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Ryan had always been amazed about the outside world. Classes would
dull him out and he’d always be looking outside the window. It was no
surprise when he grew up he opened a travel agency. Ryan would
inspire youngsters to travel to exotic places and sometimes he too tag
along. Since he skipped school and so Science classes Ryan would never
believe that Earth is actually a sphere. He came from the school of
thought that, ‘It isn’t, If you haven’t seen it.’ In his belief Earth is
actually a disc with Arctic at the center and Antarctica on the
boundaries. Ryan plans to take a group of friends to Antarctica and
reach ‘this edge of Earth’. They call themselves “FLAT EARTH RESEARCH
TEAM” and are hell bent to bust NASA’s conspiracy of a spherical Earth.
This group of 5 led by Ryan train everyday physically and mentally to
sustain the harsh climate of poles, with just the belief that they would
be the first Men to reach the edge of the Earth. Ryan says his
inspiration is no other than Columbus himself. Somehow they did reach
The Antarctica with a research vessel as their janitors. They had
managed to keep the real reason for coming there as a complete secret
and set out to find the edge of the Earth. The vastness of ice sheets and
frozen glacier welcomed them with an endless white. They did not find
the edge of Earth but this vast white convinced them further that earth
was an endless flat of ice and nothing else. Either the edge was never to
be found or it was too far to reach. Ryan announced laughing to his
team that “Earth is Flat but the edge is very shy”.

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