Submission Guidlines

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JOURNAL FORMAT GUIDELINES: We request the authors to follow the journals formatting rules. Submission of manuscripts Manuscripts sent for review should be sent in a CD with three folders: 1. Title page, 2.Abstract and 3. Manuscript. Name of the author and the title of the manuscript should be written on the CD in capital letters. The author(s) full name, e-mail id, name of the Institution /University, contact details i.e. mobile/landline numbers, in 12-point Times New Roman. These details should be centered below the title. The author(s) name must not be mentioned anywhere else except cover page of the research paper/article. The main text should follow the sequence of INTRODUCTION, REVIEW OF LITERATURE, SIGNIFICANCE/NEED OF THE STUDY, OBJECTIVES AND HYPOTHESES, RESEARCH METHODOLOGY, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS/CONCLUSION, and REFERENCES. a) The sub-heading must be bold typed, fully capitalized and left aligned. The text matter must be in a 12 point-Times New Roman Font and 1.5 lines spaced. All paragraphs must be indented at 0.25. The text should be fully justified. The research article/paper should not exceed 10-15 pages in all. b) Figures and tables should be centered, separately numbered, self explained. Please note that table titles must be above the table and Sources of data should be mentioned below the table. c) The authors should list all references alphabetically. It must be single spaced, and at the end of the research paper. Each reference should be at 0.25 indent from the left. d) Please check your article carefully for grammar, spelling and typographical errors. e) Manuscripts, which do not conform to those guidelines, will not be either considered for publication or sent back. f) An author will receive print copy of the issue in which his/ her paper appears.

Abstract and key words Abstract should be in fully justified and italicized text. It must not exceed 250 words. The abstract should elaborate research background and methodology. The major finding(s) and conclusion must be presented in brief. Abbreviations must be mentioned in full. Maximum 4-6 keywords, listed alphabetically, separated by commas, and full stop at the end. File type Authors should submit the articles only in MS-word 2003 or 2007 format, no other format is accepted. Review Process Each research paper/article will be initially evaluated by Editorial board for blind peer review to check the quality of the research article for the journal. At this stage, two referees will carefully review the research article, each of whom will make a recommendation to publish the article in its present form/modify/reject. The review process may take one month and status would be known with in two months of submission of the article. Manuscript should be complete in all respect for publication. In case of acceptance of paper, this copy will be forwarded to the journal editor for its publication. REFERENCES In the text, a reference identified by means of an authors name should be followed by the date of the reference in parentheses. When there are more than two authors, only the first authors name should be mentioned, followed by et al. Examples: Single- and multiple-author references for books: List author names, including first names, publication date, book title in italics, place of publication, and publisher name: Donnelly, James H. and William R. George (1981), Marketing of Services. Chicago: American Marketing Association. Single- and multiple-author reference for periodicals: List author's full name, publication date, article title in quotes, unabbreviated name of periodical in italics, volume number, issue designation (month, season, or number), and page numbers: Bekaert, G., Harvey, C.R. and Lundblad, C. (2007) Liquidity and expected returns: lessons from emerging markets, Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 20, pp.17831831.

Single- and multiple-author reference for an excerpt in a book edited by another author(s) or proceedings: List author names, including first names, publication date, article/chapter title in quotes, book title in italics, volume number, editors, place of publication, publisher name, and excerpt page numbers: Bettman, James R. and Mita Sujan (1987), "Research in Consumer Information Processing," in Review of Marketing, Michael J. Houston, ed. Chicago: American Marketing Association, 197235. Web sites and URLs: List author names, including first names, publication date, title of page on Web cite in quotes, date material was accessed in parentheses, and the full URL of the actual Web page. Smith, Julie (2004), I Am a Marketer, (accessed June 26, 2004), [available at]. Copyright Submission of a manuscript accompanied that the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, or thesis) that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, It is essential that the authors provide formal written consent to publish and transfer of copyright before publication of the work. The Editorial board and the Journal of Commerce and Management are not responsible for views expressed by the authors. Fees Policy: Accepted manuscripts to this journal must be accompanied by a publication fee of Rupees 750/-. The author can submit the soft copy of manuscript anytime in M.S. Word format after preparing the same as per our submission guidelines, at the email All Manuscripts should be addressed to: Dr.S.SARAVANAN, THE EDITOR, JOURNAL OF COMMERCE AND MANAGEMENT RESEARCH, DR.N.G.P ARTS AND SCIENCE COLLEGE, DR.N.G.P NAGAR KALAPATTI ROAD, COIMBATORE-641048, TAMILNADU, INDIA.

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