Paper-2 QA

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Section –A QS 3(15 marks)

My Response: Orwell uses a range of language and structural devices to

engage her readers by presenting how poverty affects the lifestyle of people.
He presents poverty as complicated and fearful and speaks through his
memoir, about the sufferings he had to go through when he was left with only
24 francs to spend.
P-1 Orwell uses many language devices to support his idea of poverty is
complicated. This is evident in the phrase ‘Tangled in a net of lies. The
metaphor used in this phrase explains how Orwell had to pretend that he is
rich though he was poor by using a huge amount of lies to cover it up. Orwell
also uses imagery to show how poverty can tangle anyone who is affected by it
very harshly even leading to death. He says that poverty can even affect your
lifestyle which is found in the phrase “To keep up appearances you must spend
money and go correspondingly short of food.” This phrase suggests that
though he did not want to have the drink he had to pretend that he was
leading a normal lifestyle.
P-2 The writer also presents the idea of poverty as stressful because when he
had to go through it, he uses the repetition of the word “poverty " in his
memoir which could have made him worried and curious about his survival
because it was all that he could think of whilst writing it. Orwell also uses the
semantic field of “poverty" to present this by using words such as difficulty,
foodless, ran out, and hungry to present the loss and various kinds of torture
he had to face.

P-3 Orwell also uses structural features throughout his memoir to demonstrate
the effects caused by poverty. This is presented by him by using many pauses
in the sentences which also pauses his readers to thoroughly think about the
extreme conditions he as well as other people suffering poverty had to go
through which presents it as a huge issue within the society. The constant use
of complex sentences also grabs the attention of readers which links back to
the idea of the complexity of poverty. He also addresses the reader rather than
himself in his memoir. This could be because Orwell wanted to show his
readers that anyone can get affected by poverty if they do not spend wisely. It
also suggests the idea of the loss of identity by poverty which results in a
dramatic change within us and our lifestyles.

6-Mark QUESTION 7a)

Both Text-1 and Text-2

Both Text-1 and Text-2 talk about poverty and how it affects people in
separate ways. Text-1 is a memoir that talks about poverty faced by the writer
and text-2 is an article that talks about the poverty faced by the writer as well
as a group of people. One of the similarities found in both texts is about the
mental impact faced by people who had to go through poverty. This is
presented through the phrase “The mental toll of keeping Up that pretence is
huge.” The adjective used to describe the mental impact the teacher must face
by pretending that she is leading a normal life is described as “huge.” Another
phrase which suggests a similar idea is “A lot of people hide it out of fear or
shame.” This suggests that people are afraid or ashamed of revealing their
poverty as it might affect their position in their workplaces, family, and society.

Section-B Transactional writing (Article)

‘Life is meant to be lived as a celebration’
This article is about how appreciating the small things in your life can make you
optimistic and develop a sense of self confidence and self-esteem within
yourself by identifying what they are and how to reward yourself for achieving
A) What are the good things in your life?
It is often difficult to find out our own strengths in ourselves though we can
find them easily in the people around us. I strongly believe that every moment
in our life is worth celebrating. Many good things happen in our life which we
often go unnoticed. This could simply be giving food or money to people in
need or lending a helping hand to your friends or people in need or having a
small chat with people who are depressed and cheering them up. It could also
be an achievement at your school, college, or at the workplace. It is very
crucial identifying those good things in you as it makes you aware of your
strengths and provides inspiration to do more good deeds and helps you
develop as a positive individual in the society.
The University of Oxford published a study which stated that people who
appreciate the little things in their life tends to live longer. Yes, appreciating
the small yet good deeds in your life results in an individual who is optimistic,
resilient and stress free. Medical reports suggest that ¾ of the world
population reduces their lifetime by worrying things unnecessarily. An
American host Oprah Winfrey once said, ‘the more you celebrate in your life
the more there is in life to celebrate.’ Life is described as a rollercoaster with
ups and downs. It is not necessary that every single one of us will lead a
positive and an affirmative lifestyle. Disasters are natural. However, identifying
the good things, even if its small can make us all feel a lot better.
b) Why is it important to celebrate the small things in life?
It is very crucial that you celebrate even the small things in your life as research
suggests that it is important to our mental health, self-care, and happiness. It
also provides us with an encouragement to take leave from our busy schedules
and celebrate our achievements and strengths which provides us with the
incitement to do more better than usual by boosting up our self-confidence. It
also helps us gain important skills such ae hosting, socializing with people and
improving our communication skills. The University of Cambridge published a
statement which suggested that more than 70% of the successful people often
used to appreciate the small things in life which motivated them to do even
better than usual.

C) What are the various ways to show that you celebrate the good things that
happen in our life.
A famous person once said, ‘Celebrate the small wins and keep winning'. There
are many ways to express your appreciation on the good things in your life.
Celebrating success does not have to be complicated or involved. It might be as
simple as spending time with a colleague or friend a coffee and cupcake when
something good has happened, sending a congratulations email with a gift, or
having a celebrations board in the staff room or school faculty.
You can also make celebration a regular part of your work practice. At team or
staff meetings, you might invite everyone to talk about one thing they want to
celebrate, or you might have a monthly team shout-out, where team members
nominate the people or things they would like to acknowledge and celebrate.

Life is not easy to live but it is if we acknowledge our success and good events
in our life even if it is a small one.

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