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The SpeciIic Heat Model Ior

an Einstein Solid
By: Ashley Paschal'einstein20solid'
W ntroduced in 1907, the Einstein model
oI solids is used to better understand the
speciIic heat oI a solid.
W Einstein`s model consisted oI looking at
a solid as a large number oI identical
harmonic oscillators, with each oscillator
having a series oI equally spaced
quantized states.
W The separation oI these states is hI,
where h is Planck`s constant and I is the
oscillator`s Irequency.
WeIore Einstein, Dulong and Petit Iormulated a law which
described the high-temperature prediction Ior heat capacity.
W Einstein realized that when the energy Ior a quantum harmonic
oscillator was less than kT, Einstein-ose statistics had to be
ulong and Petit Law
W verage energy Irom the distribution oI energy in the vibrational
Wor a solid that contains N atoms, 3N vibrational degrees oI
Ireedom are present (x-, y-, and z- directions) giving total energy:
instein`s Model
W Taking the derivative oI the previous equation we get Einstein`s
equation Ior speciIic heat:
WThe speciIic heat described in this equation is only dependent on
vibrational Irequency.
W or high temperatures, this equation gives similar results to the
Dulong and Petit equation.
instein`s Model
raph showing Cv Ior an Einstein solid as a Iunction oI temperature.
W &sing Einstein`s equation, the appropriate Irequency had to be
determined Ior each element by experiment.
W The quantity hu/k is sometimes called the Einstein Temperature.
W Debye improved and reIined this model by considering the
quantum harmonic oscillators as collective modes, called phonons.
His model accurately described speciIic heats Ior low-temperature
$ide Notes
lternative Method for etermining
Heat Capacity of an instein $olid
The heat capacity equation can also be derived Irom the partition
Iunction oI a simple harmonic oscillator:
inding the average energy oI each oscillator:
or one harmonic oscillator:
Heat Capacity Ior entire solid:
High-Temperature Limit of instein`s Model
W Einstein showed why the speciIic heat becomes temperature
dependent at low temperatures with the introduction oI
quantum behavior, but there is also a high-temperature limit.
W Einstein`s equation above, reduces to the Dulong and Petit Law
at high temperatures:
Connection between instein`s model and
ulong and Petit Law
Engel, Thomas and Philip Reid. Thermodynamics. Statistical
Thermodynamics & Kinetics.
Dill, Ken . and Sarina romberg. Molecular Driving Forces.

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