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1 New program to copy IFRS4 balances from
company code EXIM into the new MFRS17
environment (i.e business area RS17).
The new program will work as shown below.

Selection screen
- Source company code (Range)
- Source G/L accounts (Range)
- Period/Year (eg. 01/2023)
- Option buttons: Posting, Reversal
- Test run checkbox
Log Table
Fields in the log table:
- Company code (Key)
- G/L Account (Key)
- Year (Key)
- Period (Key)
- Run No. (Key)
- Amount (Key)
- Document number (Key)
- Reversal document number

Program logic
Option radiobutton 1: Posting (test run/actual run) - the program will perform the following steps:
1. Check balance (PER_SALES) from BAPI_GL_ACC_GETPERIODBALANCES in the previous period and compare against the amo
If there has been multiple runs for a period, check the latest Run No for the Period/Year.
> If last Run No. in log table is reversal, show error message "Posting for period 1/2023 is incomplete".
> If there are differences, show error message and do not allow posting for selected period.
----> Recalculate previous period for accounting line items with BA = blank and compare against last posting of run no. and GL
> If the amount in the log table matches the amount in the BAPI, proceed to step 2.
Tech: BAPI has no filter by business area. Need to find other BAPI or call submit FBL3N report in background.
2. Check the log table to see if document has already been posted for G/L account in period & year (note: no need to check am
> If already posted, check if document has been reversed.
If there has been multiple runs for a period, check the latest Run No for the Period/Year.
> If there is no reversal document, show error message.
> If there is reversal document, proceed
> If not posted (i.e Company code and Period/year not found in log table), proceed
Posting, Actual Run --> BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST

Option radiobutton 2: Reverse (test run/actual run) - the program will perform the following steps:
1. Check document number and reversal document number from the log table based on Company code, Period/Year
If there has been multiple runs for a period, check the latest Run No for the Period/Year.
> If document has already been reversed, show error message
> If reversal document is blank, proceed
Reverse, Actual Run --> BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_REV_POST

ALV Report

1. Scheduled job is not required. The program will be manually run by the users as part of their month end process.
> Program is not required for schedule job. User can run Ad-hoc either foreground or background.
2. Document date / Posting date will be the last day of the selected period. Eg. 01/2023 selected, posting date = 31.01.2023.
3. Document type = ZM

Retrieve amount from 'PER_SALES' based on period entered in the selection screen.
For positive value, assign posting key 40. For negative value, assign posting key 50.
Document / Posting date will be determined from the Period/Year field. Eg. 01/2023 selected, document / posting date = 31.0
suggest to use FM 'LAST_DAY_IN_PERIOD_GET'
Functional &
Log Table
Company code (Key) G/L Account (Key) Year (Key) Period (Key) Run No. (Key) Amount (Key)
Scenario 1
EXIM 400500 2023 1 1 3000

EXIM 400500 2023 1 1 3000

EXIM 400500 2023 1 2 3500

Scenario 2: Multiple GL items]

EXIM 400500 2023 1 1 3000
EXIM 400501 2023 1 1 2000
EXIM 400500 2023 1 1 3000
EXIM 400501 2023 1 1 2000

Scenario 3: Max 999 lines

EXIM 400500 2023 1 1 3000
EXIM 400502 2023 1 1 3000
EXIM 400599 2023 1 1 3000
EXIM 400600 2023 1 1 3000
EXIM 400500 2023 1 1 3000
EXIM 400502 2023 1 1 3000
EXIM 400599 2023 1 1 3000
EXIM 400600 2023 1 1 3000
Target Document number (Target Item No. Reversal Document number

100000999 1

100000999 1 100001000

100001001 1

100000999 100001000
100000999 100001000

100000999 1
100000999 2
100000999 999
100001000 1
100000999 1 100001001
100000999 2 100001001
100000999 999 100001001
100001000 1 100001002

1st run = posting period 1/2023

Source doc: 100000139 - 1000.00
Source doc: 100000140 - 2000.00

2nd run = reversal period 1/2023 - update same line

Source doc: 100000999 - 3000.00

3rd run = rerun posting 1/2023

Source doc: 100000139 - 1000.00
Source doc: 100000140 - 2000.00
Source doc: 100000141 - 500.00

1st run = posting period 1/2023

1st run = posting period 1/2023
2nd run = reversal period 1/2023 - update same line
2nd run = reversal period 1/2023 - update same line

1st run = posting period 1/2023

1st run = posting period 1/2023
1st run = posting period 1/2023
1st run = posting period 1/2023
2nd run = reversal period 1/2023 - update same line
2nd run = reversal period 1/2023 - update same line
2nd run = reversal period 1/2023 - update same line
2nd run = reversal period 1/2023 - update same line
No. Requirement
1 New upload program to post journals from
ResQ to SAP.
Workings of the program:
1. Users will generate a file from ResQ and save it to their local drive.
--> Suggestion file format csv.
2. The users will upload the file manually into SAP. No interface system from ResQ to SAP at the moment.
3. When the program is run, it will do the following:
i. Select the file in the path specified
ii. Process the file post journals (if test run checkbox is not selected)
--> For duplicate check: Instead of validate the file name, suggest to validate by company code, doc. date, posting date, refere
iii. Show report of the records processed or any error message encountered.
iv. The file will be moved to an archive folder once processed. *This is only applicable for application server option.

Selection Screen
- File path – application server (Note: how this works will be similar to t-code YF27, i.e file paths maintained in a mapping table
- File path – workstation
- Test run checkbox

Mapping file


Similar to t-code YF23, user is requesting duplicate filename check.

Functional &

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