E.4.5.1 Shell Openings in Shell Heads Using Mathcad

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Shell Openings in Shell and Heads as per ASME Sec VIII Div-1 and DIV-2

A. Radial Nozzle in Cylinder shell (Self reinforced nozzle) - ASME Sec VIII -Div-1
- Example E4.5.1
Vessel Design Data:

Design conditions :356 psi @ 300 deg F.

Design Pressure P ≔ 356 psi P = 2.4545 MPa

Design Temperature Td ≔ 300 °F

Corrosion Allowance ca ≔ 0.125 in ca = 3.175 mm

Weld joint Efficiency E ≔ 1.0

Shell Material - SA 516 Gr 70N

Yield Strength Sy ≔ 33600 psi Sy = 231.6638 MPa

Shell Allowable Stress Sall ≔ 20000 psi Sall = 137.8951 MPa

Nozzle Material - SA-105

Nozzle Allowable Stress Sall_N ≔ 20000 psi Sall_N = 137.8951 MPa

Shell inside Diameter ID ≔ 150.0 in ID = 3.81 m

Shell Thickness ts ≔ 1.8125 in ts = 46.0375 mm

Nozzle Outside Diameter Dn ≔ 19 in Dn = 482.6 mm

Nozzle Hub Outside Diameter Dhub ≔ 25.5 in Dhub = 647.7 mm

Nozzle thickness tnoz ≔ 1.5 in tnoz = 38.1 mm

Nozzle Hub Thickness tnoz_hub ≔ 4.75 in tnoz_hub = 120.65 mm

External Nozzle projection Npro_ex ≔ 14.1875 in Npro_ex = 360.3625 mm

Interal Nozzle Projextion Npro_int ≔ 0.0 in Npro_int = 0 mm

Internal projection of nozzle wall thk ti ≔ 0 in

The nozzle is inserted thought the shell as per Fig UW-16.1(g)

ti ≔ 0 in

The nozzle is inserted thought the shell as per Fig UW-16.1(g)

Establish the corroded condition


D ≔ ID + 2 ((ca)) = 3816.35 mm D = 150.25 in

R ≔ ―= 1908.175 mm R = 75.125 in

tcorr ≔ ts - ca = 42.8625 mm tcorr = 1.6875 in


tnoz_cor ≔ tnoz - ca = 34.925 mm tnoz_cor = 1.375 in

tnoz_hub_cor ≔ tnoz_hub - ca = 0.1175 m tnoz_hub_cor = 4.625 in

Dn - 2 ⋅ ⎛⎝tnoz_cor⎞⎠
Rn ≔ ―――――― = 206.375 mm Rn = 8.125 in

Section VIII Div-1 solution - Evaluate per UG-37

The required thickness of the shell based on circumferential stress is given by UG-27(c)(1)

tr ≔ ―――――― = 34.3322 mm tr = 1.3517 in
Sall_N ⋅ E - 0.6 ⋅ P

The required thickness of the nozzle based on circumferential stress is given by UG-27(c)(1)

P ⋅ Rn
trn ≔ ―――――― = 3.7131 mm trn = 0.1462 in
Sall_N ⋅ E - 0.6 ⋅ P

a) Step-1 - Calculate the limits of Reinforcement per UG-40

1. Reinforcing dimensions for an integrity reinforced nozzle per fig UG-40(e), UG-40(e-1),
UG-40(e-2): see fig - bottom of the calculation.

tnoz_hub = 0.1207 m tnoz_hub = 4.75 in

Hub Length Hub_len ≔ 7.1875 in Hub_len = 182.5625 mm

Hub_len = 182.5625 mm
Hub_len = 182.5625 mm

Hub_min_len ≔ 2.5 ⋅ tnoz_hub_cor = 293.6875 mm

Hub length Hub_len_check ≔ if Hub_len < 2.5 ⋅ tnoz_hub_cor |

‖ “Therefore use UG-40(e-1)” |
‖ |
else |
‖ “Therefore use UG-40(e-2)” |
‖ |

Hub_len_check = “Therefore use UG-40(e-1)”

tnoz_cor = 1.375 in tnoz_cor = 34.925 mm

tnoz_hub_cor - tnoz_cor
te ≔ ――――――= 5.6292 in te = 142.9808 mm
⎛ π ⎞
tan ⎜30 ⋅ ―― ⎟
⎝ 180 ⎠
Dhub = 25.5 in Dhub = 647.7 mm

2. Finished opening chord length

d ≔ 2 ⋅ Rn = 16.25 in d ≔ 2 ⋅ Rn = 412.75 mm

3. The limits of reinforcement, measured parallel to the vessel wall in the corroded condition.

max ⎛⎝d , Rn + tnoz_cor + tcorr⎞⎠ = 16.25 in

4. The limits of reinforcement, measured normal to the vessel wall in the corroded condition

te_lim ≔ min ⎛⎝⎛⎝2.5 ⋅ tcorr⎞⎠ , 2.5 ⋅ tnoz_cor + te⎞⎠ = 4.2188 in

b) Step-2 - Calculate reinforcement strength parameters per UG-37.

Allowable stress in reinforcing element (plate) Sp ≔ 20000 psi

Allowable stress in vessel Sv ≔ 20000 psi

1. Strength reduction factors:

Sall_N Sall_N min ⎛⎝Sall_N , Sp⎞⎠ Sall

fr1 ≔ ――= 1 fr2 ≔ ――= 1 fr3 ≔ ――――― ――= 1
Sall Sall Sv Sall_N

fr4 ≔ ― = 1

2) Joint Efficiency parameter: For a nozzle located in a solid plate,

2) Joint Efficiency parameter: For a nozzle located in a solid plate,

E1 ≔ 1.0

3) Correction Factor for variation of internal pressure stress on different planes with
respect to the axis of the vessel. For a radial nozzle in a cylindrical shell

F ≔ 1.0

c) STEP 3 - Calculate the area of Reinforcement, see Fig UG-37.1 (with Reinforcing
element Fig UG-40 (e-1))

1) Area Required, A:

A ≔ d ⋅ tr ⋅ F + 2 ⋅ tnoz_cor ⋅ tr ⋅ F ⋅ ⎛⎝1 - fr1⎞⎠ = 0.0142 m 2

A = 21.9645 in 2

2) Area Available in the shell, A1 - use larger value

A11 ≔ d ⋅ ⎛⎝E1 ⋅ tcorr - F ⋅ tr⎞⎠ - 2 ⋅ tnoz_cor ⋅ ⎛⎝E1 ⋅ tcorr - F ⋅ tr⎞⎠ ⋅ ⎛⎝1 - fr1⎞⎠ = 0.0035 m 2

A11 = 5.4574 in 2

A12 ≔ 2 ⋅ ⎛⎝tcorr + tnoz_cor⎞⎠ ⋅ ⎛⎝E1 ⋅ tcorr - F ⋅ tr⎞⎠ - 2 ⋅ tnoz_cor ⋅ ⎛⎝E1 ⋅ tcorr - F ⋅ tr⎞⎠ ⋅ ⎛⎝1 - fr1⎞⎠ = 0.0013 m 2

A12 = 2.057 in 2

A1 ≔ max ⎛⎝A11 , A12⎞⎠ = 0.0035 m 2 A1 = 5.4574 in 2

3) Area Available in Nozzle projecting Outward, A2 - use smaller value

A21 ≔ 5 ⎛⎝tnoz_cor - trn⎞⎠ ⋅ fr2 ⋅ tcorr = 0.0067 m 2 A21 = 10.3681 in 2

A22 ≔ 2 ⎛⎝tnoz_cor - trn⎞⎠ ⋅ ⎛⎝2.5 ⋅ tnoz_cor + te⎞⎠ ⎛⎝fr2⎞⎠ = 0.0144 m 2 A22 = 22.2825 in 2

A2 ≔ min ⎛⎝A21 , A22⎞⎠ = 0.0067 m 2 A2 = 10.3681 in 2

4) Area Available in the nozzle projecting inward, A3 Use smaller value

A3 ≔ min ⎛⎝5 ⋅ tcorr ⋅ ti ⋅ fr2 , 5 ⋅ ti ⋅ ti ⋅ fr2 , 2 ⋅ Npro_int ⋅ ti ⋅ fr2⎞⎠ = 0 m 2 A3 = 0 in 2

5) Area Available in welds, A41, A42, A43, use the following minimum specified weld leg
dimensions, see Fig on bottom of the calculation
5) Area Available in welds, A41, A42, A43, use the following minimum specified weld leg
dimensions, see Fig on bottom of the calculation

Outer Nozzle fillet weld Leg leg_out ≔ 0.375 in

Outer element fillet weld leg_ele ≔ 0.0 in

Inner Nozzle fillet weld leg leg_inner ≔ 0.0 in

A41 ≔ leg_out 2 ⋅ fr3 = 0.0001 m 2 A41 = 0.1406 in 2

A42 ≔ leg_ele 2 ⋅ fr4 = 0 m 2 A42 = 0 in 2

A43 ≔ leg_inner 2 ⋅ fr2 = 0 m 2 A43 = 0 in 2

6) Area Available in element, A5:

A5 ≔ ⎛⎝Dhub - d - 2 ⋅ tnoz_cor⎞⎠ ⋅ te_lim ⋅ fr4 = 0.0177 m 2 A5 = 27.4219 in 2

(Refer note)

Note: The thickness of the reinforcing pad, te, exceeds the outside vertical reinforcement
zone limit. Therefore, the reinforcement area in the pas is limited to within the zone

7) Total Available area ,

Aaval1 ≔ A1 + A2 + A3 + ⎛⎝A41 + A42 + A43⎞⎠ + A5 = 0.028 m 2

Aaval1 = 43.388 in 2

d) STEP 4 - Nozzle reinforcement acceptance criterion:

Result1 ≔ if Aaval1 ≥ A |
‖ “The nozzle is adequately reinforced” |
‖ |
else |
‖ “Fasle” |
‖ |

Result1 = “The nozzle is adequately reinforced”

Commentary: The procedure shown above considered the hub thickened section of the nozzle as
a separate reinforcement pad, although it is integral with the nozzle. The sec VIII-1 code does
not provide explicit rules for determination of the available are in the nozzle, A2 for thickened
integrally reinforced nozzle. However, the various nozzle sketches in fig UW-16.1 consistently
indicate the nozzle thickness, tn is that of the upper nozzle neck section. There it is believed
Commentary: The procedure shown above considered the hub thickened section of the nozzle as
a separate reinforcement pad, although it is integral with the nozzle. The sec VIII-1 code does
not provide explicit rules for determination of the available are in the nozzle, A2 for thickened
integrally reinforced nozzle. However, the various nozzle sketches in fig UW-16.1 consistently
indicate the nozzle thickness, tn is that of the upper nozzle neck section. There it is believed
appropriate to remain consistent with the provided nomenclature and evaluate the hub thickened
portion of the nozzle as separate reinforcement, paying close attention to the proper use of the
strength reduction factor, fr and the limit of reinforcement measured normal to the vessel.

For comparison purpose, if the vale of tn was re-defined to that the hub thickened section,

where tn ≔ tnoz_hub_cor = 0.1175 m tn = 4.625 in

the Area of reinforcement calculations would be as follows.

1) Area required, A:

A ≔ d ⋅ tr ⋅ F + 2 ⋅ tnoz_cor ⋅ tr ⋅ F ⋅ ⎛⎝1 - fr1⎞⎠ = 0.0142 m 2

A = 21.9645 in 2

2) Area Available in the shell, A1 - use larger value

A11 ≔ d ⋅ ⎛⎝E1 ⋅ tcorr - F ⋅ tr⎞⎠ - 2 ⋅ tnoz_cor ⋅ ⎛⎝E1 ⋅ tcorr - F ⋅ tr⎞⎠ ⋅ ⎛⎝1 - fr1⎞⎠ = 0.0035 m 2

A11 = 5.4574 in 2

A12 ≔ 2 ⋅ ⎛⎝tcorr + tn⎞⎠ ⋅ ⎛⎝E1 ⋅ tcorr - F ⋅ tr⎞⎠ - 2 ⋅ tn ⋅ ⎛⎝E1 ⋅ tcorr - F ⋅ tr⎞⎠ ⋅ ⎛⎝1 - fr1⎞⎠ = 0.0027 m 2

A12 = 4.24 in 2

A1 ≔ max ⎛⎝A11 , A12⎞⎠ = 0.0035 m 2 A1 = 5.4574 in 2

3) Area Available in Nozzle projecting Outward, A2 - use smaller value

A21 ≔ 5 ⎛⎝tn - trn⎞⎠ ⋅ fr2 ⋅ tcorr = 0.0244 m 2 A21 = 37.79 in 2

A22 ≔ 2 ⎛⎝tn - trn⎞⎠ ⋅ ⎛⎝2.5 ⋅ tn + te⎞⎠ ⎛⎝fr2⎞⎠ = 0.0994 m 2 A22 = 153.9965 in 2

A2 ≔ min ⎛⎝A21 , A22⎞⎠ = 0.0244 m 2 A2 = 37.79 in 2

4) Area Available in the nozzle projecting inward, A3 Use smaller value

4) Area Available in the nozzle projecting inward, A3 Use smaller value

A3 ≔ min ⎛⎝5 ⋅ tcorr ⋅ ti ⋅ fr2 , 5 ⋅ ti ⋅ ti ⋅ fr2 , 2 ⋅ Npro_int ⋅ ti ⋅ fr2⎞⎠ = 0 m 2 A3 = 0 in 2

5) Area Available in welds, A41, A42, A43, use the following minimum specified weld leg
dimensions, see Fig E4.5.1

Outer Nozzle fillet weld Leg leg_out ≔ 0.375 in

Outer element fillet weld leg_ele ≔ 0.0 in

Inner Nozzle fillet weld leg leg_inner ≔ 0.0 in

A41 ≔ leg_out 2 ⋅ fr3 = 0.0001 m 2 A41 = 0.1406 in 2

A42 ≔ leg_ele 2 ⋅ fr4 = 0 m 2 A42 = 0 in 2

A43 ≔ leg_inner 2 ⋅ fr2 = 0 m 2 A43 = 0 in 2

6) Area Available in element, A5:

A5 ≔ 0 in 2

7) Total Available area ,

Aaval2 ≔ A1 + A2 + A3 + ⎛⎝A41 + A42 + A43⎞⎠ + A5 = 0.028 m 2

Aaval2 = 43.388 in 2

d) STEP 4 - Nozzle reinforcment acceptance criterion:

Result2 ≔ if Aaval2 ≥ A |
‖ “The nozzle is adequately reinforced” |
‖ |
else |
‖ “Fasle” |
‖ |

Result2 = “The nozzle is adequately reinforced”

Result1 = “The nozzle is adequately reinforced”

Therefore, it is shown that either procedure will provide equivelent total available area,
Aaval ; bote satisfying area acceptance criterion.

B. Radial Nozzle in Cylinder shell (Self reinforced nozzle) - ASME Sec VIII -Div-2 with
Sec VIII Div-1 allowable stress
B. Radial Nozzle in Cylinder shell (Self reinforced nozzle) - ASME Sec VIII -Div-2 with
Sec VIII Div-1 allowable stress
The procedure, per VIII-2, paragraph 4.5.5, to design a radial nozzle in a cylinder shell
subject to pressure loading is shown below.

a) Step 1- Determine the effective radius of the shell as follows

Reff ≔ 0.5 ⋅ D = 1.9082 m Reff = 75.125 in

b) Step 2- Calculate the limit of reinforcement along the vessel wall. for
integrally reinforced nozzles

LR ≔ min ⎛⎝ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
Reff ⋅ tcorr , 2 ⋅ Rn⎞⎠ = 0.286 m LR = 11.2594 in

Note: This is an analysis of a single nozzle; therefore, the spacing criterion is automatically
satisfied. If there were multiple nozzle in the shell, the spacing requirements for nozzle in
VIII-2 paragraph 4.5.13 would need to be checked.

c) Step 3 - Calculate the limit of reinforcement along the nozzle wall projecting
outside the vessel surface.

For set-in nozzles: te ≔ 0 in

LH1 ≔ min ⎛⎝1.5 ⋅ tcorr , te⎞⎠ + ‾‾‾‾‾

Rn ⋅ tn = 0.1557 m LH1 = 6.1301 in

LH2 ≔ Npro_ex Lpr1 ≔ Npro_ex

LH2 = 14.1875 in
LH2 ≔ Lpr1 LH2 = 0.3604 m

LH3 ≔ 8 ⎛⎝tcorr + te⎞⎠ = 0.3429 m LH3 = 13.5 in

LH ≔ min ⎛⎝LH1 , LH2 , LH3⎞⎠ + tcorr = 0.1986 m LH = 7.8176 in

d) Setp 4 - Calculate the limit of reinforcment along the nozzle wall projecting
inside the vessel surface, if applicable

LI1 ≔ ‾‾‾‾‾
Rn ⋅ tn = 0.1557 m LI1 = 6.1301 in

LI2 ≔ Npro_int LI2 = 0 m LI2 = 0 in

LI3 ≔ 8 ⎛⎝tcorr + te⎞⎠ = 0.3429 m LI3 = 13.5 in

LI3 ≔ 8 ⎛⎝tcorr + te⎞⎠ = 0.3429 m LI3 = 13.5 in

LI ≔ min ⎛⎝LI1 , LI2 , LI3⎞⎠ = 0 m LI = 0 in

e) Step 5 - Determine the total available area near the nozzle opening (see VIII-2, Fig 4.5.1).
Do not include any area that falls outside of the limits defined by LH , LR and LI .

For set-in Nozzles:

Lpr3 ≔ Hub_len = 0.1826 m Lpr3 = 7.1875 in

Lx3 ≔ ⎛⎝Lpr3 + tcorr⎞⎠

Area ≔ if LH ≤ ⎛⎝Lx3⎞⎠ |
‖ “Calculate A2 as per Fig 4.5.14 (a) ” |
‖ |
else |
‖ “Calculate A2 as per Fig 4.5.14(b) ” |
‖ |

Area = “Calculate A2 as per Fig 4.5.14 (a) ”

L41 ≔ leg_out = 0.0095 m L41 = 0.375 in

L42 ≔ leg_ele = 0 m L42 = 0 in

L43 ≔ leg_inner = 0 m L43 = 0 in

A2 ≔ tn ⋅ LH = 0.0233 m 2 A2 = 36.1564 in 2

A3 ≔ tn ⋅ L I = 0 m 2 A3 = 0 in 2

A41 ≔ 0.5 ⋅ L41 2 = 45.3628 mm 2 A41 = 0.0703 in 2

A42 ≔ 0.5 ⋅ L42 2 = 0 m 2 A42 = 0 in 2

A43 ≔ 0.5 ⋅ L43 2 = 0 m 2 A43 = 0 in 2

width of the reinforcing pad W ≔ 0.0 ⋅ in W=0 m

A5a ≔ W ⋅ te = 0 m 2 A5a = 0 in 2

A5b ≔ LR ⋅ te = 0 m 2 A5b = 0 in 2

A5 ≔ min ⎛⎝A5a , A5b⎞⎠ = 0 m 2 A5 = 0 in 2

A5 ≔ min ⎛⎝A5a , A5b⎞⎠ = 0 m 2 A5 = 0 in 2

⎛ Sp ⎞ ⎛ Sall_N ⎞
frp ≔ min ⎜―― , 1⎟ = 1 frn ≔ min ⎜――, 1⎟ = 1
⎝ Sall ⎠ ⎝ Sall ⎠

⎛ A5 ⋅ frp ⎞
teff ≔ tcorr + ⎜――― ⎟ = 0.0429 m teff = 1.6875 in
⎝ LR ⎠

⎛⎛ ⎛⎝2 ⋅ Rn + tn⎞⎠ ⎞ ⎞
λ ≔ min ⎜⎜―――――⎟ , 12.0⎟ = 1.3037
⎜⎝⎜⎝ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
⎛⎝D + teff⎞⎠ teff ⎟⎠ ⎟⎠

⎛⎛ λ ⎞ 0.85 ⎞ 2
A1 ≔ ⎛⎝tcorr ⋅ LR⎞⎠ ⋅ max ⎜⎜― ⎟ , 1.0⎟ = 0.0123 m A1 = 19.0002 in 2
⎝⎝ 5 ⎠ ⎠

AT ≔ A1 + frn ⋅ ⎛⎝A2 + A3⎞⎠ + A41 + A42 + A43 + frp ⋅ A5 = 0.0356 m 2 AT = 55.2269 in 2

f) Step 6 - Determine the applicable forces

Rxn ≔ ――――= 0.2607 m Rxn = 10.2644 in
⎛ R n + tn ⎞
ln ⎜――― ⎟
⎝ Rn ⎠

Rxs ≔ ――――― = 1.9295 m Rxs = 75.9656 in
⎛ Reff + teff ⎞
ln ⎜―――― ⎟
⎝ Reff ⎠

Rnc ≔ Rn

fN ≔ P ⋅ Rxn ⋅ LH = 127070.3828 N fN = 28566.5585 lbf

fS ≔ P ⋅ Rxs ⋅ ⎛⎝LR + tn⎞⎠ = 1910836.6428 N fS = 429573.1661 lbf

fY ≔ P ⋅ Rxs ⋅ Rnc = 977410.2876 N fY = 219730.5737 lbf

g) Step 7 - Determine the average loal primary membrane stress and the
general primary membrane stress at the nozzle intersection.

⎛⎝fN + fS + fY⎞⎠
σavg ≔ ――――― = 84.6282 MPa σavg = 12274.2774 psi
P ⋅ Rxs
σcirc ≔ ――― = 110.4949 MPa σcirc = 16025.9336 psi

h) Step 8 - Determine the maximum local primary membrane stress at the nozzle

PL ≔ max ⎛⎝⎛⎝2 ⋅ σavg - σcirc⎞⎠ , σcirc⎞⎠ = 110.4949 MPa PL = 16025.9336 psi

i) step 9 - The calculated maximum local primary membrane stress should satisfy
VIII-2, Equation 4.5.56. If the nozzle is subjected to internal pressure, than the allowable
stress, Sall , is given by VIII-2, Equation 4.5.57. If the nozzle is subjected to external
pressure, then the allowable stress is given by VIII-2, Equation 4.5.58 where Fha (min.value
of the allowable compressive stress of the shell and nozzle material from para 4.4) is
evaluated in VIII-2, paragraph 4.4 for the shell geometry bening evaluated (eg. cylinder,
spherical shell, or ha
formed head). The allowable stress shall be the minimum of the shell or
nozzle material evaluated at the design temperature.

Sallow ≔ 1.5 ⋅ Sall ⋅ E = 206.8427 MPa Sallow = 30000 psi

Local primary membrane stress is lesser than allowable stress

Result ≔ if PL ≤ Sallow |
‖ “Satisfied” |
‖ |
else |
‖ “Not satisfied” |
‖ |

Result = “Satisfied”

j) Setp 10 - Determine the maximum allowablw working pressure at the nozzle


fN + fS + fY
AP ≔ ――――= 1.2285 m 2 AP = 1904.1301 in 2

Pmax1 ≔ ―――― = 8.6401 MPa Pmax1 = 1253.1356 psi
2 ⋅ AP Rxs
――- ――
AT teff

⎛ tcorr ⎞
Pmax2 ≔ Sall ⋅ ⎜―― ⎟ = 3.0632 MPa Pmax2 = 444.2799 psi
⎝ Rxs ⎠
Pmax ≔ min ⎛⎝Pmax1 , Pmax2⎞⎠ = 3.0632 MPa Pmax = 444.2799 psi

Result3 ≔ if Pmax ≥ P |
‖ “The Nozzle is Acceptable” |
‖ |
else |
‖ “The Nozle is Not Acceptable” |
‖ |

Result1 = “The nozzle is adequately reinforced” As per Sec VIII-1

Result2 = “The nozzle is adequately reinforced” As per Sec VIII-1

Result3 = “The Nozzle is Acceptable” As per Sec VIII-2

Npro_ex = 360.3625 mm

Hub_len = 182.5625 mm

leg_out = 9.525 mm

tnoz_hub = 120.65 mm

Noz_OD_Top ≔ Dn = 482.6 mm

Noz_Hub_OD ≔ Dhub = 647.7 mm

Noz_ID ≔ Dn - 2 ⋅ tnoz = 406.4 mm

Prepared by : Robert Anto

contact : robertantoreni@gmail.com
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