Grade 6 Qatar History Books Lesson

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Qatar History G4 Text Book

GRADE: 6 Unit 3- LESSON -1 27-05-2021

Topic: The Arab Islamic Identity and the factors influencing its formation
 There are three factors that from the Arab- Islamic culture:
1. Islamic Religion:
 Islam is the religion of truth. The Islamic behavior is an honest mirror that reflects the
principles of the true Islamic religion that grants Muslims pride and dignity, and thus
they have to stick to the Islamic value and principles.

2. Arabic Language
•Arabic language represents a medium of communication and understanding between
individuals of the Arab nation.
• It is the link between the past and future and acts as treasury in which the glories of
Arabs are kept and through which the heritage of ancestors can survive.
•Therefore, Arabs to be proud of the Arabic language and maintain, develop and enhance
it because it is the language of the Holy Quran.

3. Common History

 The Arab nation has glorious history filled with victories and glorious. It is strong link
between individuals of the Arab nation and has to be preserved due to its great
importance as it resembles a reflection of the nation’s past and present, and through
Arabs draw a picture of future. People that have no history have no existence.

 Explain the following.

o The importance of the Arabic language in reinforcing our Arab

Islamic identities.
Arabic language represents a medium of communication and understanding
between individuals of the Arab nation.
It is the link between the past and future and acts as treasury in which the
glories of Arabs are kept and through which the heritage of ancestors can
Therefore, Arabs to be proud of the Arabic language and maintain, develop and
enhance it because it is the language of the Holy Quran.
o What is our duty towards the Arab- Islamic identity?
We will learn all computer programs so as to benefit myself and enhance my knowledge.

We will be an honorable model of our religion and homeland in my dealings and



Explain: The Role of Islamic to Influence the Arab Islamic Identity.

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