ROCHA - Activity 2

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A. Theoretical Framework
This research was done at the RA Tania Institute in Paiton, Probolinggo. This research
aims to explain literacy management in the context of improving kids’ cognitive
development and intelligence. The researchers presented the learning management
structure (LMS). From the perspective of a teacher, these are the requirements to
present the curriculum, oversee the curriculum, interact with students, encourage them
to study, monitor their progress, and assess them. The framework described the
progression of literacy that was made through the introduction of numbers, letters,
colors, and problem-solving, which had been stated in the annual program’s (PROTA)
activity, then (PROSEM) semester program, continued (RPPM) weekly learning
implementation plan, and further elaborated in the form (RPPH) daily learning
implementation plan.

B. Methodology
The case study method of qualitative research is used in this study. The researchers
are familiar with the educational applications of the literacy movement. In-depth,
descriptive understanding of the phenomena the study object experiences, such as
behavior, perception, motivation, action, and so forth, is the goal of qualitative research
and utilizing various natural methods in a natural environment. The researcher
employed a purposive sampling strategy to identify the informants, where the
researcher selected the participants based on their skills and gave the researchers
reliable information about the themes being examined. The study included principals,
teachers, parents, and students as its five informants. Based on previously developed
interview protocols, researchers conducted interviews with informants about the
planning, implementation, and evaluation strategies used by schools to raise the IQs of
their students. The researcher additionally observed classroom activities like
maintaining the reading nook, looking at literacy posters, and keeping an eye on the
library. The researcher also gathered some crucial information on the research theme.

C. Findings
According to the statistics, literacy rates in Raudlatul Athfal (RA) Tania, Paiton, and
Probolinggo, the following methods of management were employed to raise children’s
cognitive intelligence:
Assessment of needs, management of literacy, execution, evaluation, and a tiered plan.
The literacy management at RA Tania has been more effective by identifying the many
needs needed. It is simpler to execute the control since it is structured and leads to the
achievement of the goals. In this sense, managing literacy to boost cognitive
intelligence is more successful and maximal. Fun activities are used to implement
literacy management, and then developed using game techniques to pique kids’
enthusiasm in teaching literacy enhance pupils’ cognitive intelligence, as shown by the
outcomes of the following interviews: As the director of RA Tania, Shafiah stated that
this institution’s literacy management was developed by a project known as the School
Literacy Movement (GLS). This action is carried out in a variety of activities that aid in
the school literacy movement’s success; the numerous implementation activities include
the following: first, the activity of singing 15 minutes before the relocation; second,
setting up a reading nook in each class; third, using the library; and fourth, the apex of
the theme’s introduction of the scientific environment. Because APE allows kids to be
imaginative and creative, it benefits students and makes it simpler for teachers to
implement lessons.
The APE they employ presents them with a growing number of creative problem-solving
opportunities, as well as stimulating children’s curiosity. More kids approach the teacher
with questions regarding their curiosities.
One of the children, Cahya, claimed that after hearing fairy stories from the teacher, he
discovered that the storybooks’ illustrations were amusing. He added that he could
identify the storybook’s hues, creatures, and flora. One of RA Tania’s guardians,
Qomariyah, claimed that thanks to the School Literacy Movement (GLS), kids
understand words more quickly, like writing, and grasp basic logic. They use the
strategies taught by teachers at home and collaborate with teachers directly through
communication or liaison books to manage the growth of our children. With an
appealing and not boring design, this literacy management implementation strategy can
enhance and expand students’ cognitive intelligence, allowing them to do so in a laid-
back and enjoyable manner.
The following actions must be taken to improve programs as part of a tiered plan to
maximize those that are already in operation. This multi-tiered strategy is also known as
a program evaluation. A program’s progress is outlined through evaluation, which also
assures that the physical and structural components of the timetable are affordable. The
act of gathering the data and information required to assess the amount and quality of
learning that has taken place and make the necessary corrections and improvements to
maximize outcomes is known as evaluation. Evaluation is done as a follow-up to
monitoring to gauge and enhance the implemented activities, including comparing the
outcomes of the activities. The evaluation’s goal is to help the prepared plans reach
their intended outcomes and be put into action.
Early childhood cognitive intelligence can be improved with diligent and organized
Required to effectively achieve development. Early literacy management must be
implemented and planned to address the components of problem-solving in young
children, particularly in terms of cognitive intelligence. At RA Tania, literacy
management is a further strategy for raising kids’ cognitive intelligence. In general, the
actions of children who start to grow their cognitive intelligence through writing, reading
simple words, and solving issues connected to remembering and thinking activities can
be seen as the literacy model in increasing cognitive intelligence in RA Tania.

D. Implications
The management of RA Tania’s early childhood education is crucial because the
inventiveness, originality, innovativeness, and assertiveness of graduates differ greatly
from those who didn’t receive early education. This is significant since there is fierce
rivalry in today’s globalized world, and we need highly competitive quality human
resources if we want to avoid falling behind. To fix and enhance the management of
early childhood education, primarily connected to early childhood education learning,
which involves the process of planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating, it is
vital to have qualified human resources. When the system review is done with a tiered
strategy, it might give direction and the following step is to optimize the currently running
program. This strengthens the even more organization to foster children’s cognitive
abilities using in-class literary stimulation.

Baharun, H. (2021) Improving Children's Cognitive Intelligence Through Literacy
Management. Retrieved from (DOI) 10.31004/obsesi.v6i3.1817

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