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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science IV

I. Objectives:
a. To identify the four phases/stages of water cycle,
b. To develop awareness on the proper consumption of water,
c. To show the stages of water cycle through hand gestures or mnemonics.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Water Cycle
b. Materials: pictures, video clip, cartolina, pentel pen and picture of earth
c. Reference: Earth and Space Science IV
d. Values Integration: proper conservation of water

III. Learning Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

Good Morning pupils! Good Morning ma’am.

How are you today? We are fine!

It’s good to hear that.

Everybody stands and pray The pupils will stand

and pray.

Today, you are going to learn

something new! Are you ready? Yes, we are ready!

Well, if you are all ready, may I

Invite everybody to stand for an The pupils will actively
Energizer. participate.

Thank you pupils, you The pupils will sit.
may take your seats.

B. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

I prepared an activity for you class.

Direction: Encircle the names of bodies of water found in the puzzle.


Good job class! Give yourself a very good clap.

2. Review

Class, What was our lesson Our lesson yesterday was

yesterday? About the different types
of clouds.

Very good! If you really under-

stood our lesson yesterday, I
prepared an activity. The name
of this activity is “TELL ME WHO I AM”

I will describe each type of cloud then you

have to name I am referring to. Do you understand? Yes, we do!

1. I am a puffy cloud that looks like

a puff of cotton. Who I am? Cumulus Clouds
2. I am a cloud that looks like a feather.
Who I am? Cirrus Clouds

3. I indicate fair weather when I scattered

in a fair blue sky. Who I am? Cirrus Clouds

4. I am a low cloud that covers most of the

Sky. Who I am? Stratus Clouds

5. I am a rain cloud. Who I am? Nimbus Clouds

Excellent! Clap your hands for those who answered.

C. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation

The teacher will show the picture of the earth and will explain the following to the class.

75% of the earth surface is filled with water and 25% of the earth is covered with land.
Therefore, water covers a wider area of the earth surface than land.
Motive Question
Class, Do you think the amount of water on earth
decrease since it’s existence?

Who says no? Who says yes? Answer may vary.

The amount of water in earth does not change.

It remains the same. Why? Today we will find out.

2. Values Integration

When do you use water? I use water everyday

in taking bath, washing,
cooking, drinking, laun-
dering and many more
in my daily task.
We can’t survive without water.
Water is very important.

Do you turn the faucet off when not in use? Answer may vary.

What do we need to do to prevent water We need to use

shortage? water properly.

Very Good! We need to conserve and

to use water properly.

3. Presentation of the Lesson

The teacher will challenge the students to think about these questions.

Where does the rain come from?

Where do clouds come from?

These elements are part of something called the Water Cycle.

(The teacher will present the large diagram of a water cycle)

This is a diagram of a Water Cycle.

4. Discussion
What is a water cycle?
- A water cycle is the process by which water moves from place to place above, on,
and below the earth surface.
- Water cycle is made up of four process or stages such as evaporation,
condensation, precipitation and collection.

Let us understand each stage one by one.

The first stage of a water cycle is evaporation.

- is a process when the sun heats up water in seas, rivers, lakes, ocean and ponds
then turns it into water vapor or steam and rises up into the air/atmosphere.
(the teacher will show an image of this process)

The second stage of the water cycle is condensation

- as the water vapor rises higher into the air/atmosphere, it cools and condenses.
- condensation means that water changes from a gas (water vapor or steam) to
liquid (water droplets) forming the clouds in the sky.
(the teacher will show an image of this process)

The third stage of water cycle is precipitation.

- as the water keeps condensing to form clouds, but when there is too much
accumulation or collection of water in these clouds, the clouds become heavy. This
means the air can no longer hold this much amount. Rain is a form of

The last stage is collection.

This happens when water go back together into the different bodies of water, ground,
plants and animals.

To let you understand fully the steps in water cycle, I prepared a mnemonic strategy
using hand gestures for you to easily remember the different stages of the water

Evaporation: moving hands up like steam rising

Condensation: moving hands together in the shape of a puffy cloud

Precipitation: moving hands down like rain

Collection: form a ring with your arms to form a lake

5. Generalization

Do you understand our lesson? Yes, we do!

What have you learned today? We learned that water

cycle is the process of
which water transfer
from one place to

How many phases are there

in a water cycle? There are four phases in a
water cycle.

What are those stages/phases? The stages of water cycle are

Evaporation, condensation,
Precipitation and collection.

Explain each stages. Evaporation is a process

when the sun heats up water
in seas, river, lakes, ocean
and ponds then turns it into
water vapor and rises up
in the air.

Condensation means that

water changes from a gas
To liquid forming the clouds in
the sky.

Precipitation is the process

Formed when get big and
heavy with water, it falls back
to earth in a form of rain,
hail, snow and sleet.

Collection is the stage of

water cycle when a water
turned back to the bodies
of water or in the ground.

Very Good Class !

1. Guided Practice

Group Activity

I will group you into three.

Group 1: Make an illustration of water Cycle

Group 2: Sequencing of water cycle stages through numbering

Group 3: Explain each stages of water cycle.

2. Independent Practice

Label each stage in the water cycle using the words placed below the illustration.
IV. Evaluation

Directions: Identify the cycle phase describe in each sentence. Write the letter of the
correct answer on the space before the number.

a. Water cycle
b. Evaporation
c. Precipitation
d. Condensation
e. Collection

______1. It is the process wherein the water falls back to earth, it may go to the
ocean, rivers and lakes.
______2. The sun heats up water in seas, rivers, lakes and ocean and turn it into a
water vapor and rises up into the air.
______3. The water vapor in the air gets cold and changes back to liquids into tiny
drops of water forming clouds.
______4. The water moves from place to place above, on and below the earth
______5. The clouds get heavy and water falls back to earth in the form of rain, hail,
sleet or snow.

V. Assignment

Make a collage of a water cycle illustrating its 4 stages.

Prepared by:
Julie Ann T. Ocumen
Teacher Applicant

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