Resume Souheila 1

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Souheila Abdallah

ADDRESS 101 Route de Tunis 4011

Hammam Sousse Tunisie
Postal code: no 211 E-MAIL :
PHONE +21650955491 BORN ON 20.07.1982 at Bern (Swiss)

2010-2014PHD in Economics SciencesCarthage,Tunisia

Doctoral degree in Economic Sciences (With highest Honour).The

subject“Governance and performance of microfinance institution case
of Sub-Saharan Africa”at “Hautes Etudes Commerciales” HEC of
Carthage, top Business school of economics and finance of Tunisia.

2005-2006Master in Economics Sciences Paris, France

Master’s Degree of Economics at the University Assas Paris

II.Specialization in the field of Geostrategic development and
Main courses:Applied international Macro-econometrics, Politics
Strategy and Market, Modeling of development policies.

2001-2004Master in Management, Major: International BusinessCarthage, Tunisia

2004-2005: Bachelor of Science in Management at “Hautes Etudes

Commerciales” HEC of Carthage.Specializing in International Business
(international commerce, firm strategies and organizations).High
distinction of The Master thesis “Impact of dismantling the multi-fibre
arrangement. Case of Tunisia”

. 2001-2004: License in Management IHEC CARTHAGE Tunis

2000-2001Scientific BaccalaureateSousse, Tunisia

Baccalaureate exam (Science section)


2015-Present Qatar National Bank Sousse, Tunisia

Zone Corporate Relationship Manager: role within the risk management
division include senior level credit analyst, covering variety of corporate
clients (including companies in technology, automotive, financial
services and healthcare), for the Sahel and southern Tunisia region.

2008-2015University of Law and Political science: professor (contractual) Sousse,

Micro-economic and Macro-economic Assistant Professor (contractual)

2004(3 Months) STB Société Tunisienne de Banque: Retail Banking advisor

(Internship) Sousse, Tunisia

 Delivery of daily customer services such as opening new Bank accounts,

cash handling, credit and debit cards provision.

 Responsible for meeting customers, establishing their needs and

advising with services.

2002 (3 Months) ATL Leasing Arab Tunisian Lease: Credit Department

(Internship)Sousse, Tunisia

 Preparation of credit proposal and submission to the credit risk

committee for approval

 Post-approval preparation of credit agreements; follow-up of provision

of credits facilities

 Contribution in the monitoring of clients’ portfolios in order to identify

breaches of authorised credit limits and clients with non-approved
credit exposures.
Computer Knowledge: Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook
Software’s:STATA, E-views,DEAP
Languages:English; Excellent (written and spoken)
French; Excellent (Written and spoken)
Arabic; (Mother langue)

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