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Topic 1. Healthy living. Food.

1. What do you see in the pictures? How do these people feel? What type of food would you prefer?

2. What effect can food have on a person's health? Give examples. What food do you choose to eat
to stay healthy? Do you eat ‘junk’ food / fast food? Why? Why not?

3. Do you think that people these days are healthier than they used to be? Why? Why not? Do you
think we worry too much about what we eat and drink? Why? Why not?

Topic 2. Healthy living. Sport.

1. What can you see in the pictures? Describe each situation: people and activities. In your opinion,
how are these people feeling? Why do you think so? Would you like to try any of these sports? Why?

2. Do you like to watch competitions or to participate in them yourself? Why? Do you exercise
regularly? Why? Why not? What are your favourite sports at the moment? Why?

3. Do teenagers in Lithuania do enough sports or get enough exercise? Why? Why not? How much
time should people devote to physical activity? Why do some people decide to take up extreme
sports? How do extreme sports influence the personality?

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