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Cuello, Ranred Tom November 5, 2021

Dayaoun, John Mark

Dela Cruz, Kyla

Delos Reyes, Edmon

Culture and Morality

1. What is Anthropology, specifically, Cultural Anthropology?

⎯ Anthropology is the logical and scientific study of humans in the past and present, including their
cultural, social, biological, and environmental elements of life. In simple sense, anthropology is
the general study of humanity and its relative components. On the other hand, cultural
anthropology is more on the in-depth analysis and investigation about the people's culture system,
beliefs, practices, and social organizations that influences how the people behave in a particular
setting and groups.
2. What is culture?
⎯ Culture is a collective set of ideas, beliefs, norms, values, languages, and practices that people
used to share and have in common. It is a term that is widely used to describe the overall aspects
of a community, nation, or any group of people to define them uniquely and collectively.
3. What are the components of culture?
⎯ Basically, there are two major components of culture. First are the tangible components that is
comprises of physical attributes of the culture or the touchable and visible aspects of it such as
symbols, building, architectures, artifacts, and the likes. Next is its opposite, the intangible
components that includes the basics of a culture that is non-physical like the values, beliefs,
practices, philosophy, norms and other relative stuffs.
4. What is Cultural Relativism?
⎯ Cultural relativism is a general idea that no man should be judged accordingly without knowing
and understanding first his/her own culture. In this notion, a person's beliefs and practices should
be looked upon in a way that we are putting our own feet in their shoes. Since culture varies greatly
from one place to another, the goal of this concept is to promote sensitivity and understanding with
one another despite of our differences.

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