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BA 606 Team Management

Team Assignment 1: Team and Team Performance Evaluation.

 Present a discussion of what team is. What type(s) of team do you

have in your organization?
 What is meant by the “internal processes” of a team? Why is it
important to manage both the internal processes and external
opportunities/constraints of a team?
 What are some effective strategies for enhancing successful team
performance? How can these strategies help to decrease threats to
team performance and motivation?
 Have you experienced social loafing or free riding in a team setting?
What could have been done or can be done to avoid these effects?
 Discuss the key advantages and disadvantages to an incentive pay
system. Within an incentive pay system, what are the advantages
and disadvantages to rewarding team members in terms of their
competencies? In terms of their results?
1. As a team, discuss the questions above into one comprehensive
2. Present a comprehensive written presentation of your answers to the
questions above
3. Support your written presentation with at least 6 sources excluding
your textbook.
4. Use APA throughout.
5. Your written paper is due no later than Module 2 Sunday of Week 4
by 11:55 PM EST. Submit your complete paper via Moodle. Submit
only one written paper per team.

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