Developmental Disturbances

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Disturbances of
D e v e lo p m e n t a l
 (1) Size

 (2) Number a nd Eruption

 (3) Shape/Form

 (4) Defects of Enamel and Dentin

S iz e

 Microdontia

 Macrodontia
S iz e

 Microdontia

 (1) True Generalized


 (2) Relative Generalized


 (3) Focal or Localized

(1) True Generalizedd
 all teeth are smaller t h a n

 occur in some cases of

pituitary dawrfism

 exceedingly rare

 teeth are well formed

(2) R e l a t i v e G e ne r a liz e d Microdontia

 normal or slightly smaller t h a n

normal teeth

 are present in jaws t h a t are

somewhat larger t h a n normal
(3) Focal/Localized

 common condition

 affects most often maxillary

lateral incisior + 3 r d molar

 these 2 teeth are most often

congenitally missing
(3) Focal/Localized

 common forms of localized

microdontia is t h a t which
affects maxillary lateral

 peg lateral

 instead of parall el or
diverging me si al + di stal
(3) Focal/Localized

 sides converge or taper

together incisally

 forms cone-shaped
 root is frequently
shorter t h a n usual
S iz e

 Macrodontia

 (1) True Generalized


 (2) Relative Generalized


 (3) Focal or Localized

(1) True G e ne r a liz e d

 all teeth are larger t h a n


 associated with
pituitary gigantism

 exceedingly rare
(2) R e l a t i v e G e ne r a liz e d Macrodontia

 normal or slightly larger t h a n

normal teeth in small jaws

 results in crowding of

 insufficient arch space

(3) Focal/Localized
 uncommon condition

 unknown etiology

 usually seen with

mandibular 3 rd molars
D e v e lo p m e n t a l
 (1) Size

 (2) Number a nd Eruption

 (3) Shape/Form

 (4) Defects of Enamel and Dentin

N u m b e r a n d E r u p t io n

 Supernumerary

 Anodontia

 Impaction
Number and Eruption

 Supernumerary

 results from continued

proliferation of permanent
or primary dental lamina
to form third tooth germ

 teeth may have:

• normal morphology
• rudimentary
• miniature
Number and Eruption

 Supernumerary

 more often in permanent

dentition t h a n primary

 more in the maxilla t h a n in

Number and Eruption

 Supernumerary

 may be impacted erupted

or impacted

 because of additional tooth

bulk, it causes:

• malposition of adjacent

• prevent their eruption

Number and Eruption
 Supernumerary

 many are impacted

• characteristically found
in cleidocranial dysostosis
Number and Eruption
 Supernumerary

 Mesiodens

 Fourth molar

•Maxillary Paramolar
• Distomolar or Distodens

 Mandibular Premolar

 Maxillary lateral incisors

Number and Eruption

 Supernumerary

 Mandibular central incisors

 Maxillary Premolars
M es io d e ns
 most common
supernumerary tooth

 tooth situated between

maxillary central incisors

 singly

 paired

 erupted or impacted

 inverted

 small tooth

 cone-shaped crown

 short root

X-Ray of a Palatal Mesiodens I Roof of Mouth Supernumerary

F o u r t h Molar

 2 nd most common

 situated distal to 3 r d molar

 small rudimentary tooth,

but may be of normal size

 mandibular 4 t h molar also is

seen occasionally, but less
common t h a n maxillary m olar
P a ram o la r

 small + rudimentary

 situated bucally or lingually

to one of the maxillary

 interproximally between 1 st
+ 2 nd or 2 nd + 3 rd maxillary
D is t o molar /Distodens

 molar located distal to molar

N u m b e r a n d E r u p t io n

 Supernumerary

 Anodontia

 Impaction
Number and Eruption

 Anodontia

 lack of tooth development

 absence of teeth
N u m b e r a n d E r u p t io n

 Anodontia

 Complete Anodontia

 Partial Anodontia
• Hypodontia
• Oligodontia

 Pseudoanodontia

 False Anodontia
C o m p l e t e A n o d o ntia

 when all teeth are missing

 rare

 often associated with a

syndrome known as hereditary
ectodermal dysplasia

 lack of development of
one or more teeth

 lack of development of
six or more teeth

 when teeth are absent

clinically because of
impaction or delayed
F a l s e A no do ntia

 when teeth have been

exfoliated or extracted
N u m b e r a n d E r u p t io n

 Supernumerary

 Anodontia

 Impaction
Number and Eruption

 Impaction

 most often affects the

mandibular 3 rd molars +
maxillary canines

 less commonly:
• premolars
• mandibular canines
• second molars
Number and Eruption
 Impaction

 occurs due to obstruction

from crowding

 from some other physical


 occasionally, may be due

to a n abnormal eruption
path, presumably because
of unusual orientation of
tooth germ
Number and Eruption
 Impaction

 Ankylosis
An k y lo sis

 fusion of a tooth to surrounding


 with focal loss of periodontal

ligament, bone + cementum
become inextricably mixed

 cause fusion of tooth to

alveolar bone
D e v e lo p m e n t a l
 (1) Size

 (2) Number a nd Eruption

 (3) Shape/Form

 (4) Defects of Enamel and Dentin

Shape and Form

 Crown

 Root
Shape and Form

 Crown

 F usion

 Gemination

 Taurodontism

 Talon’s Cusp

 Leong’s Cusp
Shape and Form

 Crown

 Dens Invaginatus

 Peg-shaped Lateral

 Hutchinson Incisor

 Mulberry Molar
Shape and Form

 Root

 Concresence

 Enamel Pearl

 Dilaceration

 Flexion

 Ankylosis
F u s io n
 joining of 2 developing
tooth germs

 resulti n g i n a singl e
large tooth stru ctu re

 may inv ol ve en tire l en gt h

of teeth

 or may involve roots only,

in which case cementum +
dentin are SHARED
F u s io n

Fig. 1-55
Ge m in a tio n
 Formation of 2 teet h
from a single enamel
or ga n

 partial cleavage

 appearance of 2 cr own s
t h a t share same root

 t r a u m a has been suggested

as possible cause, the cause is
still unknown

 variation in tooth form:

 elongated crowns

 apically displaced furcations

• resulting in pulp
chambers t h a t have
apical occlusal height

 may bee seen as isolated

incident in families

 associated with syndromes

such as

 Down syndrome

 Klinefelter’s syndrome

 little clinical significance

 No t r e atme nt is required
Dens Evaginatus

 Talon’s Cusp

 Leung’s Premolar

Lingual pit Accessory

extension cusp

Talon’s C us p

 well-delineated additional

 located on the surface of

a n anterior tooth

 extends a t least half the

distance from C E J to
incisal edge
Leung’s C us p

 developmental condition

 clinically as a n accessory cusp

or a globule

 located on occlusal
surface between buccal +
lingual cusps of premolars

 unilaterally or bilaterally
Dens Invaginatus
(Dens in Dente)
 deep surface invagination
of cr own or r oot t h a t is lined
by enam el

 2 forms:

 coronal
 radicular
Dens Invaginatus
(Dens in Dente)
 depth vari es fr om sl i gh t
enlarg emen t of ci ngu lum
to a de ep i nfolding t h a t
extends to apex

 Histologically,
Classified into

 Type I
 Type II
 Type III
Dens Invaginatus
(Dens in Dente)

 Type I
• confined to the crown

 Type II
• extends below cemento
enamel junction
• ends in a blind sac
• may or may not
communicate with
adjacent dental pulp
Dens Invaginatus
(Dens in Dente)

 Type III

• extends through the root

• perforates in the apical or
lateral radicular area
without any immediate
communication with pulp
P e g -S h a p e d
 undersized lateral incisor

 smaller t h a n normal

 occurs when permanent lateral

incisors do not fully develop
P e g -S h a p e d

Figure 7: Right lateral view prior to Figure 8: Right lateral view after bonding.

Six porcelain veneers to close spaces

Two peg laterals with front teeth and cover peg lateral incisors
spaces and chipped central incisor
Hutchinson ’s Incisor

 characteristic of congenital

 la t er a l incisor s a r e peg-sh a p ed
or screwdriver-shaped

 widely spaced

 notched a t the end

 with a crescent-shaped
Hutchinson ’s Incisor

 notches on their biting


 named after Sir Jonat han


 English surgeon +
pathologist who 1 st
described it
Mulberry Molar

 dental condition usually

associated with congenital

 characterized by multiple
rounded rudimentary enamel
cusps on permanent 1 st molars
Mulberry Molar

 dwarfed molars with cusps

covered with globular enamel

 giving the appearance of a

Shape and Form

 Root

 Concresence

 Enamel Pearl

 Dilaceration

 Flexion

 Ankylosis
Co n c re s c e n c e

 2 fully formed teeth

 joined along the root surfaces

by cementum

 noted more frequently in

posterior and maxillary regions
Co n c re s c e n c e

 often involves a 2 n d molar

tooth in which its roots
closely approximate the
adjacent impacted 3 rd molar

 may occur before or after the

teeth have erupted

 usually involves only 2 teeth

Co n c re s c e n c e

 diagnosis can frequently be

established by
roentgenographic examination

 often requires no therapy

unless union interferes with
eruption; then surgical
removal may be warranted

 since with fused teeth,

extraction of one may result in
extraction of the other
Enamel Pearls

 droplets of ectopic enamel

 or so called enamel pearls

 may occasionally be found on

roots of teeth

 uncommon, minor
which are formed on normal
Enamel Pearls

 occur most commonly in

bifurcation or trifurcation
of teeth

 may occur on single-rooted

premolar as well

 maxillary molars are

commonly affected t h a n
mandibular molars
Enamel Pearls

 consist of only a nodule

of enamel attached to dentin

 may have a core of dentin

containing pulp horn

 may be detected on
radiographic examination
Enamel Pearls

 may cause stagnation a t

gingival margin but, if
they contain pulp, this
will be exposed when
pearl is removed
D ila c e ra tio n

 angulation or a sharp
bend or curve in root
or crown of a formed tooth

 t r a u m a to a developing
tooth can cause root to for m
a t a n angle to normal
axis of tooth

 rare deformity
D ila c e ra tio n

 movement of crown or
of the crown a nd par t of root
from remaining developing
root may result in sharp
angulation after tooth
completes development
D ila c e ra tio n

 hereditary factors are

believed to be involved
in small number ofcases

 eruption generally continues

without problems
F l e x io n

 deviation or bend restricted

just to the root portion

 usually bend is less t h a n 90


 may be a result of t r a u m a to
the developing tooth
An k y lo sis

 also known as
“submerged teeth”

 fusion of a tooth to surr oundin g


 deciduous teeth most c ommon ly

mandibular 2 nd molars

 undergone variable
degree of root resor ption
An k y lo sis
 have become ankylosed
to bone

 this process prevents their

exfoliation + subsequent
replacement by permanent

 after adjacent permanent

teeth have erupted,
ankylosed tooth appears to
have submerged below level
of occlusion
D e v e lo p m e n t a l
 (1) Size

 (2) Number a nd Eruption

 (3) Shape/Form

 (4) Defects of Enamel and Dentin

Am e lo g e n e s is
I mpe r f ec ta

 also known as:

 Hereditary Enamel
 Hereditary Brown Enamel
 Hereditary Brow Opalescent
Am e lo g e n e s is
I mpe r f ec ta
 group of conditions caused by
defects in the genes encoding
enamel matrix proteins

 genes t h a t encode for enamel


 amelogenin mutated in
 enamelin in patients
 others with this
Am e lo g e n e s is
I mpe r f ec ta

 affects both dentition

 deciduous
 permanent

 classified based on pattern of


 hypoplasia
 hypomaturation
 hypocalcified
Am e lo g e n e s is
I mpe r f ec ta
 No t r eatment except for
improvement of cosmetic
H y po pla s t ic
A m e l o g e n e s i s I m pe r fec ta
 inadequate formation of m atrix

 enamel is randomly:

 pitted
 grooved or very thin
 h a r d + translucent

 defects become stained b u t teeth

are not especially susc eptible to
caries unless enamel is sc a n ty
and easily damaged
H y po pla s t ic
A m e l o g e n e s i s I mpe r f ec ta
 reduced enamel thickness

 abnormal contour
 absent interproximal
contact points

 Radiographically:

 enamel reduced in bulk

 Shows thin layer over
occlusal + interproximal
H y po pla s t ic
A m e l o g e n e s i s I mpe r f ec ta
 dentin + pulp chambers
appear normal

 no t r e at me nt is necessary
A m e l o g e n e s i s Impe r fe cta
 enamel is normal in form on
eruption but:

 opaque
 white to brownish-yellow
 softer t h a n normal
 tends to chip from
underlying dentin
A m e l o g e n e s i s I mpe r f ec ta
 Radiographically:

 affected enamel exhibits

radiodensity similar to
H y po calcifie d
A m e l o g e n e s i s Imperfecta
 enamel matrix is formed in
normal quantity

 poorly calcified

 when newly erupted:

 enamel is normal in thickness

 normal form
 but weak
 opaque or chalky in appearance
H y po calcifie d
A m e l o g e n e s i s I mpe r f e c ta
 with years of function:

 coronal enamel is removed

 except for cervical portion
t h a t is occasionally calcified

 Radiographically:

 density of enamel + dentin are

D e n t i n o g e n e s i s Imperfecta

 also known as “Hereditary

Opalascent Dentin”

 due to clinical discoloration

of teeth

 mutation in the dentin


 affect s bot h p rim ar y + perm a n t

D e n t i n o g e n e s i s Imp e r fec ta

 have blue to brown


 with distinctive translucence

 enamel frequently separates

easily from underlying defective
D e n t i n o g e n e s i s I mpe r fec ta

 Radiographically:

 bulbous crowns
 cervical constriction
 thin roots
 early obliteration of root s
canals + pulp chamb ers
D e n t i n o g e n e s i s Impe r fec ta

 Treatment:

 prevent loss of enamel +

subsequent loss of dentin
through attrition

 cast metal crowns on posterior

 jacket crowns on anterior

D e n t i n o g e n e s i s Impe r fec ta

 Classification:

 Type I
 Type II
 Type III
Ty pe I D e n t i n o g e n e s i s
I mpe r f ec ta
 occurs in families with
Osteogenesis Imperfecta

 primary teeth are more severely

affected t h a n permanent teeth
Ty pe I D e n t i n o g e n e s i s
I mpe r f ec ta
 Radiographically:

 partial or total obliteration

of pulp chambers + root canals
 by continued formation
of dentin
 roots may be short + blunted
 cementum, periodontal
membrane + bone appear
Ty pe II D e n t i n o g e n e s i s
I mpe r f ec ta
 never occurs in association
with osteogenesis imperfecta
unless by chance

 most frequently referred to as

hereditary opalascent dentin

 only have dentin abnormalities

and no bone disease
Ty pe II D e n t i n o g e n e s i s
I mpe r f ec ta
 Radiographically:

 partial or total obliteration

of pulp chambers + root canals
 by continued formation of dentin
 roots may be short + blunted
 cementum, periodontal membrane
+ bone appear normal
Ty pe III D e n t i n o g e n e s i s
I mpe r f ec ta

 “Bradwine type”

 racial isolate in Maryland

 multiple pulp exposures in

deciduous not seen in type
I or II

 periapical radiolucencies
Ty pe III D e n t i n o g e n e s i s
I mpe r f ec ta
 enamel appears normal

 large size of pulp chamber

is due not to resorption but
r a t he r to insufficient + defective
dentin formation
Dentin Dysplasia

 also known as “Rootless Teeth”

 rare disturbance of dentin


 normal enamel

 atypical dentin formation

 abnormal pulpal morphology

 hereditary disease
Dentin Dysplasia

 Classification:

 Type I (Radicular Type)

 Type II (Coronal Type)

Ty pe I (Radicular Typ e)

 both dentitions are of

normal color

 periapical lesion

 premature tooth loss may occur

because of short roots or
periapical inflammatory lesions
Ty pe I (Radicular Typ e)

 Radiographically:

 roots are extremely short

 pulps almost completely
 periapical radiolucencies:
• granulomas
• cysts
• chronic abscesses
Ty pe II (Coronal Type)

 color of primary dentition

is opalescent

 permanent dentition is normal

 coronal pulps are usually large

(thistle tube appearance)

 filled with globules of abnormal

Ty pe II (Coronal Type)

 Radiographically:

 roots are extremely short
 pulps almost completely

 abnormally large pulp
chambers in coronal portion of
Od o n t o d y s p la s ia
 also known as:

 Odontogenic Dysplasia
 Odontogenesis Imperfecta
 Ghost Teeth
Od o n t o d y s pla s i a
 one or several teeth in a
localized area are affected

 maxillary teeth are involved

more frequently t h a n
mandibular a r e a

 etiology is unknown
Od o n t o d y s p la s ia
 teeth affected may exhibit
a delay or total failure in

 shape is altered, irregular

in appearance
Od o n t o d y s p la s ia
 Radiographically:

 marked reduction in
 teeth assume a “ghost”
 both enamel + dentin appear
very thin
 pulp chamber is exceedingly
Od o n t o d y s p la s ia
 Treatment:

 poor cosmetic appearance

of teeth
 extraction with restoration
by prosthetic appliance
S h e l l Tooth

 normal thickness enamel

 extremely thin dentin

 enlarged pulps

 thin dentin may involve

entire tooth or be isolated
to the root

 most frequently in deciduous

 Cawson, R.A: Cawson’s Essentials of Oral
Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine,
8th Edition
• (pages 24-36)
 Neville, et al: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
3rd Edition
• (pages 77-113)
 Regezi, Joseph et al: Oral Pathology, Clinical
Pathological Correlations
5th Edition
• (pages 361-373)
 Shafer, et al: A textbook of Oral Pathology,
3rd Edition
• (pages 37-69)

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