Activity 5

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Republic of the Philippines


Puerto Princesa City

Name: Lorainne F. Barlas

Course: BSBA FM 1-4

Activity 5

1) Why is it possible to hold Natural Law as a framework for living a good life that is to be
a moral person even if one does not believe in God?
 The law of nature states that natural good exist for man and that natural good can
be achieved through human action. This is the foundation of a good human life.
Whether people believe in God or not, all-natural laws are natural laws given by
God. We can live well by aligning our thoughts and actions with all that is good.
The laws of nature, carefully thought out by the superior mind, have included
consciousness in man, so that he can be good without a Creator, but he cannot
have a future without doing his best.

2) Discuss briefly the four kinds of law and the relationship of each law to each other.
1. Eternal Law – it was God’s perfect plan, not fully known to man. He determined
how things like animals and planets behaved and how humans should behave.
2. Natural Law – a body of unchanging moral principles regarded as a basis for all
human conduct.
3. Divine Law – a law that is believed to come directly from God.
4. Human Law – is a law that is created by humans and is generally considered to
be contrary to concepts such as natural law and divine law.
 For Aquinas, human laws are derived from natural laws, which are part of eternal
laws. So first the eternal law, then the human law. Divine law is the law revealed
to man by God, while natural law is the eternal law written in the heart of man.

3) If abortion is immoral, how can you justify Therapeutic abortion using the principle of
double effect? Explain.
 Double effects prohibit the achievement of good ends by wrong means, but allow
actions that have double effects, both good and bad, under certain conditions. The
act itself is not morally wrong. Some argue that this is a case of the principle of
double effect if saving the life of a pregnant woman results in the death of the
fetus (eg, abortion during pregnancy threatens the death of the mother).

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