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Treasure island

!Hey ,comrades¡, I am Henry Morgan and this is my partner Oliver James.

I am going to tell you about an adventure that we lived a long time ago, before we
became great pirates.

I was in Lackock when I heard a cabin boy named Jim Hawkin telling people to join his
crew . Immediately we joined his crew.
Next day we set sail and started our journey to the island, but suddenly I heard Jim tell
Captain Smollett that there were pirates on the ship ¡they discovered us!.

When we got to the island Jim went through the forest and we didn't know about it
for 2 days. finally we saw him, he was with a man in very bad condition who should
have been on the island for years, Jim told us his name was Ben Gunn.

I was with the pirates gathered at a bonfire, deciding a new leader because silver
frightened us ,and we chose my partner, Oliver James.
After that day we start to look for the treasure, when suddenly we hear noises ¡it was
jim hawkings with john long silver! They didn’t see us so we started to shoot.

They heard us and started attacking, some of us died and Oliver was hurt, so I carried
him to a safe place. I saw Jim with silver and gunn with the treasure they were getting
the treasure in the ship.
I set out Oliver if we hid in the ship, in the journey we could steal some amount of the
treasure. The next morning we went to the harbour and we hid in the ship, i heard
somebody on the deck, I guess it was jim.

When we set sail I saw blackbeard ¡he betrayed us! So Oliver and I caught blackbeard and
we hid her between the barrels. We questioned him and he told us that he was actually
betraying them for when they arrive in South America he will kill them, we didn’t
trust him at all so we were keeping an eye on him..

When we got to South America, she didn't lie to us if she killed them but I had a feeling
that someone was left on the ship ¡it was Billy bones! Oliver passed out, I was in shock
all of us thought that he was dead, i tried to go closer but I went through it, i tried to
run away but I fell into the water. I swam to the harbour and ran.

But I ran into a food stall and passed out. When I woke up ,the ship was almost setting
sail so I ran to the ship and my friend Oliver already was there so I got on the boat and
we arrived safely to england.

The end

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