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Confusing words (hose the caret word each ofthe following sentences ‘Doyou think the new tax changes will affectlfTect) you very much? Hisbohaviour atthe party was (contemptuouslcontemptible) ‘This must be the definitadefinitive reference work on Roman histor, ‘The doctor told him to uo the (inimentlineament) twice daily Ifyou print that, su you for (ibeVslanden "This io my last wil an¢ (testimony/tstament ‘Wermay have won all cur matches this season, but we musta allow ‘ourselves to hoeome (ctmplaisantcomplacent ve always wanted to ive big (uxurioustuuriant) cas. The situation in Chine the moment i tense and (yolatle/valubl). 10 a 1 8 “ 6 16 W 18 Be SERERE It is most (egrotfulregretable) that Mr Brown ies decided to resign ‘The police ave (conclsive/docisive) prof that he rubbed the bank. How do you expect me agetthe work finished when Tm (continually? continuously) being interrupted? ‘She was a vory(intensivfintonse) person, who seemed to care deeply sbout everyone and everything. My father ea great believer in alteratelalternative) medicine especially homeopathy. ‘Sho had dyed her hair (distne/dstintiv) shade of blue. (goligel for embezzlement. Do you enjoy (urban/urbane) lf, or would you prefer olive in the country? He was man of angsinelsanguinary) temperament ‘The Government are under no illusionsielusions about the difficulties facing the country -My brother is erediblderedulous) enough to believe anything you tllhim. ‘The Governmont are vory worried about the (elicit sales of champasme. ‘What canbe (implied inferred) from the Prime Minister's remarks? ‘Tm afrald the projec far to expensive tobe (practicalpraticable) "There was an(appreciativelappreiable) rop in temperature lastnight, ‘Tasmania lee in one othe (temperatetemporal) ares ofthe ward ‘Are those mushrooms (eatablledibe) or ae they poisonous? ‘The majority of tinned food ia (efcientidefoctive) in vitamins. He spent three years st 22 are Only 25 per cent of people voted in the lca election; the rest were completely ‘uninterestediisintrestd) ‘The question of legal abortion isa very (emotionaliemotive issue in America The difrence in performance between the twocomputersis negligent! negligible The customs ofcer was very offcalofcou) and made ws open up al our bees Thoro aro vory (triet/sovere laws in Sweden with regard ta drinking and driving The company made (judieialjudicious) use of « Government grant. Her performance was (mactrful/mastery), Theeaffeine in tea and coffee acts as a mild (stimuluslstimulant) Proverbs crossword ‘Complete te folowing crossword. Each words part ofa wel-kncwn Engish prover. Across 3A and his money are soon parte (4) 7 Don't make mountain out ofa fo 8 The proofof the isin the eating (7 9 First come, frst. a uA in time saves nine (6) 12 Every. has silver Iining (6) 18 Don't putail your none basket 0) 6 makes the heart grow fender (7) 17 He who pays the piper calls the oy 19 isthe best policy (7) 20. Neoessity isthe ‘finvention (6) 22 Youcant teach an od dog new w 28. Outofthe frying pan and int the w 26 waters ran deop (5) 21 More legs speed 6) 28 One ‘doesnot make a summer (7) ‘BL Too many cooks spoil @. 82 Nothing ventured, nothing. © '33 Look before you 34 Once rie shy) Down Actions speaie than words (6) 2 Wanouse crying over spilt @ 4 Wherethere'sa theresa way 5 Lt. dogs ie) 6 Ariend in need is a friend o 7 Armise is as good as 2 @ 10. Blood is ‘than water () 2 gins at home (?) 14 Don't look a hore in the mouth (@) 16 Beggars cant be 8) 18 Two are beter than one (5) 20 Great think alike) 21 One good turn another (8) 24. eanill wind thet. nobody any good (5) 25 Don't count your chickens before they a 28. Spooch silver, is golden ( 29. The early bird catches the @ 30 Outaf, out of mind (5) o 10 u 18 u 6 Words that begin with “IN-” ‘ead trough te cestntion andi ithe missing words, af neh begin wii tw destray unwanted things by : GUNTcIzINle [RTa TIE} sarning people who aren, dorot (F[Ne To INS: le [= Ta TTB] ‘are how their behaviour affects ‘other people ‘pain thatyougetwhenyoufnait (FING ETSI TSTFETS Alificlt to digest fod drank GSCI) ‘atthe beginning; at fie. TINT TALI tointroducea weal form of disease into the body aka protection INbIsuE TE] ‘gaint the dis rothaving money topas whatone CENT TTIW T8) food or drink that stn. cece thas very ite taste ‘someone oromething is ONCE Irn they caNEDE be harmed or damaged twlintroduce someone important Into new plac orjobby holding a special ceremony ‘wo things that arein.. are unable a exist ogee because they are completely different tocharge someone formally with an ‘offence inlaw GNC bRPlen BLE) tomake someone very angry an official inquiry ta in out what ‘caused tomeone's death Someone W081 ent ‘very rude and impolite " 18 a ‘he introduction of new idea, rothod or invention sornething that iin. 7 ‘hoot eeential someone whois travelling Renn travelling Aiaguise or using another nme 0 ‘hat he o ae wil not be recognised that esnnat be satieied Aibeliet A substance that is burned for its fect smell often during a religious ceremony aanarrow strip of water which goes ‘Homa sea orake into the land something that encourages you to Adosomathing amin, quality or ability ‘sone which you are born with someone Wha eine a8 fault cba habits that wil never shange ORPEEPERSPEE TE] GEER) TN} fale [Dl ult lc |ol¥) INET TE) 10 n 2 18 “ ry 16 " Words that begin with “EX-” ‘Read throug the uesdetinions and in te mising words, allot which Degin wth" to kill someone asa lawful ponishment (E[xke TelaTr Te] r hopeful; pregnant EP etch) ‘anew room or building thet is addedtoan (E]X[+ [tlw] 81r 1o IN) existing building i€yoU eR soem someone from a EXC TR] 1 Aifcut situation, ou free hime from it emake worse ERERERDERE) ataxthat the governnentofacountry [EX] | [S]_] ‘puts on goods that areprodced forsale in that country to free someone from blame ExCIN Tel 11) ‘brave, bold and auessaaful dood ERLE Someone WhO 18 CX. nnn 8 full Of in energy, excitement and cheerfulness to look closely at something EEL tobe very good at something f=) fe] fe] fe) Pl a] I FG cy oO Be PI to dismiss ofcially fom a sche}, college, when you ex. a groupot fnimals or people they are all killed toroturn someone who may be guilty of crime, and who hasesesped to another country for trial ‘twannoy or make very angry freed from duty, service, payment, ee ityouex. someone todo ssomothing, you ty ver hard to persuade him or her to do it 18 19 a to takeaway something owned by another often for public use to praise someone very highly to uncover something under the earth by Aigging tocometoan end todio yourex are the outermost parteof your body, ompecially your hands fd feet toleaveoutor shut out ‘shor piece of writing or music whichis taken from a larger piece totake a body out ofthe ground where it is buried

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