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Group 1

Group Members
Felvin Diale

Tyler Chagyo

Jenvee Cholinas

Jess Malapit

Jhec Tuphir

Junice Bentrez

Nizer Losnong

Star Dufrene

The 3 Siblings
The Doll
(Alarm Clock Rings) (Slams the alarm clock) (Dialogue) *Footsteps *Opens

*Dialogue ( Conversation Starts )

Hello dear good thing to know, im excited, im gonna wait for the three of you
take care.

Brother : Wait Ma can I talk to them for a while

Mother: Here

Brother : Sup, bro when were you gonna visit us?

Sibling 1: Oh didn’t mom tell you were gonna visit you and we’re packing our
things now.

Brother : Oh is that so then im gonna wait for you guys I’d miss you so much
its been a year since the last I saw the 3 of you. Have a safe trip.

Sibling 1: yea wait for use, Im gonna call you when we are there the call

The 3 siblings decided to visit their mother at the province

Sibling 1: You 2 wake up I’ve decided to visit Mother at the province are you

Sibling 2: Yeah Sure I’m commin’ I miss Mom so much.

Sibling 3: ahm.. yea sure why not.

Sibling 1: Then go Pack your things Im gonna call them and say that we’re
gonna visit them.

(Phone Rings) … Hello Ma! We’ve decided to visit you so please cook
something delicious.
Mother : Hello dear good thing to know, yea sure Im gonna cook your favorite
foods Im gonna wait for the three of you take care..

Sibling 3: Were done packing things, What did Mom say?

Sibling 1: She’s gonna cook our favorite foods Im excited shall we go? Oh
where’s (Sibling 2)?

Sibling 2: Oh? His not here? Then who is the one who came out from his room

(The Curtain Opened)

Sibling 1: That was just probably wind don’t mind it lets find him at his own

Sibling 1: Okay!.. then take care just call me when you found him already so
we can go

(Footsteps , going to the Siblings 2 Room)

Sibling 1: Ugh where is she were supposed to be at the trip now and we are
not even playing Hide n Seek.

(Slams the door Open)

Hey.. Where were you why is it taking so long?

(Silence while checking the room)

Sibling 2 are you even here??

(A shadow run at His back)

Sibling 1: Huh, bro? why are you running?

Who is it ? Show yourself

Sibling 2:Who are you talking to?

Sibling 1: I thought you were just here a second ago then who could it be?

Sibling 2: Oh maybe its her maybe she wants to play Hid n Seek.

Sibling 1: Ugh I hate this will you come out its not the right time to play ya
know were supposed to be going on a trip and the plane will leave any
minute now.
Sibling 1: (Opens the door of the other room) please come out its not the
right time to play ugh.. His not here (Opens another door) Gotcha Hm its just
a doll? Just where is he. The time is running out and why is this doll here?

(was about to leave when the doll’s head suddenly turned)

sibling1:well thats kinda creepy gonna left this room before something

(heavy foot steps and shouting sibling2 name) (sibling2 answered)

sibling1:did u see her sibling2:yeah i think i saw her upstairs

sibling1: lets check em out (goes upstairs) (opens the door) sibling1:wtf this
doll doing here i just saw it downstairs u know what its getting creepy.
sibling2:what? i just saw it in in theother rooms too ya know. btw did u notice
the blood on her hands?

sibling1:what blood? i cant look at blood i have hemophobia.

sibling2:then ill check it again.

(checks the doll) o silly me its just a paint

sibling2:but.. i saw it it smells blood sibling1:how did u know?

sibling2:well i smell it.

sibling1:well if thats true then whos blood it is then.

(remembers thay shes finding her little brother) I lost my mind,were lookin
for her

(her phone rang) (both of them got shocked)

sibling2: what was that.

sibling1:that was my phone u look for her im gonna talk to mom shes callin.
sibling2:no im scared im gonna wait for u.

(suddenly hears banging at the closet.) sibling2:did u hear that? sibling1:hear

what? im talkin on the phone u know.

sibling2:i just heard banging at that closet.

sibling1:oh u just probably heating things cuz your scared.

sibling2:maybe your right but can we check it after that call.

didnt find her yet dont worry mom well find her asap byee.

Sibling 1 & 3 approached the closet 

Sibling 1: Hmm he might be over here 
*Something Fell from the Kitchen* 
Sibling 3: What was that?! 
Sibling 1: It might be Jess, he must be at the Kitchen 
(Footsteps Receding) 
Sibling 1: Let’s go! 
Sibling 3: Wait Up! 
*They went to check it out but no one was there* 
Sibling 1: It’s just a broken Vase 
Sibling 3: Jess might have broken it and ran off. 
Sibling 1: Maybe 
Sibling1: Let’s go somewhere else he might be around here somewhere 
Sibling 3: Wait aren’t we supposed to clean? 
Sibling 1: No there’s no need once we found him he will clean it 
Sibling 3: Alright 
Sibling 1 & 3 Looked everywhere but Sibling 1 was shocked and scared we
he found Sibling 2 
Sibling 1: H-hey what are you doing here in the basement  
Sibling 2: Shh the doll  
Sibling 1: Where 
Someone grabbed Sibling 1 and was forced to be brought out of the
Sibling 2: (scared) H-help  
Sibling 1 was in shocked to move 
Sibling 1 saw Doll Infront of her after she was dragged 
Doll: Hi 
Sibling 2 rushing out of the Basement 
*Door slammed* 
Sibling 3: Hey  what are you doing 
Sibling 2: HEELP!!! 
Sibling 1:Help him quick! (Kicked the doll) 
Sibling 3: (Footsteps) (Trying to open the Door)  
As he opened the door, the 3 siblings tries to escape 
Doll: How dare you try to Leave ME 
*Furnitures starts to float and the Temperature inside the house get even
Sibling 2: Hurry we don’t have much time! 
*The cabinet quickly fell Infront of them and blocked them from escaping* 
The two neighbors heard them screaming
Neighbor 1: did you hear that
Neighbor 2: yes i think is coming from that house
neighbor 1: come let's check the house before we call the police
Neighbor 2: ok let's go The two neighbors check the house Neighbor 1:bro is
that a blood Neighbor 2: yeah i think we should call the police The two
neighbors call the police
Neighbor 1 & 2 approached the House 
Neighbor 1: (knocks) Hello anybody in here? 
Sibling 1: HEEEELP 
Neighbor 2 quickly reacted and rushed to the door 
Neighbor 2: (Kicks the Door) We are coming! 
Neighbor 1: Wait here! 
Neighbor 1 grabbed the Axe 
Neighbor 1: Move away from the door! 
Neighbor 1 Rushed to the Door and Swings the Axe as he breaks the Door 
Sibling 1,2 & 3 cried For HELP 
Doll: You can’t escape from me 
As the doll approaches them 
Neighbor 1 & 2 quickly got in the House 
Neighbor 1: What is happening over here! 
Neighbor 2: There the Kids!! 
(Footsteps as they Rushed to the kids) 
Neighbor 1: The Cabinet is in the Way! 
Neighbor used his Axe to Cut the Cabinet in Half 
Sibling 1: (Shouts) Ahhh 
Neighbor 1 & 2 Grabbed the siblings 
Doll: Where do you think your Going Mister? 
Neighbor 2: WHAT!  
(Knives and Forkes floating on top of them as if they are being threatened to
Neighbor 1: (throws the Axe to the Doll) RUN! 
Doll: NOOO  
The House starts to shake as if the Earthquake is starting to happen 
The Neighbors barely escaped with the Siblings 
Neighbor 1 Questioned: Are you Ok? 
Neighbor 2: Of course they’re not you saw the cursed Doll they were awfully
Sibling 1,2 & 3: I want my Mommy (Cried) 
Neighbor 1: Don’t worry I have already called the Police 
(Police Sirens) 

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