Modul Polri - Preferences

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Preferences merupakan ungkapan untuk menyatakan suatu pilihan

kesukaan; lebih suka.

1. Prefer
Subject + prefer(s) + V-ing + to + V-ing

Subject + prefer(s) + noun + to + noun

Contoh :
Ann prefers eating noodle to eating rice.
Ann prefers noodle to rice.
2. Like

Subject + like(s) + V-ing + better than+ V-ing

Subject +like(s) + noun + better than + noun

Contoh :
Teenagers like using handphone better than using telephone.
Teenagers like handphone better than telephone.
3. Would rather

Subject + would rather + V1 + than + V1

Contoh :
My sibling would rather watch videos than (watch) television.

Subject + would rather + have + V3 + than + V3

Contoh :
Ann would rather have gone to the market yesterday than (gone to
the market) today.
Note : verb yang kedua dapat dihilangkan jika sama dengan verb
4. Would prefer

Subject + would prefer + infinitive + rather than + V1

Contoh :

My grand-mother would prefer to phone me rather than send me a


Contoh Soal

1. Cintya : shall we go by bus?

Dandy : hmmm, I’d rather ... by train.
a. To go going
b. Go
c. Went
d. going

Jawaban : B

would rather diikuti V1.

2. For breakfast, I prefer fried rice ... sate.

a. Than
b. To
c. Better than
d. Rather

Jawaban : B

prefer diikuti oleh to.

3. We would rather study for the final exam tomorrow better than go
a b c d
Jawaban : C
would rather diikuti oleh than bukan better than.

4. Abdul ……. continuing his education to the graduate Program to

working in his family business.
a. Likes
b. Would rather
c. Had better
d. Prefers

Jawaban : D
to berpasangan dengan prefer. Subjek tunggal sehingga
menambahkan “s” pada verb.

5. She ... to enjoy watching the movie rather than get out with us to have
dinner in the restaurant.
a. Would like
b. Would prefer
c. Prefers
d. Would rather

Jawaban : B
rather than berpasangan dengan would prefer.

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