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NOMBRE Y APELLIDOS: _____________________________________________ FECHA: _________________

In each question, only one of the answers is correct. Underline the correct option.

1. “Whose flowers are they?” “They’re ____.”

(a) to Mary (b) Maries (c) of Mary (d) Mary’s

2. Can you tell us where __________ on Saturdays?

(a) do go John (b)does John go (c) John goes (d) John does go

3. This is an old photograph of me when I _________.

( a ) have short hairs (b) have short hair (c) had short hairs (d) had short hair
4. “Did you see the man on top of the church last Sunday?” “No, why ____”
(a) was he here? (b) was he there? (c) has he been here? (d) has he been there?
5. Give me a ring as soon as _______. (a) Alison will arrive (b) Alison arrive (c) is Alison arriving (d) Alison
6. (a) What shoes are they made? (b) What are shoes made of? (c) What shoes are made of? (d) What are
made of shoes?

7. _______ lovely weather! (a) What (b) Which (c) Which a (d) What a

8. I’m going to give _____.

(a) to him a record (b) a record him (c) him a record (d) some record to him

9. He didn’t know ______ or go home.

(a) if to wait (b) to wait (c) whether to wait (d) if that he should wait
10. Patrick accused Mark ____ having caused the accident.
(a) for (b) to (c) off (d) of
11. I wish I _________ suggest something more suitable, but this is all we have.
(a) should (b) could (c) can (d) would
12. I _________ since breakfast and I’m very tired.
(a) travel (b) was travelling (c) am travelling (d) have been travelling

13. He was a good runner so he ________escape from the police.

(a) was able to (b) could (c) succeeded to (d) might

14. He came to the party, ______ he hadn’t been invited.

(a) in case (b) in spite of (c) even (d) although

15. How long does the train take to _____ to London?

(a) make (b) get (c) reach (d) arrive
16. We talked about a lot of things ______ the way to the office.
(a) through (b) by (c) on (d) in
17. I never expected you to turn ________ at the meeting. I thought you were abroad.
(a) in (b) up (c) around (d) on
18. I wish I _______ on the time the film started before we came out.
(a) would check (b) would have checked (c) had checked (d) have checked
19. He reminds me ______ someone I knew in the army.
(a) of (b) from (c) to (d) with
20. After driving himself hard for a week, Peter _____ himself by taking a few days off
(a) celebrates (b) delights (c) rewards (d) praises
21. It must have taken a genius to ______ this complicated apparatus.
(a) think of (b) think out (c) think through (d) think up
22. She was ____ aback when I took her up on her offer.
(a) taken (b) ridden (c) let (d) sized
23. _____ it not for the children they would have split up by now.
(a) Was (b) Were (c) Providing (d) Provided
24. Graduates may look _____ these people, but they are the ones getting the jobs.
(a) down on (b) forward to (c) up to (d) straight through
25. Jo was talked ______ giving up. (a) by (b) in for (c) out of (d) out for

26. Coffee growers had a problem in the 1930s – record harvest had caused the coffee price to ____ .
( a) plummet (b) plump (c) plunder (d) plug
27. I think I put my foot ____ it when I asked him what the matter was.
( a) on (b) at (c) for (d) in

28. ´ Work hard and play hard ´ is an old saying that still ____ good today.
(a) holds (b) sounds (c) seems (d) plays
29. He will have to go on a diet because he is getting ____.
(a) buxom (b) stout (c) dense (d) robust

30. Don´t expect him to spare your feelings: he always ____ his mind.
(a) breaks (b) gives (c) slips (d) speaks

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