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Five keys

to improving
research costing in
low- and middle-
income countries


ESSENCE Good practice document series



About ESSENCE and this 2

good practise document

Planning, Monitoring Introduction 4

Five keys
KEY 1 Defining and categorizing 8

and Evaluation
direct and indirect costs

Case studies on categorizing 10

to improving
Framework for Capacity
direct and indirect costs

KEY 2 Determining indirect-cost rates 12

research costing in
Strengthening in
Case studies on developing 14
a full-cost model

low- and middle- KEY 3 Institutional management of 17

income countries
Research research grants

Case studies on implementing 20

research-grants management

KEY 4 Developing relevant skills 22

and competencies

2012 A case study on skills 24

ESSENCE Good development
practice document series
KEY 5 Bridging the gaps between 26
ESSENCE Good practice document series funders and research institutions

Case studies on relations 28

between funders and research

The way forward 31

A forum for shared learning 32


About ESSENCE and this good practice document

ESSENCE on Health Research1 is an initiative review the practices of funders and recipients
between funding agencies to improve the related to the definition and funding of direct
coordination and harmonization of research- and indirect costs. The learnings from that
capacity investments. Recognizing the review are contained in this document.
particular complexities involved in health-
related research, ESSENCE aims to improve It is hoped that this document will provide
the impact of investments made in institutions ESSENCE members, and the research
and their employees, and to provide enabling institutions they support, with information
mechanisms that address the national needs that will help all parties to (i) better
and priorities of health research in the funded understand the challenges and requirements
countries. of research costing, (ii) develop appropriate
mechanisms for costing future research
Although ESSENCE is health-focused, this accurately and sustainably, and (iii) that it
document has wider reach and can be used will act as a channel for further engagement
across all research fields. between funders and institutions.

ESSENCE members embrace the principles of

donor harmonization and country alignment Acknowledgements
expressed in the 2005 Paris Declaration
on Aid Effectiveness and in the 2008 Accra ESSENCE acknowledges all the organisations
Agenda for Action. According to these and individuals who responded to the
principles, donors are asked to align with surveys that formed part of the review, and
the priorities of the countries in which who so willingly dedicated time to follow-up
they work, and harmonize their activities discussions. ESSENCE also thanks Canada’s
and procedures in order to both facilitate International Development Research Centre
complementarity among themselves and to for funding this study and Research Africa3 for
reduce administrative loads developing the reports.
on funding recipients.
ESSENCE members are acknowledged for their
To achieve these goals, ESSENCE members participation in and support for the project.
agreed to jointly develop and produce good- Members of ESSENCE’s Steering Committee,
practice documents that would incorporate particularly the members of the
current knowledge and best practice on health sub-committee responsible for this project,
research and development issues. The first are thanked for their leadership and
good-practice document titled ‘Planning, dedication.
Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for
Capacity Strengthening in Health Research’
was published in 2011.2 ESSENCE steering committee

This document, the second in the series, Swedish International Development

emanated from a funders’ seminar, arranged Cooperation Agency, the Wellcome Trust, the
by the Association of Commonwealth Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator (OGAC)
Universities at the 2010 conference of of the United States of America, and the
the International Network of Research Special Programme for Research and Training
Management Societies in Cape Town, South in Tropical Diseases (TDR).
Africa. At this event, research costing
was highlighted as a major challenge for
institutions in low- to medium-income
countries (LMICs) that are seeking to
develop and maintain sustainable research
environments. The suggestion was made to

ESSENCE project sub-committee

Canada’s International Development Research

Centre (IDRC), the US National Institutes of
Health Fogarty International Center (NIH/FIC), Five keys to research costing in low- and middle-income countries:
and the Accordia Global Health Foundation. Bridging a gap in health-research funding (2012) by ESSENCE on
Health Research is licensed by the IDRC Canada under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
ESSENCE members License.

The UK Department for International Based on a work at

Development (DFID), Canada’s International publications/essence-framework
Development Research Centre (IDRC),
Norwegian Agency for Development For non-commercial and academic uses only, this publication may
Cooperation (Norad), Ministry of Foreign be copied and redistributed provided suitable credit and reference
Affairs of Denmark (Danida), FIOCRUZ Brazil, is given to ESSENCE (
the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, initiatives/essence) as the original source publication.
European and Developing Countries Clinical
Trials Partnership (EDCTP), the US National For any commercial use of this publication, permission is required
Institutes of Health/Fogarty International from the IDRC. Mention of any proprietary name in the publication
Center (NIH/FIC), the Rockefeller Foundation does not constitute endorsement of the product and is given only
and Canada’s Global Health Research for information.
Initiative (GHRI), the Wellcome Trust, Swedish
Development Co-operation Agency (Sida),
African Development Bank (ADB), Ministry of
Health, Japan, the Netherlands Organisation 1 ESSENCE (Enhancing Support for
for Scientific Research (NWO/WOTRO), Strengthening the Effectiveness of
German Ministry of Development Co-operation National Capacity Efforts). For more
(BMZ/GIZ), UBS Optimus Foundation, US information on ESSENCE and its
Office of Global AIDS Coordinator, European members, please visit http://www.who.
Commission (EC), Medical Research Council int/tdr/svc/partnerships/initiatives/
of South Africa, and the Special Programme essence
for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases 2 This document is available at http://
3 Since 2005, Research Africa, part of
For further information on this Research Research Ltd operating as
document and the ESSENCE Research, has contributed to enhancing
initiative, please contact: Africa’s scientific capacity and countering
its brain drain by, among other
initiatives, enabling African researchers
ESSENCE Chair: Professor Hannah Akuffo, to access and assess international
Swedish International Development funding opportunities related to
Cooperation Agency (Sida) at research and development. Find out more about Research Africa at
ESSENCE Secretariat Coordinator: Dr Garry
Aslanyan, TDR, Special Programme for
Research and Training in Tropical Diseases
executed by the World Health Organization
(WHO) and co-sponsored by UNICEF, UNDP, the
World Bank and WHO at


Research institutions in low- and middle- and not being able to sustain their research
income countries (LMICs) are critical to the environments.2
pursuit of country-led research agendas. It is
essential that these institutions both develop In most research projects the direct costs
and maintain their research environments are seldom at issue. Indirect costs present
to sustain high-quality research. Access far more difficulties in terms of how they are
to adequate funding is clearly essential. defined, whether they qualify for funding and
While access to funds is a huge challenge how they are calculated. Some of the reasons
for research institutions all over the world, behind this are that
it is even more critical in LMICs where „„Indirect costs are often not calculated
governments are often not in a position accurately or consistently by research
to prioritize and fund research. Certainly, institutions
much of the financing for health research „„Funders have diverse policies and practices
that takes place in LMICs is derived from related to reimbursement of indirect costs
foreign sources.1 There are a multiplicity of „„The coordination of external research
sources of funding within sustained research grants is underdeveloped within research
environments such as governments, councils, institutions, which creates multiple
funders and philinathropists. In the current inefficiencies and may contribute to
global context, in which competition for a avoidable losses
finite pool of research funding is constantly „„Dialogue between funders and institutions
increasing, improving access to funding is is inadequate
ever more relevant for LMICs and for the
donors that wish to support them. From a survey carried out by ESSENCE
members, which was responded to mainly by
It is widely accepted that for most research organisations based in sub-Saharan African
projects, full costs include both direct and countries, rates set by research institutions
indirect costs. It is thus clear that the ability in LMICs range from 8 to 35%, and average
of institutions to accurately determine and out at 15%. Irrespective of how these rates
recover costs, and then to strategically are determined, they are far lower than those
reinvest these recovered costs, depends set by institutions in other parts of the world.
greatly on the availability of supportive For example, in the US, the national average
institutional structures with the relevant is 51% of salaries and wages, in Sweden it
strategic and operational competencies. It is is 50% and above of the direct costs; and
also well known that health-related research in the UK, the rate is 60% of salaries and
brings with it a high level of complexity wages. It is interesting to note, however,
in terms of line items that require funding that among funders that work in LMICs and
(from ethics committees to using, building or which participated in the ESSENCE survey, the
equipping of clinic facilities, from patient care indirect-cost rates that they routinely cover
to statistical-analysis software, etc). varied between just 8 and 13%.

One of the strategies that institutions in

more affluent countries use to help them How the five keys evolved
secure sufficient funding is to ensure that
they accurately identify and understand the Discussion at the INORMS (International
full costs of their research activities. This Network of Research Management Societies)
means that they can assess the degree to conference in 2010 highlighted many of
which their costs are met by the funds they the challenges related to research costing.
raise. Without this information, institutions ESSENCE realized that its objectives put it
are at risk of underestimating the costs of in an ideal position to facilitate a dialogue
research, running research projects at a loss between international funders and health
research institutes in LMICs. Thus ESSENCE

initiated a study to examine the research- of a repository of case studies and learning
costing practices of both funders and funding experiences – please refer to the last page
recipients, and to open a channel for these of this document if you have feedback, case
organizations to engage with one another studies or other information to share on the
while focusing particularly on the issue of issues
indirect costs. discussed here.

While acknowledging that the role of

governments in supporting sustainable Using the keys
health research is crucial, the study focused
on research-costing practices in donor The keys are described in more detail on
organizations and research institutions in the pages that follow. Their purpose is to
LMICs. Both funders and funding recipients offer research institutions and funders
were surveyed.3 Data obtained from the some pointers and guidance on the generic
surveys was supplemented by follow-up processes involved in calculating, managing
discussions with respondents and other and recovering research costs.
relevant individuals by e-mail, telephone and
in face-to-face conversations. In addition, a However, far from wishing to impose a specific
number of case studies were developed and process on any organization, the aim is to set
sent to respondents to identify and confirm out what are currently accepted as principles
good practices. of good practice in the hope that this creates
opportunities for organizations to open a
From this process, the major barriers to dialogue on these issues, to learn from each
effective costing were identified and the other’s experiences and to begin to bridge
five keys were developed to help unlock the gaps that exist between them. Alongside
those barriers. Although the vast majority the description of each key are brief case
of responses (94%) came from institutions studies reflecting some of the experiences of
located in sub-Saharan Africa, it is hoped that organizations that are grappling with these
the keys are transferable to other regions that issues in practice.
face similar issues, and feedback
in this regard is encouraged.

The study led to the publication of two 1 See COHRED Health Research Web. Financing and Partnership (http://www.
documents that are linked but have different
purposes. The first is Research Costing 2 It is notable that, in countries where institutions have implemented full-costing
Practices: Bridging the Gap in the Funding of models (or are in the process of doing so), an additional driver has always been
present. In Europe, for example, the European Commission, through the FP7
Health Research in Low- and Middle-Income programme, was one of the key drivers motivating institutions across Europe
Countries, which provides further background to move towards full-costing. (See European Commission Directorate-General
information about the ESSENCE study, for Research (2009) Diversified Funding Streams for University-Based Research:
Impact of External Project-Based Research Funding on Financial Management
and contains additional case studies and in Universities. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European
examples. It is available online from Communities. external_funding_final_report.pdf; and T Estermann and E Bennetot Pruvot (2011)
Financially Sustainable Universities II – European Universities Diversifying Income
initiatives/essence. The second document is Streams. Brussels: European University Association) Available at http://www.eua.
the one you are reading now. It is designed as be/Pubs/Financially_Sustainable_Universities_II.pdf).
a concise and practical resource for research 3 Copies of the survey questionnaires are available at http://www.magnetmail.
institutions, research managers, and donor net/forms/display_form.cfm?uid=AGHF&fid=28427&rtype=nonmm and http:// . A total
organizations. We hope you find the document of 15 funding organizations responded, and 128 responses were received from
useful and look forward to receiving your individuals based at 96 institutions in 47 countries. Of these, 54% of respondents
feedback on the issues discussed. In support were based at universities 35% at research institutes. The remaining 11% of
responses came from government departments, national ethics committees and
of dialogue and shared learning, a forum for professional associations.
shared learning is being created in the form

The Five Keys

In an attempt to assist research institutions Key 4:

and funders to begin to address these Developing relevant skills
issues, both within their organizations and in and competencies
dialogue with each other, the following five
keys to research costing were developed.
Both strategic and operational management
are crucial if institutions are to develop and
Key 1: sustain competitive research environments
Defining and categorizing that are capable of responding to the
direct and indirect costs ever-increasing complexity of the world of
research. This key focuses on the functions
that institutions have to carry out in order to
Definitions and categories of costs form manage research grants efficiently and on the
the basis of research costing but they vary related research management skills that they
within and between research institutions have to master.
and funders. This key provides what seem
to be fairly widely accepted definitions and
practices, while accompanying case studies Key 5:
reveal some of the factors that can influence Bridging the gaps between
the categorization process. funders and research
Key 2:
Determining indirect-cost On the one hand, policies and practices
rates among funders, or in some cases even within
funding organisations, differ vastly when it
comes to funding indirect research costs.
Many institutions in LMICs base their indirect On the other hand, the needs of research
cost rates on estimates, or simply use the institutions based in LMICs are quite specific
rates set by funders, instead of calculating and they could benefit significantly if they
accurate costs and negotiating appropriate were more successful in recovering the
rates with donors. Pointers and approaches indirect costs related to research projects.
for determining indirect-cost rates are Key 5 highlights some institutional demands
presented as part of this key. and concerns as well as some of the
challenges faced by funders when awarding
funding to institutions in LMICs. The case
Key 3: studies reflect the diversity of experiences
Institutional management related to the issue.
of external research grants

Research management systems and human

resources are less established in LMICs than
in more affluent countries. This key highlights
the role of grants management in institutions,
and provides pointers for establishing
relevant structures and systems.

The next steps

The five keys have the potential to play a

strong catalytic role in:

„„stimulating awareness of the importance

of accurately accounting for indirect costs;
„„steering research institutions and funders
towards more accurate costings;
„„improving management and accountability
„„The ability of institutions to determine
research costs more accurately has much
do with technicalities of accounting, but
capacity building must focus on developing
both the strategic skills (an understanding
of the dimension of real indirect costs and
the value of recovering these costs) and the
operational tools for grants management.
A lack of engagement with the issue is likely
to affect funders’ perceptions of research

For funders, the need to harmonize their

policies and practices on the reimbursement
of indirect rates remains relevant, and this
applies to the grant-application process
in general, where the standardization of
templates, reporting procedures and financial
requirements could substantially decrease
the demand on institutional administrators.
Furthermore, without commitment from
funders to supporting indirect costs that are
suitably calculated and justified, accurate
research costing will be a costly, time-
consuming and ultimately pointless exercise
for research institutions.

Ultimately the focus remains on enhancing

the coordination and impact of research.
There is a need for ongoing dialogue between
institutions and funders to clarify issues
relating to research costing and to work
towards a common understanding of ways to
unlock the barriers involved. We hope that
the issue will also feature frequently on the
agendas of meetings within and between
funding agencies and research institutions.

KEY 1 Defining and categorizing direct and indirect costs

This guide addresses the issue of indirect costs, as distinct from direct costs, in particular
and seeks to assist the reader in defining, understanding and preparing these costs for the
maximum benefit of the institution and project. It should however be borne in mind that the
financial management of and the budgeting for research projects are dealt with differently by
different funders and even within the range of projects and programmes supported by funders.
Terms such as variable and fixed costs, capital expenses and capital investment are further
areas for attention by the research programme and project planners.

The starting point is for organizations to identify and reach consensus on the broad
categorization of direct and indirect costs. On the one hand, this will enable research
institutions to cost their research activities more accurately, while on the other hand it will
assist funders to harmonize their practices and efforts.

Definitions identified as being incurred solely as a

result of a single project
The following definitions seem to be the or particular activity.
most widely accepted and workable ones,
and provide a useful starting point for Full-economic costing (also referred
discussion within and between research to simply as full costing) is accounting
organizations and funders. methodology used to identify and calculate
the total costs (direct and indirect) incurred
Direct costs are expenditure items that in undertaking a project or activity.
can be identified with a specific project or
activity. An indirect-cost rate is the percentage of an
institution’s indirect costs in relation to its
indirect costs, overheads or facility and direct costs. The indirect cost rate is often
administration costs are terms that tend applied in organizations as a method of
to be used interchangeably. They refer to charging individual projects/programmes
costs that are related to several objectives for their share of the organization’s total
or projects, and which cannot be readily indirect costs.

Examples of direct costs

Personnel costs Salaries for researchers, technicians, health visitors, doctors, nurses,
graduate and undergraduate students. The salary figure can be
determined by using the current salary rate, but multi-year projects
should allow a percentage for salary increases (e.g. 3% per year).
Fringe benefits May include compensation for occupational injuries or illnesses,
unemployment insurance, retirement, life, dental, and health
insurance as well as tuition reimbursement. For grants, these benefits
are usually estimated as an average percentage of salaries and wages.
Institutional rates used to calculate fringe benefits may change
annually. Multi-year projects will need to make allowance for bonuses
and inflationary increases (e.g. 1% per year).
Equipment The cost of purchasing equipment that is needed to conduct a project.
This may include upgrades to existing equipment, computers and
printers as well as project-related software.
Material and All supplies needed for a specific project (e.g. reagents, electronic
supplies components, consumables).
Travel For patient transportation and consultant travel (this can include
transport costs, conference-registration fees, accommodation costs,
per diems, etc.).

Examples of direct costs

Communications Telecommunications and postage expenses related to the project.
Subcontractor and Costs for services outsourced to external organizations or consultants.
Facilities New facilities acquired for a specific project, such as a new field clinic,
a new laboratory, etc.
Alterations and When space has to be altered or renovated for a specific project/
renovations activity.
Other costs Printing and other publication costs, Intellectual-property protection.
Patient-care costs, including clinical trials insurance, clinical
Animals and animal-care expenses.
Activity costs (such as laboratory costs and fees, participant
incentives, data management and Statistical analysis, dispensing
fees, hospital fees).
Reference materials, including books, subscriptions to research
Training or professional development.
Donor-required audits.

Examples of indirect costs

Buildings and Depreciation, maintenance and operation of buildings and major
equipment equipment. Running costs for building space can include items such
as heating, cooling, electricity, water, cleaning, landscaping and
Administration This many include procurement services, general-ledger accounting,
grants accounting, financial management, internal audits, research
management, support services, intellectual property management,
information and communication services, legal services, human
resources services, library services, student registration services and
secretarial support.
Other Auditing fees, security services, liability insurance, quality assurance,
marketing and branding.

Once costs have been categorized as being

of the same type and occurring in similar Recommended resources
circumstances, they should be allocated in the
same way consistently. It is also useful to note Office of Research Administration,
that some donors are willing to fund certain Stanford University (n.d.) ABCs of Federal
indirect costs but exclude others. Cost Principles (includes an online video
workshop and various published resources).

Office of Sponsored Programmes, Virginia

Tech (n.d.) Understanding Direct & Indirect

Categorizing direct and indirect costs

The examples from

a health research Health research institute University
institute, a university,
and a funder, The Joint Clinical Research Centre, The University of Botswana defines
highlight similarities Uganda (JCRC) is a not-for-profit indirect costs as the central faculty,
and variations in the organisation initiated jointly by school, centre, or institute costs that the
way that different Uganda’s Ministry of Health, the university incurs to support research,
organizations define Ministry of Defence and Makerere and that are not attributable to specific
and categorize costs. University Medical School. Its mandate research projects. These include:
is to conduct quality medical research
and training, and to provide excellent „„Operating costs (such as the heating,
medical/clinical services with a focus on cooling, cleaning, maintenance and
HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria. landscaping of buildings);
„„Faculty and departmental services
JCRC includes as indirect costs (or (such as machine and electrical
overheads) all costs that are not workshops, secretarial and office
directly related to a single project, assistance, shared equipment, etc.);
but are necessary for the successful „„Academic services (such as the library
implementation of all its projects. These and ICT support);
include costs related to the overall „„Administrative services (such as
administration of projects that may not procurement, accounting and human
immediately or directly benefit a specific resources, as well as the university
project, but which are essential for the administration itself, which includes
smooth running of the organization the offices of the vice and deputy-vice
as a whole. Included in this category chancellors, deans, heads of schools
of costs are payroll management, and other administrative staff);
the appointment and supervision of „„Research-administration and support,
project staff, monthly bills for the use of such as the Office of Research
telephones, electricity, water, internet, Management and Graduate Studies
office rental, compound maintenance, and the Office of International
transport, fuel, taxes, courier services, Education and Partnerships
stationary, security, sanitary facilities,
equipment rentals/services, clerical The university set its institutional
work and any other such costs. The JCRC overhead rate at a minimum of 35%.
has calculated its indirect-cost rate to be
31% (based on indirect costs divided by
direct salaries and wages).


The International Development Research

Center, Canada (IDRC) supports applied
research in developing countries that
is focused on reducing poverty and
creating equitable access to resources
and services. It aims to promote growth
and development by funding research.

IDRC identifies indirect costs as

administrative costs that are not directly
related to a research project, but have
decided that they will cover only the
following aspects of those costs:

„„Salaries and benefits for personnel

who support and administer the
project, such as secretaries, clerks,
accountants, etc.;
„„Stationery and other office supplies;
„„Telecommunications (unless the
project itself warranted a specific
budget line item for that purpose);
„„Computer equipment used for the
administration or accounting of the
grant disbursements.

Any other overheads are not eligible for

funding through IDRC grants. However,
research institutions that have a policy
of recovering indirect costs through the
application of a levy as a percentage of
total costs can apply this, provided that
the IDRC or its auditors are satisfied that
the levy is fair and reasonable, and that
the rate is 13% or less of the total grant
(excluding equipment and the allowable
indirect-cost items listed above).

KEY 2 Determining indirect-cost rates

Pointers „„Rates for off-site research should be

calculated separately as levels of
„„There is no “one size fits all” approach to administrative support tend to be different
determining the indirect costs related to for research projects conducted on-site and
research, nor is there a model that works off-site (that is, at facilities not owned or
for all situations. The specifics of each leased by the institution). In general, off-site
institution have to be considered, and rates are between 20 and 30% lower than
the aim should be to determine costs as the on-site rate.
accurately as possible.
„„Ideally, indirect-cost expenditure should
always be traceable to the financial Approaches to determining
statements of the institution with its various indirect rates
cost centers, and the determination of costs
should be based on audited statements. Indirect costs tend to be expressed as a
„„Research institutions in the US, Europe percentage of the direct costs in one of four
(including the UK) and Australia that have ways; that is, as a proportion of: total direct
implemented full-costing models have costs; modified total direct costs (MTDC),
found that coordinating the development that is, a specified set of costs; remuneration
of costing approaches and methodologies costs only; and separating facility costs from
(with government and in collaboration indirect costs.
with research associations and networks
at national or regional level, for example) Using total direct costs
yields faster results, is more cost effective,
provides opportunities for benchmarking, „„Divide the indirect costs by total direct costs
and has greater influence, than if to determine the indirect costs rate
institutions attempt to derive cost rates in „„Apply the indirect cost rate to total direct
isolation. costs in a research project
„„When a methodology has been agreed
upon, adequate accounting systems are a Using modified total direct costs as the
key requirement for accurately calculating basis of direct costs
and applying indirect-cost rates; where
possible, the methodology selected should „„Determine the indirect costs;
be one that can be supported by existing „„Determine the total direct costs;
institutional accounting and information „„Determine the specific costs that should
systems. In practice, the accounting be taken into account (often this means
methods used by research institutions can the total direct costs excluding capital
also impact on the way in which indirect- expenditure for equipment, charges
cost rates are implemented. On the one for patient care, rental costs for off-site
hand, where accounting systems allow facilities, scholarships and fellowships,
for the use of the so-called analytical plus a portion of subcontracts over a certain
methodology, research institutions should value);
be able to carry out detailed cost allocations „„Set the indirect-cost rate by dividing the
down to the level of, for example, each indirect-cost pool by the agreed set of
department, cost centre or individual direct costs.
staff member. On the other hand, where
accounting systems allow institutions to Using remuneration only as the basis of
determine indirect costs at entity level only, direct costs
a general institutional rate has to be set.
„„Indirect-cost rates should be redetermined „„Determine total salaries and wages of all
periodically to ensure that the institution’s staff whether working directly or indirectly
costing remains as accurate as possible. on the project (also consider whether to
include or exclude fringe benefits);

„„Determine the indirect costs;

„„Determine the remuneration-distribution Recommended resources
base (by subtracting the remuneration
included in the indirect costs from total H Flood and R Phelps (2003)
remuneration costs); Understanding Indirect Costs: These
„„Set the indirect-cost rate by dividing May Be Hard to Figure and Even Harder
the indirect costs by the remuneration- to Recover but They Should Never Be
distribution base, and apply this to salaries Overlooked. Grantsmanship Center,
and wages in a research project. Los Angeles, CA. http://www.tgci.
Separating facility costs from Indirect%20Costs.pdf
indirect costs
Euresearch Zurich (n.d.) Cost Model:
In some situations, institutions prefer facility Simplified Method. http://www.
costs (such as the maintenance of buildings,
the purchase of library books, and the cost Simplified.pdf
of municipal services such as light and
water) to be excluded from the indirect cost Harvard University (2008) Figure It Out:
rate. In this situation, facility costs can be How to Calculate Indirect Costs.
separated out from other indirect costs. Then
a cost per square metre for the use of the training/documents/FIO%20documents/
facilities should be determined. This option FIGURE%20IT%20OUT%20How%20
is particularly useful when clinical trials are to%20Calculate%20Indirect%20Costs.
performed completely off-site because they pdf
allow the facility costs to be excluded. In
clinical trials that use both institutional and
off-site facilities, the indirect-cost rate can
be applied to the appropriate base and the
facility costs can be allocated separately.

Once it has been calculated, the indirect-cost

rate is used to distribute indirect costs across
research programmes and projects. In many
cases, institutions identify a cost driver to
allocate indirect costs to the different projects
and activities. Cost drivers can be based on
personnel as a percentage of personnel costs,
a fixed hourly rate, or an amount per square
metre of space occupied.

Case studies on developing a full-cost model

South Africa is so far the only country in In addition, it has been agreed that HESA
Africa that has used legislation to encourage (Higher Education South Africa) should
research institutions to move towards full coordinate the efforts of research institutions
costing. The Intellectual Property Rights from to comply with the Act. HESA appointed a
Publicly Financed Research and Development task team that, through consulting all the
Act, (No. 51 of 2008) came into effect in higher-education institutions in the country,
August 2010. Its primary goal is to ensure plans to propose two or three costing models
that intellectual property generated through to NIPMO early in 2012. NIPMO will consider
the use of public funds is used to benefit the these models and, through a process of input
people of South Africa. The Act applies only to and amendment, put forward a national model
projects and research contracts that are fully for calculating full costs. The University of the
or partially state funded (in other words, the Free State developed one of the models that
Act does not apply when funders cover the full was proposed to NIPMO, and Stellenbosch
cost of the research). In terms of the Act, the University has implemented a full-cost model.
National Intellectual Property Management Lessons learned at these two universities are
Office (NIPMO) was established, and has are presented in the case studies that follow.
called on all publicly funded higher education
institutions to develop their own full-costing
policies as a step towards developing a
nationally accepted full-costing model.

Stellenbosch University, South Africa

The management of Stellenbosch research fund and a further portion

University approached the development allocated to the university’s main budget.
of its full-costing model in three phases,
focusing first on development, then Implementation lessons
on implementation, and finally on „„Implementation is time consuming
management. The lessons learnt during (especially at first) and requires as much
each of the phases are summarized below. effort and focus as the development
Development lessons „„A generic template is not sufficient for all
„„A collaborative approach is vital in environments (clinical-trial budgets differ
developing a costing policy; it is crucial radically from history-research budgets).
to consult different divisions and to Thus the policy and the administrative
include their feedback where possible. tools that support it have to be adaptable
„„The involvement and support of and responsive to different scenarios.
senior management is essential and
communication at various levels is Management lessons
critical to establish shared principles and „„Researchers fear that full costing is
buy-in to the process. too expensive and that they ‘will price
„„The policy must be flexible enough to themselves out of the market’.
make provision for different research „„It is important to educate researchers
environments within the university. and clients about the need for full costing
„„It is not always possible for contracts and about any relevant legislation.
to be awarded on a full cost-recovery „„Close collaboration and technology
basis; the policy therefore has to be transfer between the departments of
flexible enough allow for this and set finance and research development is
out procedures to be followed in this essential; when questions arise, these
situation. different departments must be able
„„The policy should stipulate how the to provide coordinated and coherent
indirect costs that are recovered will responses.
be distributed – for example, a portion „„Research environments differ vastly from
could be allocated to the faculty where one another, and there is no “one size fits
the research is being conducted, another all” solution.
portion could be allocated to the central

University of the Free State, South Africa

The university proposed the following process for „„Information about these overheads can be obtained
calculating an indirect-cost rate. The general principles from the university’s information-management
and assumptions of the model include: system;
„„The indirect-cost rate is based on historic cost
„„The audited consolidated income statement of the recovery data collated over a three-year period, that
university forms the consolidated comprehensive is, the rate is adjusted annually based on the average
income statement; costs of the previous three years.
„„Overheads are assumed to be the personnel costs
and the operating expenses of certain service The table below shows the basic steps that they
departments; propose should be involved in calculating an indirect-
cost rate.

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Notes

(A) calculation of proportion of expenses that is specifically funded 1 From the consolidated comprehensive
Specifically funded activities (restricted): income statement, in the column for non-
Total expenses 1 council funded expenditure.
Council-funded activities (unrestricted): 2 From the consolidated comprehensive
Total expenses (excluding residences) 2 income statement in the column for
Total A council-funded expenses, excluding the
Proportion of expenses specifically funded residences.
(research and contracts) 3 3 Specifically funded activities (restricted):
(B) Calculation of council-funded indirect costs directly attributable to research total expenses / Total A.
Indirect costs directly related to research
4 Includes personnel and operating
expenses of the departments of research
Personnel costs
commercialization and research
Other operating expenses development.
Total B 4 5 The personnel and operating expenses
Institutional indirect costs of the following departments/units:
Personnel costs budgeting, finance, health and wellness,
Other operating expenses
health sciences administration, human
resources, ICT services, internal
Total C 5
auditing, internationalisation, library
Institutional indirect costs and information services, logistical
(proportion attributable to research) 6
services, maintenance, physical
Indirect cost attributable to research
resources, protection services,
Indirect costs directly related to research 7 provisioning, strategic communication,
Institutional indirect costs student academic services, management
(proportion allocated to research activities) 8 (executive level), marketing.
Total D 6 Proportion of expenses specifically
(C) calculation of indirect cost recovery rate funded (research and contracts) x Total C.
Indirect cost attributable to research 9 7 Same as Total B.
8 Same as Note 6.
Specifically funded activities (restricted):
Total expenses 9 Same as Total D.
Indirect cost recovery rate 10 % % %
10 Indirect costs attributable to research /
specifically funded activities (restricted):
Average over the last 3 years
total expenses.
Adjustment for inefficiencies in the formula 11 11 An adjustment of up to 5% up or down is
Final indirect cost recovery rate % acceptable.

KEY 3 Institutional management of research grants

Establishing a grant management

function or structure
„„Depending on the size of a research
institution, grant management is often
achieved through the establishment of a
specific structure or a function within an
existing structure, such as a research office
or officer, and/or a grants management
office or officer.
„„Establishing a grants management
Pointers structure, or appointing someone to carry
out this function, requires commitment and
„„Establishing clear criteria for choosing buy-in from both strategic and operational
which grant opportunities to pursue managers at all levels from the early stages.
can assist institutions in strategic „„Achieving additional buy-in will take
decision-making. Such criteria can also time and ongoing effort from the person
help to ensure that: projects align with appointed or structure adopted. It will also
an institution’s strategic direction; the depend on continual demonstrations of
preparation of high-quality submissions the value that they add to the organization
can be efficiently streamlined, that project – in fact, the efficient recovery of indirect
costs can be adequately recovered; the costs is an essential part of funding and
required institutional capacity (including developing the grants coordination function
office space, clinic space, staff etc.) is itself.
available; and that projects applied for have „„It is vital that the function fits into the
the potential to benefit the institution as a institutional framework, and has clearly
whole. defined roles – generally separate from
„„Effective grant management and but closely linked to other institutional
coordination provides a portal through structures such as finance, procurement and
which researchers can access information, human resources.
support and services. It also offers funders „„Management commitment and support is
a contact point within institutions and vice essential when implementing a full-costing
versa. approach for the first time (especially in
„„Institutional management and coordination institutions where a grants management
of research grants involves the development system already exists); raising awareness
and implementation of policies, guidelines, of the benefits of accurate research costing
standard operating procedures and and developing a common understanding
supportive tools (such as budget templates, of how costs will be recovered and
FAQs and institutional workshops) relevant redistributed is a crucial part of this.
to the development of grant applications „„Grant management in general, and
and the administration of grant awards. research-cost recovery in particular,
„„When an institution implements research requires some kind of database – this
costing for the first time, institutional enables efficient tracking of the type and
accounting systems may need to be number of projects, what they cost, what
adapted where necessary to ensure accurate income they will generate the percentage
bookkeeping, and researchers need to be of indirect costs that will be recovered, and
given the relevant tools and training to how these will be redistributed within the
ensure that the system runs smoothly. institution.
„„Funders can influence the establishment
of grants coordination structures and
functions through, for example, requiring

that all grant applications be signed off and good understanding of their own finance
submitted through the designated authority structures and costs, as well as a measure
of the institution. of persistence in the negotiation process
„„The grants management function or office and the ability to prove to funders that their
should review and approve all project rates were reasonable.
proposals before submission to a funder.
This ensures more accurate budgets and
stronger institutional commitment to the Recovering and distributing indirect
project; it also facilitates the maintenance costs recovered
of institutional database(s) that, in turn,
support the monitoring of projects and their „„Transparency regarding the internal
budgets. disbursement of recovered costs is one of
the most important parts of promoting the
benefits of research costing and gaining
Setting up guidelines, policies, and support for the recovery of indirect costs.
procedures for grants management To facilitate this, institutions require
mechanisms to calculate recovered costs
„„Institutional policies and guidelines must plus a clear policy on how recovered funds
be written, documented and approved at will be distributed. Once researchers
institutional level. They should be updated see how they, and their direct research
as institutions grow and the external environments, stand to benefit from
environment produces changes. recovered indirect costs, they quickly
„„Policies should be reviewed to ensure develop an awareness of the costs of
internal harmonization with other research and of the shared services
institutional policies (such as those related that support their institution’s research
to financial, travel, procurement, human programmes.
resources, research ethics, etc.) as well as „„Where funders do not allow for the
harmonization with national policies and reimbursement of indirect costs, some
research priorities. funding recipients have successfully
„„Policies and guidelines should facilitate recovered some of their indirect costs by
collaboration and clear communication categorizing those that are linked to a
between different structures or functions particular project as direct costs.
involved in different aspects of applying „„Generally, recovered costs are
for or monitoring the spending of research distributed between the institution’s
grants. central administration departments, the
„„Guidelines typically outline the roles environment where the research is being
and responsibilities of institutional conducted and, in some instances, they are
stakeholders, procedures for proposal used to incentivize researchers and support
development, clearance, approval and the development of further research. In
sign-off. They should set out the necessary other words, recovered costs are applied to:
steps involved in setting up, managing and
closing out a grant. In relation to project • Cover administration costs and/or
budgets, guidelines should spell out acquire, repair or renovate buildings or
categories for direct and indirect costs, equipment used for research;
how to apply institution’s standard indirect- • Provide research departments/units with
cost rate, as well as any procedures for the discretionary funds for their own research
waiving of this rate. projects or to enhance their research
„„Those institutions that report a degree of capacity (including taking on additional
success in negotiating indirect costs with postgraduate students or setting up
funders, ascribe this to their institutions mentorship initiatives for existing staff);
having proper auditing systems and a

• Incentivize researchers to develop

further research projects and to apply for Recommended resources
additional external funding;
• Some funders have policies to recover Abound MM (2010) Research-Administration
the administrative costs associated with Capacity-Building in an Established
funding partnerships (particularly in Institution. Paper presented at the
cases where parliamentary funding is not conference of the Association of Research
available to cover these costs). In this Administrators in Africa, Kampala, Uganda.
situation, the recovered costs tend to be
used for: reports/araa-2nd-annual-meeting-report/
§§ Grant and financial administration
support (including institutional Brough R and T Kakaire (2010) Developing
risk assessments, contracting and an Office of Research Administration in
legal advice on project agreements, a New Institution: Grants Management
procurement costs, external fund Experience at the IDI. Paper presented
management, accounts payable, audits, at the conference of the Association
international banking fees, etc); of Research Administrators in Africa,
§§ Information management (license Kampala, Uganda.
fees to enable researchers to access about/meeting-reports/araa-2nd-annual-
literature databases, bibliographic meeting-report/
reference services, and digital libraries;
record keeping and document retention;
ICT support);
§§ Knowledge dissemination (through
public events, publishing, etc.);
§§ Project oversight (partnership
development and maintenance; project
planning, monitoring and evaluation;
financial reporting and human resources
„„When approval is obtained to run research
projects at a loss (and not recover all costs),
other benefits (such as the potential for
a project to, for example, involve many
postgraduate students, access state-of-
the-art equipment or additional research
expertise via institutional partnerships,
etc.) should be clear. In this situation, an
institutional process should be in place
to approve the project while ensuring
that institutional sustainability is not

Case studies on implementing research grants management

The following case studies illustrate how

a funding programme assisted a research Malawi’s College of Medicine and
institution to set up internal structures Netherlands Organisation for
and mechanisms to raise awareness and Scientific Research
improve the recovery of indirect costs, and
how one university manages the distribution The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific
of recovered indirect costs within its own Research (known as NWO) is an independent
structures. public agency that is mandated, among
other things, to allocate research funds.
A foundation set up by NWO, known
as WOTRO, supports research in aid of
The University of Botswana sustainable development in developing
countries, and one of its objectives is the
One of the key features of the strengthening of research capacity. To this
distribution of recovered overheads end, WOTRO set up NACCAP (Netherlands–
at the University of Botswana is to African Partnership for Capacity
reward researchers and encourage them Development and Clinical Interventions on
to develop and submit further grant Poverty related Diseases), funded by the
proposals. The university’s Special Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DGIS). NACCAP’s
Projects Office recovers the overheads main goals are to combine scientific
on grants and contracts within a month research with sustained investment in
of funds being deposited into the the development of research capacity in
university’s bank account, and recovered Africa, and to contribute to the European
overheads are distributed as follows: and Developing Countries’ Clinical Trials
Partnership (EDCTP).
„„45% to the main research account of
the researcher(s) involved in the grant NACCAP has been set up so that 80% of
or contract; this can be used for any its funds are spent in Africa on activities
research-related activity, such as carried out by African citizens. One of its
conference attendance, the purchase cost categories is capacity development.
of computer hardware or software, This allows funds to be allocated to support
hiring research assistants, conducting and enhance managerial and administrative
additional studies, etc. capacity.1
„„25% to the university; this is used for
internally funded research. The College of Medicine (COM) was
„„20% to the school/institute/centre established in 1991 within the University of
involved in the grant or contract; this Malawi (UNIMA). COM is both teaching and
is used for the purchase of research- research orientated, and runs two kinds of
related consumables, hiring of staff, research structures that each have slightly
small equipment, teaching aids, etc. different administrative systems. The first
„„10% to the university’s research are units that are large and well resourced
and development office; this is enough to run their own administrative
used for statistical-, database-, systems. The second are smaller (or
and ethics-support services and newer) units that depend on COM’s own
for other discretionary research- central systems and procedures. COM
related activities, including also subscribes to UNIMA’s research and
expenses associated with proposal consultancy policies, but applies these by
identification, preparation and developing college-specific policies suited
submission. to its own particular requirements and

Having experienced an increase in research The database allowed the RSC to calculate
activity over the years, COM realised that its how much money was due to them from these
support systems for the development of new administration fees, and found that they had
research proposals and the management been receiving only a very small percentage
of existing grants were inadequate. They of what was due. The RSC aims to be self-
therefore applied for a grant from NACCAP. funding, and their grant applications usually
Through this grant, and in partnership with stipulate that 10% of the total grant budget
the Emma Children’s Hospital in Amsterdam will go to UNIMA for administration and
and the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, overhead costs. To address the reasons for
COM was able to establish its Research the shortfall, the RSC introduced a research
Support Centre (RSC), which now coordinates administration fee distribution policy, and
and supports all of COM’s research set up a research-overheads account to
programmes. receive monies due. To manage the recovery
of overheads, the database is linked to the
Buy-in from management and staff was, Institutional Review Board. Projects are not
and remains, critical for the success of the submitted to the IRB if overhead fees are due
RSC. However, it took time and continuous to COM. COM’s research policy allows for
effort to obtain this buy-in. Buy-in from the overhead fee to be waived in exceptional
COM management resulted in the RSC being circumstances (such as for student projects)
mandated to manage all COM research but approval for this has to be obtained from
grants. Managing research centrally requires management.
a change in mind-set for those not used to
such an approach. Even though it happened A policy for the distribution of recovered costs
slowly, buy-in from the researchers has been has also been developed. To support COM’s
facilitated by the value added by the RSC – objective of creating an enabling environment
the RSC provides a portal through which for research within its own context, recovered
researchers can access specific services and costs are primarily used to support: an
support. The RSC now has a well-established ethics-review committee, the RSC, COM’s
structure and a team of experienced staff. IT and library facilities, a publications
Staff members include a director, a scientific committee, the postgraduate office (that is,
operations manager, clinical research student research projects) and COM’s annual
associates, a trial coordinator, a data research conference. In addition, since staff
manager, a website/information coordinator, retention is a real challenge, some funds are
a grant administrator, a data officer, and an allocated to support a staff-retention scheme
administrative assistant. whereby staff returning from studies abroad
receive a salary supplement and participate
When the RSC took over the coordination of in a mentorship programme. Furthermore,
all of COM’s research activities, it became the COM department that hosts a particular
necessary to develop a governance framework research programme receives a proportionally
for its operations. The RSC facilitated the larger portion of the recovered funds, which
development of a research policy, which they can use to support further research
set out its mandate and operational scope. and to encourage researchers to apply for
Similarly, the RSC established research grants additional grants.
management procedures that streamlined
grant administration into well-defined pre- 1 NACCAP have published a book that highlights the
and post-award processes. Included in this successes and lessons learnt through this programme;
the book is available at
was the creation of a database of all grants pages/NWOP_8NMLDS/$file/NACCAP%20Eindboek.
and funds coming into COM. pdf

KEY 4 Developing relevant skills and competencies

Pointers General responsibilities of

institutional grants management
„„The credibility of, and institutional support employees
for, research managers and administrators
is highly dependent on their competence, When allocating roles and responsibilities
that is, their ability to create enabling at the institutional level, the relationship
environments for researchers. This involves between the researchers and the grants
reducing the administrative burdens on management staff as well as that between
researchers as much as possible, and grants management and other support
enhancing the scope and reach of an departments needs careful consideration
institution’s research work. so that there is no confusion about the
„„Research managers and administrators have allocation of responsibilities; the overall
the potential to develop an exceptionally goal of the grants management staff should
wide overview of an institution’s activities be to facilitate the administrative aspects
and initiatives, but this can only be useful to of research management and to reduce the
an institution if these staff members are well researchers’ administratives workloads.
respected by a wide range of role players.
„„A number of funders and professional These include:
organizations throughout the world offer
opportunities to grant managers and „„To develop and update grants management
administrators to join networks, arrange policies and procedures, and to
staff exchanges or set up mentorships to communicate these to researchers and other
widen their knowledge and experience. institutional role players.
To name just a few of these organizations „„To develop and update processes and
in Africa, such opportunities are offered systems that support the policies, and to
by: The Southern African Research and facilitate access to any necessary tools,
Innovation Management Association such as databases and software.
(, The West African „„To ensure policy implementation and
Research and Innovation Management compliance.
Association (, „„To provide in-house training and/or identify
The Central African Research and Innovation skills-training opportunities for researchers
Management Association (http://www. and administrative staff., The Eastern Africa „„To network, build good relationships, and
Research and Innovation Management provide excellent service to researchers,
Association (, administrative departments and funders.
The Association of Research Administrators „„To undertake or supervise pre-award grants
in Africa ( and management including:
the Consortium for Advanced Research ƒƒ selecting databases for grant searching
Training in Africa ( http://www.aphrc. and making these available to relevant
org/insidepage/?articleid=417). Similar departments or researchers;
organizations exist in all other regions of ƒƒ investigating the requirements of relevant
the world. funding opportunities;
„„A competency framework for all research ƒƒ circulating requests for proposals and
management staff (both strategic and following up where necessary;
operational) enables employees to ƒƒ ‘translating’ funders’ rules and
match their existing skills against the requirements for applicants.
requirements listed in the framework. The „„Providing administrative support for the
gaps that are revealed allow staff to seek development of proposals and the design of
targeted training interventions and to plot clinical trials, such as:
clear career paths for themselves. The ƒƒ creating and updating standard corporate
responsibilities and skills mentioned in the information for re-use;
next two sections could form elements of ƒƒ helping to calculate budgets and cost-
such a competency framework. recovery rates;

ƒƒ checking adequacy of staffing, „„The capacity to monitor and apply

infrastructure and overall ability to deliver institutional and funder regulations
on project targets; „„An ability to coordinate and document
ƒƒ managing proposal development, institutional approval of proposals
including internal deadlines for stages in „„Awareness and experience of grant seeking
proposal development, and ensuring the techniques and tools
clarity of roles where there are various „„A thorough understanding of how direct
research partners or consortium input; and indirect costs are defined, composed,
ƒƒ facilitating or ensuring the submission of allocated, and charged
proposals to the ethics and other review „„The ability to assess project budgets, and
committees; a mastery of relevant accounting, invoicing
ƒƒ checking for the completeness and overall and financial-management skills
quality of proposals; „„Strong organizational, analytical skills and
ƒƒ liaising with the funder and managing the project-management skills
submission process; „„Good interpersonal and negotiating skills
ƒƒ monitoring funder reviews and the awards plus an ability to foster an atmosphere
process. which recognizes and respects cultural and
„„To undertake or supervise post-award individual differences
grants management, including: „„The ability to communicate technical,
ƒƒ negotiating contracts and indirect-costs budgetary and programme details
rates with funders and partners; „„The ability to multi-task while paying
ƒƒ project start up (supporting financial attention to details and deadlines
ƒƒ providing administrative oversight of
active projects; Recommended resources
ƒƒ maintaining research accounts and
records; Daley RA (2010) Building Bridges on
ƒƒ approving major charges to project Shifting Sands: The Challenges Facing
budgets, and maintaining overall budget Research Managers and Administrators
control; in Supporting Researchers. In Issues in
ƒƒ monitoring financial and programmatic Research Management and Administration,
compliance with grant and contract terms Vitae Occasional Paper 5, August. http://
for each grant and each funder;
ƒƒ managing the quality, timeliness and IRMA%20Document%20-%20final.pdf
consistency of financial and programmatic
reports to funders; Kulanga A (2010) Professional
ƒƒ managing project closure, extensions Development. Paper presented at the
and/or carry-overs, and coordinating Association of Research Administrators
grant audits. in Africa conference, Kampala, Uganda.
Skills and background knowledge
required by grants managers Langley D and J Green (2009)
Professionalising Research Management.
„„A general understanding of the institution’s Research Global 22: 6–7.
business process and priorities
„„A good understanding of the research Sienaert M (2008) Developing Professional
process and an appreciation of what Research Administrators And Managers:
motivates researchers Perspectives From a South African
„„The ability to formulate policies and to University. Research Global 19: 12–13.
design and implement effective workflow
processes and procedures

A case study on skills development

This case study

illustrates how a Impacting Capacity
donor and capacity
programme enhanced The Fogarty International Centre (FIC) is better support distance education and data
skills development. part of the US-based National Institutes sharing. It also encourages institutions
of Health. FIC supports basic, clinical and to establish clinical registries that can
applied research and training for American inform national research priorities and
and other researchers in the developing health-care decision making. Institutions
world. Fostering a sustainable research supported by MEPI can use a portion of
environment in LMICs is one of FIC’s key their funding to support the development of
strategic goals for the period 2008 to research capacity via training programmes.
2012 (see Training programmes cover issues such as
Pages/Strategic-Plan.aspx). One of its research integrity, ethical reviews, financial
programmes set up to support this goal management, as well as grant management
is the Medical Education Partnership and administration.
Initiative (MEPI). MEPI is funded by NIH
and President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS The International Extramural Associates
Relief (PEPFAR) and the Office of the US Research Development Award (IEARDA)
Global AIDS Coordinator, which is jointly is a programme run primarily by NIH’s
administered by the FIC and the HIV/ Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute
AIDS Bureau of the Health Resources and of Child Health and Human Development.
Services Administration (GHAP/HAB/ The programme aims to train a cadre
HRSA). MEPI supports medical education of academic research administrators in
institutions in sub-Saharan Africa to LMICs who can facilitate and/or develop
strengthen and build their clinical and appropriate administrative infrastructure
research capacity. MEPI’s three main in their home institutions, thus
objectives are to: effectively managing grant processes and
strengthening their institutions’ research
„„Improve the quality of clinical education capabilities.
and clinical care;
„„Enable medical students who graduate Support is provided for a maximum of
to remain in their home country to five years during which IEARDA offers
practice, serve as faculty, and/or conduct exposure to NIH policies and procedures
research related to the implementation through a distance-learning and residency
of the US PEPFAR and other public-health program. IEARDA also provides funding to
priorities; and augment or expand existing administrative
„„Enhance the recruitment and infrastructure. This funding supports
retention of qualified academic staff activities such as:
through partnerships and research
opportunities.2 „„The purchase of office supplies and
A coordination centre links sites and „„The purchase, connection, and
partners and leverages shared resources maintenance of computer equipment and
and provides technical expertise. A web- software;
based platform allows all partners to share „„Administrative assistance;
data and research findings. „„Institutional and/or regional workshops
on issues such as grants management,
MEPI enables participating institutions research processes (and design),
to strengthen their IT infrastructure to statistical tools, research ethics,

consortium research arrangements, and facilitate the budgeting process, as

research management; well as access to budget templates and
„„Additional experience in carrying out the audited financial reports, etc.
functions of the office; „„Having set up their office and an
„„Membership of a professional institutional policy, JCRC can move on
organization the functions of which are to developing research strategies and
related to the goals of the program. guidelines for research management.

A supplement to the IEARDA and MEPI

grants will allow a subset of programmes US Government
to expand their research administration
offices and capacity building training in
sub-Saharan Africa. Executive Branch
Uganda’s Joint Clinical Research Centre
(JCRC) is an NGO established jointly by
Uganda’s Ministry of Health (which mainly
US Department of US Department
assisted with policy formulation), the Health and Human of State
Ministry of Defense (which provided the Services
infrastructure) and Makerere University
Medical School. For JCRC, this programme
Health Resources and National Counselor Affairs –
bolstered the quality of its research by Service Administration Institutes of Office of the Global
improving the skills of selected staff in MEPI Grant Program Health AIDS Coordinator
various ways. Research staff, and those PEPFAR Coordination
in the organization’s research office, were (Funding for MEPI)
exposed to grant-writing skills, research- Fogarty Eunice Kennedy
ethics programmes, and the NIH’s grants International Centre Shriver National
Institute of Child
management process. MEPI Grant Program
Health and Human
Development (NICHD)
JCRC’s directorate of research and grants IEARDA Grant Program
is responsible for the coordination and
management of grants. Grant applications
are sent to the directorate for approval Joint Clinical
(by the director or deputy-director) before Research Centre
being submitted to funders. The JCRC
provides researchers who are writing grant
applications with:

„„Access to the internet and other Uganda’s Uganda’s Makerere

Ministry of Heath Ministry of Defence University Medical
resources. School
„„Assistance in locating and
communicating with potential partners,
as well as with conducting negotiations.
„„Budgetary support, including allocating 1 Further information about MEPI is available at
a staff member or a finance team to

KEY 5 Bridging the gaps between funders and research institutions

Pointers The needs and concerns of research

„„There is a need for dialogue between
research institutions and funders to clarify „„Research in LMICs is generally under-funded
misconceptions and to work towards a by governments. Thus, the development
common understanding of research costs. and maintenance of research administration
Funders and research institutions alike infrastructure often depends on funds from
need to be committed to the cause – other sources, such as the application of
institutions to understanding, calculating indirect-cost rates.
and recovering indirect rates and funders to „„The major funding gaps (in terms of costs
understanding and accepting the principles covered by grants relative to expenditure)
involved and the need for institutions to tend to be in the categories of staff
recover indirect costs where these are remuneration and support for postgraduate
suitably calculated and justified. students:
„„Funders need to acknowledge variations ƒƒ Staff costs: retaining qualified and skilled
in the ability of institutions to accurately staff is a major challenge for LMICs
cost research, and help to enhance these and contributes to the general lack of
abilities to ensure sound investment in available capacity in these countries
institutions in LMICs; training programmes among doctors, nurses, lab technicians
aimed at the development of research etc. Expertise often has to be bought
capacity (including funded research- at a high price but funders usually cap
and grants management courses) are personnel costs leaving any deficit to be
essential in the quest to sustain research carried by the institution. On average
environments in in LMICs. institutions are expected to carry 60% of
„„Moving towards proper costing of research personnel costs, and since these are the
requires support and incentives; ideally main direct expense in most projects, the
this should be led by partnerships between burden on institutions is severe.
relevant government and (national) funding ƒƒ P ostgraduate tuition and research
agencies. expenses: while this is seen as critical for
„„Institutions (facilitated by an appropriate future growth, there is little national or
network) could follow the Swedish example1 institutional support for it and it is seldom
and calculate the full costs for a number covered by grants.
of projects financed by different funding „„There is a general perception that funders
agencies in order to raise awareness of the are not willing to negotiate indirect-cost
indirect costs involved; this would help to rates due to their own policies. Together
give funders a clearer understanding of with the absence of government or other
what it really costs to do health research in sources of support, this contributes to a
LMICs and demonstrate the need for them to lack of incentive for many institutions in
fund these costs. LMICs to invest effort and resources in
„„Funders could make grant application and calculating indirect costs more accurately.
management easier and more cost effective „„Some researchers are reluctant to budget
for research institutions by standardizing for indirect rates because of the competition
certain processes, and developing generic involved in securing external funding and
templates for application and report the perception that projects with modest
requirements. budgets have a better chance of being
„„Research institutions need to invest approved.
time and energy in building adequate „„In general, research institutions have
and efficient structures and systems for limited experience of competing for funding,
research and grant management. yet they increasingly need to supplement
their core funds with additional grants.
Hence, personnel who are familiar with the

skills and mechanisms for attracting and or maintain the necessary infrastructure
managing funds from a range of sources are and support services.
becoming indispensible. „„Research organizations seem to have a
„„As institutions’ research reputations limited understanding of how to budget for
develop and they receive funding from true research costs.
an wide range of donors, it can be
increasingly challenging to keep up with
all the standards, templates and reporting
requirements related to grant application Recommended resources
and management that are expected by the
different funding agencies. European Commission Expert Group
„„Increasingly, institutional co-funding is a (2008) Diversified Funding Streams for
requirement for attracting external funds University-Based Research: Impact of
for research. This, combined with limited External Project-Based Research Funding
or no reimbursement of indirect costs, on Financial Management in Universities.
places excessive demands on institutional
resources. pdf/download_en/external_funding_final_
„„Pre/post grant training by funders is seen report.pdf
as an important source of support for the
institution but sending staff to the US or
Europe for such training is unaffordable for
research organizations. Such training would
be more effective were it to occur in situ,
within LMICs.
„„In respect to product development research,
funders generally don’t cover the cost of
the drugs, requiring institutions to seek
sponsorship. The process of first securing
sponsorship and then acquiring the drugs
can delay clinical trials and impact on
agreed timelines.

Challenges faced by donors funding

institutions in LMICs 1 When the principle of full cost coverage was
introduced by the Swedish government in 2000, the
Association of Swedish Higher Education (SUHF)
„„Weaknesses in financial reporting and reached an agreement with several funding bodies,
project management related to the including all government-funded research councils
institutional coordination of grants and foundations to accept unspecified indirect
costs at a rate of 35% of direct costs. About half of
management and research costing on the this was meant to cover costs for premises. Funding
part of research institutions. bodies, however, did not accept this agreement.
„„Institutional policies on research costs are Universities considered 35% insufficient and
several studies undertaken showed that indirect
not applied consistently. costs (including premises) tend to be above 50%
„„Some institutions have no standard of direct costs. In 2006, SUHF therefore invited
operating procedures for grant applications funding agencies to appoint auditors and other
specialists to join a group of university experts to
or management. While these are not develop a new common costing model for indirect
required by funders, well-established costs. The model developed is applicable, both in
standard operating procedures tend to work calculating the total costs of a planned research
project and in presenting the accounts after
to the benefit of all parties. completion of the project. The implementation is
„„Funders are often unclear about how planned to take place in a coordinated way.
recovered indirect costs are used to develop

Case studies on relations between funders and research institutions

The following
case studies Botswana Harvard Aids Institute
highlight some of
the institutional
challenges related BHP’s research and training initiatives facilities for data and samples required
to research funding focus on the epidemiology, virology, by clinical trials.
in general, and to molecular biology, immunology, genetics „„It is difficult to find staff with
the reimbursement and clinical treatment, as well as the experience of managing grants and
of indirect costs in social and behavioural medicine relevant an understanding the implications
particular. The final to the AIDS epidemic in Botswana and that grant funding has on operational
case summarizes the southern Africa. Most of their research processes related to finance and human
indirect-cost policies funding comes from the US government, resources departments, etc.
of various funders. while some funds come from the European „„The cost of pre/post-grant training is
and Developing Countries Clinical Trials prohibitive if staff have to be sent abroad
Partnership and the Wellcome Trust. for training; for example, the NIH and
CDC offer excellent training opportunities
BHP recently set up a grants management for grantees but it is too expensive
office, and developed a grant submission to send employees to the US for this
policy supported by a grant management training. Thus development of local or
manual. Apart from the general challenges regional training capacity is essential.
faced by research organisations in LMICs
already discussed in this document, such To help build staff capacity, BHP
as inadequate government support and participates in a number of regional
funding for research, BHP identified the networks, including:
following challenges related to securing
research funding and to sustaining their „„Trials of Excellence in Southern Africa
research environment: (TESA) is a regional network conducting
clinical trials linked to HIV, TB and
„„As a young organization, BHP has no Malaria, and is funded by the European
discretionary funding; this means that and Developing Countries Clinical Trials
funding agreements have to include a Partnership.
provision for advance funding. Current „„The Botswana-Tanzania-Zambia Capacity
agreements range from monthly to Building for HIV Prevention Research
quarterly advance payments. Network (TanZamBo) is funded by the
„„Human-subjects approval – the International Development Research
availability of adequate human resources Centre (IDRC) of Canada.
on the national level to ensure timely „„The Southern Africa Consortium for
review of protocols; ensuring that staff on Research Excellence (SACORE), a
the National Human Subjects Regulatory/ collaboration between 10 institutions
Ethics Unit and that the members are in Africa and the UK, is funded by
adequately trained to enable them to the Wellcome Trust. When BHP first
carry out their duties efficiently; having accessed Wellcome Trust grants, they
systems in place which facilitate easy were sponsored to visit a prime recipient
submission of material for review of the grant in Malawi to learn about
(standardisation); reducing paperwork the specific requirements related to
through implementation of an electronic managing a Wellcome Trust grant. They
submission system. These should also continue to have annual meetings to
apply to Drug Regulatory Unit (DRU) since discuss any follow-up, challenges and
it is part of the reviewing process in IND a way forward. This model has proven
studies. useful and could be replicated by other
„„A major gap is in the funding of drugs for funders.
research and for the long-term storage

The College of Medicine, University of Malawi

The policy on indirect costs at the University sometimes be negotiated with a higher
of Malawi’s College of Medicine (COM) is degree of success.
based on an estimate of 10%. Actual indirect
costs are not known and the institution Nevertheless, between 2007 and 2011, COM
carries any shortfalls that might arise. won an increasing number of competitive
However, COM believes that spending international grants. This can be attributed
time and money on the calculation would partly to the increased visibility of research
be a waste of resources since, in their in the college, and partly to the support
experience, funders apply their own policies provided by COM’s Research Support
regardless. Centre, which has motivated academics to
become involved in grant writing. COM’s
Negotiating with funders for reimbursement successes in winning more grants has led
of the indirect cost rate has not been to improvements in the working conditions
satisfying or successful for COM. They at the college, and helped to attract
estimate that for 98% of grants, funders several expatriate scientists and medical
simply cite their own policies on costs practitioners to return to Malawi.
(that is, funders specified which costs
are capped at a low percentage or not The Research Support Centre’s current
covered) and refuse to engage with the strategy is to try and negotiate for relevant
issue. The remaining 2% of grants are for activities and items to be included as direct
contract research, and for these, costs can costs within the main budget.

Some donors’ approaches to indirect rates

As noted in an earlier case study, the costs. However, in their Global Health
International Development Research Policy and Health Systems Programme,
Center (IDRC), Canada allows for the overhead costs (office space, basic
inclusion of certain indirect costs in project facilities, overhead and depreciation costs)
budgets. The indirect-cost rate can include are allowed at 8% of the total budget only
only: salaries and benefits of personnel for specific parts of projects that take place
who directly support and administer the in LMICs.
project (such as secretaries, clerks,
accountants, etc); stationery and other Since 2008, the European and Developing
office supplies; telecommunication costs Countries Clinical Trials Partnership
(unless the nature of the project has (EDCTP) has allowed for an indirect
warranted a specific budget line item for costs/overheads rate of 10%. This rate
that purpose); and computer equipment is automatically calculated within their
used for the administration or accounting budget template on all eligible costs.
of the grant disbursements. Institutions Overheads are defined as including freight
with a policy of recovering indirect costs costs, bench fees, office rental and other
through the application of a percentage internal charges. Prior to 2008, date the
can do so provided that the IDRC or its overhead rate was 20%. The FAQ section
auditors are satisfied that the levy is fair on the EDCTP website explains that the
and reasonable and that the rate is 13% change was made because ‘some grantees
or lower of the total grant (excluding indicated that 20% of the value of the grant
equipment and indirect costs). going as overhead was not accommodating
to them because there was little benefit
The US-based National Institutes of from the overheads that were taken over
Health (NIH) allows for a limited indirect by their institute, which effectively meant
rate of 8% of total direct costs less the grant was being conducted with 20%
equipment. The 8% is allocated less funding. Now the applicant can itemize
automatically and does not have to be up to another 10% and only 10% goes as
negotiated with the NIH but the funds an overhead, ensuring that the grantee
involved have to be allocated exclusively will fully benefit from the grant’. It should
to support the costs of compliance with be noted that computers and laptops were
NIH requirements. Examples of NIH formerly covered within the 20% rate but
compliance requirements are: the these are now included as line items in
protection of human subjects (including the project budget, as are telephone, fax,
the required education in the protection internet and courier costs. Grantees can
of human research participants); animal request that a lower overhead rate be
welfare; invention reporting, etc. Those applied in exchange for accommodating
items that are more usually considered additional direct costs; right down to 0%
as indirect costs and are relevant to a if required.
particular project (such as rent, IT costs,
etc.) may be included as direct costs within
the project budget.

The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific

Research (NWO) generally does not cover
indirect costs; instead all budget items
should be linked to the project as direct

The way forward

Now that you have read this guide, what is procedures, as well as the institutional
the way forward? skills and competencies that are required.
„„Institutional specific factors will predict the
„„This guide could be useful at various levels. approach and the eventual use of recovered
While it is not offered as a blue print for indirect costs. Moreover, institutions
research costing, using the Five Keys to are at various levels of understanding or
Research Costing in LMICs as a guide or a developing and implementing research
tool in your own institution is important costing approaches – there is no “one size
and potentially of great benefit. fits all”.
„„In general this ESSENCE Good Practice „„This guide contains elements that are more
Guide sets out what are currently accepted or less applicable in a range of institutional
as principles of good practice. Your settings. Institutions will consequently
institution can use this to raise awareness select and use those guiding principles
at all levels in the institution of the actual that will allow them to propel from where
cost of doing research. they are now, to the point where they can
„„In addition it can be used to facilitate more accurately and sustainably cost future
a conversation to reflect on your own research.
institutions understanding and practices. „„Finally, it can assist your institution to
Using the principles and learning from engage with international and national
others’ experiences can assist you funders on the costing of your research
to identify your current institutional to ensure that it is a true partnership
weaknesses and gaps. with mutual understanding of needs and
„„The Five Keys guide will furthermore requirements. The Five Keys to Research
provide guidance to developing or Costing in LMICs Good Practice Guide will
improving your institutional management of also assist international and national
external research grants, your institutional funders of all types to assess their
research costing policy, guidelines and practices and policies going forward.

A forum for shared learning

ESSENCE is ideally positioned to further the To keep the dialogue between funders of
dialogue that started with this study between health research and institutions in LMICs
funders of health research and institutions. alive, and more importantly to have a forum
ESSENCE’s members are committed to for shared learning, ESSENCE has created a
harmonizing their own policies and practices repository of case studies and experiences
as far as possible, and to attempting to better accessible via the ESSENCE website where
understand the needs of research institutions individuals, institutions, networks or
in LMICs in relation to establishing professional bodies can post challenges and
sustainable research environments. share experiences on the issue of research
costing. The repository is primarily for use of
In this good practice document, case studies research institutions, to help them identify
are linked mainly to experiences of research common challenges and to learn from their
institutions in sub-Saharan Africa. The next successes and failures. ESSENCE members
step is to canvass the views of institutions will also use specific challenges and demands
in other LMICs on whether similar issues are coming from the postings to help inform
relevant to them and to find out if they have further harmonization of their own practices
other good practices to share. in relation to the needs of funding recipients.

Posting information to the repository

Should you have any information you would like to share with us please go to:

On accessing the repository you will be able to submit your post on a template provided.

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