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Nama Kelompok :

1. Lilis Ayu ningsi

2. Adelheid stirman
3. Meira m maradia
4. Qiqi Riski anggraini
5. Riska Amanda
6. Adelstin tamaroba

A deskription of ring

A ring is a piece of jewerly That is circulary fingesed. Rings can be Worn By women as Well as men.
Traditionally, rings are usually made from precious metals, such as Gold ,silver and enterprises

In addition to fonctioning as jewerly traditionally rings are ussually part of wedding caremanies.
Rings are given during wedding ceremonies , engaments or as gifts given as on expressien of pladge
allegiance and a sign affection

However, rings are not only for couples but have been Made into one famale accesory and among
men. Because the rings had its
Own beauty

Using a rings is certainly good and seems beautiful and quite sweet placed oN the Hend of the ring,
fiages located on the
Left, namely the Finger of the four.

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