Automatic IOT Based Plant Monitoring

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E Mini Project 1
Automatic IOT Based Plant Monitoring & Watering System Using NODE MCU ESP 8266

Project Report on
“Google Assistant & IOT Based Smart
Agricultural Management System”
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the
“T.E - B.Tech”
Electronic & Tele- Communcation
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
TechnologicalUniversity, Lonere.
Name of Student Roll No.

1. Abhishek M. Ladage. 41
2. Abhishek M. Koli 38
3. Aniket M. Terdale. 50
4. Yogesh B. Dudhane. 34

Under The Guidance Of

Lecturer in Electronic &

Department of E &TC
T.E Mini Project 2
Automatic IOT Based Plant Monitoring & Watering System Using NODE MCU ESP 8266

Shri Shamrao Patil (Yadravkar) Educational & Charitable Trust’s



This is to certify

Name of Students Roll No.

1. Abhishek M. Ladage. 41
2. Abhishek M. Koli 38
3. Aniket M. Terdale. 50
4. Yogesh B. Dudhane. 34

That, have successfully completed the Project work entitled “Google Assistant &
IOT Based Smart Agricultural Management System” under my supervision, in the
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the TE B.Tech in Electronic & Tele-
communication Engg and the report submitted to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
Technological University, Lonere.

Date: - 11-06-2022
Place: S.I.T.C.O.E. Yadrav.

Mr.T.M.Diwakar Dr.P.S.PATIL Dr.S.A Khot

Project Guide Head of Dept Principal

T.E Mini Project 3
Automatic IOT Based Plant Monitoring & Watering System Using NODE MCU ESP 8266


Respected sir,

I/We undersigned hereby declare that the project entitled “Google Assistant & IOT Based
Smart Agricultural Management System” under the guidance and supervision of
The project is based on the information collected by us. If my project work
is found to be copied, then I am liable to be punished by rule of to Dr. Babasaheb
Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.

This work is humbly submitted to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological

University, Lonere. as per report under the curriculum.

Date: 11-06-2022

Place: Yadrav.

Name of the Candidates Roll No Sign

1. Abhishek M. Ladage. 41
2. Abhishek M. Koli 38
3. Aniket M. Terdale. 50
4. Yogesh B. Dudhane. 34

T.E Mini Project 4
Automatic IOT Based Plant Monitoring & Watering System Using NODE MCU ESP 8266


It is my great pleasure to present the honor and sincere gratitude to my guide

Mr.T.M.Diwakar is Lecturer, Dept. of Electronic & Tele-communcation Engg.
Engg Sharad
Institute of Technology College of Engineering, Yadrav. Helped in joining the hands in
developing each and every steps of this project and for valuable guidance and constant
encouragement during completion of project work. It was my privilege and pleasure to
work under his valuable guidance. I am indeed gratefully to him for providing me
helpful suggestions. Due to his constant encouragement and inspiration, I could complete
my project work.
I am very thankful to Principal, Sharad Institute of Technology College of
Engineering, Yadrav. My grateful thanks to Mr. Head of Department, for their valuable
guidance, support and constant encouragement.

I express thanks to my family and friends for their support and encouragement at
every stage of successful completion of this project work.

Name of Student Roll No.

1. Abhishek M. Ladage. 41
2. Abhishek M. Koli 38
3. M Terdale. 50
4. Yogesh B Dudhane. 34

T.E Mini Project 5
Automatic IOT Based Plant Monitoring & Watering System Using NODE MCU ESP 8266


Sr.No. Contents Page No.

Problem Definition
Methodology & Research Method

Block diagram & description

Main Project Working
Future scope

Advantages & Dis-Advantages

Required Reflections

Result & Analysis


T.E Mini Project 6
Automatic IOT Based Plant Monitoring & Watering System Using NODE MCU ESP 8266

Growing certain plants and vegetables in remote areas such as deserts and north and
south polis are also challenges because of the extreme outside weather. Very few species of plants
thrive in such situations and are often not used as a food source. In this study, we created a system
that can grow common plants and vegetables and can operate without depending on the outside
climate. We achieved this by using a technique called Hydroponics. Hydroponics is a method of
growing plants without using soil .The system was automated using microcontrollers and sensors to
keep human intervention at a minimum. An Internet of Things (IoT) network was created to improve
reliability and allow remote monitoring and control if needed. The user is only required to plant a
seedling and set initial parameters. Once done, the system is able to maintain the parameters and
promote healthy plant growth.

In this work, IoT concept is introduced to connect devices through Internet and
facilitate information access by the users. The system can obtain accurate perception of
Environmental information in agriculture field and then transmit the same to users. The system
monitors different parameters like Temperature, Humidity, Soil Moisture and Intensity of light. IR
sensor is fixed to check any external object entry into the field, in case of intruder detection buzzer
will turn on for few seconds. The Motor fixed in the field operates both manually and automatically
depending upon Moisture sensor results in soil. Motor automatically switches between on and off
stage of pumping action. Results are observed either in web app and monitor.

To measure different climate parameters, we are using different sensors like

temperature, humidity sensors etc. To detect the rain fall and the humidity in the weather we are
using the rain detect sensor and the humidity sensor respectively.

Keywords: Hydroponics, Internet of Things, sensors, surroundings monitoring, wireless

detector network.

T.E Mini Project 7
Automatic IOT Based Plant Monitoring & Watering System Using NODE MCU ESP 8266


In India approximately 60% of citizens are depending on agriculture, annual income

of citizens obtains from agriculture. In today’s digital world many farmers are still using traditional
methods in their field so; yield of plants is very less. Applying novel technology in the field will
solve main issues in agriculture. IoT is one among the fastest growing technologies. The IoT concept
is applicable to all fields like automation, industry, electrical, electronics, health care, tracking
systems etc. In case of plant growth automation is necessary to monitor several environmental
conditions. The Proposed system is based on monitoring and watering system for agriculture field
based on Internet of Things which help the farmers to apply new modern methods, can increase their
income with less manual work. Now a day’s traditional agriculture is changing to a modern
agriculture. Currently many agriculture applications are existed which became a business.
Improvements in agriculture contribute to the national economic growth.

There are several other parameters such as air temperature and humidity, lights, water
temperature etc. which are not controlled or maintained. These parameters are important for a
healthy and faster plant growth. In this project, we built a system which monitors and controls all the
parameters necessary for healthy indoor plant growth. The goal of this project is to make a system
that is cost-effective and, most importantly, is completely automated and requires virtually no human
interaction after placing the germinated plant into the system. The other aspect is to create a system
that can be used by a typical consumer; meaning that it is relatively small and simple to use.

The project accomplishes automation by utilizing various microcontrollers, sensors,

and IoT technology for remote monitoring, and control. In the most basic description of its operation,
the system takes inputs from the sensors and provides a controlling action to keep different
parameters in the desired range. This study provides complete automation with monitoring and
control of all the parameters necessary for the growth of a plant.

Automatic system can apply to all kinds of agriculture field. Internet of Things is a
connection of physical things to operate devices with the help of Internet. IoT is the network
connection of many electronic things. It enables to access any information with the help of electronic
components. The proposed system mainly works on connecting Internet to main system in plant
field, smart phones to check the result. The internet connected to device via smart phone which is
acts as Wi-Fi to monitor and other devices ( Smartphone/Laptop) to see results.

T.E Mini Project 8
Automatic IOT Based Plant Monitoring & Watering System Using NODE MCU ESP 8266

Improvement in the agriculture field needs lot of caring and use of digital concepts.
Countries like India though the main source for citizens is agriculture they use an old traditional
method which makes them earn less money, not able to solve family financial problems. Some of the
instruments they can’t fix due to huge amount so, in order to overcome these problems this system is
developed and should be economical to the users.
 Growing certain plants & Vegetables in remote areas such as desert, north and south poles can
be challenges because of the extreme outside weather. Very few species of plants thrive in such
situations and are often not used as a food source.
 Automated hydroponics systems currently on the market are either very expensive or don’t
control all the important parameters necessary for a healthy plant growth.
 Most of agricultural solutions for monitoring of outdoor plants and small green houses are still
only available at industrial level.
 Some areas water planting and other climate change and its requirement has become a burden
in today’s world.
 And some methods are not applicable at small size areas like irrigation sprinkler not for small

To improve effi ciency, productivity, global market and to reduce human intervention, time and
cost there is a need to divert towards new technology named Internet of Things. IoT is the network of
devices to transfer the information without human involvement. Hence, to gain high productivity, IoT
works in synergy with agriculture to obtain smart farming. This paper focuses on role of IoT in
agriculture that leads to smart framing

T.E Mini Project 9
Automatic IOT Based Plant Monitoring & Watering System Using NODE MCU ESP 8266

The main objective of this proposed work is to develop an Embedded System for plant monitoring
and watering system using Internet of Things. The findings implied that the system was able to meet the
criteria, specifically in safety, where the system exhibited an absence of harm when in us.

 The aim of this work is to make the system low cost, efficient and completely automated by IOT.
 Also reduce manpower for work, save water and required minimum or no humane interface after
placing the plant into the system.
 And most important parameters with required for growth healthy plant by improving accuracy and
precision of system with most efficient and easy to use.
 Make fast decisions to switch to various production mode of operation with real time monitoring
and control the status of sensors and provide required action.
 To use best technology with easy to understand and use efficiently in any weather condition also
cover maximum areas of agriculture.

T.E Mini Project 10
Automatic IOT Based Plant Monitoring & Watering System Using NODE MCU ESP 8266


The methodology used in this project was Systematic Engineering Process. This process
deals with the development of hardware products for Arduino projects. It helped the developer to properly
produce a better quality and more functional product. This process has four processes. This includes the
planning, design, building, maintenance. The planning process starts with the gathering of system
requirements of the prototype and made sure that the system requirements were understood couple with
the continued communication between and among the developers. In designing the prototype, the
architectural, and logical and the physical product output was finalized.
The planning process starts with the gathering of system requirements of the prototype and made
sure that the system requirements were understood couple with the continued communication between
and among the developers. In designing the prototype, the architectural, and logical and the physical
product output was finalized.
Research Method:-
The proposed system includes both hardware and software. The block diagram main system
interfaced with all components with processor .The hardware requirements is

Functional Requirements;-
□ Temperature sensor,
Humidity sensor DHT-11
□ Moisture sensor, Arduino UNO.
□ Submersible Mini Water Pump
□ Relay and motor
□ Server with data base and IoT
Enabled web based application
□ Power supply

T.E Mini Project 11
Automatic IOT Based Plant Monitoring & Watering System Using NODE MCU ESP 8266


IoT concept is introduced to connect devices through Internet and facilitate information
access by the users. The system can obtain accurate perception of Environmental information in
agriculture field and then transmit the same to users. The system monitors different parameters like
Temperature, Humidity, Soil Moisture and Intensity of light. IR sensor is fixed to check any external
object entry into the field, in case of intruder detection buzzer will turn on for few seconds. The Motor
fixed in the field operates both manually and automatically depending upon Moisture sensor
results in soil. Motor automatically switches between on and off stage of pumping action. Results are
observed either in web app and monitor and the Plant Monitoring System for Vegetable Growers was
mainly designed for securing and monitoring the plants status.

Proposed system:
In the proposed system, we are using different sensors like temperature, humidity, soil moisture,
rain fall sensors in our project. All of the sensors are interfaced to the ADC channels of the
controller and displaying those digital values on the LCD screen and sending those values to the web
server by using the Wi-Fi module. The motor will on automatically and supply water to the fi eld if
the moisture level is below the set threshold limit. And if any of the sensor activates, then the
corresponding alert message will also send to the concerned person via SMS using the GSM module.
T.E Mini Project 12
Automatic IOT Based Plant Monitoring & Watering System Using NODE MCU ESP 8266


ESP-based circuit to monitor and record the value of temperature, humidity, soil
moisture and sunlight of the natural environment that are continuously modified and controlled in
order optimize them to achieve maximum plant growth and yield. The controller communicates with
the various sensor modules in real-time in order to control the light, aeration and drainage process
efficiently inside an environment by actuating a water pump according to the necessary condition of
the crops. The system gathers data from the soil and plants then display it through the android
application. The application then sends a command to the system based on its received data and user
input to water the plants accordingly.
To control the environmental factors, the used microcontroller programmed to
control the parameters according to preset values, or manually through a user interface panel. This
system utilizes an NODE MCU ESP 8266 processor, various sensors to communication module.
Sensors gather various physical data from the field in real time and transmit it to the processor and
to the end user via mobile application communication. Then necessary actions are initiated to
perform action on behalf of people to reduce or eliminate the need of human labor.
Arduino is an open source computer hardware and software company, project, and
user community that preassembled. The boards are equipped with sets of digital and analog
input/output (I/O) pins that may be interfaced to various expansion boards (shields) and other
circuits. The boards feature serial communications interfaces, including Universal Serial Bus (USB)
on some models, which are also used for loading programs from personal computers.
The NODE MCU ESP 8266 is typically programmed using features from the
T.E Mini Project 13
Automatic IOT Based Plant Monitoring & Watering System Using NODE MCU ESP 8266

programming languages C and C++. IDE based on the Processing language project. In an industry
during certain hazards is will be very difficult to monitor the parameter through wires and analog
devices such as transducers. To overcome this problem we use wireless device to monitor the
parameters few years back the use of wireless device was very less, but due the rapid development is
technology now-a-days we use maximum of our data transfer through wireless like WiFi, Bluetooth,
WI-Max, etc
In this project we use different modules such as IOT, arduino as controller, Temperature
sensor, Moisture sensor, Humidity sensor. This project uses sensors such as a humidity sensor is
also given to know about the atmospheric humidity of that place. By having knowledge of all these
one can take action accordingly. Moisture sensor sense the soil is dry or wet. If soil is dry
automatically water pump will get ON.
The temperature sensor LM35 senses the temperature and converts it into an electrical
(analog) signal. The analog signal is converted into digital format by the analog-to-digital converter
(ADC).If temp increases more than set threshold value. Automatically fan will be ON. In this
project we are using dry/wet sensor, humidity sensor and Temperature sensor. The condition of soil
and the temperature maintained are being displayed on Mobile Application /Laptop and the same
values are updated in the internet through IOT module interfaced to the controller.

The android application receives the data that is sent by the system then displays
them. It also sends the schedule to the system for it to follow. It all happens when both devices is
connected via Bluetooth. The system has a soil moisture sensor and DHT22 temperature/humidity
sensor for automatic adjustments of watering duration which is displayed in the android application
This project accomplishes automation by utilizing various microcontrollers,
sensors, and IoT technology for remote monitoring, and control. In the most basic description of its
operation, the system takes inputs from the sensors and provides a controlling action to keep
different parameters in the desired range.
T.E Mini Project 14
Automatic IOT Based Plant Monitoring & Watering System Using NODE MCU ESP 8266

In this Agriculture system requires digital technology to solve big challenges. The
automation, usage of sensors, a processor, new technologies and remote automation can solve any
challenge. This made us to develop a device for plant monitoring and watering system
continuously with the help of on growing technology Internet of Things.

 The concept of IoT technology used to connect devices for collecting information. Improvements
in agriculture for rural and urban areas are rising in recent decades with the help of digital
technology. Presently available sensors are used to get possible outcome.

 The server based web app is developed which is free anytime and anywhere when system has
connection with internet. This system will optimize the resources in plant area. The installation
cost is tolerable as compared to large instruments. Totally this proposed system solves major
issues of the agriculture field.

 In future work, improvement in various agricultural applications will be done and how to do rain
water harvesting in the agriculture field.

 The analytics services should also include more complex tools. A schedule function should be
implemented in order for the users to plan the frequency of the sensing for every sensor. A
migration to the cloud for the server is important for the scalability of the system, as well. More
complex tools like extending alerts to enable the use of functions, rather than simply current
sensor values could be a useful.

 The most important and useful job that has to be done is the real field testing for extended time
and with several sensor platforms and sensors deployed in fields. This will provide feedback that
could be meaningful for the further development of the system and would include the users’
insights and real needs.

T.E Mini Project 15
Automatic IOT Based Plant Monitoring & Watering System Using NODE MCU ESP 8266


 Communication:
Since IoT has communication between devices, in which physical devices are able to stay
connected and hence the total transparency is available with lesser inefficiencies and greater
 Automation and Control:
Without human involvement, machines are automating and controlling vast amount of
information, which leads faster and timely output.
 Monitoring saves money and time :
Since IOT uses smart sensors to monitor various aspects in our daily life for various
applications which saves money and time
 Better Quality of Life:
IoT based applications increases comfort and better management in our daily life; thereby
improving the quality of life
 New business opportunities:
Creates new business for IoT technology, hence increases economic growth and new jobs .

Dis-advantages -
 Compatibily :
As devices from different manufacturers will be interconnected in IoT, presently , there is no
international standard of compatibility for the tagging and monitoring equipment.
 Privacy/Security:
IoT has involvement of multiple devices and technologies and multiple companies will be
monitoring it. Since lot of data related to the context will be transmitted by the smart sensors,
there is a high risk of losing private data.
 Lesser employment of menial staff:
With the advent of technology, daily activities are getting automated by using IoT with less
human intervention, which in turn causes fewer requirements of human resources. This causes
unemployment issue in the society.
 Technology Takes Control of Life :
Our lives will be increasingly controlled by technology, and will be dependent on it. The
younger generation is already addicted to technology for every little thing. With IoT, this
dependency will spread amongst generations and in daily routines of users.

T.E Mini Project 16
Automatic IOT Based Plant Monitoring & Watering System Using NODE MCU ESP 8266


 This thesis project presents the implementation of a system that is designed and built with a
primary goal: more effective and proactive agriculture cultivation. The use of low-cost
equipment and open source software solutions, affects the economic aspect of the project
and especially when considering the scalability of the potential usage.

 Furthermore, by using this system, natural resources and working hours are not wasted and
thus, the agricultural economy and society are affected with profit. Regarding the ethical
issues, in terms of privacy, the data that are generated and stored in the system are protected
from the end-to-end security and the users can access only their own data. Considering the
possibilities and limitations in work, the proposed future work can be used as a guideline for
continuously developing the system.

How technology can help?

By using IoT in different phases of agriculture is a solution to the above mentioned

problems. In this multiple sensors are embedded in the fields, which collects real-time information
regarding weather, temperature, humidity, rain fall, soil moisture, soil composition, wind speed,
wind direction, soil temperature, leaf wetness, air quality, predicting pest, crops , water level, which
in turn, this predictive statistical data provides information to the owner to make smarter decisions.
This information helps the owner/farmer in crop selection, crop monitoring, crop
maturity, crop yield, spreading of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, soil erosion, crop yield, diagnosis of
crop diseases. Further IoT sensors enabled machineries could further improve yields. These leads to
less man power, increased productivity and profit.

T.E Mini Project 17
Automatic IOT Based Plant Monitoring & Watering System Using NODE MCU ESP 8266


 The prototype of model is developed, which is kept in garden. The same prototype can
also fit for agricultural applications based on which sensor required. Each sensor with its
unique identity can access changes in the Environment continuously.
 After login happens in monitor run the http IP address observed in figure 8, later it shows
to click login in web app enter secured user id and password in page, the screen shot of
login page.
 The web page shows the screen shot of various results like temperature, humidity , light
intensity, moisture sensor results the condition of land either dry of wet and IR sensor
shows any intruder entered or not.
 The continuous displays of results in the monitor. In monitor results are observed
continuously until system shutdown.
 The screen shot on web app includes selecting motor operation either on or off. This helps
in agriculture field when immediate motor operation takes place.
 Also temperature and humidity valve on hourly basis in order to check the valves which
mainly consider for various applications example green house because some crops need
less valves and some need more. The device can be made to perform better by providing
the power supply with the help of renewable source. Time bound administration of
fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides can be introduced.

T.E Mini Project 18
Automatic IOT Based Plant Monitoring & Watering System Using NODE MCU ESP 8266


Finally, the developed plant monitoring system help minimizes the water loss and
reduces the constant supervision required for soil where plants grow. This prototype was
developed as a low cost and provides alternative solution for efficient water management. This in
turn helps the vegetable growers by managing the water supply to the crop fields and further
maintains the moisture levels of soil that resulted in an effective production of plants and
The whole system is advanced, reliable and convenient. This design improves the real-
time performance of the user to the agricultural environment change, and is conducive to the
realization of the unattended goal, and promotes the development of the intelligent greenhouse. In
future, this scheme can be used as a part of the development of remote monitoring of the Internet
of things and can be applied on other areas of modern facilities agriculture
 A few advantages of this system is that there is complete control over the aspects that allow a
plant to grow, it can be customized to fit the need of a variety of plants, and it does not rely on the
outside atmosphere or environment to succeed. When compared to other systems,
 This project proved its importance through its complete automation aspect as well as its ability to
be small enough, and affordable enough, for consumer usage.

T.E Mini Project 19
Automatic IOT Based Plant Monitoring & Watering System Using NODE MCU ESP 8266


 Anusha k, U B Mahadevaswamy,"Automatic IoT Based Plant Monitoring and Watering System

using Raspberry Pi", International Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing(IJEM), Vol.8, No.6,
pp.55-67, 2018.DOI: 10.5815/ijem.2018.06.05.

 Growth Technology, What is Hydroponic growing?, Available Online:

 K.Lokesh Krishna,J.Madhuri and Dr.K.Anuradha, “A ZigBee based Energy Efficient

Environmental Monitoring Alerting and Controlling System”, IEEE Trans.g, vol.3, no.1, pp.186-

 Arul Jai Singh.S1, Raviram.P2, ShanthoshKumar.K3, “Embedded Based Green House

Monitoring System Using PIC Microcontroller”, IEEE Trans. Syst , Man, Cybern . A ,Systems
and Humans, vol. 41, no. 6, pp.1064-1076, November 2011

 Jayavardhana Gubbia, Rajkumar Buyyab, Slaven Marusic a, Marimuthu Palaniswami, ― Internet

of Things (IoT): A vision, architectural elements, and future directions”, Future Generation
Computer Systems, Elsevier,2013

T.E Mini Project 20
Automatic IOT Based Plant Monitoring & Watering System Using NODE MCU ESP 8266


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