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International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)

SOLAS is a maritime treaty that sets minimum safety standards for ships, including cruise ships.
It covers a wide range of aspects such as ship construction, fire protection, lifesaving appliances, and
navigation. Cruise lines are required to comply with SOLAS regulations to ensure the safety of their
passengers and crew. The main objective of the SOLAS Convention is to specify minimum standards for
the construction, equipment and operation of ships, compatible with their safety.

2. Maritime Labor Convention (MLC)

The MLC is an international labor standard that sets out seafarers' rights and working
conditions. It applies to all commercial ships, including cruise ships, and covers various areas such as
employment contracts, working hours, rest periods, health and safety, and repatriation. Cruise lines
must comply with the MLC to ensure fair and decent working conditions for their crew members. The
primary goal of the MLC is to ensure decent working and living conditions for seafarers worldwide,
promote fair competition among ship owners, and protect the rights of seafarers in terms of
employment, wages, and social security.

3. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)

MARPOL is a global treaty that aims to prevent marine pollution from ships, including cruise
ships. It sets regulations for the prevention of pollution from various sources such as oil, chemicals,
sewage, and garbage. Cruise lines are required to adhere to MARPOL standards and implement
measures to minimize their environmental impact and ensure the proper handling and disposal of waste
materials. MARPOL aims to prevent and minimize pollution of the marine environment from ships by
regulating various sources of pollution.

4. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)

UNCLOS is a comprehensive international treaty that establishes the legal framework for
maritime activities. It covers various aspects, including the rights and responsibilities of states,
navigation, maritime boundaries, and marine environmental protection. Cruise lines must adhere to the
provisions of UNCLOS, particularly in relation to navigation, pollution prevention, and marine resource

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