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Task 2: As the number of cars increases, more

money has to be spent on road systems. Some
people think the government should pay for
this. Others, however, think that the car users
should cover the costs. Discuss and give your

There is no doubt that cars have become a
more popular means of transport in recent
years, which requires more spending on
improving road systems. While some people
hold the thought that drivers have to be
responsible for paying this cost, I strongly
believe that the government should allocate
more money for upgrading roads.
(While some people hold the thought that Op1,
others strongly believe that Op2. This is a
controversial issue that requires further
justifications before a specific conclusion can be

On the one hand, it is understandable why
some people support the idea that car users
must be in charge of paying for road
improvement. The initial reason lies in the fact
that ( The first reason is that) most of road
damage is caused by cars. In fact, cars are much
heavier than motorbikes or bikes, which makes
road systems worsen( degrade/deteriorate)
more rapidly. Another argument is that car
owners tend to be significantly wealthier than
people who travel by motorbike or bicycle.
Therefore, it is reasonable for them to
contribute financially to upgrading roads and
this can be considered to be a way to support
the poorer.
On the other hand, I advocate the view that ( I
am in favour of the opinion that) the
government has to take responsibility for
investing in bettering the road systems. This is
mainly/primarily/principally because/as/since
car owners have paid enormous taxes on the
purchase of automobiles as well as tolls to enter
certain roads or bridges. Therefore, it is unfair
to force them to pay for/allocate for the
upgradation of roads. Furthermore,/Another
factor that should be taken into consideration is
that/A more essential factor why I
advocate the argument is that the
government has imposed taxes on buying
vehicles or travel, so they need to use this
money to provide better/good quality
transportation infrastructure for their citizens.
( Furthermore, the government has the right to
make decisions for national issues and it is also
easier for them to call for financial contribution
of residents as well as foreign investment, which
facilitates the improvement of road systems.)
(On the other hand, opponents of this view may
argue that…)


In conclusion, this is a controversial issue that

cannot be solved in a short period of
time( whether governments or car users have to
be responsible for the upgradation of road
systems is still a controversy). In my
opinion/From my perspective, the government
should be the main investor in building or
widening roads but individuals and social
organizations can make some contributions.


Task 2: Some people think a job not only

provides income but also social life. Others
think it is better to develop social life with
people you do not work with. Discuss both
views and give your opinion.
There is no doubt that occupations and social
life(friends) play a vital role in people’s life.
(People hold different views on what kinds of
people they should socialize with). While some
people hold the thought that….., I strongly
believe that…………..

On the one hand, it is understandable( there are
some convincing grounds to explain) why some
people support the idea that………….The initial
reason lies in the fact that………..Indeed,
…………..Another argument is that……………….As a
On the other hand, I am in favour of the opinion
that………………….This is mainly
because………….For instance,
………………..Furthermore,…………………The actual
fact is that……………..
In conclusion, this is a controversial issue that
cannot be solved in a short period of time.
However, I believe that/my view is that……………..

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