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ZEN 23

Mohit Agarwal
Table of Contents

Serial No. Name of the Topic Page No.

1. Executive Summary 1-2
• Introduction
• Objective
• Goals
• Project Outline
2. Overview of the Plan 3-4
• Problems Existing
• Feasible Solutions
• Reliability
3. Phase-Wise Implementation Plan 5-6
• Phase 1 (Pilot)
• Phase 2 (Pre-Launch)
• Phase 3 (Launch)
4. Operational Plan 7
5. Market Analysis 8-10
• SWOT Analysis
• PESTEL Analysis
6. Location Analysis 11
7. Human Resources 12-15
• Structural Requirements
• Organizational Structure
• Workforce Management and
• Recruitment Strategies
• Recruitment Procedures
8. Marketing Strategies 16-17
• Conventional Methods
• Unconventional Methods
9. Financial Analysis 18-20
• Sources of Funds
• Allocation of Funds
• Revenue Model for 3 years
• Cash Flow Statements
10. Public Relations 21
• Press Release
11. Annexures 22
Executive Summary


Greece also known as Hellenic Republic, is a country located in Southeast Europe. Its
population is approximately 10.7 million as of 2018; Athens is its largest and capital city. The
economy of Greece is the 51st largest in the world with a nominal GDP of $209.853 billion per
annum. In terms of PPP, Greece is the world's 53rd largest economy, at $348.349 billion per
annum. As of 2019, Greece is the sixteenth largest economy in the 27-member EU. According
to IMF figures for 2020, Greece's GDP per capita was $18,168 at nominal value and $29,045
at PPP. The kind of economic downfall Greece has faced in the past 2 decades is catastrophic
and has affected the World Economy and the European Unions by shackling the money
inflows. Right in 2001 when Greece in collaboration with Goldman Sachs showed out its Debt
to GDP Ratio less than 60%, it was following the Maastricht Criteria and was allowed to use
EUROs as its official currency. But due to overspending by the Greek Government throughout
the years, itss economy was severely damaged in 2008 during the US Market Crash as the EU
is also influenced by it. Through the changing course of time, the political situation in the
country has been unstable. In Oct 2009, a newly elected government was formed which
enlightened the fact that the previous government was fudging the economic data to portray
that the country was financially and economically rich. This truth impacted the investments in
Greece as investors lost trust in the Greek Markets and this was a blunder to deal from for the
EU. The EU has to make sure that the Greek Markets sustain for a good amount of time in the
market and are profitable enough to maintain a surplus in the country. This will ensure a win-
win situation for both Greece and the European Union. In the past 3 years, the Greece economy
has been showing good signs of recovery when the government borrowed 86 Billion Euros in
2016 and invested the amount in making sure that Austerity measures are revoked and public
spending is increased. With the amounts increasing at the same pace, by 2030 Greece will be
back to an economic valuation of $300 Billion and that will cost Greece 20 years wherein it
wouldn’t have progressed throughout. To revamp Greece and make sure that the government
is financially independent I as the Financial Advisor would suggest the opening up of a free-
stock-market which will bring in revenue from around the world as these markets wll be open
for any and everyone to invest in. We will then direct amounts towards revamping the
infrastructure, tourism sector and will boost education to bring the country back on its tracks.


The core government policy objectives are full employment, wage stability, economic
development, wealth redistribution, and balance-of-payments stability. A government may
implement a variety of policy interventions to meet these goals, and its effectiveness or failure
is evaluated. Greece will work harder to make sure that it becomes a developed nation and it’s
citizens are happily leading their lives.


The major goal of the country is to make sure that they maintain a surplus budget and try to
repay the loans that the country has. Additionally, the country must open up its borders for free
trade and by setting up the stock market, the country can get a good amount of revenue to invest
in their betterment by improving infrastructure, workforce quality and becoming a developed
nation. Various minor goals have also been planned for which touches various aspects.


The following B-Plan Report consists of various topics related to Greece and it’s plans to
become a developed nation through the betterment of its people. The various topics this report
consists are listed below;

1. Introduction and Explanation of the B-Plan

2. Phase-Wise Implementation Plan
3. Feasibility Analysis
4. Human Resources
5. Marketing Strategies
6. Financial Analysis
7. Press Release
8. Annexures

Overview of the Plan

Problems Existent

Greece was a very rich nation. It is the epitome of democracy and the nation which has a very
rich and varied heritage. In 1981, Greece had a Debt to GDP ratio of 28% which grew to 97%
by 1999 due to the mismanagement and overspending by the government. In the year 1999,
EU launched its currency Euro and Greece wanted to become a part of it. Being a part of the
EU required Greece to fit into the Maastricht Criteria which states that nations which only have
a Debt to GDP ratio of 60% or less will be allowed to be a part of it but since Greece’s ratio
was 97% it couldn’t join the EU. By 2001, Goldman Sachs helped Greece in falsefully
portraying their Debt to GDP ratio as required. This gave Greece an entry into the European
Union. Till 2007, Greece was doing good and its economy was also growing. But after the US
Market Crash in 2008, the EU was hit and so was Greece. Things took a downfall for Greece
and it wasn’t able to recover from the financial crisis it went into. In 2009 when a new
government was elected, the Prime Minister accused the previous government of data fudging
which made the investors lose their trust. That wasn’t all, Greece’s wellbeing influences EU’s
wellbeing and since Greece wasn’t able to recover from it, EU had to come up with something
and they came up with bailout plans by giving a loan of 110 Billion Euros in 2010 and 130
Billion Euros in 2012. Those loans were not utilized properly and this affected Greece
drastically. Now with increasing pressure, the government was supposed to implement
austerity measures in the country which would cut down the government’s spending and
increase revenue. Riots happened throughout the country due to the implementation of
Austerity measures and in 2016 a newly elected government promised anti-austerity measures
which it failed to achieve. Again in 2017 a new loan was sanctioned for about 86 Billion Euros
and the country is now on a growth track. They also promised that they will have a surplus
budget until 2060 which will ensure the fact that they will be able to repay their loans and will
become a self-sustaining economy.

Even when things are going well, the country will still waste nearly 20 years to retain the strong
position it had in 2010. With a very less impact of COVID in the country, the population here
is safe but their jobs were hit and various other monetary problems are needed to be solved
right away.

Feasible Solutions

I as the financial advisor would like to clear out that since Greece follows Euros, it doesn’t
have any control over the money matters pertaining to printing and circulation. The Greek
Government can set-up its own one-of-a-kind Stock Market which will receive global attention.
This stock market will list any company from around the world if it is following the country’s
rules and regulations and a certain amount would be charged. This market will give people
access to their markets and will have no regulators which will make sure that the market is
independent and the country remains unaffected by it. The country will also sanction 10 Billion
Euros from the loan of 86 Billion Euros it received in 2017 for the revamping of the whole
country. This amount will be spent to make its cities smart, efficient and modular by creating
new and better drainage facilities, transportation, road and rail infrastructure, and creation of
various amenities near its heritage sites which will boost tourism and grant jobs to various
unemployed people. The revamping will be done across nation and that will make every village
and city globally competitive and the time it requires to do so is estimated to be 4.1 years.
Various policy changes will be made to improve the technical and educational benefits in the
country which will create a better future for the youth and various programs will be cumulate
to make sure that the country retains its educated and smart workforce. This plan will create a
good inflow of money in the country, people will get various benefits and it will become a
developed nation again.


The solution stated above is reliable due to the independent factors of control in the market.
Austerity measures could be reduced by providing jobs for the revamping of its places and
tourism will also be promoted. This would help in giving people a opportunity to earn more
and the government can earn taxes which can be rotated and used in providing the population
with good education and will ensure that the country becomes developed. All factors pertaining
to the EU will be taken care of by an agreement to set-up various institutions which will help
the EU in revenue generating in the long term.

Phase-Wise Implementation Plan

MHA and Development has proposed this plan to the EU and aims to start its operations as
soon as possible. The phase-wise implementation plan includes Stock Exchange Creation,
Infrastructural Development Projects, Loans and Funding etc. In doing this, the country will
try to target potential global customers and will tie up locals for improving and developing
internal infrastructure. A time of 4-5 years will be required to do the legalities and achieve the
whole plan and the processes are divided into a total of 3 phases.

Phase 1

1. Legal Requirements and Registrations: All legalities in the country with compliance to
the rules and regulations will be taken care of after incorporating the idea to make
processes smooth and flawless. Patent registrations on behalf of the government is done
to safeguard the country’s ambitions of an unregulated Stock markets which will not be
influenced by any pre-determined factors. The monetary policy will be kept in front of
the EU so as to make sure that the surplus budget could be achieved till 2060.
2. Employee Requirements: Employees shall be recruited and trained about the work so
that it becomes easy for them to host the day-to-day activities in the stock market.
Migrated workforce will be called back and various packages will be given to keep
forth the country’s best workforce. Locals will be given various jobs to curb
3. Stock Exchange: The Stock Exchange will be registered and companies across the
world will be sent invitations which will include various incentives for them to list here.
Investors across the world will be given a call which can attract seamless investment
and no currency exchange charges will be charged. The complete amount will be
credited by the making of an unparalleled technological website and application which
can help day-to-day trading and investing.
4. Marketing Campaigns: Marketing campaigns will be curated and circulated all around
to attract companies and investors unconventionally which will help them in earning
good revenues. Various firms will be contracted so as to make sure that the best
campaigns are curated.

Phase 2

1. Infrastructural Development: The government will make sure that all tourist sites and
World Heritage Sites (including the Olympic Stadium) will be given a new makeover
by creating areas all around it neat and clean. The country will make sure that all of its
cities are developed from the bottom and more sustainably developed projects are
contracted with the making of Airports, Railways, Roadways and Villages will be
developed in lieu with the increasing funds as the cities are being revamped.
2. Tech-Integration: The country will introduce break-through technological systems to
accompany AI with various tasks and make smart cities through outsourcing,
Companies like Apple and Google will be given various incentives which will also
increase the country’s technological capabilities and develop the workforce with
equipped knowledge and experiences.
3. Liquidation in the Banks: NPAs in the banks will be washed away by liquidating them
and more cash will be given to the banks which will increase the bank’s loan lending
capacities which is also be beneficial for the emerging business buds in the country.

Phase 3

1. Overlook Tasks: Test launches will be conducted to integrate all the processes and to
make sure all processes are working up to the mark in the markets. All infrastructural
changes will also be overlooked so as to make sure that things go as planned and
corruption practices are stopped completely.
2. Payment of Loans: All loans will be paid in the due course of time and foreign relations
with the US will be strengthened further. South East Asian Maritime routes will be
given boost through the country’s ports which are under development and will be in
action by the end of 2021. This will help in lubricating and easing the world trade and

Various SOP (Standard Operating Protocols) will be listed down to make sure that any
difficulty faces during the process can be curbed. All the 3 phases will ensure betterment
for the people of Greece and will help Greece in improving itself over the years.

Operational Plan

The Operational Plan shown below portrays that the day-to-day working of the government’s
new revamping plan which includes the Stock Markets, Infrastructural Development, AI and
Tech enabled services.

• Stock Markets: The stock markets will not be regulated by the government but the
government will keep a tab on the activities through the Athens Stock Exchange
(ATHEX) only to an extent which makes sure that no wrong doings take place and
investor’s trust and money remains intact.

• Recruitments: Recruitments of employees and labor will be done in the country by

giving the locals a chance to update their skills and work. This will cut down
unemployment and add to the ever-growing cash inflows. Government agents will do
the recruitments based on various aspects to provide the most apt solution to the
economy and the work.

• Infrastructural Changes: The Ministry of Internal Development will make sure that the
recruitments are done as required and Smart Cities made will be done in collaboration
with various firms from Greece to give our home-grown companies a chance to test
their efficient model of work and a good source to earn revenue except for ignoring

• Technological Changes: Our AI and Tech enabled plan for easy access to comfort is on
our top priority. We will be giving our tech enthusiasts a chance to collaborate with
International Companies to experience the world’s competitive edge in the world of AI
and Next Generation Future Technologies.

Market Analysis

SWOT Analysis

a. The policy changes are healthy
and will develop the workforce WEAKNESSES
b. No such exact business exists, a. Financial and Political
giving it the competitors Unstablility has affected various
advantage aspectsof the country
c. No government intervention b. COVID has affected the
will help the investors trust in it tourism industry which is the
again and will generate good main revenue generating source
revenues for the country c. Ageing Population and
d. Good relations with the EU declinig Fertility Rate
and various countries helps in
money raising

a. A very large base of people to THREATS
cater to a. Uneasy system to operate,
b. New revenue generating requires more tech relaibility
opportunities and job
employments b. Efficient & effective
training is required
c. Opening Up of new markets
c. cost-effective distribution
d. New Investment and Tax
Policies d. Lack of Awareness among
e. Economic Uptick & Increase in the people
Consumer Spending

PESTEL Analysis:

• Political: The political establishment in the country is quite optimistic about the idea of
an unregulated Stock Market which can bring in greater cash flows into the country
without any risk borne by the government. Dependable foreign relations with the US
and the EU will help in the development of the same as companies from both these
countries listed will be given tax rebates and FDI will be given more emphasis
throughout the country.

• Environmental: The environment for the conduct of this event is quite encouraging.
Huge number of companies going public and start-ups rising in the future brings
sustainable ideas which save the environment and will ensure a good money flow for
the government. The government will also make sure that various agricultural reforms
and sustainable ideas are encouraged.

• Social: With R&D, we get to know that various people are influenced by the stock
markets due to COVID as the only which was profitable even when the whole world
was shut is this. Consumer’s changing and optimistic preferences regarding investing
money in various tech and pharma companies will accompany a good growth for the
whole country and the Stock Exchange

• Technological: Various advancements of in AI and Online Markets have had a great

impact on the country’s abilities. People are influenced through the new online world
and a great technological experience is pondered by the youth and the country. In
collaboration with Tech Giants (through recruitments of locals) will make sure that
everything required for the smooth functioning of various stocks and other
infrastructure related projects are given a boost in the country which will enhance the
capabilities of individuals and Greece.

• Economical: Economic factors faced are majorly pertaining to the competitors and
competition globally but with the unique approach of independent and regulation-less
markets will persuade people to invest in self-reliant markets rather than the regulated

ones. Various barriers to entry in the market needs to be addressed before its penetration
and that will be done by a proper consultation with the EU and the IMF. The country
will give a chance to people to invest in high priced stocks in small proportions if they
have small amounts and are eager to invest in. A globally competitive technical firm
will also be established to make sure that the investors stay here for a long period of
time and the country will increase its revenue generation and cash inflows.

• Legal: Lengthy legal formalities and time-consuming license provisions have been
made faster as possible by the government to ensure greater ease in presenting this to
the EU and the US. There will be a legitimate lawful agreement of cooperation to
consent to the lawful customs. In addition, the organization will recruit capable
representatives and serve the general public in a moral way. Besides, on the off chance
that anything doesn't coordinate to the principles set, the association will accept choices
at the earliest opportunity. Legal compliance in issues pertaining to the absence of a
regulator will be brought forward which gives the demand-supply forces in the market
full strength to decide upon the prices and the government’s taxation policies will be

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Location Analysis


The principle and the solitary office of the association will be situated in Athens. Being quite
possibly the most noticeable urban communities, which has consistently greeted new
businesses wholeheartedly, it'll be an extraordinary spot for the setup of our association's office.
To be exact, the edges of Athens is a zone which is all around created and green and has
legitimate network to the city just as the adjoining urban areas. Additionally, the lease costs
there will act in a savvy and reasonable way for the business Organization. The workplace will
be utilized by the top and a portion of the centre level administration of the association. It will
be spread everywhere on the floor.

Stock Market

In a similar structure as the workplace, this spot will likewise be spread on a story and all the
preparation related works of the professionals or the faculty will occur here. The specialists
and technical analysts will be on situated near the stock market which is supposed to open up
in Thessaloniki.

Notwithstanding these, there will be another instructional hub near the market. The territory
has been chosen remembering the less expensive lease when contrasted with a considerable lot
of the zones inside the city. A similar preparing will be given to the to-be-experts there.
Likewise, there will be sure occasions during the year which'll keep the representatives
propelled. Certain degrees of guidelines would be set, agreeing to which an individual will be
given an ID Card approving that individual to go about as a professional under the organization.

Other Facilities
Various other developmental projects will be carried through places which haven’t been
devised yet. Out of the resourceful plans we have, we will be creating various offices and
training centres throughout the country to make sure that the developmental projects are done
smoothly in coordination with other developmental tasks.

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Human Resources

Organizational Structure for Stock Exchanges

We propose on having a functional organizational structure as it best suits the nature of our
business. A functional structure divides the organization into departments based on their
function. Each is headed by a functional manager and employees are grouped as per their
role. Functional managers have experience in the roles they supervise. This ensures that
employees are using their skills effectively. It helps organizations in achieving their business
objectives. Employees are classified according to their function in this structure. The
organizational chart for a functional structure shows the role hierarchy: for example,
president, vice president, finance department, sales department, customer service,
administration, etc. Each department has a head responsible for it. This helps the organization
control the quality and uniformity of their performance. These employees are very skilled.

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They are experienced in the same work and they perform excellently; productivity is high in
a functional structure.

Employees are grouped by their knowledge and skills, allowing them to achieve high
performance. The following are a few benefits of the functional organizational structure:

● Their roles and responsibilities are fixed, facilitating easy accountability for the work.

● The hierarchy is clear. This reduces the number of communication channels.

● Communication is frictionless within the department.

● Work is not duplicated as all departments have defined responsibilities.

● Employees feel secure; they perform well without fear.

● Because of job security, employees tend to be loyal to the organization.

● Employees have a clear career growth path.

● Cooperation is excellent within the department.

Workforce Management

Employees Strength: 100-150 Employees including 50 full time Technical Professionals +

(Part-Time Service Professionals)


Chief Executive Officer 1
Chief Operating Officer 3
Chief Financial Officer 2

• Deputy Financial Officers 2

• Office Staff 15
HR and Quality Control

• HR Staff 15

• QC Officers 2

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• Advertising and Sales Head 1 (Each)

• Marketers (Hybrid) 15

• Supervisors 3

• Workers 30
Customer Services

• Officers 2

• Services Staff 10
Maintenance Staff 30 (including Tech Professionals)

* Note: Various outsourced services are being redeemed and the count of those employees is
not made. Part time workers and professionals haven’t been accounted for.

Recruitment Strategies

● Recruitment on the basis of techniques and skillset required

● No qualification is mandatory
● Pleasant employees that cater to the needs of the consumers

● Knowledge about the working and technical aspects

● Capable of making the consumers understand their field of work

● Prior working experience in a similar sector would be commendable

Recruitment Procedures
● Identify the hiring need. The hiring process begins by identifying a need within your
organization which in here is Technical Support and knowledge about EVs

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● Devise A Recruitment Plan. The plan will be to hire people according to the needs
as displayed in the above table
● Job Descriptions are devised for clarity in the necessity of the organization’s
● Advertise the Position. Advertisements are displayed on the Website and various Print
Ads have been published as well
● Recruit the Position.
● Review Applications. Experience and Skillset will help in boosting the process
● Phone Interview/Initial Screening. Various information shared by the applicant will
be cross verified and a call for interview will be made
● Interviews will take place in several segments and a final list of the people recruited
will be shared once the process is completed

Note: The above plan for recruitments is only for the Stock Exchange that is planned to be
devised and only the working force in the Stock Exchange is specified. Construction
Labourers, Foreign Company’s Workforces and any other labour required will be outsourced
through internal agencies and the data relating to them is not specified. Various other
employments related indirectly can be seen in the specified mentions on our website’s
recruitments column.

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Marketing Strategies

Conventional Methods
➢ Digital and Print Advertisements – Advertising on print media such as Newspapers,
Magazines, flyers and banners help us in getting recognition amongst the targeted
customer groups. Digital advertisements and TV advertisements will help the company
to market on a mass scale. Thus, in the future, the demand for products rises.
➢ Direct Mail - Many businesses still use the direct mail approach to get people’s
attention. Even though email marketing is king, there is still an unmatched level of
effectiveness when it comes to sending your audience physical mail. It gives you a
chance to personalize it for each client, customizing each letter you send to catch their
eye. You need to understand that people love personal messages as they make them feel
appreciated and important. The reaction you’ll get from them will be much stronger.
So, it would be wise to utilize this old-fashioned way to market your new offers,
promotions, and products to your customers.
➢ Event Marketing - Creating events for marketing purposes is a strategy that has been
used for so many years. We would mix it with charitable contributions too. This way
besides providing a valuable opportunity for our business to gain exposure, the event
can also be a big show of appreciation for the community and a chance to give back.
This will be very effective in gaining people’s trust and loyalty and generate more leads.
➢ Social Media Marketing – With the growing number of users on social media,
marketing campaigns target potential audience who can turn into customers. Various
sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter earn lots of revenues from promotional
based activities.
➢ Billboards - It’s safe to say that billboards are one of the oldest traditional marketing
techniques that still work effectively to this day. A billboard will typically have an eye-
catching picture, a slogan, a question, or even a sentence. Anything to grab the people’s
attention when they’re driving can bring a lot of new customers to your doorstep.
Billboards can work in big hallways too; it doesn’t have to be in the streets or busy
highways. As long as it’s affordable, you will get a huge return from it. They’re large
and impossible to miss; you are bound to attract someone.

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➢ Brochures and Flyers - Another old yet powerful method of marketing has to be a flyer
and brochure handouts. It could be anywhere from mailboxes, malls, outside cafés, or
on the street in front of restaurants. The idea is to spread your name around and it would
be great if it included special offers or discounts. This will make people more inclined
to purchase. Handouts can be extremely powerful, and they can be responsible for the
growth of our business. Moreover, this face-to-face approach is interactive, which will
allow us to connect with our potential customers. With the right attitude which we have,
we can reel in an excellent number of new clients.

Unconventional Methods

➢ Guerrilla Marketing - Guerrilla Marketing has stayed with the customers for a longer
period. It is a very cost-effective way to convey your message and goes viral online in
a short period. A successful guerrilla marketing campaign can elicit strong emotions in
consumers by tapping into experiential advertising techniques for a more memorable
experience. Some ads may even shock or frighten people – temporarily, of course – to
have the desired impact. We will be creating various campaigns by asserting tech with
furniture on public places and that will act as a revolutionizing plan to create a loyal
audience and hype in the market. A free stock campaign wherein we will be giving out
stocks to the ones who find out various issues with this new stock exchange. That will
help us in fixing out our issues.
➢ Indirect Marketing – We plan on promoting our tourism and the developed
infrastructure through our uniqueness and ideas of the Greek Culture. Stock exchange
will help us in doing so by giving out government bonds and listing our previously
listed tourism stocks a boost in the stock market by infusing money into those
➢ Country Related Campaigns - Our foreign relations would be promoting our strengths
by inculcating their systems and beliefs which can bring more people to invest and
diversify their portfolios.

All these conventional and unconventional strategies will be inculcated to make sure that the
market perceives us better and gives us various opportunities to serve the community.

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Financial Analysis
Sources of Funds
Funds (in Reason
Particulars Percentage Billion Euros)
The country will invest initially using its
existing reserves of the already
Government of Greece 45% 4.5 collected tax money
This scheme has been introduced to
improve cash flows in the economy
wherein the investor relations will be
maintained through various services
Foreign Investors
provided to these countries like the
(Countries) 7.1% 0.71 ports.
Loan Facilities raised by the
Government earlier through the EU will
Existing Loan Facilities 16.7% 1.67 be used to do as planned
ATHEX will invest amount in the new
stock exchange board as a loan which
Stock Exchange will be adjusted with the newly yielded
(ATHEX) 31.2% 3.12 stock bonds of the government.
TOTAL: 100% 10

Allocation of Funds
Particulars Break-Up Amount (in
Billion Euros)
Infrastructure 4.0
Human Resources 1.4
Marketing 1.0
Stock Market 3.5
• Land 1.0
• Construction 0.6
• Services 1.7
• Legalities 0.2
Investment Activities and Financial No Break-Up 0.1
Base for Uncertainties (Contingency
Total: 10
Note: Amounts shown above are estimates which are speculated to be rightfully distributed in
order to attain the organization’s financial and social goals

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Revenue Model
Particulars Our Revenue Demand Total (in Euros)
Revenue from Listed
Companies 150,000,000
Stock Trading Bonds 200 12000 2,400,000
Revenue from Infrastructural
Usage 5,000,000
Additional Revenues 2,000,000
Total 159,400,000

Particulars Our Revenue Demand Total (in Euros)
Revenue from Listed
Companies 210,000,000
Stock Trading Bonds 201.2 17000 3,420,400
Revenue from Infrastructural
Usage 5,410,000
Additional Revenues 2,040,000
Total 220,870,400

Particulars Our Revenue Demand Total (in Euros)
Revenue from Listed
Companies 243,000,000
Stock Trading Bonds 221 23100 5,105,100
Revenue from Infrastructural
Usage 5,700,000
Additional Revenues 2,005,000
Total 255,810,100

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Cash Flow Statement

Particulars Amount Amount

Revenue from Operations 159,400,000 159,400,000
Less: Expenses
Salaries 3,89,40,000
Maintenance and Cleaning 2,40,000
Server and Website Maintenance 1,80,000
Administration 2,96,400
Security 4,32,000
Electricity (Backup) 1,08,000
Water 1,20,000
Toll Free Number 24,000
Production Cost 2,40,00,000
Stationery 60,000
Telephone Expenses 1,44,000
Marketing 1,80,00,000
Taxes and other charges 28,55,600
Wi-Fi 1,80,000
Auditing 3,00,000
Office Rent 90,00,000
Miscellaneous 1,20,000
Construction and Infra Development Projects 106,700,150
Stock Markets (ATHEX and TSE) 75,250,000 191,450,150
Net Loss for the year 32,050,150

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Public Relations


Date: 5th April 2021

MHA, Greece

With an immediate effect to be published, Greece is excited to announce its new plan to help
in revamping the country’s economy and increase its cash flow. Austerity measures taken
will be curbed in a course of 3 years.

Greece will be creating the World’s first unregulated Stock Exchange which will attract
foreign investments and will increase FDIs in the country. With a 10 Billion Euro Project
underway, the Government is planning to restructure the whole country by creating great
infrastructure which will start from drainages, roads and railways to inculcating AI and Tech
related services through urbanization. Villages will be given utmost priority and all the basic
necessities will be supplied to people and any inconvenience caused is deeply regretted.

Employment will be given to people and tax reductions will be stated in the press conference
today. We expect great support and perseverance from the public. We will work tirelessly to
make sure that all issues are addressed and we will strive to create Greece into a Developed
Nation. Your presence will be appreciated and any other query/suggestions can be sent to us

Ministry of Home Affairs, Greece

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Invitation Poster

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