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Report for tissue number T-305

Date of collection 08 JAN 2021

Test Date Report
HIV I&II 09 JAN 2021 Negative
HIV PCR 12 JAN 2021 Negative
HCV Antibody 09 JAN 2021 Negative
HBsAg NAT 09 JAN 2021 Negative
Syphilis RPR 09 JAN 2021 Negative
Culture test 23 JAN 2021 Sterile

Release Date 23 JAN 2021 Expiry Date 07 JAN 2022

Dr. Suryakant Hayatnagarkar M.D.(Path)

It is certified that AMT Graft tissue is procured from healthy donors undergoing elective caesarean section and
placental membranes are harvested in sterile atmosphere. Amnion is further processed and sterilized using
antibiotic bath in tissue culture media to clean and remove cells and retain natural properties of basement
membrane. Finally preserved in tissue culture media, antibiotics and glycerol and stored between 0C to -20C.

Every batch of media and the tissues stored are cultured and are sterile.

Procedure for preparing tissue for use

1. The AMT Graft tissue is delivered in double packed plastic vials. Outer surface of outer vial should be
cleansed using Isopropyl alcohol and allowed to dry.
2. Using aseptic precautions outer vial is opened and inner sterile vial is removed. The tissue number
should be checked before removing tissue.
3. Carefully open the inner vial and retrieve the membrane filter with the AMT graft using sterile forceps
and drop in a sterile saline bowl.
4. It should be washed using 3 changes of sterile saline before using.
5. There are 2 surfaces to the AMT graft membrane- Epithelial surface which is shiny seen under
operating microscope and it does not stick to sterile cotton swab stick and matrix surface which is dull
and sticks and curls onto sterile swab stick.
6. Depending on operative requirement surfaces should be oriented as required.
7. Please ensure suitability of received graft for the purpose procured. Do not use when found
defective or not as per your specifications.

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