Useful Quotations For Theme - Existence of God and Revelation

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Key Quotations – Theme: Existence of God and Revelation

Attribute Religious Quote How does the quote demonstrate this attribute?

Omnipotent ‘Nothing is impossible with God.’ God is able to do anything and everything as God has the capabilities to do so.
God’s powers are limitless as God is not restrained by anything.
(Christianity: Luke 1:37)

Omniscient ‘Behold, God is infinite, all-knowing… and when He wills a God knows how to create anything and everything without any assistance. God
thing to be, He but says unto it ‘Be’ – and it is.’ does not need to learn anything, God has the knowledge to do all. 
(Islam: Qur’an 2:115-117)

Benevolent ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only In Christianity it is believed that God’s greatest act of love was sending God’s Son,
Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but Jesus, to Earth to be crucified. They believe this showed agape as Jesus’ sacrifice
have eternal life.’ enabled human beings to enter heaven. (agape = selfless asexual love)
(Christianity: John 3:16)

Immanent ‘He is with you wherever you are.’ As God is with humans anywhere they are, God must be present on and involved
with live on earth otherwise God wouldn’t be able to be with you. God has to be
  (Islam: Qur’an 7:180)
part of the earth in order to do this.

Transcendent ‘There is but one all-pervading spirit, and it is called the  If God is timeless, God cannot be part of this world as time exists within this
truth, It exists in all creation, and it has no fear, It does world. Therefore God must be beyond and outside life on earth.
  not hate and, it is timeless, universal and self-existent!’
  (Sikhism: Mool Mantar in the first passage of the Guru
Granth Sahib)

Personal ‘You have searched me, LORD, and you know me. You To know things about a person, such as where one is or what their thoughts might
know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my be, means that you have a relationship with them. If God does this, it means that
thoughts from afar.’ God is an individual that people are able to have a relationship with or feel close
(Christianity: Psalm 139: 1 – 2)

Impersonal ‘No vision can grasp Him…He is above all  Human words or language cannot comprehend God. Therefore the idea of God is
comprehension.’ unknowable to humans.
(Islam: Qur’an 6:103)
Key Quotations – Theme: Existence of God and Revelation

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