BP Movie Guide Questions

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Copyright 2018 Colby Hawkins

Marvel's Black Panther


Name: Subaru Date:



1.  Wakanda is ruled by a king and, on Challenge Day, leaders of other tribes, or those

with royal blood, may challenge the king by combat for the right to be king. Is this an

effective system of government?  Why or why not?  Be specific. ________________

Physical strength does not determine a person’s wisdom so I believe


that this system of government is inefficient.




2. Are the Wakandans wrong to distance themselves from the struggles of black

people in Africa and around the globe? Why or why not? Be specific.  ___________

What the Wakandans can do to support black people in Africa is to


share Vibranium to them, which is a type of metal with extraordinary


abilities. However, since the material is extremely powerful, other

nations would try to steal it as well which could eventually cause war
between nations.

3.  T’Challa has the opportunity to speak to his father after his dad was killed.  What

does T'Challa want to tell and then ask his father?  What's something you'd like to

discuss with someone, it could be a loved one or an historical figure, who's passed

on?  Why?  Be specific.  _____________________________________________

He said “No man is perfect. Not even your father" and humbly asked

for help. Even if I had the ability to talk to someone who’s passed on, I

wouldn’t use the ability because I can’t be bothered talking to a “non-

physical” person
4. Discuss the science behind the energy absorption, storage, and redistribution

capabilities of the Black Panther suit.  __________________________________


It's made out of a new metamaterial called Vibranium which has the

ability to absorb vibrations. Vibranium makes it capable of releasing or


absorbing energy.


5. Despite having access to advanced technology and taking advantage of some

aspects of westernized culture, Wakanda steadfastly maintained and preserved its

own culture. What are some examples of this in the film? What are ways that we can

exercise and honor our culture if we lived in a larger community that has a different

culture?  Be specific.   ______________________________________________

One of the most distinctive cultures apparent in Black Panther is a lip


plate worn by a Wakandan elder in the throne room. Like the elder, we
can honor our culture by dressing in traditional costumes.


6.  Was T’Challa right or wrong to bring Ross, the CIA agent, back to Wakanda to heal

him?  Why?  Be specific.   ____________________________________________

T’challa assumed that the agent is trustworthy and made the decision.

Obviously there are risks that comes along with bringing outsiders to

Wakanda but since the agent was in a live or die situatino, T’Challa

made a right decision.


7.  Women of color play important roles in this movie. We see them as nurturers, spies,

generals, warriors, and as tech leaders. How do you feel about their roles in the film? 

Most superhero movies’ protagonists are white-men so as a coloured

Is their portrayal realistic or not?  Be specific and explain your response in detail. 

person myself, I feel greatful that Hollywood is starting to accept


coloured-people as protagonists.




Copyright 2018 Colby Hawkins

8.  What was Killmonger’s reason for wanting to take over Wakanda?  What did he

want to do as Wakanda's leader? Was his reasoning good or not and why?  _______






9.  Was Killmonger a typical villain? Could he have ultimately ended up a hero if

allowed to carry out his vision? Please explain your thoughts in detail.  __________  







10   Do you think the Wakandans were wrong to keep their technology from the world?

Why or why not?  Be specific.  ________________________________________





11.  How do you think the film's positive portrayals of a black civilization untouched by

racism or colonialism impacts its viewers?  Please explain your thoughts in detail.








Copyright 2018 Colby Hawkins

12.  Is W'Kabi right or wrong to join forces with Killmonger?  Please explain your

response in detail.  _______________________________________________  






13.  Why is T’Challa a good leader?  Why is Killmonger a good leader?  Why is T'Challa

a bad leader?  Why is Killmonger a bad leader?  Be specific. __________________






14.  What are factors that help create Eric Killmonger (his personality, his motives, his

outlook on life, etc)? Do we have Eric Killmongers in our school community today and

why or why not?    _________________________________________________





15.  Did you enjoy the movie?  Why or why not (be specific)?  What are some themes

that stuck out to you from this film?  What does the film do well?  How could the

movie be improved?  _______________________________________________








Copyright 2018 Colby Hawkins

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