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EM 23 : MKT Manajemen
Pemasaran Strategic
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/ EM 23 : MKT Manajemen Pemasaran Strategic


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RPS Manajemen Pemasaran

Strategic #

RPS Manajemen Pemasaran


Market-Based Management -

6th edition by Roger J. Best

Case dan Bahan Tambahan #

Marketing Chanels and

Channel Maooing (Chapter 9)

McDonald's Is China Lovin It

Product Innovation at Aguas


Canada Goose Inc.: At a retail


United Breaks Guitars

Yamaha Bikes in Asia -- can it

regain lost ground_original

L’Oreal in China Marketing

Strategies for turning Around

Chinese Luxury Cosmetic Brand
Yue Sai

Sesi 1 : '• Customer Focus,

Customer Performance, and
Pro!t Impact (Best, Chapter 1) •
Marketing Metrics and
Marketing Pro!tability (Best,
Chapter 2) #

Sesi 1

Rekaman sesi 2

Passcode: 4c67Bw%X

Sesi 2 : '• Market Potential,

Market Demand, and Market
Share (Best, Chapter 3) • The
Customer Experience and
Value Creation (Best, Chapter
4) • Studi Kasus 1: McDonald’s:
Is China Lovin’ It (ACRC/K-1) #

Sesi 2 Market Potential

Materi 2

Rekaman sesi 2

Passcode: y9U*D7t#

Sesi 3 : '• Market Segmentation

& Segmentation Strategies
(Best, Chapter 5) • Competitive
Position and Sources of
Advantage (Best, Chapter 6) •
Studi Fenomena 1 #

Sesi 3 Segmentation Strategy

and Competitive Position

Materi 3

Sesi 4 : '• Product Positioning,

Branding, and Product Line
Strategies (Best, Chapter 7) •
Studi kasus 2: Aguas Danone #

Materi 4

Rekaman sesi 4-5

Passcode: ZC6ihr@^

Sesi 5 : '• Value-Based Pricing

and Pricing Strategies (Best,
Chapter 8) • Studi Fenomena 2

Materi 5

Sesi 6 : '• Marketing Channels

and Channel Mapping (Hand-
out) •Studi kasus 3: Canada
Goose Inc.: At a retail
crossroad (Ivey/K-4) #

Materi sesi 6

Rekaman sesi 6

Passcode: q!z3M3!s

Sesi 7 : '• Marketing

Communications, Social Media,
and Customer Response (Best,
Chapter 10) •Studi kasus 4:
United Breaks Guitars #

Materi sesi 7

Rekaman sesi 7

Passcode: +*tn=*p2

Sesi 8 : '• Portfolio Analysis and

Strategic Market Planning
(Best, Chapter 11) • Studi
Fenomena 3 #

Sesi 9 : '• Defensive Strategies

(Best, Chapter 12) • Studi
Fenomena 4 #

Sesi 9 : '• Defensive Strategies

(Best, Chapter 12) • Studi

Fenomena 4

Sesi 10 : '17 April 21 • O"ensive

Strategies (Best, Chapter 13)
•Studi kasus 5: Yamaha Bikes in
Asia: Can it regain lost ground?
(IBS-K5) #

Sesi 10 : '• O"ensive Strategies

(Best, Chapter 13) • Studi

Fenomena 4

Rekaman sesi 10-11

Passcode: FK6#=!UT

Sesi 11 : '17 April 21• Building a

Marketing Plan (Best, Chapter
14) • Studi Fenomena 5 #

Sesi 11 Building a Marketing


Sesi 12 : '20 April 21• Marketing

Metrics, Performance, and
Strategy Implementation (Best,
Chapter 15) • Studi Fenomena
6 #

Sesi 12 : '• Marketing Metrics,

Performance, and Strategy

Implementation (Best, Chapter

Rekaman sesi 12

Passcode: H?7aqU+

Sesi 13: '22 April 21• Market-

Based Management and
Financial Performance (Best,
Chapter 16) • Studi kasus 6:
L’Oreal in China Marketing
Strategies for turning Around
Chinese Luxury Cosmetic
Brand Yue Sai #

Sesi 13: '• Market-Based

Management and Financial

Performance (Best, Chapter 16)

Rekaman sesi 13

Passcode: v0bB8X?V

Sesi 14 : '27 April 21- Sharing

praktek pemasaran stratejik di
perusahaan #

Rekaman sesi 14

Passcode: VN6.L*09

Sesi 15-16 : '8 Mei 21 - UAS

(Presentasi) #
Alokasi waktu:

1. Pembuka & Penutup 5 menit

2. Presentasi (maksimum) 20 menit

(Presentasi dilakukan dengan
Ringkas, lugas/direct dan jelas. Tidak
perlu menyampaikan sejarah atau
pro!l perusahaan)

3. Tanya-Jawab 45 menit

12.30-13.40 Kelompok 3: Age, Gerty,

Kiky, Riama, Sha!ra, Adhan

13.45-14.55 Kelompok 2: Ghea, Fara,

Aplent, Annisa, Raka, Fajar

15.00-16.10 Kelompok 1: Arthur, Dani,

Fanani, Hendi, Iqbal, Panji

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