field of music.
Additionally, this project is a fantastic method to promote imagination and innovation
in the electronics industry. The small piano can be enhanced and altered to incorporate
more features like MIDI output, LCD displays, and more sophisticated controllers. The
project may be altered to fit the needs and interests of the user, making it a fantastic
setting for invention and experimentation.
Last but not least, this project offers a cheap substitute for electronic pianos that are
sold in stores. The small piano is a cheap and accessible alternative for music lovers
and hobbyists since it is simple to construct and can be put together from inexpensive
parts. In conclusion, the project to build a small piano using 555 timer ICs offers a spe-
cial chance to mix music and electronics, developing innovative thinking and creativity
while also offering an educational and enjoyable experience.

1.3 Problem Definition

1.3.1 Problem Statement

The dearth of accessible and inexpensive musical instruments that are digital for begin-
ners and hobbyists is the issue that the small piano using 555 timer IC project attempts
to solve. Electronic pianos are widely available on the market, although they can be
rather pricey and may not be affordable for everyone.
Finding a project that integrates digital logic design disciplines can also be tricky, as
can learning about circuits .The goal of the micro piano project is to offer an inexpensive
and simple-to-build alternative that mixes music and electronics, enabling enthusiasts to
pick up about both disciplines while having fun making music. The lack of customizing
options for publicly accessible electronic pianos is another issue that the micro piano
project attempts to solve. Users can alter and enhance the micro piano by adding new
functions, allowing them to personalize the instrument to fit their tastes and hobbies.
This feature promotes innovation and creativity by giving users the chance to try out
new musical and technological experiments.
The small piano using 555 timer IC project, in general, offers a solution to the issues
of accessibility, cost, and customizability in electronic musical instruments, allowing
people to learn about both electronics and music while having fun and being creative.

1.3.2 Complex Engineering Problem

Table 1.1: Summary of the attributes touched by the mentioned projects

Name of the P Attributess Explain how to address
P1: Depth of knowledge required need the knowledge about making circuit and
knowledge of 555 timer ic
P2: Range of conflicting require- Programming the microcontroller,Designing
ments the circuit,Mechanical design,Sound quality,
P4: Familiarity of issues Overall, making a mini piano using a 555
timer IC is a challenging project that requires
a deep understanding of electronics, program-
ming, and mechanical design. However, with
careful planning, attention to detail, and a will-
ingness to experiment and iterate, it is possible
to create a functional and enjoyable musical in-

1.4 Design Goals

Create a little piano with a 555 timer integrated circuit. Use a straightforward keyboard
interface to manage the piano notes. By changing the rate of the sine waves produced

by the 555 timer, you may produce various musical notes. To play the notes created by
the circuit, add a speaker or buzzer.

1.5 Application
The small piano using 555 timer IC project has many uses in a variety of industries.
Listed below are a few potential uses for this project:
Education: Students can learn the fundamentals of electronics and music theory us-
ing the micro piano project as a teaching tool in schools and institutions. It can be a
great resource for illustrating the fundamentals of musical scales, frequency modula-
tion, and sound production. Hobby and entertainment: Music lovers and hobbyists can
utilize the small piano project as a fun and enjoyable activity. It can be a great method
to experiment with and learn the fundamentals of making music. Sound effects can be
produced using the small piano project for usage in motion pictures, video games, and
other multimedia projects. It can be set up to produce a variety of sound effects, such
as alerts, beeps, and tones. Accessibility: People with disabilities can utilize the small
piano project as an alternative to readily accessible electronic pianos on the market. To
make the project more accessible to people with different disabilities, it can be updated
to incorporate bigger buttons, other button shapes, or braille labels. In conclusion, the
555 timer IC small piano project has many uses, including education, enjoyment, hob-
bies, creating music and sound effects, and affordability. Its adaptability and low price
make it a great instrument for learning fundamental electrical and musical ideas while
also giving users the chance to experiment and be creative.
[1] "Teaching Physics with Music: Creating a Mini Piano." The Physics Teacher,
vol. 58, no. 8, 2020, pp. 572-576, doi:10.1119/10.0002106.

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