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Company Name CeramTec Innovative Ceramic Engineering (M) Sdn Bhd

Requested by Ruzila Position

Contact No. Email Address

April 11th 2023 SRV000367

Request Date Ref Case No


Priority High Complexity Level Medium

Case Type Change Request Module Impacted Warehouse Management
If Others, please Target Completion
specify Date


Date Author Version Change Reference

11/04/2023 Abdul Hakim 1.0 Initial version


a. Current Situation

CER encounter field overflow error when sum up field of Label Scan Qty column in the
ZW004 report. This error also can be found for Full Carton Qty column in the same report.
This is due to the fixed length of 4 for field Label Scan Qty table and Full Carton Qty

b. Requirement Definition

Change only field length of Label Scan Qty and Full Carton Qty from 4 to 6 digit for the report
ZWM004 only.

c. Business Justification

To facilitate business requirement


a. Work Scope

i. To change max length digit character from 4 to 6 for2 fields Label Scan Qty and Full
Carton Qty in report ZWM004..

ii. Perform unit test on ZWM004 for below :

• Label Scan Qty and Full Carton Qty column for the report ZWM004
• No error occurs when sum up to 6-digit character of field length Label Scan Qty
and Full Carton Qty column for one month period

b. Expected Outcome/Result

i. New maximum 6-digit character field length Label Scan Qty and Full Carton Qty
column for the report ZWM004.
ii. Label Scan Qty and Full Carton Qty column for the report ZWM004 can sum up to
6-digit character field length.

c. Impact Analysis

NOTE: Impact or Dependencies to be considered, if any

Will this affect another country ?

Yes No
If yes, comment on UAT effort:
Will this affect another company code? As per current functionality
Yes No
If yes, comment on UAT effort:
Will this requirement direct/indirect impact on other areas (business and technical)?
Yes No
If yes, please elaborate:

d. Assumptions

i. Abeam is responsible in updating the Functional Specification and performing the unit
test based on the work scope and expected result as specified in the approved SRF.
ii. ABeam will be responsible on performing the unit test based on the work scope and
expected result.
iii. CER will be responsible for:
a. User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
b. Master Data maintenance, if any
c. Mapping Table and Customized Table maintenance, if any
d. Regression testing
e. Confirm and Accept the closure of the CR
iv. Any system inconsistencies not related to this change but affecting the implementation
of this change will be reviewed and may require additional effort
i. Any request for UAT and Post Go Live support shall be charged per actual effort

e. Technical Details

Transaction Code ZWM004

Configuration Item
User Exit


a. Deliverable Documents

New New, Changes Only

Configuration Document
Update existing document

New New, Changes Only

Functional Specification
Update existing document

New New, Changes Only

Technical Specification Update existing document

Combined with Functional Specification

Unit Test Result
Unit Test Result
SAP Client: DEV 025
User Guide/Training Manual
Update existing document

Authorization Profile Matrix New New, Changes Only

Update existing document

b. Sign off criteria

PRD Confirmation

a. Effort for Incident Processing

Incident Ticket Number

No Activities: Functional Technical
1 Investigation and Root Cause Analysis 3.0 2.0
2 Proposed Solution
3 Additional Hours for Investigation
TOTAL in man hours 3.0 2.0 5.0

b. Effort for Change Request

No Activities: Functional Technical Total

1 Requirement Confirmation and Provide
2.0 5.0
solution (refer to Section 5)
2 Proof-of-concept/walk through
3 Customizing/Configuration
4 Development 2.0
5 Deliverable Documents (refer to Section
1.0 1.0
6 Authorization Changes
7 Testing (Unit Test & Integration Testing) 10.0 3.0
8 Third Party Integration Testing
9 User Acceptance Testing Support 4.0
10 Training/Knowledge Transfer
11 Transport Management 0.5
12 Post Go Live Support 4.0
13 Others please specify
TOTAL in manhours 13.5 19.0 32.5

c. Total Effort

No Activities: Functional Technical Total

1 Incident Processing- INC000127 3.0 2.0
2 Change Request-CRQ000086 13.5 19.0
TOTAL in man hours 16.5 21.0 37.5

• Unless approved by the client, the requirements for this SRF are valid only for five (5) working days
commencing from the date of submission to the client, after which, it is subject to possible changes
where ABeam Consulting reserves the right to request for a resubmission of SRF or decline the

• ABeam Consulting reserves the right not to pursue with the SRF for reason owing to dependencies
not wholly under the control or jurisdiction of the Service Provider.

• The submitted SRF shall not take into consideration the impact of additional requirements or
changes received after the approved date from the client. If so required, this will initiate another
revision of the SRF.

• ABeam Consulting shall not be obligated to meet any new or changes to requirements received
after the approved date (from the client) and if so required, shall go through a change control
process followed by submission of a revised SRF.

• ABeam Consulting will not be held responsible for the inaccuracy of deliverables in the absence of
validation for the above listed assumptions, if available, prior to the approval of the SRF.

• ABeam Consulting shall not be responsible for the outcome of delivery that is adversely affected
directly or indirectly by third party implementation or customization which is not part of ABeam’s
subcontractor/partnership engagement.

• A support warranty of 1 (one) calendar month effective from the date of transport to the Target/
Production System shall be applied accordingly and its warranty status shall same be observed.
The support warranty will only be limited to issues that are within the scope of this signed off change
request and functional specification. Any additional requirement deemed necessary which is
beyond the scope of the current change request shall be taken up as part of change control and
possibly raised as a separate new change requirement with additional effort estimation proposed.
Issues discovered after the 1 (one) month warranty shall be treated as the usual ticket-based
support drawn from the client’s support budget.

• The time length between the date of completion of UAT and date of transport to the
Target/Production system shall be considered a lapse and granted a maximum of five (5) working
days from which the warranty shall take effect from the 5th day counting towards the 1 (one)
calendar month support warranty if the delivered objects have yet to be transported to the
Target/Production system after the 5th day of the lapse period.


Prepared By Abdul Hakim Reviewed By Jason Ilavarasar Gnanasegran
Position Consultant Position Service Delivery Manager
Prepared Date April 11, 2023 Reviewed Date 25th April 2023



Reviewed By Approved By
Position Position
Reviewed Date Approved Date

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