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How to develop creative abilities in class?

I am in first year college, and I can say that there are possible factors on why students are not
putting some efforts in class. One is their personal problem that they cannot focus on their
studies. Second, there are students who don’t like to interact with others. It is difficult to produce
a great activities if the students do not participate. So, how to develop creative abilities in class?
When scrolling down on my facebook page, I saw some honor students post about tips. Let me
share to you what I`ve read. They say, you should be passionate and stop on what you are doing
that is not related to your class. Advance reading is the first that they suggest specially that we
are now in college. Advance reading is a big help because you know already the concept of the
lesson. And you are confidently participating in the class such as oral. Assess yourself what is
your weakness. If you are afraid in public speaking, if you have difficulties in math problems, if
you are struggling in managing your time. You should assess those weakness of yours and make
an effort on how to solve it. Go out on your comfort zone and face your weakness practice,
practice, practice makes us confident and less feeling nervous. Practice in solving problems,
practice in public speaking, practice in sports and many more. You know guys what is the most
effective way on improving our education we just need to believe in ourself even if others are
not. Some people that surround us will degreed us and insult us, why should we allow people to
degreed or insult us? At the end of the day all you have is yourself so build that confidence up
and protect it.

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