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Chapter 8 chemsitry


1. Give the equations for calculating pH and pOH for acidic and basic buffers.
2. What is Henderson's equation and for which purpose it used.
3. Define pH and give the pH of milk and eggs.
4. Is it true that value of Kw increases 75 times when 0°C to 100°C?
5. Define pH and pKw.
6. Why the value of ionic product of water increases with the rise of temperature?
7. How ammonia is synthesized by Haber's Process?
8. What conditions are required for the best possible yield of SO3?
9. Differentiate between reversible and Irreversible Reactions. Give examples.
10.How does a catalyst affect a reversible reaction?
11.Define Buffer solution and solubility Product.
12.Define solubility principle? Give example.
13.What is solubility? What is solubility product expression of PbCl2?
14.Derive solubility product expression for Ag2CrO4.
15.How extent of a reversible chemical reaction can be indicated by equilibrium?
16.State Le-Chatelier's Principle and discusses the effect of change in
concentration of a reactant and product.
17.How the change of temperature disturbs equilibrium constant?
18. Why units of equilibrium constants are mostly not mentioned?
Long Question.
1. Calculate the pH of a buffer pollution in which 0.11 molar CH3COONa and 0.09
molar acetic acid solutions are present Ka for acetic acid is 1.85×10-5.
2. The following reaction was allowed to reach the state of equilibrium. 2A(aq)= C
(aq.). The initial amounts of the reactants in one dm3 of solution were 0.50 mole of
A and 0.60 mole of B. At equilibrium, the amounts were 0.20 moles of A and 0.45
moles of B and 0.15 mole of C. Calculate the equilibrium constant Kc.
3. The solubility of PbF2 at 250C is 0.64 gdm-3. Calculate K sp of PbF2 .
4. Ca (OH)2 is a sparingly soluble compound. Its solubility product is 6.5x10-6
Calculate the solubility of Ca (OH)2

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