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Midterm Assignment

Please write a brief “About Me” section for Linked In. You do not have to create a
Linked In account, although I recommend that you do, as it takes time to build a strong
profile that recruiters/ companies will be interested in.

Please upload it to e class as a MS Word file. You may use different software, but I will
be unable to proofread it if you send a .hwp or .pdf.

Also, try to keep your bio to 2-3 short paragraphs. In addition, please list hard/ soft
skills that you think employers will be interested in. *If you don’t think you have
enough industry knowledge yet, you can make up a “dream bio”, which is what you
expect to have studied/ prepared before entering the workforce.

A Few Examples of Hard Skills:

● Industry knowledge (specific courses you have studied in your major such as
software design, macro economics, business English, etc.)
● Presentation skills
● English (or other language) ability
● Specific software knowledge (Excel, Powerpoint, Auto CAD, etc.)
● Writing/ technical writing

A Few Examples of Soft Skills (i.e. EQ)

● Ability to read body language
● Good manners
● Being a “people person” (i.e. good sense of humor, relationship building, etc.)
● Organizational skills
● Good listener
● Efficient

There are many resources online in both Korean, English, etc. on how to make a good
“About Me” section. Please check out what I have posted on band. Also, you can join
Linked In and check out Dongguk alumni/ professor bios for ideas.

There won’t be any webex classes during midterms week (19 Apr. or 21 Apr.). Please
upload your bio to eclass by 11:59 pm on 21 Apr.

This is worth 20 points. You will be graded on content/ engagement.

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